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August 2006—In this Issue:
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The HeartBeatMessage from Pastor
Summer break is winding down for many, and preparations are being made to return to school, work, more challenging schedules—and hopefully LCH. While many have been away for the summer at LCH, we have been busy here. The Call Committee, in particular, continues to be very diligent in their preparation for screening pastoral candidates—and that is before they even receive names for interview. The Ministry Plan Task Force (MPTF) has likewise continued to refine your input and clarify results so that we can begin to see how mission and ministry should be modified, and how our systems and budget should reflect new emphases. Those responsible for renovations both in the Capital Campaign and actual plant renovations, you will note, are making strides on your behalf. Please not only note information provided by them in the newsletter, but be deliberate in seeking out these committed members and thanking them for their efforts on your behalf. As I noted last month, the Communications Committee has been reconstituted and is looking for your input not only on the newsletter, but other forms of publicity for our ministry. Please think about your own network for communicating and let them know if you have ideas we have not as yet considered. Olivia Castro and her Mutual Ministry/Transition Team is moving forward with the cottage meetings I mentioned in July. I trust you will make every effort to participate and to offer to host a small group meeting for LCH members in your area. I have found it is also important for any pastor, including an Intentional Interim, to seek regular input from the congregation on his/her performance and ministry. To that end, I am asking the Mutual Ministry Team to do a 3-month evaluation for me (to be followed by 6- and 12-month ones). It is always easier to make mid-course corrections than go in directions people are not interested in heading. Therefore, I ask that you share with them both what you see going well and areas you see that need at least discussion, if not change. Aside from providing valuable information and dialog for me, it hopefully encourages open communication with the next pastor as well. One of my joys these past 3 months has been working with and getting to know your Intern Pastor, Josh. As the calendar page turns to August, his remaining time with us grows short. I want to publicly say that I have appreciated his many efforts in helping me become integrated into the LCH family and in developing a team ministry between us. I have known a number of interns, and Josh is truly one of the most genuine, caring, and capable I have met. You have had much more opportunity to know and appreciate him than I, but I know we will all feel the void once he has returned to seminary. I want to encourage you not to wait until his last Sunday to share your aloha with him. Do, however, mark your calendar to join in worship and fellowship on his last Sunday, August 20th. I invite you to also join me in seeing him off at the airport the evening of the 22nd. Another reason to celebrate ministry takes place on August 6th, with the 30th anniversary of Compline. My congratulations to Carl Crosier and all those who have made this milestone of such excellence in worship and music possible. I trust I will see you AND your friends, neighbors, and colleagues here. Thank you for all you do for one another and for the ministry of LCH. Let’s continue to seek the Spirit’s guidance in the months ahead. In the love of Christ, Aloha Exposure!Joshua Graber
Sometimes, it felt like a very long year, but right now, it seems far too short. Writing this article, I know I now have only one month left, here, in Hawaii. I just booked my ticket home, and it’s a strange feeling to know that I will be leaving soon. As I sign up for classes and prepare for my next year at Luther Seminary, I can begin to juxtapose this year of internship with the upcoming year at seminary. I wonder now that I’ve adapted to my life at LCH and Hawaii, how will I ever be able to readjust to academia? It will be difficult because even with some challenges this year, my time here in Hawaii and serving as an intern pastor at LCH has been very positive and full of rich experiences that I was blessed to have had the opportunity to enjoy.
Living on my own in a new city is something I have, also, always wanted to do, and Honolulu was a unique place to enjoy this experience. Once I figured out some street names and bus routes, I ended up with a decent knowledge of the neighborhoods and activities around Honolulu. I took advantage of eating a lot of great ethnic food whenever I got the chance to go out, (when one of you nice people treated me to a lunch or dinner!). Living on my own also allowed me to practice conjuring up some very “unique” self-taught recipes in my Luther Place apartment. However next year, I have a feeling what I will miss more than anything else is the amazing generosity of LCH members with food and leftovers, which like the basket of loaves and fishes, always managed to keep my refrigerator full!
When I’m in Minnesota next year, I won’t be able to point to a picture of Hawaii in a book or magazine and say, “Ya-sure-ya-becha! [which is Scandinavian pidgin], That’s exactly how I remember my time in Hawaii!” My memories of Hawaii cannot be held in the image of a postcard; my memories of Hawaii will now always be connected to memories of all of you. I hope I can thank each of you, individually, before I leave, for what your advice, encouragement, generosity, and friendship have meant to me this year. I still have two boxes of “Mahalo Cards” I bought earlier this year, but by now I could not send enough to cover all the things I have to thank you all for. You invited me into your homes, your lives, and your hearts. I have truly experienced aloha by getting to know all of you at the Lutheran Church of Honolulu. I will remember this year fondly! Please hold me in your hearts and prayers as we continue together in our faith in Jesus Christ. Mahalo Nui Loa! “In all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us. For I am convinced that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor rulers, nor things present, nor things to come, nor powers, nor height, nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord.” Romans 8: 37-39 Compline Choir celebrates 30 yearsOn August 6, the LCH Compline Choir will mark its thirtieth anniversary of ministry and will sing at both the 9:15 am Eucharist and the 9:00 pm Compline. Some of the alumni of the group will be returning to join in the celebration. Please join us for this special celebration and invite your friends. President’s notesRandy Christensen
It certainly has been an interesting year for Josh. He probably was exposed to more experiences of our “congregational life” than he was expecting. Not only did he see his Intern Supervisor, Pastor David Barber, retire, but he also got to participate in the process of getting an Intentional Interim Pastor, Pastor Steve. He has also been able to actively participate in the Ministry Plan Task Force, as they profiled our congregation, and helped us to identify our goals for the future. We all have enjoyed Josh’s terrific personality, his excellent and thoughtful sermons, and his unique ability to relate to our young members. I know he will make an excellent pastor someday. I do want to point out an especially significant contribution he made during his year with us, that I believe, will positively impact us for many years into the future. As we all know, a great challenge exists in all churches to keep our youth interested and excited about their church life. This becomes especially challenging when the youth numbers in a congregation are small, such as is now the case at LCH. These small numbers tend to limit the number of opportunities available to the youth. Josh saw this challenge, and took it upon himself, to organize some preliminary meetings between a number of churches on the island (ELCA Lutheran, Missouri Synod Lutheran, and Episcopal) to discuss the possibility of forming a “cooperative youth ministry” model that would be funded by a number of churches, to keep the cost down. This has very successfully been done in the Seattle area. Of course, the youth love the idea, because it is much more fun to worship and socialize when more youth are involved. It’s also a great way for the youth to meet other youth outside of their congregation. I attended one of his early organizational meetings, and was very impressed with how Josh organized, and conducted the meeting. He was able to get good, active participation from all attendees. Josh, knowing that he would only be in Hawaii until August, worked very hard to get the organizational meetings to the point where they could continue on their own without his participation. I am impressed with the effort he has put into this idea, and we all owe him a huge mahalo for getting the idea off of the ground in such a short period of time. Now it rests with all of us to keep this idea moving forward. I also want to thank the Internship Committee for the great job they have done in being Josh’s support group. They are now in the process of preparing Josh’s Final Evaluation Report, which will be sent to the necessary parties in the Intern program. This Committee, because of it’s confidential nature in support of Josh, does not get much recognition during the year, but I can tell you that they have faithfully been meeting every month with Josh during his internship with us, and I want to thank them for their excellent service. The members are: Peggy Brandt, Naomi Castro, Peter Flachsbart, Robert Raasch, Anna Womack, and myself. Normally, during the summer, our many LCH volunteers are able to take a deep breath, and relax a little from our normal “volunteer church duties,” but this summer, several committees and task forces are as busy as ever. Our Call Committee, under Bob Zimmer’s leadership, is busy going through the complicated process of determining who our future pastor will be. There is lots of information to be processed, and many forms to be completed during this call process, and they are hard at work keeping the process moving forward in a timely manner. The Ministry Plan Task Force, with Jim Niermann and Cami Kloster, as Co-Chairs, has not been able to take a summer break, because their final report will be valuable to the Call Committee and prospective future pastoral candidates who are interested in what short and long-term goals this congregation has. They also had a large part in creating the Congregational Profile needed for the Call Process. We certainly want potential candidates to know as much about us as possible, so they know exactly what they are “stepping into” by becoming a Pastor of this congregation. In most cases, our future pastor will probably be making huge relocation decisions, if he/she decides to come here, and we want them to be as comfortable, as possible, in making those decisions. Another group of volunteers that will be very busy this summer, is the Development Task Force, under Roy Helms’ leadership. Due to the brief summer recess period of the Our Redeemer Preschool, renovations of the bathrooms, kitchen, and ramp are taking place. Roy has recruited Jim Sullivan to be the Project Manager (Jim is using his vacation time to do this project) and to work with our volunteers and the subcontractors. They definitely can use all of the volunteer help possible, so please pitch in. I know some of you (like myself) have no skills at all in this area, but I promise you that Roy and Jim will find something meaningful for you to do. Finally, I want to thank Pastor Steve and Administrator Coleen for the great support they have given our committees and task forces as they take on these busy summer projects. Pastor Steve, as our Intentional Interim Pastor, has worked hard to keep us focused as we grieved about Pastor Barber’s departure, and now move forward to calling a new pastor. He has given us excellent input, just when we needed it most, but has also stressed to us that this is our congregation, and our future direction is ours to guide and achieve. “Thanks to all for the hard work this summer!” Randy R. Christensen ![]() See more pictures from the demolition on Saturday, July 22. See pictures of the renovations that followed the demolition. Treasurer’s ReportMichael Burnett
From January through June 2006, we had total income of $155,522.50, and total expenses of $177,802.59, for a six-month operating deficit of ($22,280.09). We are providing this information so that the congregation may prayerfully consider our pledges and contributions during the last half of 2006, and especially as we enter our Fall Stewardship Campaign and begin planning and budgeting for 2007. Michael Burnett Learning MinistryFred Benco
We ask that each and every member of the Church consider joining in our vital educational task. We need at least two teachers (we team teach, which makes it easier) and one program co-coordinator to serve with Lois Swift. We welcome volunteers for our Learning Ministry Committee. Please contact Lois Swift or Fred Paul Benco through the church office (941-2566) to offer your services. We deeply thank the following for their diligent teaching and administrative services this past 2005-06 year: Vicki Gorman, Pamela Buckley, Anna Womack, Linda Miller, Lois Swift, Laurie Leach, Sylvia Hormann-Alper, Teresa McCreary, Lori Takamiya, Kelsey Lloyd, Fritz Fritschel, Peggy Brandt, Cheryl Crozier-Garcia, Janelle Hanson, Cami Kloster, Peggy Anderson, Intern Josh Graber and Pastor David Barber. Mahalo! Writers’ WorkshopThe Writers’ Workshop will meet in the pastor’s office at LCH on Monday, August 14 at 7:00 pm, for their first meeting after the summer break. All are welcome! Email Kathryn Klingebiel for more information, <>. The Fellowship CommitteeThe Fellowship Committee will be hosting a Brunch Potluck on Sunday, August 20, after the 9:15 service in celebration of Intern Josh’s Aloha Sunday. The Committee will be furnishing a ham. Please bring a dish to share as shown below:
We look forward to seeing you at the Aloha Reception! Nursery attendants on dutyWe are very pleased to announce that Mary Jo Russell and her daughters have been hired as Sunday morning nursery attendants for LCH. Please bring your young children to check out this wonderful new facet of worship; and please bring your friends who have young children. Mary Jo will be the primary attendant, while her daughters alternate (one per week) as nursery aides. Mary Jo brings crafts and hobbies for the children to do each week, and the youngsters enjoy the activities very much. Again, please bring your children to the nursery each Sunday, and please feel free to observe, get to know Mary Jo and her daughters, and comment. If you have any further questions or suggestions, please contact Fred Paul Benco. News from Camp WAPO!Peggy Anderson
I have been completely severed from telephones; there is absolutely NO signals into WAPO. Our Sunday service is 9:15—so wonderful—all the neighbors come. The weather is beautiful, very hot. The kids have nice housing facilities. My cabin is air-conditioned, but NO plumbing, so I have to find showers and toilets. But it isn’t bad. Lots of great songs I am trying to learn. Thanks again to all of you who enabled this trip. We are “blessed” with this opportunity. Fondly, in God’s grace, And a little child shall lead them...Have you noticed that Lindy S. and Sophie C. have brought friends to church? These future evangelism/outreach committee chairpersons are setting the example. Please follow their lead. Organ Assistant ProgramOur organist, Katherine Crosier, needs assistance this coming school year! She needs children between the ages of 6-11 to push pistons, stamp toe studs, turn pages and get hymns ready for the worship service. A short rehearsal session during the week is all that’s required, and it’s lots of fun! After assisting for six times, each child is given a free organ lesson. The Organ Assistant Program will resume on Sunday, August 27. Please contact Kathy through the church office (941-2566) or email her at <> before August 20. What’s New on the LCH Web Site?Bill Potter, Webmaster
In the Worship section, we now have pictures and a description of our striking red Pentecost paraments; and as soon as repairs to the alcove behind the altar are complete, we will add pictures and description of the green “Tree of Life” paraments. The Paraments page also has links to two articles on the ELCA web site that give a basic explanation of liturgical colors, vestments, and paraments. Finally, we have a schedule of the dates and titles of the Abendmusiken Concerts for 2006-2007. You can get to this schedule via the Music page. In addition to all these new items, remember that you can always read the sermon a day or two later if you missed church (link from the Worship page); see the reading, hymns, and special music before church (links on the Home and Music pages); and check for church events (with time and location) on the monthly calendar (links from the Home and Congregational Life pages). If you don’t want to type the URLs to the items listed above, or it you want to see a list of changes since your last visit, click on the “What’s New?” link in the left navigation area on our home page. As they say on Hawai‘i Public Radio, “The LCH web site—it’s only a click away!” Foodland’s Give AlohaDuring the month of September, you may donate up to a cumulative total of $249 per person to LCH by using your Maika‘i Card and the code 78224 at Foodland and Sack N Save checkouts, and Foodland will match a percentage of it as a donation to LCH. Donations made without a Maika‘i Card will not be matched. For more information, go to New membersInterested in joining LCH or know someone who might be? Please call Pastor Steve or Administrator Coleen at the church to advise and discuss availability. Since a number of people continue to be off-island, the new members class will be offered in mid-to-late August as best fits the schedules of those involved. ConfirmationPastor Steve is currently aware of no student(s) for the first year, and only one for the second year of confirmation. If you or your keiki are aware of others, please contact him right away so plans may be made for this year’s training and supplies. Food PantryMainly due to the large numbers in local congregations who have been away from Hawaii this summer, the food pantry shelves at the Angel Network are barren. We will continue to keep an emergency supply of food at LCH, but we want to support the Angel Network hosted by Calvary by the Sea as well. Angel Network’s screening program ensures it is the needy who are helped. They have a dynamic referral system to provide a myriad of resources beyond, mental health, employment, housing, and other issues. Please remember the food pantry when you do your weekly shopping, but also as you travel. Hotel soaps, lotions, and shampoos would be welcome additions to the food. Items can be dropped off at LCH or at Calvary. Volunteers are also needed at Angel Network on Thursdays and Fridays to stock and distribute food and toiletries. Mahalo to...
Ohana news
Please keep these members of LCH’s extended family in your prayers. ObituaryJOEL H. SEAVEY, one of our long-time members and volunteer youth director, died May 29, 2006, at the age of 62. He was born in Colorado Springs, Colorado. A Wyeth pharmaceutical company employee; and medical and dental products specialist with Pac/Rim Medical Supplies. Survived by daughters, Dawn Robison Naya and Shawn Correa; sister, Jane; stepmother, Madlyn; three grandchildren. Services are pending. Arrangements by Ultimate Cremation Services of Hawai’i. Correspondences
Nick played in the USA Volleyball Junior Olympics in Minneapolis from July 5 thru 8, 2006. There were 55 teams competing from the United States, Canada and Puerto Rico. His team, Asics Rainbows B18, Aloha, placed third in the Gold Division. Nick was named “setter” on the National All Tournament Team. Aloha, From the Austins Baby Austin was delivered on July 10 at 12:35 am, weighing in at 7 lbs. 11 oz., and 20 inches. C-section after 22+ hours of labor...couldn’t they have just done that to begin with? Austin was in NICU for 48 hours because mom had a fever and they wanted to make sure he did not. Only dad could see him during the first two days. With hardly any sleep, we still find time to smile, and love him to death. It is so much more than we imagined it would be. Why did we wait 10 years? Hope you all are doing well and enjoying your summer. Love, News from Katy Grindberg My plans are to enter the February assignment, and hopefully not too long after graduation will have a call somewhere. I hope to stay in the West, but we’ll see how it goes. I’m working on an MA in Liturgical Studies this coming year, so I continue to be a student. I’m excited to have a year to focus on an area that I am passionate about, so that helps make up for the lack of a “real” job. I’ll continue to work as the sacristan for the seminary chapel, and in the fall will be a TA for the Christian Education class and begin working in the contextual education office. It’s always good to hear that I’m remembered well—my time at LCH was very special to me. Great people! Know that you all are in my prayers in the interim and call well as the long-range planning...not to mention the construction. I emailed Josh and told him to take an extra sledgehammer swing in the women’s bathroom for me. Peace, From the Hillmans Once again, thanks to all who have been praying! Seems the surgery was a success!!! One more tube to get out next week and things should go back to whatever normal is again. Have been working from home and will go into the office more regularly late next week. The recovery period is much shorter this time, thanks to a friend here. We have been hiking a mountain in the mornings and that seemed to help a lot. Sean is fine. He’s doing football drills in the mornings (school starts mid-August), going to the rodeo to see some friends ride, fishing, and sleeping! Charlie went back to work this week. They both went to the Denver Mile High Nationals (drag racing) last weekend, met some friends there and had a great time. Sean stayed an extra day and a friend took the boys to the Denver Museum to see the cadavers they have on display; they thought it was cool, I’ll pass. It sure has been hot here, high 90’s and sometimes 100 degrees. We put in a new Breeze Aire swamp cooler and it makes a difference from the old one. Thanks, again, to everyone for your prayers and concern. It means a lot to us that we have such a support system. Love and Aloha, Hukilau newsWe recently received word that The Rev. Chuck Wothke of Waianae has joined the Church Triumphant after a long battle with cancer. Please keep his wife, Debbie, and his family in your prayers. The Youth Ministry Task Force met on July 29 and is making progress towards developing youth ministry for an ecumenical group of churches on Oahu. As more concrete details are available, they will be provided to you. Your prayers are invited for this ministry. Reconciling in Christ newsThe Eastern Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada recently voted to allow the blessing of same-gender unions as a matter of local option by 72%. The couples who want to make a life-long commitment to one another in the presence of God and their community of faith is a matter of pastoral and congregational discretion. Authorization to perform such blessings shall require the consent of the pastor and the consent of the congregation or calling agency, as expressed by a 2/3 majority vote at a duly called meeting of the congregation or calling agency, and in consultation with the bishop.” ELCA World Hunger
Out of each dollar contributed to the ELCA World Hunger Appeal, over 70 cents goes to hunger relief and development work around the world. About 60 percent of the ELCA World Hunger budget is channeled through two key partners, Lutheran World Relief and the Lutheran World Federation. Only about 7 cents goes to administration, fund raising, and communication. Watch dogs of philanthropic organizations consistently rate the ELCA World Hunger highly as a program to support. Your contributions to ELCA World Hunger help support relief efforts to provide food, medicine, and shelter to those in desperate need. They also go to support development projects that offer access to education and training, clean water, affordable housing, micro-credit loans, and farming improvements. Out of each dollar you contribute:
Now you know the basics. ELCA Presiding Bishop Addresses Middle East Crisis
The presiding bishop also suggested Lutherans visit the ELCA Web site for resources on how congregations can respond to humanitarian needs in Lebanon, for updates from people in the region and for advocacy information. He also referred congregations to the ELCA social statement “For Peace in God’s World,” adopted by the ELCA Churchwide Assembly in 1995, as a resource for discussion of global peace issues.
Jolene | Lorie | Joan | Stephen | |
Jean | Ulu | Jerry | Jackie | |
Yuko | Maxim |
Michael A. | 08/02 | |
Arthur B. Wilson III | 08/02 | |
Elizabeth Pearson | 08/03 | |
Veronica Weeks | 08/04 | |
Nedra Walker | 08/05 | |
Sissy Arakawa | 08/06 | |
Linda Mizuno | 08/09 | |
Jonathan Scheuer | 08/11 | |
Charlotte D’Evelyn | 08/12 | |
Alexa Sueda | 08/13 | |
Benjamin Fay | 08/14 | |
Barbara Dickinson | 08/16 | |
Gordon Wallace | 08/17 | |
Ernest Freund | 08/18 | |
Jean-Paul Klingebiel | 08/18 | |
Hilde Nii | 08/22 | |
Dennis Hethcote | 08/24 | |
Peggy Khan | 08/27 | |
Melissa S. | 08/29 | |
Selena Schmidt | 08/29 | |
Edward Beidleman | 08/31 |
August 6 9:15 a.m. | August 13 9:15 a.m. | August 20 9:15 a.m. | August 27 8:00 a.m. | August 27 10:30 a.m. |
Sylvia Hormann-Alper Jim Sullivan |
Randy Christensen | Carolyn Koehler | Peggy Anderson | Ray Herradura |
DEACON | -- | Mary Fastenau | Jacob Burkman | -- | Bob Zimmer |
ACOLYTES | Karyn C. | Kore S. | Kyra Ann T. | Crescent C. | Whitney Walker Rusty Walker |
Next Heart Beat Deadline is Wednesday, August 23!