The Nave (worship space) is located behind the large double doors in the Diamond Head-mauka (approximately NE) corner of the Hörmann Courtyard.
The main focal points of the Nave are the altar area in the center of the mauka (towards the mountains) wall and the Beckerath organ along the far wall. Movable pews are usually arrange in two sections facing the altar area and two more sections opposite the organ.
The altar and other furnishings in the Nave are described on the “Furnishings and Appointments” page, seasonal paraments and vestments used in worship are described on the “Paraments, Banners, and Vestments” page, and the organ and piano are describe on the “Instruments” page.
Doors to the Boardroom are located on either side of the wooden wall opposite the organ.
For a map of the LCH campus and information about other spaces on campus, please visit our “LCH Campus” page.