Welcome! Join us for worship online or in-person.
Due to changes in Facebook procedures, livestreams will no longer display on this page. Please view the livestream on the LCH Facebook page.

General copyright and broadcast licenses under the following: Onelicence.net #A-706669, Augsburg Fortress Lic. #23208, CCLI Print Lic. #20678956, CCLI Streaming Lic. #20678963.
Worship Information
Due to copyright law, LCH does not provide Sunday bulletins for download. Online participants in our services who would like to receive copies of the worship bulletins can subscribe for this service by emailing a request to the church office at lch@LCHwelcome.org.
- March 5—Ash Wednesday (Imposition of Ashes and Holy Communion) at 7:30 pm
- March 9—First Sunday in Lent (Holy Communion) at 10:00 am
- March 16—Second Sunday in (Holy Communion) at 10:00 am
- March 16—Compline (Prayer at the Close of Day) at 7:30 pm
- March 23—Third Sunday in Lent (Holy Communion) at 10:00 am
- March 30—Fourth Sunday in Lent (Holy Communion) at 10:00 am
Christian Education
- Adult Forum (Sundays at 9:00 am)—A friendly and stimulating group discussion in-person in the Boardroom.