Summer is fast approaching, and with it opportunities for our young people to enjoy Day Camp on the LCH campus June 30 through July 4. Again this year, leaders will come from Southern California Lutheran Outdoor Ministry.
To get everyone excited about Day Camp, youth from the congregation provided special music and spoke about how much last year’s experience meant to them at both morning worship services on May 18.
Between services parents and friends held a FUNraiser bake sale to raise funds for the camp.
At right, one of the girls gives her testimony while her brother shows the shirt he made for camp.
Below, one of the boys plays the courante from the Sonata in G minor by Henry Eccles (1670–1742).
Anyone wanting more information or interested in registering for Day Camp should contact Pastor Angela Freeman at
In addition to Day Camp, LCH will be joining with other ELCA churches on O‘ahu and the Episcopal Diocese of Hawai‘i for summer camp. There are three sessions between June 21 and July 3. For more information and a link to register, see the May issue of The HeartBeat.