
Set Your Preferences

This section allows you to set your time zone so this site presents the devotions for the correct day in your time zone and choose whether to include any optional materials with Morning or Evening Devotions. When you click the “Set Preferences” button below, a cookie will be placed on your computer to store these preferences. The cookie will remain active for one year or until you delete it. If you delete the cookie, the default preferences will be restored.

You have not yet set your preferences, or the cookie with your preferences has expired. Enter your preferences below and then click on the “Set Preferences” button. You will then be taken to another page where you can go to the page for Morning Devotions or Evening Devotions.

To go directly to Morning Devotions or Evening Devotions without setting your preferences, go to the Links section of this page.

Time Zone

Select your local time zone from the list below. The default time zone is Hawai‘i Standard Time (UTC -10).

(A note on time at the end of the day: Given our modern lifestyle, where people may not retire until after midnight, the devotions for each day are available until 2:00 a.m. the following day.)

Optional Additions to Morning and Evening Devotions

The instructions for Morning Devotions in The Small Catechism end “After that, with joy go about your work and perhaps sing a song inspired by the Ten Commandments or your own thoughts.” In this section, you may choose which optional additions to include. Please note that, for copyright reasons, we use the collect of the day and psalm from the Episcopal Book of Common Prayer in place of the prayer of the day and psalm version from Evangelical Lutheran Worship.

Collect (Prayer) of the Day

Morning Devotions Evening Devotions

Environmental Prayers—You may choose to inlcude a different environmental prayer for each day of the week. The prayers were written by the Rev. Fritz Fritschel, former assisting pastor at the Lutheran Church of Honolulu.

Morning Devotions Evening Devotions

Personal Interecessions and Thanksgivings

Morning Devotions Evening Devotions

Notes: Only the the filled-in petitions will be displayed, but even a single space will cause that line to display. To ensure proper display of your petitons, do not use the | character when entering your petitions.

Petiton 1:

Petiton 2:

Petiton 3:

Petiton 4:

Petiton 5:

Ten Commandments

Morning Devotions Evening Devotions

First Lesson and Psalm (Time after Pentecost)—Beginning with Lectionary 9 (the Sunday between May 29 and June 4), Revised Common Lectionary Daily Readings provides a choice between the “Complementary” and “Semicontinuous” readings for the First Lesson. It is best to choose the series that matches the Sunday lessons in your congregation.

Complementary Semicontinuous

Psalm—You may choose to include the psalm from the lectionary.

Morning Devotions Evening Devotions

Lessons—You may choose to include one or more lessons from the lectionary.

Morning Devotions
First Lesson Second Lesson Gospel (Sundays/Major Feasts)
Evening Devotions
First Lesson Second Lesson Gospel (Sundays/Major Feasts)

Automatically Choose Devotions based on the Time of Day

Check the box below, and whenever you go to <>, the PHP Engine will automatically select the appropriate page, depending on the time of day. Visits before 2:00 p.m. will be automatically redirected to the Morning Devotions page, and visits between 2:00 p.m. and 2:00 a.m. the next day will be redirected to the Evening Devotions page.

Enable Automatic Redirects


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To say Morning or Evening Devotions, follow one of these links:

Morning Devotions Evening Devotions

Morning and Evening Devotions are brought to you by the people of the Lutheran Church of Honolulu.

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1730 Punahou Street, Honolulu, HI 96822 • 808-941-2566
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