The season of Advent has begun, and all around the church preparations for Christmas are underway. The children are practicing their skit for Christmas Eve worship, and the choirs are working on their music. Each Sunday of Advent we will light another candle on the Advent wreath during worship, and there aren’t any Christmas carols.
Plans are already being made to decorate the Nave for Christmas on the morning of December 24. The antique crèche (imported from German in the 1920s) will be brought out from storage, poinsettias unwrapped and placed around the Nave, a wreath of greens assembled and hung by the entrance, and a tree decorated. With the help of many hands, we will be ready for two worship services on Christmas Even and one on Christmas Day.
All are welcome to the three Christmas worship service:
- Family Worship on Christmas Eve at 5:00 pm featuring a Christmas skit by the children, familiar carols, and Holy Communion.
- Festival Choral Eucharist on Christmas Eve at 11:00 pm featuring the LCH Choir, familiar carols, and Holy Communion. Come early and enjoy music of Egil Hovland and Gustav Holst sung by the LCH Choir at 10:30.
- Choral Eucharist on Christmas Day at 10:30 am featuring the men of the LCH Choir, familiar carols, and Holy Communion
Above, an acolyte lights one of the candles on the Advent wreath.
At left, Steve Miller and the kids unwrap poinsettias.