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![]() Readings, Hymns, and Special Music—July 2013July 7 July 14 July 21 July 28 Index of Lists of Readings, Hymns, and Special Music since July 2006 | ||||||
July 7 | Seventh Sunday after Pentecost • Lectionary 14 | |||||
Lectionary | 2 Kings 5:1–14 | Psalm 30 | Galatians 6:1–16 | Luke 10:1–11, 16–20 full texts | |||||
9:15 AM | HOLY COMMUNION | |||||
Service Music | Liturgy for Time after Pentecost (ELW Setting 3) | |||||
Organ Prelude | Concerto in F | Tomaso Albinoni (1671–1751), arr. Walther | ||||
Gathering Hymn | O Beautiful for Spacious Skies | elw 888 | ||||
Psalmody | Psalm 30 | elw tone 15 | ||||
Gospel Acclamation | Alleluia, Lord to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life | elw S 142a | ||||
Children’s Hymn | Lord, Listen to Your Children Praying | elw 752 | ||||
Hymn of the Day | To Be Your Presence | elw 546 | ||||
Offertory Organ | Rigaudon from Idoménée | André Campra (1660–1744) | ||||
Communion Organ | Adagio in g minor | Albinoni | ||||
Sending Hymn | Lord, You Give the Great Commission | elw 579 | ||||
Organ Postlude | Giga, Op.73 | Marco Enrico Bossi (1861–1925) | ||||
7:30 PM | EVENING PRAYER | |||||
Reading | Acts 1:2–11 text | |||||
Hymn | A hymn of glory let us sing | JAM LUCIS ORTO SIDERE | ||||
Canticle | Nunc dimittis | Tomás Luis de Victoria (c. 1548–1611) | ||||
Motet | Viri Galilaei | Dulos Couillart (fl. 1534) | ||||
July 14 | Eighth Sunday after Pentecost • Lectionary 15 | |||||
Lectionary | Amos 7:7–17 | Psalm 82 | Colossians 1:1–14 | Luke 10:25–37 full texts | |||||
9:15 AM | HOLY COMMUNION | |||||
Service Music | Liturgy for Time after Pentecost (Alleluia Mass • 2013) | |||||
Gathering Hymn | Creating God, Your Fingers Trace | elw 684 | ||||
Psalmody | Psalm 82 | Carolyn Jennings (1936—) | ||||
Children’s Hymn | Let Us Talents and Tongues Employ (1-2|3) | elw 674 | ||||
Hymn of the Day | Lord of All Nations, Grant Me Grace | elw 716 | ||||
Offertory Music | Jesu, Jesu, Fill Us with Your Love | Ghanaian, adapt. Top Colvin and arr. Jane Marshall | ||||
Communion Music | You Satisfy the Hungry Heart | Robert E. Kreutz (1922—) | ||||
Sending Hymn | O Christ, Your Heart, Compassionate | elw 722 | ||||
July 21 | Ninth Sunday after Pentecost • Lectionary 16 | |||||
Lectionary | Amos 8:1–12 | Psalm 52 | Colossians 1:15–28 | Luke 10:38–42 full texts | |||||
9:15 AM | HOLY COMMUNION | |||||
Service Music | Liturgy for Time after Pentecost (Alleluia Mass • 2013) | |||||
Gathering Hymn | When Morning Gilds the Skies | elw 853 | ||||
Psalmody | Psalm 52 | Wayne L. Wold (1954—) | ||||
Children’s Hymn | Let Us Talents and Tongues Employ (1-2|3) | elw 674 | ||||
Hymn of the Day | For All the Faithful Women (vv. 1, 7, last) | elw 419 | ||||
Offertory Music | We have come into His house | Bruce Ballinger (1945–2004) | ||||
Communion Music | One Bread, One Body | John Foley (1939—) | ||||
Sending Hymn | Be Thou My Vision | elw 793 | ||||
7:30 PM | EVENING PRAYER | |||||
Reading | Acts 4:13–22 text | |||||
Hymn | How Sweet the Name of Jesus Sounds | ST. PETER | ||||
Canticle | Nunc dimittis | anon., c. 1600 | ||||
Motet | Astiterunt reges terræ (1585) | Tomás Luis de Victoria (c. 1548–1611) | ||||
July 28 | Tenth Sunday after Pentecost • Lectionary 17 | |||||
Lectionary | Hosea 1:2–10 | Psalm 85 | Colossians 2:6–19 | Luke 11:1–13 full texts | |||||
9:15 AM | HOLY COMMUNION | |||||
Service Music | Liturgy for Time after Pentecost (Alleluia Mass • 2013) | |||||
Gathering Hymn | Now to the Holy Spirit Let Us Pray | elw 743 | ||||
Psalmody | Psalm 85: Come, O Lord, and Set Us Free | Mike Balhoff, Gary Daigle, and Darryl Ducote | ||||
Children’s Hymn | Let Us Talents and Tongues Employ (1-2|3) | elw 674 | ||||
Hymn of the Day | Eternal Spirit of the Living Christ | elw 402 | ||||
Offertory Music | Seek ye first the kingdom of God | Karen Lafferty (1948—) | ||||
Communion Music | Look Beyond | Darryl Ducote (1945—) | ||||
Sending Hymn | Lord of Light | elw 688 | ||||
Revised: 28 July 2013 | ||||||
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