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![]() Readings, Hymns, and Special Music—March 2013March 3 March 10 March 17 Palm Sunday Maunday Thursday Good Friday Easter Vigil Easter Sunday Index of Lists of Readings, Hymns, and Special Music since July 2006 | |||||||||
March 3 | Third Sunday in Lent | ||||||||
Lectionary | Isaiah 55:1–9 | Psalm 63:1–8 | 1 Corinthians 10:1–13 | Luke 13:1–9 full texts | ||||||||
8:00 AM | HOLY COMMUNION | ||||||||
Service Music | Liturgy for Lent (Year C • 2013) | ||||||||
Gathering Hymn | Remember and Rejoice | elw 454 | |||||||
Psalmody | Psalm 63: I Long for You | Mike Balhoff, Cary Daigle, and Darryl Doucote | |||||||
Children’s Hymn | Tree of Life | THOMAS | |||||||
Hymn of the Day | As the Deer Runs to the River | elw 331 | |||||||
Offertory Music | Change Our Hearts | Rory Cooney (1952—) | |||||||
Communion Music | Taste and See | Francis Patrick O’Brien (1958—) | |||||||
Sending Hymn | Guide Me Ever, Great Redeemer | elw 618 | |||||||
10:30 AM | CHORAL EUCHARIST | ||||||||
Service Music | Liturgy for Lent • Year C 2013/2016 | ||||||||
Introit | Oculi mei | Mode VII | |||||||
Psalmody | Psalm 63:1–8 | Peter R. Hallock (1924—) | |||||||
Gospel Acclamation | Jesus began to proclaim | Miguel Felipe (1978—) | |||||||
Children’s Hymn | Now Behold the Lamb | elw 341 | |||||||
Hymn of the Day | Glorious Things of You Are Spoken | elw 647 | |||||||
Offertory Motet | Justitiæ Domini | Alessandro Scarlatti (1660–1725) | |||||||
Communion Motet | Exsurge Domine | Scarlatti | |||||||
Sending Hymn | Guide Me Ever, Great Redeemer | elw 618 | |||||||
7:30 PM | EVENING PRAYER | ||||||||
Reading | Micah 6:1–8 full text | ||||||||
Hymn | Now Rest beneath Night’s Shadow | elw 568 | |||||||
Canticle | Nunc dimittis | Richard Farrant (c. 1525–30—1580) | |||||||
Motet | Out of the Deep | Thomas Tomkins (1572–1656) | |||||||
March 6 | Wednesday after Lent III |
Service Music | Holden Evening Prayer | ||||||||
Reading | Ephesians 2:11–22 full text | ||||||||
Psalmody | Psalm 84: Happy Are They | Thomas J. Porter (1958—) | |||||||
March 10 | Fourth Sunday in Lent | ||||||||
Lectionary | Joshua 5:9–12 | Psalm 32 | 2 Corinthians 5:16–21 | Luke 15:1–3, 11b–32 full texts | ||||||||
8:00 AM | HOLY COMMUNION | ||||||||
Service Music | Liturgy for Lent (Year C • 2013) | ||||||||
Gathering Hymn | What Wondrous Love Is This | elw 666 | |||||||
Psalmody | Psalm 32: I Turn to You | Rory Cooney (1952—) | |||||||
Children’s Hymn | Tree of Life | THOMAS | |||||||
Hymn of the Day | Softly and Tenderly Jesus is Calling | elw 608 | |||||||
Offertory Music | Deep Down in My Soul | David Haas (1957—) | |||||||
Communion Music | Remember Your Mercy, Lord | Paul Inwood (1947—) | |||||||
Sending Hymn | My Life Flows On in Endless Song | elw 763 | |||||||
10:30 AM | CHORAL EUCHARIST | ||||||||
Service Music | Liturgy for Lent • Year C 2013/2016 | ||||||||
Introit | Letare Ierusalem | Mode V | |||||||
Psalmody | Psalm 32:1–8 | Peter R. Hallock (1924—) | |||||||
Gospel Acclamation | I will arise and go to my father | Miguel Felipe (1978—) | |||||||
Children’s Hymn | Now Behold the Lamb | elw 341 | |||||||
Hymn of the Day | Our Father, We Have Wandered | elw 606 | |||||||
Offertory Motet | Die mit Tränen säen, swv 378 | Heinrich Schütz (1585–1752) | |||||||
Communion Motet | So fahr ich hin zu Jesu Christ, swv 379 | Schütz | |||||||
Sending Hymn | My Life Flows On in Endless Song | elw 763 | |||||||
March 13 | Wednesday after Lent IV | ||||||||
Service Music | Holden Evening Prayer | ||||||||
Reading | 1 John 1:5–10 full text | ||||||||
Psalmody | Psalm 32: I Turn to You | Rory Cooney (1952—) | |||||||
March 17 | Fifth Sunday in Lent | ||||||||
Lectionary | Isaiah 43:16–21 | Psalm 126 | Philippians 3:4b–14 | John 12:1–8 full texts | ||||||||
8:00 AM | HOLY COMMUNION | ||||||||
Service Music | Liturgy for Time Lent (Year C • 2013/2016) | ||||||||
Gathering Hymn | Through the Night of Doubt and Sorrow | elw 327 | |||||||
Psalmody | Psalm 126: God Has Done Great Things for Us | Marty Haugen (1950—) | |||||||
Children’s Hymn | Tree of Life | THOMAS | |||||||
Hymn of the Day | Jesus, the Very Thought of You | elw 754 | |||||||
Offertory Music | Only This I Want | Dan Schutte (1947—) | |||||||
Communion Music | One Bread, One Body | John Foley, SJ (1939—) | |||||||
Sending Hymn | Christ, the Life of All the Living | elw 339 | |||||||
10:30 AM | CHORAL EUCHARIST | ||||||||
Service Music | Liturgy for Lent • Year C 2013/2016 | ||||||||
Introit | Iudica me, Deus | Mode IV | |||||||
Psalmody | Psalm 126 | Peter R. Hallock (1924—) | |||||||
Gospel Acclamation | Forgetting what lies behind | Miguel Felipe (1978—) | |||||||
Children’s Hymn | Now Behold the Lamb | elw 341 | |||||||
Hymn of the Day | Jesus, the Very Thought of You | elw 754 | |||||||
Offertory Motet | Confitebor tibi, Domine | Orlande de Lassus (1530/1532–1594) | |||||||
Communion Motet | Ave verum Corpus | de Lassus | |||||||
Sending Hymn | Christ, the Life of All the Living | elw 339 | |||||||
7:30 PM | EVENING PRAYER | ||||||||
Reading | Jonah 2:1–17 full text | ||||||||
Hymn | Lord Jesus, Think on Me | elw 599 | |||||||
Canticle | Nunc dimittis | Roger Sherman (1950—) | |||||||
Motet | Si iniquitates observaveris | Samuel Wesley (1766–1837) | |||||||
March 20 | Wednesday after Lent V | ||||||||
Service Music | Holden Evening Prayer | ||||||||
Reading | Colossians 1:15–20 full text | ||||||||
Psalmody | Psalm 63: My Soul is Thirsting | Michael Joncas (1951—) | |||||||
March 24 | Sunday of the Passion, Palm Sunday | ||||||||
Lectionary | Luke 19:28–40 full texts | Isaiah 50:4–9a | Psalm 31:9–16 | Luke 22:14—23:56 full texts | ||||||||
8:00 AM | HOLY COMMUNION | ||||||||
Service Music | Liturgy for Palm Sunday 2007 | ||||||||
Processional Hymn | The King of glory comes | THE KING OF GLORY | |||||||
Psalmody | Psalm 31: I Put My Life in Your Hands | Marty Haugen (1950—) | |||||||
Hymn of the Day | Were you there? | WERE YOU THERE | |||||||
Offertory Music | Stay here and keep watch with me | Roc O’Connor, SJ (1949—) | |||||||
Communion Music | Here is bread | Jacques Berthier (1923–1994) | |||||||
Sending Hymn | Go to Dark Gethsemane | elw 347 | |||||||
10:30 AM | CHORAL EUCHARIST | ||||||||
Service Music | Liturgy for Palm Sunday 2007 | ||||||||
Processional Hymn | All Glory, Laud, and Honor | ST. THEODOLPH | |||||||
Entrance Hymn | Ride On, Ride On in Majesty! | THE KING’S MAJESTY | |||||||
Psalmody | Psalm 31:9–16 | Peter R. Hallock (1924—) | |||||||
Gospel Acclamation | Christ humbled himself | Miguel Felipe (1978—) | |||||||
Hymn of the Day | O Sacred Head, Now Wounded | HERZLICH TUT MIR VERLANGEN | |||||||
Offertory Motet | O vos omnes | Pablo Casals (1876–1973) | |||||||
Communion Motet | Vere languores | Tomás Luis de Victoria (c. 1548–1611) | |||||||
Sending Hymn | When I Survey the Wondrous Cross | HAMBURG | |||||||
March 28 | Maundy Thursday | ||||||||
Lectionary | Exodus 12:1–14 | Psalm 116:1–2, 12–19 | 1 Corinthians 11:23–26 | John 13:1–17, 31b–35 full texts | ||||||||
Service Music | Liturgy for the Tridiuum 2013 | ||||||||
Introit | Nos autem gloriari | Mode IV | |||||||
Psalm | Psalm 116:10–17 | Peter R. Hallock (1924—) | |||||||
Gospel Acclamation | Christus factus est | Felice Anerio (1560–1614) | |||||||
Hymn | Great God, Your Love Has Called Us (vv. 1–2 | 3–5) | elw 358 | |||||||
Foot Washing | Domine Jesus (John 13:12, 13, 15; Psalm 85:1) | Mode II | |||||||
Domine, tu mihi (John 13:6–8) | Mode V | ||||||||
Si ego Dominus (John 13:14; Psalm 49:1) | Mode IV | ||||||||
Offertory Motet | Ubi caritas et amor | Ola Gjeilo (1978—) | |||||||
Communion Motet | Hoc coprus | Melchor Robledo (1510–1586) | |||||||
Hymn (vv. 1–4) | Now, my tongue, the mystery telling | PAGNE LINGUA | |||||||
Hymn (vv. 5–6) | Tantum ergo | Maurice Duruflé (1902–1986) | |||||||
Final Motets | Nine Tenebrae Motets, Op. 72 (1961): 6. Unus Ex Discipulis | Edmund Rubbra (1901–1986) | |||||||
March 29 | Good Friday | ||||||||
Lectionary | Isaiah 52:13—53:12 | Psalm 22 | Hebrews 10:16–25 | John 18:1—19:42 full texts | ||||||||
Service Music | Liturgy for the Tridiuum 2013 | ||||||||
Procession | Turn Us Again O Lord God of Hosts: A Processional Psalm for Good Friday (Part I) | ||||||||
Peter R. Hallock (1924—) | |||||||||
Psalm | Pslam 22 | Hallock | |||||||
Hymn | There is a green hill far away | WINDSOR | |||||||
Passion | The Passion According to St. John (2009) | Zachary Wadsworth (1983—) | |||||||
Processional Hymn | Ah, Holy Jesus | elw 349 | |||||||
Adoration | Improperia (The Reproaches) | Tomás Luis de Victoria (c. 1548–1611) | |||||||
Final Anthem | 6. “Am Karfreitag” from Sechs Sprüche, Op. 79 | Felix Mendelssohn (1809–1847) | |||||||
March 30 | Resurrection of Our Lord, Vigil of Easter | ||||||||
Lectionary | Genesis 1:1—2:4a | Genesis 22:1–18 | Exodus 14:10–31; 15:20–21 | Isaiah 55:1–11 | Ezekiel 37:1–14 | Daniel 3:1–29 | Romans 6:3–11 | John 20:1–18 full texts | ||||||||
Service Music | Liturgy for the Tridiuum 2013 | ||||||||
Response Hymn | The God of Abraham Praise | LEONI | |||||||
Response Hymn | Let evert mortal ear attend | GERAR | |||||||
Response Hymn | Breathe on me, Breath of God | TRENTHAM | |||||||
Processional Psalm | Sicut cervus (2013) | Forrest Pierce (1972—) | |||||||
Kyrie | Kyrie (1846) from Die Deutsche Liturgie | Felix Mendelssohn (1809–1847) | |||||||
Hymn of the Day | Now All the Vault of Heaven Resounds | elw 367 | |||||||
Offertory Motet | Preis und Anbetung sei unserm Gott | Christian Heinrich Rinck (1770–1864) | |||||||
Communion Motet | Pascha nostrum, à 5 | William Byrd (c. 1540–1623) | |||||||
Sending Hymn | Jesus Christ Is Risen Today | elw 365 | |||||||
March 31 | Resurrection of Our Lord, Easter Day | ||||||||
Lectionary | Acts 10:34–43 | Psalm 118:1–2, 14–24 | 1 Corinthians 15:19–26 | Luke 24:1–12 full texts | ||||||||
8:00 AM | HOLY COMMUNION | ||||||||
Service Music | Liturgy for Easter 2013 | ||||||||
Prelude | Piece Solennelle | Jacques Ibert (1890–1962) | |||||||
Gathering Hymn | Jesus Christ Is Risen Today | elw 365 | |||||||
Psalmody | Psalm 118: This Is the Day | Joseph Gelineau (1920–2008) | |||||||
Children’s Hymn | Be Not Afraid | elw 388 | |||||||
Hymn of the Day | Now All the Vault of Heaven Resounds | elw 367 | |||||||
Offertory Music | Easter Alleluia | O FILII ET FILIÆ, adapt. Marty Haugen (1950—) | |||||||
Communion Music | The Living Bread of God | Kate Cuddy (1953—) | |||||||
Communion Organ | Chorale Prelude on “Martyrdom” | Sir Hubert Parry (1848–1918) | |||||||
Sending Hymn | The Day of Resurrection! | elw 361 | |||||||
Postlude | Toccata on “O Filii et Filiæ” | Lynwood Farnam (1885–1930) | |||||||
10:30 AM | CHORAL EUCHARIST | ||||||||
Service Music | Liturgy for Easter 2013 | ||||||||
Prelude | Lyra Davidica | Richard Purvis (1913–1994) | |||||||
Introit | Let God Arise, Concerto No. 34, I. “Let God Arise” | Dmitry Bortniansky (1751–1825) | |||||||
Processional Hymn | Jesus Christ Is Risen Today | EASTER HYMN | |||||||
Psalmody | Psalm 118 | Forrest Pierce (1972—) | |||||||
Children’s Hymn | Christ Has Arisen, Alleluia (vv. 1–2 | 4–5) | elw 364 | |||||||
Hymn of the Day | Now All the Vault of Heaven Resounds | LAST UNS EFREUEN | |||||||
Offertory Music | Let God Arise, III. “Give ye Glory Unto God” | Bortniansky | |||||||
Communion Music | Let God Arise, II. “And Let the Righteous Be Glad” | Bortniansky | |||||||
Communion Organ | Chorale Prelude on “Martyrdom” | Sir Hubert Parry (1848–1918) | |||||||
Sending Hymn | The Day of Resurrection! | ELLACOMBE | |||||||
Postlude | Organ Symphony No. 5 in F minor, Op. 42, No. 1 (1887): 5. Toccata | ||||||||
Charles-Marie Widor (1844–1937) | |||||||||
Revised: 29 March 2013 | |||||||||
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