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![]() Readings, Hymns, and Special Music—October 2012October 7 October 14 October 21 October 28 Index of Lists of Readings, Hymns, and Special Music since July 2006 | ||||||
October 7 | Nineteenth Sun. after Pentecost • Lectionary 27 | |||||
Lectionary | Genesis 2:18–24 | Psalm 8 | Hebrews 1:1–4; 2:5–12 | Mark 10:2–16 full texts | |||||
8:00 AM | HOLY COMMUNION | |||||
Service Music | Liturgy for the Time after Pentecost (TFF Setting 2) | |||||
Gathering Hymn | All Are Welcome | elw 641 | ||||
Psalmody | Psalm 8: How Glorious Is Your Name | Rory Cooney (1952—) | ||||
Children’s Hymn | Praise, praise, praise the Lord! | elw 875 | ||||
Hymn of the Day | Our Father, by Whose Name | elw 640 | ||||
Offertory Music | Go, My Children, with My Blessing | AR HYD Y NOS | ||||
Communion Music | Fill My Cup, Let It Overflow | Isaiah Jones Jr. (1940—) | ||||
Sending Hymn | Praise the One Who Breaks the Darkness | elw 843 | ||||
10:30 AM | CHORAL EUCHARIST | |||||
Service Music | Liturgy for the Time after Pentecost | |||||
Organ Prelude | Processional (1964) | William Mathias (1934–1992) | ||||
Gathering Hymn | Oh, Praise the Gracious Power | elw 651 | ||||
Psalmody | Psalm 8 | Mark Mummert (1965—) | ||||
Gospel Acclamation | If we love one another | Carl F. Schalk (1929—) | ||||
Children’s Hymn | Seek ye first the kingdom of God | SEEK YE FIRST | ||||
Hymn of the Day | Although I Speak with Angel’s Tongue | elw 644 | ||||
Offertory Motet | In nomine Jesu | Jacob Handl (1550–1591) | ||||
Communion Motet | Mirabile mysterium | Handl | ||||
Communion Organ | Chorale (1966) | Mathias | ||||
Sending Hymn | Our Father, by Whose Name | elw 640 | ||||
Organ Postlude | Recessional, Op. 96, No. 4 (1986) | Mathias | ||||
3:00 PM | Blessing of the Animals | |||||
All Creature, Worship God Most High! | elw 835 | |||||
October 14 | Twentieth Sun. after Pentecost • Lectionary 28 | |||||
Lectionary | Amos 5:6–7, 10–15 | Psalm 90:12–17 | Hebrews 4:12–16 | Mark 10:17–31 full texts | |||||
8:00 AM | HOLY COMMUNION | |||||
Service Music | Liturgy for the Time after Pentecost (TFF Setting 2) | |||||
Gathering Hymn | Let Justice Flow like Streams | elw 717 | ||||
Psalmody | Psalm 90: Fill Us with Your Love, O Lord | Roy James Stewart (1947—) | ||||
Children’s Hymn | Praise, praise, praise the Lord! | elw 875 | ||||
Hymn of the Day | God, Whose Giving Knows No Ending | elw 678 | ||||
Offertory Music | We are an offering | Dwight Liles (1957—) | ||||
Communion Music | One Bread, One Body | John Foley (1939—) | ||||
Sending Hymn | The Spirit Sends Us Forth to Serve | elw 551 | ||||
10:30 AM | CHORAL EUCHARIST | |||||
Service Music | Liturgy for the Time after Pentecost | |||||
Organ Prelude | O God, thou faithful God | Flor Peeters (1903–1986) | ||||
Gathering Hymn | O God of Every Nation | elw 713 | ||||
Psalmody | Psalm 90:12–17 | David Cherwien (1957—) | ||||
Gospel Acclamation | Blessed are the poor in spirit | Carl F. Schalk (1929—) | ||||
Children’s Hymn | Seek ye first the kingdom of God | SEEK YE FIRST | ||||
Hymn of the Day | The Church of Christ, in Every Age | elw 729 | ||||
Offertory Motet | Lord, thou hast been our refuge | Ralph Vaughan Williams (1872–1958) | ||||
Communion Motet | O Taste and See | Vaughan Williams | ||||
Communion Organ | Aria | Peeters | ||||
Healing Hymn | Come to the Table | elw 481 | ||||
Sending Hymn | God, Whose Giving Knows No Ending | elw 678 | ||||
Organ Postlude | Praise to the Lord, the almighty | Peeters | ||||
October 21 | Twenty-first Sun. after Pentecost • Lectionary 29 | |||||
Lectionary | Isaiah 53:4–12 | Psalm 91:9–16 | Hebrews 5:1–10 | Mark 10:35–45 full texts | |||||
8:00 AM | HOLY COMMUNION | |||||
Service Music | Liturgy for the Time after Pentecost (TFF Setting 2) | |||||
Gathering Hymn | The Church of Christ, in Every Age | elw 729 | ||||
Psalmody | Psalm 91: Song Of Blessing | John Glynn (1948—) | ||||
Children’s Hymn | Praise, praise, praise the Lord! | elw 875 | ||||
Hymn of the Day | Holy God, Holy and Glorious | elw 637 | ||||
Offertory Music | God the Sculptor of the Mountains | Amanda Husberg (1940—) | ||||
Communion Music | Eat This Bread | Jacques Berthier (1923–1994) | ||||
Sending Hymn | Rise, O Church, like Christ Arisen | elw 548 | ||||
10:30 AM | CHORAL EUCHARIST | |||||
Service Music | Liturgy for the Time after Pentecost | |||||
Prelude | Look and see F.R.O.G.S. Choir and Chamber Orchestra |
Korean Folk Tune, arr. Hal Hopson | ||||
Gathering Hymn | I Want to Walk as a Child of the Light | elw 815 | ||||
Psalmody | Psalm 91:9–16 | Peter R. Hallock (1924—) | ||||
Gospel Acclamation | The Son of Man came not to be served but to serve | Carl F. Schalk (1929—) | ||||
Children’s Hymn | Seek ye first the kingdom of God | SEEK YE FIRST | ||||
Hymn of the Day | Children of the Heavelny Father | elw 781 | ||||
Offertory Motet | Fürwahr, er trug unsere Krankheit (part I) | Hugo Distler (1908–1942) | ||||
Communion Motet | Fürwahr, er trug unsere Krankheit (part II) | Distler | ||||
Communion Music | I will Give Thanks F.R.O.G.S. Choir and Chamber Orchestra |
Michael Jothen | ||||
Sending Hymn | Earth and All Stars! | elw 731 | ||||
Postlude | Litanies, ja 119 (1937) | Jehan Alain (1911–1940) | ||||
October 28 | Reformation Sunday | |||||
Lectionary | Jeremiah 31:31–34 full text | Psalm 46 full text | Romans 3:19–28 full text | John 8: 31–36 full text | |||||
8:00 AM | HOLY COMMUNION | |||||
Service Music | Hymn Mass (rev. 2012) | |||||
Organ Prelude | Prelude E minor, bwv 548, “The Wedge” (rev. 1727–31) | Johann Sebastian Bach (1685–1750) | ||||
Gathering Hymn | Salvation unto Us Has Come | elw 590 | ||||
Psalmody | Psalm 46: God is our Refuge (2011) | Miguel Felipe (1978—) | ||||
Children’s Hymn | Lord, Keep Us Steadfast in Your Word (vv. 1–2|3) | elw 517 | ||||
Hymn of the Day | A Mighty Fortress Is Our God (vv. 1–2) | elw 503 | ||||
A Mighty Fortress Is Our God (vv. 3–4) | elw 504 | |||||
Offertory Music | The church song | Jay Beech (1960—) | ||||
Communion Music | All Who Hunger | Bob Moore (1962—) | ||||
Communion Organ | Trio sonata in E-flat Major, bwv 525 (c 1730): Adagio | Bach | ||||
Sending Hymn | In Peace and Joy I Now Depart | elw 440 | ||||
Organ Postlude | Prelude and fugue in E minor, bwv 533 (before 1705?) | Bach | ||||
10:30 AM | CHORAL EUCHARIST | |||||
Service Music | Lutheran Chorale Mass | |||||
Organ Prelude | Prelude E minor, bwv 548, “The Wedge” (rev. 1727–31) | Johann Sebastian Bach (1685–1750) | ||||
Introit | Deus noster refugium | Mode VI | ||||
Gathering Hymn | Salvation unto Us Has Come | elw 590 | ||||
Psalmody | Psalm 46 | Forrest Pierce (1974—) | ||||
Gospel Acclamation | If you continue in my word | John Helgen (1957—) | ||||
Children’s Hymn | Lord, Keep Us Steadfast in Your Word (vv. 1–2|3) | elw 517 | ||||
Hymn of the Day | A Mighty Fortress Is Our God (vv. 1–2) | elw 503 | ||||
A Mighty Fortress Is Our God (vv. 3–4) | elw 504 | |||||
Offertory Motet | Ein feste Burg ist unser Gott | Hans Leo Hassler (1564–1612) | ||||
Communion Motet | Es ist das Heil uns kommen her, Op. 29, No. 1 | Johannes Brahms (1833–1897) | ||||
Communion Organ | Trio sonata in E-flat Major, bwv 525 (c 1730): Adagio | Bach | ||||
Sending Hymn | In Peace and Joy I Now Depart | elw 440 | ||||
Organ Postlude | Prelude and fugue in E minor, bwv 533 (before 1705?) | Bach | ||||
Revised: 21 October 2012 | ||||||
![]() 1730 Punahou Street, Honolulu, HI 96822 • 808-941-2566 Comments welcome at |