![]() Readings, Hymns, and Special Music—September 2012September 2 September 9 September 16 September 23 September 30 Index of Lists of Readings, Hymns, and Special Music since July 2006 | ||||||
September 2 | Fourteenth Sunday after Pentecost • Lectionary 22 | |||||
Lectionary | Deuteronomy 4:1–2, 6–9 | Psalm 15 | James 1:17–27 | Mark 7:1–8, 14–15, 21–23 full texts | |||||
8:00 AM | HOLY COMMUNION | |||||
Service Music | Liturgy for the Time after Pentecost (TFF Setting 2) | |||||
Gathering Hymn | For the Beauty of the Earth | elw 789 | ||||
Psalmody | Psalm 15 | Carolyn Jennings (1936—) | ||||
Children’s Hymn | Praise, Praise, praise the Lord! | elw 875 | ||||
Hymn of the Day | Awake, My Soul, and with the Sun | elw 557 | ||||
Offertory Music | Sow the Word | J. Keith Azvelli (1958—) and Steven R. Janco (1961—) | ||||
Communion Music | Not by Bread Alone | Donald J. Reagan (1923–2004) | ||||
Sending Hymn | Let Justice Flow like Streams | elw 717 | ||||
10:30 AM | CHORAL EUCHARIST | |||||
Service Music | Liturgy for the Time after Pentecost (ELW Setting 3) | |||||
Organ Voluntary | Organ Sonata No. 2 (1937): 2. Ruhig bewegt | Paul Hindemith (1895–1963) | ||||
Gathering Hymn | Dearest Jesus, at Your Word | elw 520 | ||||
Psalmody | Psalm 15 | Peter R. Hallock (1924—) | ||||
Gospel Acclamation | God gave us birth by the word of truth | Rick Erickson | ||||
Children’s Hymn | Lord, Listen to Your Children Praying | elw 752 | ||||
Hymn of the Day | O God, My Faithful God | elw 806 | ||||
Offertory Motet | Beati quorum via | Charles V. Stanford (1852–1924) | ||||
Communion Motet | O for a closer walk with God | Stanford | ||||
Communion Organ | Organ Sonata No. 1 (1937): 1b. Lebhaft | Hindemith | ||||
Sending Hymn | Savior, Again to Your Dear Name | elw 534 | ||||
Organ Voluntary | Organ Sonata No. 3 (1940): 3. “So wünsch’ ich ihr” | Hindemith | ||||
September 9 | Fifteenth Sunday after Pentecost • Lectionary 23 | |||||
Lectionary | Isaiah 35:4–7a | Psalm 146 | James 2:1–17 | Mark 7:24–37 full texts | |||||
8:00 AM | HOLY COMMUNION | |||||
Service Music | Liturgy for the Time after Pentecost (TFF Setting 2) | |||||
Gathering Hymn | Let Streams of Living Justice | elw 710 | ||||
Psalmody | Psalm 146 | Marty Haugen (1950—) | ||||
Children’s Hymn | Praise, Praise, praise the Lord! | elw 875 | ||||
Hymn of the Day | Christ, Be Our Light | elw 715 | ||||
Offertory Music | Healer of Our Every Ill | Haugen | ||||
Communion Music | Precious Lord, Take My Hand | Tomas A. Dorsey (1899–1993) | ||||
Sending Hymn | The Spirit Sends Us Forth to Serve | elw 551 | ||||
10:30 AM | CHORAL EUCHARIST | |||||
Service Music | Liturgy for the Time after Pentecost (ELW Setting 3) | |||||
Organ Voluntary | O Gott, du frommer Gott, bwv 767, from the Partite diverse | Johann Sebastian Bach (1685–1750) | ||||
Gathering Hymn | Let Streams of Living Justice | elw 710 | ||||
Psalmody | Psalm 146 | E. G. Monk (1819–1900) | ||||
Gospel Acclamation | Rejoice in the Lord always | Carl F. Schalk (1929—) | ||||
Children’s Hymn | Lord, Listen to Your Children Praying | elw 752 | ||||
Hymn of the Day | Lord of All Nations, Grant Me Grace | elw 716 | ||||
Offertory Motet | Saviour of the World | Sir Frederick Arthur Gore Ouseley (1825–1889) | ||||
Communion Motet | O Sacred and Blessed Feast | Peter Fay (1944—) | ||||
Communion Organ | Alle Menschen müssen sterben, bwv 643, from Das Orgel-Büchlein (1713–15) | Bach | ||||
Healing Hymn | When Pain of the World Surrounds Us | elw 704 | ||||
Sending Hymn | O Christ, Our Light, O Radiance True | elw 675 | ||||
Organ Voluntary | Fugue in G minor, bwv 578 (before 1707?) | Bach | ||||
September 16 | Sixteenth Sunday after Pentecost • Lectionary 24 | |||||
Lectionary | Isaiah 50:4–9a | Psalm 116:1–9 | James 3:1–12 | Mark 8:27–38 full texts | |||||
8:00 AM | HOLY COMMUNION | |||||
Service Music | Liturgy for the Time after Pentecost (TFF Setting 2) | |||||
Gathering Hymn | Lift High the Cross | elw 660 | ||||
Psalmody | Psalm 116 | Joseph Gelineau (1920–2008) | ||||
Children’s Hymn | Praise, Praise, praise the Lord! | elw 875 | ||||
Hymn of the Day | Will You Come and Follow Me | elw 798 | ||||
Offertory Music | For the Life of the World | David Haas (1957—) | ||||
Communion Music | Let Us Be Bread | Thomas J. Porter (1958—) | ||||
Sending Hymn | We Sing to You, O God | elw 791 | ||||
10:30 AM | CHORAL EUCHARIST | |||||
Service Music | Liturgy for the Time after Pentecost (ELW Setting 3) | |||||
Organ Voluntary | Onse Vader in hemelrijck | Jan Pieterszoon Sweelinck? (1562–1621) | ||||
Gathering Hymn | Lift High the Cross | elw 660 | ||||
Psalmody | Psalm 116:1–9 | Mark Mummert (1965—) | ||||
Gospel Acclamation | Christ suffered for sins once for all | Carl F. Schalk (1929—) | ||||
Children’s Hymn | Lord, Listen to Your Children Praying | elw 752 | ||||
Hymn of the Day | Take Up Your Cross, the Savior Said | elw 667 | ||||
Offertory Motet | Qui vult venire post me | Sweelinck | ||||
Communion Motet | Le Seigneur ta prier’ entende | Sweelinck | ||||
Communion Organ | Ich ruf zu dir, Herr Jesu Christ | Sweelinck | ||||
Sending Hymn | Lead On, O King Eternal! | elw 805 | ||||
Organ Voluntary | Toccata in A minor | Sweelinck | ||||
September 23 | Seventeenth Sunday after Pentecost • Lectionary 25 | |||||
Lectionary | Jeremiah 11:18–20 | Psalm 54 | James 3:13—4:3; 4:7–8a | Mark 9:30–37 full texts | |||||
8:00 AM | HOLY COMMUNION | |||||
Service Music | Hymn Mass 2010 | |||||
Organ Prelude | Three Preludes on Welsh Hymn Tunes (1920): II. Rhosymedre | |||||
Ralph Vaughan Williams (1872–1958) | ||||||
Gathering Hymn | God Is Here! | elw 526 | ||||
Psalmody | Psalm 54 | Mark Anderson | ||||
Children’s Hymn | Praise, Praise, praise the Lord! | elw 875 | ||||
Hymn of the Day | Lord, Whose Love in Humble Service | elw 712 | ||||
Offertory Music | Beauty for Brokenness | Graham Kendrick (1950—) | ||||
Communion Motet | Broken for me | Janet Lunt (1954—) | ||||
Communion Organ | Lord, whose love in humble service | Michael Burkhardt (1957—) | ||||
Sending Hymn | Praise the One Who Breaks the Darkness | elw 843 | ||||
Organ Postlude | Three Preludes on Welsh Hymn Tunes: III. Hyfrydol | Vaughan Williams | ||||
10:30 AM | CHORAL EUCHARIST | |||||
Service Music | Liturgy for the Time after Pentecost (ELW Setting 3) | |||||
Organ Voluntary | Three Preludes on Welsh Hymn Tunes (1920): II. Rhosymedre | |||||
Ralph Vaughan Williams (1872–1958) | ||||||
Gathering Hymn | God Is Here! | elw 526 | ||||
Psalmody | Psalm 54 | Peter R. Hallock (1924—) | ||||
Gospel Acclamation | God has called us | Carl F. Schalk (1929—) | ||||
Children’s Hymn | Lord, Listen to Your Children Praying | elw 752 | ||||
Hymn of the Day | Lord, Whose Love in Humble Service | elw 712 | ||||
Offertory Motet | The Lamb | John Tavener (1944—) | ||||
Communion Motet | Ave verum corpus | William Mathias (1934–1992) | ||||
Communion Organ | Lord, whose love in humble service | Michael Burkhardt (1957—) | ||||
Sending Hymn | Praise the One Who Breaks the Darkness | elw 843 | ||||
Organ Voluntary | Three Preludes on Welsh Hymn Tunes: III. Hyfrydol | Vaughan Williams | ||||
5:30 PM | JOINT EVENSONG at St. Andrew’s Cathedral | |||||
Lectionary | TBD | Psalm 34 text | |||||
Service Music | Gloucester Service (1946) | Herbert Howells (1892–1981) | ||||
Motet | Denn er hat seinen Engeln befohlen über dir (1844) | Felix Mendelssohn (1809–1847) | ||||
Psalm | Psalm 34 | Francis Jackson (1917—) | ||||
Canticle | Magnificat | Howells | ||||
Canticle | Nunc dimittis | Howells | ||||
Motet | Verleih’ uns Frieden (1831) | Mendelssohn | ||||
September 30 | Eighteenth Sunday after Pentecost • Lectionary 26 | |||||
Lectionary | Numbers 11:4–6, 10–16, 24–29 | Psalm 19:7–14 | James 5:13–20 | Mark 9:38–50 full texts | |||||
8:00 AM | HOLY COMMUNION | |||||
Service Music | Hymn Mass 2010 | |||||
Organ Prelude | Suite for Organ : I. Chaconne | Gerald Near (1942—) | ||||
Gathering Hymn | When Morning Gilds the Skies | elw 853 | ||||
Psalmody | Psalm 19: You, Lord, Have The Message Of Eternal Life | David Ogden (1966—) | ||||
Children’s Hymn | Praise, Praise, praise the Lord! | elw 875 | ||||
Hymn of the Day | Come Down, O Love Divine | elw 804 | ||||
Offertory Music | Bring Forth the Kingdom | Marty Haugen (1950—) | ||||
Communion Motet | As We Remember | Rory Cooney (1952—) | ||||
Communion Organ | Suite for Organ: II. Sarabande | Near | ||||
Sending Hymn | On What Has Now Been Sown | elw 550 | ||||
Organ Postlude | Suite for Organ: III. Final | Near | ||||
10:30 AM | CHORAL EUCHARIST | |||||
Service Music | Liturgy for the Time after Pentecost (ELW Setting 3) | |||||
Organ Voluntary | Suite for Organ : I. Chaconne | Gerald Near (1942—) | ||||
Gathering Hymn | When Morning Gilds the Skies | elw 853 | ||||
Psalmody | Psalm 17:7–14 | Marty Haugen (1950—) | ||||
Gospel Acclamation | Your word, O Lord, is truth | Carl F. Schalk (1929—) | ||||
Children’s Hymn | Lord, Listen to Your Children Praying | elw 752 | ||||
Hymn of the Day | Come Down, O Love Divine | elw 804 | ||||
Offertory Motet | Hvalite Imia Ghospodne | Alexander Arkhangelsky (1846–1924) | ||||
Communion Motet | Blagoslovi, Dushe Moya | Mikhail Ippolitoff-Ivanoff (1859–1935) | ||||
Communion Organ | Suite for Organ: II. Sarabande | Near | ||||
Sending Hymn | On What Has Now Been Sown | elw 550 | ||||
Organ Voluntary | Suite for Organ: III. Final | Near | ||||
Revised: 11 September 2012 | ||||||
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