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![]() Readings, Hymns, and Special Music—April 2012Palm Sunday Maundy Thursday Good Friday Easter Eve Easter Sunday April 15 April 22 April 29 Index of Lists of Readings, Hymns, and Special Music since July 2006 | ||||||
April 1 | Sunday of the Passion, Palm Sunday | |||||
Lectionary | Mark 11:1–11 full texts | Isaiah 50:4–9a | Psalm 31:9–16 | Philippians 2:5–11 | Mark 14:1—15:47 full texts | |||||
8:00 AM | HOLY COMMUNION | |||||
Service Music | Liturgy for Palm Sunday 2007 | |||||
Gathering Hymn | The King of glory comes | THE KING OF GLORY | ||||
Psalmody | Psalm 31: I Put My Life in Your Hands | Marty Haugen (1950—) | ||||
Hymn of the Day | Were you there? | WERE YOU THERE | ||||
Offertory Music | Ride On, King Jesus | African-American Spiritual | ||||
Communion Music | Let All That Is within Me Cry, “Holy!” | anon., transc. Melvin Harrel | ||||
Sending Hymn | At the Name of Jesus | elw 416 | ||||
10:30 AM | CHORAL EUCHARIST | |||||
Service Music | Liturgy for Palm Sunday 2007 | |||||
Antiphon | Hosanna filio David | Mode VII | ||||
Antiphon | Pueri Hebræorum portantes | Mode I | ||||
Antiphon | Pueri Hebræorum vestimenta | Mode I | ||||
Processional Hymn | All Glory, Laud, and Honor | ST. THEODULPH | ||||
Entrance Hymn | Ride On, Ride On in Majesty! | THE KING’S MAJESTY | ||||
Psalm | Psalm 31:9–16 | Peter R. Hallock (1924—) | ||||
Gospel Acclamation | Christ Humbled Himself | Aaron David Miller (1972—) | ||||
Hymn of the Day | O Sacred Head, Now Wounded | HERZLICH TUT MICH VERLANGEN | ||||
Offertory Motet | Improperium | Pompeo Cannicciari (1670–1744) | ||||
Communion Motet | Tenebræ Responsories on Songs by Bob Dylan (2007): 2. Tristis est anima mea/Love Sick | |||||
Paul Crabtree (1960—) | ||||||
Communion Organ | O Lamm Gottes unschuldig | Johann Pachelbel (1653–1706) | ||||
Sending Hymn | When I Survey the Wondrous Cross | HAMBURG | ||||
9:00 PM | COMPLINE will not be sung this evening. | |||||
April 5 | Maundy Thursday | |||||
Lectionary | Exodus 12:1–14 | Psalm 116:1–2, 12–19 | 1 Corinthians 11:23–26 | John 13:1–17, 31b–35 full texts | |||||
Service Music | Liturgy for the Tridiuum 2012 | |||||
Organ Voluntary | O Lamm Gottes, unschuldig, bwv 656 (before 1723) | J. S. Bach (1685–1750) | ||||
Introit | Nos autem gloriari | Mode IV | ||||
Processional Hymn | Love Divine, All Loves Excelling | elw 631 | ||||
Kyrie | Kyrie X | Jacques Berthier (1923–1994) | ||||
Canticle | Gloria in excelsis | Peter R. Hallock (1924—) | ||||
Psalm | Psalm 116:10–17 | Hallock | ||||
Gospel Acclamation | I give you a new commandment | Aaron David Miller (1972—) | ||||
Sermon Hymn | Where charity and love prevail (vv. 1–3|4–6) | UBI CARITAS | ||||
Maundy Anitiphons | Mandatum novum | Mode III | ||||
Postquam surrexit | Mode IV | |||||
Domine Jesus | Mode II | |||||
Ubi caritas et amor (1960) | Maurice Duruflé (1902–1986) | |||||
Offertory Motet | Jesu dulcis memoria | Tomás Luis de Victoria (1548–1611) | ||||
Communion Motet | Ave verum corpus | William Byrd (c. 1540–1623) | ||||
Hymn | Now, my tongue, the mystr’y telling | Spanish Chant | ||||
Tantum ergo | Duruflé | |||||
Final Motets | Tenebræ Responsories on Songs by Bob Dylan (2007): 4. Amicus meus/Positively 4th Street | |||||
5. Judas mercator pessimus/The Wicked Messenger | Paul Crabtree (1960—) | |||||
April 6 | Good Friday | |||||
Lectionary | Isaiah 52:13—53:12 | Psalm 22 | Hebrews 10:16–25 | John 18:1—19:42 full texts | |||||
Service Music | Liturgy for the Tridiuum 2012 | |||||
Procession | Turn us again, O Lord God of hosts | Peter R. Hallock (1924—) | ||||
Psalm | Psalm 22 | Hallock | ||||
Hymn | Come to Calvary’s holy mountain | NAAR MIT ÖIE | ||||
Passion | Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ according to John | Solemn Chant | ||||
Turba Choruses from the Office of Holy Week (1585) | Tomás Luis de Victoria (1548–1611) | |||||
Processional Hymn | Ah, Holy Jesus | elw 349 | ||||
Adoration | The Reproaches | Victoria | ||||
Final Anthem | Tenebræ Responsories on Songs by Bob Dylan (2007): 3. Ecce vidimus eum/Unbelievable | |||||
Paul Crabtree (1960—) | ||||||
April 7 | Resurrection of Our Lord, Vigil of Easter | |||||
Lectionary | Genesis 1:1—2:4; Genesis 7:1–5, 11–18; 8:6–18; 9:8–13; Exodus 14:10–31; 15:20–21; Isaiah 55:1–11; Ezekiel 37:1–14; Zephaniah 3:14–20; Daniel 3:1–29; Romans 6:3–11 | John 20:1–18 full texts | |||||
Service Music | Liturgy for the Tridiuum 2012 | |||||
Response | The Song of Moses and Miriam | Anglican chant adapted from Martin Luther (1483–1546) | ||||
Response Hymn | The First Song of Isaiah | RAQUEL | ||||
Response Hymn | New songs of celebration | RENDEZ À DIEU | ||||
Processional Psalm | Sicut cervus | Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina (1525/6–1594) | ||||
Kyrie | “Kyrie” from Missa secunda | Hans Leo Hassler (1564–1612) | ||||
Hymn of the Day | Through the red sea brought at last | STRAF MICH NICHT | ||||
Offertory Motet | Ye Choirs of New Jerusalem | Sir Charles Villiers Stanford (1852–1924) | ||||
Communion Motet | This joyful Eastertide | Dutch carol arr Philip Ledger (1937—) | ||||
Communion Organ | Christ lag in Todesbanden | Georg Böhm (1661–1733) | ||||
Sending Hymn | Jesus Christ Is Risen Today | elw 365 | ||||
Organ Voluntary | Heut triumphiret Gottes Sohn, bwv 630 | J. S. Bach (1685–1750) | ||||
April 8 | Resurrection of Our Lord, Easter Day | |||||
Lectionary | Acts 10:34–43 | Psalm 118:1–2, 14–24 | 1 Corinthians 15:1–11 | Mark 16:1–8 full texts | |||||
8:00 AM | HOLY COMMUNION | |||||
Service Music | Liturgy for Easter 2012 | |||||
Prelude | Sinfonia in D: Allegro, Adagio, Allegro, Allegro | Giuseppe Torelli (1658–1709) | ||||
Gathering Hymn | Thine Is the Glory | elw 376 | ||||
Psalmody | Psalm 118: Rejoice and Be Glad | Patrick Geary | ||||
Children’s Hymn | Day of Arising (vv. 1–2|3–4) | elw 374 | ||||
Hymn of the Day | Christ Is Risen! Shout Hosanna! | elw 383 | ||||
Offertory Music | Surrexit Christus | Jacques Berthier (1923–1994) | ||||
Communion Music | O Sons and Daughters | O FILII ET FILIAE, arr. Richard Proulz (1937–2010) | ||||
Sending Hymn | Jesus Christ Is Risen Today | elw 365 | ||||
Postlude | Sinfonia in D: Allegro | Torelli | ||||
10:30 AM | CHORAL EUCHARIST | |||||
Service Music | Liturgy for Easter 2012 | |||||
Prelude | Sinfonia from Geist und Seele wird verwirret, bwv 35 | J. S. Bach (1685–1750) | ||||
Gathering Hymn | Jesus Christ Is Risen Today | elw 365 | ||||
Psalmody | Psalm 118:1–2, 14–24 | Peter R. Hallock (1924—) | ||||
Sequence Hymn | Victimæ Paschali laudes | Volckmar Leisring (11588–1637) | ||||
Children’s Hymn | The Strife Is O’er, the Battle Done (1–3|4–5) | elw 366 | ||||
Hymn of the Day | Awake, My Heart, with Gladness | elw 378 | ||||
Offertory Music | “Singet dem Herrn ein neues Lied!” from Singet dem Herrn ein neues Lied, bwv 225 | Bach | ||||
Communion Music | “Wie sich ein Vat’r erbarmet” from Singet dem Herrn | Bach | ||||
Sending Hymn | Now All the Vault of Heaven Resound | elw 367 | ||||
Postlude | “Lobet den Herrn in seinen Taten” from Singet dem Herrn | Bach | ||||
9:00 PM | COMPLINE | |||||
Orison | Tell it out the story | Samuel Scheidt (1587–1654), arr. Charles Wood | ||||
Psalm | Psalm 114 | plainsong, Tonus Peregrinus | ||||
Office Hymn | O Paschal Feast | O PASCHAL FESTE | ||||
Canticle | Nunc Dimittis | Charles Wood (1866–1926) | ||||
Anthem | Haec est dies | Jacob Handl (1550–1591) | ||||
April 15 | Second Sunday of Easter | |||||
Lectionary | Acts 4:32–35 | Psalm 133 | 1 John 1:1—2:2 | John 20:19–31 full texts | |||||
8:00 AM | HOLY COMMUNION | |||||
Service Music | Liturgy for Eastertide (Year B • 2012/2015) | |||||
Gathering Hymn | We Walk by Faith | elw 635 | ||||
Psalmody | Psalm 133: How good it is | REST | ||||
Children’s Hymn | Day of Arising (vv. 1–2|3–4) | elw 374 | ||||
Hymn of the Day | The Risen Christ | elw 390 | ||||
Offertory Music | We Walk by Faith | Marty Haugen (1950—) | ||||
Communion Music | Dwelling Place | John Foley (1939—) | ||||
Sending Hymn | Alleluia! Christ Is Arisen | elw 375 | ||||
10:30 AM | CHORAL EUCHARIST | |||||
Service Music | Liturgy for Easter (Year B • 2012/2015) | |||||
Gathering Hymn | Come you faithful, raise the strain | elw 363 | ||||
Psalmody | Psalm 133 | Peter R. Hallock (1924—) | ||||
Gospel Acclamation | Blessed are those who have not see | Aaron David Miller (1972—) | ||||
Children’s Hymn | Christ the Lord is risen today | elw 373 | ||||
Hymn of the Day | O sons and daughters, let us sing (v. 1, 5–8) | elw 386 | ||||
Offertory Music | Ecce, vicit leo | Peter Philips (1561–1628) | ||||
Communion Music | Surgens Jesus | Philips | ||||
Communion Organ | Jesus Christus, unser Heiland, bwv 626 from Das Orgel-Büchlein (1713–15) | |||||
Johann Sebastian Bach (1685–1750) | ||||||
Sending Hymn | Christ is risen! Alleluia! | elw 382 | ||||
9:00 PM | COMPLINE | |||||
Processional | O sons and daughters | O FILII FILIÆ arr. Carl Crosier | ||||
Orison | Lighten our Darkness | Robinson McClellan (1974—) | ||||
Psalm | Psalm 122 | Peter R. Hallock (1924—) | ||||
Office Hymn | O Sons and daughters | plainsong | ||||
Canticle | Nunc Dimittis | Thomas Tallis (c. 1505–1585) | ||||
Motet | Haec est dies | Jacob Handl (1550–1591) | ||||
April 21 | Abendmusiken III: A Bach Pilgrimage VIII | |||||
7:30 PM | Partita No. 4 in D Major, bwv 828 | Johann Sebastian Bach (1685–1750) | ||||
Singet dem Herrn ein neues Lied, bwv 225 | Bach | |||||
Liebster Jesu, mein Verlangen, bwv 32 | Bach | |||||
Wer Dank opfer, der preiset mich, bwv 17 | Bach | |||||
April 22 | Third Sunday of Easter | |||||
Lectionary | Acts 3:12–19 | Psalm 4 | 1 John 3:1–7 | Luke 24:36b–48 full texts | |||||
8:00 AM | HOLY COMMUNION | |||||
Service Music | Hymn Mass 2010 | |||||
Organ Voluntary | Chorale Improvisation on Bryn Calfaria, Op. 16 | Paul Manz (1919–2009) | ||||
Gathering Hymn | For the Beauty of the Earth | elw 879 | ||||
Psalmody | Psalm 4: Let Your Face Shine Upon Us | Marty Haugen(1950—) | ||||
Children’s Hymn | Day of Arising (vv. 1–2|3–4) | elw 374 | ||||
Hymn of the Day | As We Gather at Your Table | elw 522 | ||||
Offertory Music | God Is Love | David Haas (1957—) | ||||
Communion Organ | Three Preludes on Welsh Hymn Tunes (1920): II. Rhosymedre | |||||
Ralph Vaughan Williams (1872–1958) | ||||||
Sending Hymn | Creating God, Your Fingers Trace | elw 684 | ||||
Organ Voluntary | Three Preludes on Welsh Hymn Tunes (1920): III. Hyfrydol | Vaughan Williams | ||||
10:30 AM | CHORAL EUCHARIST | |||||
Service Music | Liturgy for Easter (Year B • 2012/2015) | |||||
Organ Voluntary | Chorale Improvisation on Bryn Calfaria, Op. 16 | Paul Manz (1919–2009) | ||||
Gathering Hymn | Stars have burst with blazing brightness | BRYN CALFARIA | ||||
Psalmody | Psalm 4 | Peter R. Hallock (1924—) | ||||
Gospel Acclamation | Our hearts burn within us | Aaron David Miller (1972—) | ||||
Children’s Hymn | Now the green blade rises | elw 379 | ||||
Hymn of the Day | We who once were dead | elw 495 | ||||
Offertory Music | “Sehet, welch eine Liebe” from St. Paul, Op. 36 (1836) | Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy (1809–1847) | ||||
Communion Music | “Agnus Dei” from Missa canonica | Johannes Brahms (1833–1897) | ||||
Communion Organ | Three Preludes on Welsh Hymn Tunes (1920): II. Rhosymedre | |||||
Ralph Vaughan Williams (1872–1958) | ||||||
Sending Hymn | Alleluia! Jesus is risen | elw 377 | ||||
Organ Voluntary | Three Preludes on Welsh Hymn Tunes (1920): III. Hyfrydol | Vaughan Williams | ||||
9:00 PM | COMPLINE | |||||
Processional | Christ ist erstanden | Medieval chant | ||||
Orison | On Easter Morn | arr. Shaw | ||||
Psalm | Psalm 121 | Tone V | ||||
Office Hymn | Light's glittering morn | plainsong | ||||
Canticle | Nunc Dimittis | Jeffrey Junkinsmith (1956—) | ||||
Motets | Ego sum resurrectio et vita | Jacob Handl (1550–1591) | ||||
Cantate Domino | Handl | |||||
April 29 | Fourth Sunday of Easter | |||||
Lectionary | Acts 4:5–12 | Psalm 23 | 1 John 3:16–24 | John 10:11–18 full texts | |||||
8:00 AM | HOLY COMMUNION | |||||
Service Music | Hymn Mass 2010 | |||||
Organ Voluntary | Voluntary I (Siciliano) | John Stanley (1713–1786) | ||||
Gathering Hymn | Good Christian Friends, Rejoice and Sing! | elw 385 | ||||
Psalmody | Psalm 23: The Lord Is My Shepherd | Peter Ollis | ||||
Children’s Hymn | Day of Arising (vv. 1–2|3–4) | elw 374 | ||||
Hymn of the Day | The King of Love My Shepherd Is | elw 502 | ||||
Offertory Music | With a Shepherd’s Care | James J. Chepponis (1956—) | ||||
Communion Organ | Fugue, No. 4, hwv 608 (1735) | George Frideric Handel (1685–1759) | ||||
Sending Hymn | Christ the Lord Is Risen Today; Alleluia! | elw 369 | ||||
Organ Voluntary | Toccata in G major | William Walond (c. 1725–1770) | ||||
10:30 AM | CHORAL EUCHARIST | |||||
Service Music | Liturgy for Easter (Year B • 2012/2015) | |||||
Organ Voluntary | Voluntary I (Siciliano) | John Stanley (1713–1786) | ||||
Gathering Hymn | Good Christian friends, rejoice and sing | elw 385 | ||||
Psalmody | Psalm 23:2–6 | Peter R. Hallock (1924—) | ||||
Gospel Acclamation | I am the good shepherd | Aaron David Miller (1972—) | ||||
Children’s Hymn | Amazing Grace, How Sweet the Sound (vv. 1–2|3–4) | elw 789 | ||||
Hymn of the Day | The Lord’s my shepherd | elw 778 | ||||
Offertory Music | My Shepherd is the living Lord | Thomas Tomkins (1572–1656) | ||||
Communion Music | The Lord is my shepherd | Maurice Greene (1696–1755) | ||||
Communion Organ | Fugue, No. 4, hwv 608 (1735) | George Frideric Handel (1685–1759) | ||||
Sending Hymn | Praise the Lord, rise up rejoicing | elw 544 | ||||
Organ Voluntary | Toccata in G major | William Walond (c. 1725–1770) | ||||
9:00 PM | COMPLINE | |||||
Orison | The Lord my God my shepherd is | CRIMOND | ||||
Psalm | Psalm 100 | Tone VIII | ||||
Office Hymn | Jesu dulcis memoria | Mode I and John Graham | ||||
Canticle | Nunc Dimittis | Roger Sherman (1950—) | ||||
Motet | My shepherd will supply my need | arr. Virgil Thompson (1896–1989) | ||||
Revised: 28 April 2012 | ||||||
![]() 1730 Punahou Street, Honolulu, HI 96822 • 808-941-2566 Comments welcome at |