![]() Readings, Hymns, and Special Music—December 2009December 6 December 13 December 20 Christmas Eve Christmas Day December 27 Index of Lists of Readings, Hymns, and Special Music since July 2006 | |||||||
December 6 | The Second Sunday of Advent C | ||||||
Readings | Malachi 3:1–4 or Baruch 5:1–9; Luke 1:68–79; Philippians 1:3–11; Luke 3:1–6 full texts | ||||||
8:00 AM | HOLY COMMUNION | ||||||
Service Music | Wait for the Lord—A liturgy for Advent 2009 | composite | |||||
Gathering Hymn | Every Valley | Bob Dufford, S. J. (b. 1943) | |||||
Psalmody | Now bless the God of Israel (Benedictus) | Marty Haugen (b. 1950) | |||||
Hymn of the Day | Blessed be the God of Israel | David Haas (b. 1957) | |||||
Communion Music | Like a shepherd | Dufford | |||||
Sending Hymn | All earth is hopeful | Alberto Taulé (b. 1932) | |||||
10:30 AM | CHORAL EUCHARIST | ||||||
Service Music | Deutsche Messe (arranged Richard Proulx) | Franz Schubert (1797–1828) | |||||
Organ | Herr Christ, der einig Gottes Sohn, BuxWV 191 | Dietrich Buxtehude (1637–1707) | |||||
Introit Hymn | Populus Sion (Psalm 80) | WINCHESTER NEW | |||||
Psalmody | Benedictus (Luke 1:68–79) | Peter R. Hallock (b. 1924) | |||||
Gospel Acclamation | Prepare the way for the Lord | Dom Gregory Murray and Bruce Bengtson | |||||
Hymn | The Lord will come and not be slow | OLD 107th | |||||
Hymn of the Day | Prepare the way, O Zion | BEREDEN VÄG FÖR HERRAN | |||||
Offertory | Motet: Jerusalem, gaude | Jacob Handl (1550–1591) | |||||
Communion | Organ: Wo soll ich fliehen, BWV 646 | Johann Sebastian Bach (1685–1750) | |||||
Motet: Rorate caeli desuper | Handl | ||||||
Sending Hymn | Hark! a thrilling voice is sounding | MERTON | |||||
Organ | Gelobt seist du, Jesu Christ, BuxWV 189 | Buxtehude | |||||
9:00 PM | COMPLINE | ||||||
Processional | Conditor alme siderum | plainsong with bells | |||||
Orison | Comfort, comfort, now my people | FREU DICH SEHR | |||||
Psalm | Psalm 126 | Plainsong, Tone I, 1 | |||||
Office Hymn | Redeemer of the nations come | plainsong, Mode I | |||||
Canticle | Nunc Dimittis | Tone I and Thomas Morley | |||||
Anthem | Benedictus for men’s voices | Thomas Tallis (c.1525–1585) | |||||
December 13 | The Third Sunday of Advent C | ||||||
Readings | Zephaniah 3:14–20; Isaiah 12:2–6; Philippians 4:4–7; Luke 3:7–18 full texts | ||||||
8:00 AM | HOLY COMMUNION | ||||||
Service Music | Wait for the Lord—A liturgy for Advent 2009 | composite | |||||
Gathering Hymn | Open your ears, O faithful people | TORAH SONG | |||||
Psalmody | With joy you shall draw water (First Song of Isaiah) | Marty Haugen (b. 1950) | |||||
Hymn of the Day | Surely it is God who saves me | RAQUEL | |||||
Communion Music | Anthem: Christ, be our light | Bernadette Farrell (b. 1957) | |||||
Sending Hymn | Come to be our hope | JESU NOSSA ESPERANÇA | |||||
10:30 AM | CHORAL EUCHARIST | ||||||
Service Music | Deutsche Messe (arranged Richard Proulx) | Franz Schubert (1797–1828) | |||||
Organ | Comfort, comfort ye my people | Paul Manz (1919–2009) | |||||
Introit Hymn | Gaudete in Domino (Psalm 85) | GAUDEAMUS PARITER | |||||
Psalmody | First Song of Isaiah (Isaiah 12:2–6) | Peter R. Hallock (b. 1924) | |||||
Gospel Acclamation | Behold, I send my messenger | Dom Gregory Murray and Bruce Bengtson | |||||
Hymn | Hark! the glad sound | BRISTOL | |||||
Hymn of the Day | On Jordan’s banks the Baptist’s cry | WINCHESTER NEW | |||||
Offertory | Motet: Canite tuba in Sion | Francisco Guerrero (1528–1599) | |||||
Communion | Organ: O Lord, how shall I meet you | Manz | |||||
Anthem: Rejoice in the Lord, alway | anonymous | ||||||
Hymn | Healing Hymn: Surely it is God who saves me | RAQUEL | |||||
Sending Hymn | O Lord, how shall I meet you? | WIE SOLL ICH DICH EMPFANGEN | |||||
Organ | Toccata on “Veni Redemptor gentium” | Manz | |||||
9:00 PM | COMPLINE | ||||||
Processional | Veni, veni Emmanuel! | plainsong, Mode I and Peter R. Hallock | |||||
Orison | Come, O long-awaited Jesus | STUTTGART | |||||
Psalm | Psalm 85 | Plainsong, Tone I, 2 | |||||
Office Hymn | Conditor alme siderum | Mode IV and John Graham | |||||
Canticle | Nunc Dimittis | Tone II Palotta | |||||
Motets | Confortamini et jam | Orlandus Lassus (1532–1594) | |||||
Veni Dominus veniet | Jacob Handl (1550–1591) | ||||||
December 20 | The Fourth Sunday of Advent C | ||||||
Readings | Micah 5:2–5a; Psalm 80:1–7; Hebrews 10:5–10; Luke 1:39–55 full texts | ||||||
8:00 AM | HOLY COMMUNION | ||||||
Service Music | Wait for the Lord—A liturgy for Advent 2009 | composite | |||||
Gathering Hymn | My soul proclaims your greatness Lord | KINGSFOLD | |||||
Psalmody | Psalm 80: Lord, make us turn to you | Marty Haugen (b. 1950) | |||||
Hymn of the Day | My heart sings out with joyful praise | MARIAS LOVS’ÅG | |||||
Communion Music | Anthem: Canticle of turning | Rory Cooney | |||||
Sending Hymn | O come, O come Emmanuel | VENI EMMANUEL | |||||
10:30 AM | CHORAL EUCHARIST | ||||||
Service Music | Deutsche Messe (arranged Richard Proulx) | Franz Schubert (1797–1828) | |||||
Organ | Meine Seele erhebet den Herrn, BWV 648 | Johann Sebastian Bach (1685–1750) | |||||
Introit Hymn | Introit: Rorate caeli (Psalm 19) | WINCHESTER OLD | |||||
Psalmody | Psalm 80: 1–7 | Peter R. Hallock (b. 1924) | |||||
Gospel Acclamation | A virgin shall conceive and bear a son | Dom Gregory Murray and Bruce Bengtson | |||||
Children’s Hymn | The God whom earth and sea and sky | PUER NOBIS | |||||
Hymn of the Day | Tell out, my soul, the greatness of the Lord | BIRMINGHAM | |||||
Offertory | Canticle: Magnificat (in G major) | Charles Villiers Stanford (1852–1924) | |||||
Communion | Organ: Gottes Sohn ist kommen, BWV 600 | Bach | |||||
Carol: To a Virgin meek and mild | Spanish Carol arr. Hermann Schroeder (1904–1984) | ||||||
Sending Hymn | O come, O come Emmanuel (arr. K. Crosier) | VENI EMMANUEL | |||||
Organ | Fugue on Magnificat, BWV 733 | Bach | |||||
9:00 PM | COMPLINE | ||||||
Processional | Cuncti simus | Medieval conductus | |||||
Orison | Gabriel’s Message | Old Basque Carol | |||||
Psalm | Psalm 113 | Plainsong, Tone III, 4 | |||||
Office Hymn | Conditor alme siderum | Mode IV and Michael Praetorius | |||||
Canticle | Nunc Dimittis | Roger Sherman | |||||
Carol | Hayl, Mary, full of grace | Fifteenth century carol | |||||
December 24 | The Nativity of Our Lord, Christmas Eve | ||||||
Readings | Isaiah 9:2–7; Psalm 96; Titus 2:11–14; Luke 2:1–14 (15–20) full texts | ||||||
Service music | St. James Christmas Carol Mass | ||||||
F.R.O.G.S. Choir and Chamber Orchestra | |||||||
Piano | Caravan | ||||||
Orchestra | Lo, how a Rose e’re blooming | arr. Robert Frost | |||||
Gathering Hymn | O come, all ye faithful | ADESTE FIDELIS | |||||
Carol | Away in a Manger (arr. Jeff Reeves) | CRADLE SONG | |||||
Psalm | Psalm 96 (Metrical) | VOM HIMMEL HOCH | |||||
Sequence Hymn | Silent Night | STILLE NACHT | |||||
Hymn of the Day | Hark! the herald angels sing | MENDELSSOHN | |||||
Offertory | The Holly and the Ivy (arr. Robert Frost) | traditional English carol | |||||
Communiion | Organ: Sing we now of Christmas | John Stallsmith (b. 1964) | |||||
Organ: Gentle Mary laid her child | Wilbur Held (b. 1914) | ||||||
Sending Hymn | Joy to the World | ANTIOCH | |||||
Organ Voluntary | God rest you merry | Held | |||||
10:30 PM | A BAROQUE CHRISTMAS | ||||||
Cantata | Süßer Trost, mein Jesus kömmt, BWV 151 | Johann Sebastian Bach (1685–1750) | |||||
Organ | In dulci jubilo, BWV 751 | Bach | |||||
In dulci jubilo, BuxWV 197 | Dietrich Buxtehude (1637–1707) | ||||||
Oratorio | Ehre sei dir Gott gesungen, BWV 248e (Nr. 1) | Bach | |||||
11:00 PM | CHORAL EUCHARIST | ||||||
Service Music | Deutsche Messe (arranged Richard Proulx) | Franz Schubert (1797–1828) | |||||
Gathering Hymn | O come, all ye faithful (arr. C & K Crosier) | ADESTE FIDELIS | |||||
Psalm | Psalm 96:1–4, 11–12 | Peter R. Hallock (b. 1924) | |||||
Sequence Hymn | While by my sheep I watched at night | ALS ICH BEI MEINEN SCHAFEN WACHT | |||||
Hymn of the Day | Intro: Stille nacht (original version) | Guitar/soprano/alto duet | |||||
Silent night, holy night | STILLE NACHT | ||||||
Offertory | Carol: God’s Son is born (Guds Son är född) | Otto Olsson (1879–1964) | |||||
Communion | Carol: Infant holy, infant lowly | Polish traditional arr. Grant Cochran | |||||
Organ | Organ: Of the Father’s love begotten | Wilbur Held (b. 1914) | |||||
Hymn | First Verse: Det kimer nu til julefest (sung in Norwegian) | ||||||
The bells of Christmas chime once more | DET KIMER NU TIL JULEFEST | ||||||
Sending Hymn | Hark! the herald angels sing (arr. C & K Crosier) | MENDELSSOHN | |||||
Organ | Vom Himmel hoch | Bach | |||||
December 25 | The Nativity of Our Lord, Christmas Day | ||||||
Readings | Isaiah 52:7–10; Psalm 98; Hebrews 1:1–12; John 1:1–14 full texts | ||||||
10:30 AM | CHORAL EUCHARIST | ||||||
Service Music | Missa O magnum mysterium | Tomás Luis de Victoria (1548–1611) | |||||
Propers | Plainsong Propers for the Third Mass | ||||||
Organ | A la Venue de Noël | Claude Balbastre (1727–1799) | |||||
Gathering Hymn | God rest you merry gentlemen | GOD REST YOU MERRY | |||||
Psalm | Psalm 98 | Peter R. Hallock (b. 1924) | |||||
Alleluia | A holy day has dawned upon us | Mode II | |||||
Sequence Hymn | From heaven above to earth I come | VOM HIMMEL HOCH | |||||
Hymn of the Day | O come, all ye faithful (arr. C & K Crosier) | ADESTE FIDELIS | |||||
Offertory | Motet: Hodie Christus natus est | Luca Marenzio (c.1553–1599) | |||||
Communion | Organ: Joseph est bien Marié | Balbastre | |||||
Motet: O magnum mysterium | Victoria | ||||||
Sending Hymn | Of the Father’s love begotten (arr. Katherine Crosier) | DIVINUM MYSTERIUM | |||||
Organ | Votre bonté grand dieu | Balbastre | |||||
December 27 | St. John, Apostle and Evangelist | ||||||
Readings | Genesis 1:1–5, 26–31 text; Psalm 116:12–19 text; 1 John 1:1—2:2 text; John 21:20–25 text | ||||||
Organ | Greensleeves | Ralph Vaughan Williams (1872–1958) | |||||
ELW 269 | Processional Hymn: Once in royal David’s city | ||||||
Bidding Prayer | |||||||
First Reading | Genesis 1: 1–5, 26–31 text | Humankind is created by God. | |||||
ELW 771 | Hymn: God, who stretched the spangled heavens | ||||||
Second Reading | Isaiah 9: 2, 6–7 text | Christ’s birth and kingdom are foretold by Isaiah. | |||||
ELW 242 | Hymn: Awake! Awake, and greet the new morn (Verses 3-4 only) | ||||||
Third Reading | Isaiah 11: 1–4, 6–9 text | The peace that Christ will bring is foreshown. | |||||
ELW 272 | Hymn: Lo, how a rose e’er blooming (Verses 1-2 only) | ||||||
Fourth Reading | Luke 1: 26–35, 38 text | The angel Gabriel salutes the Blessed Virgin Mary. | |||||
ELW 265 | Hymn: The angel Gabriel from heaven came | ||||||
Fifth Reading | Luke 2: 1, 3–7 text | St. Luke tells of the birth of Jesus. | |||||
ELW 278 | Carol: Away in a manger | ||||||
Sixth Reading | Luke 2: 8–20 text | The shepherds go to the manger. | |||||
ELW 289 | Carol: Angels we have heard on high | ||||||
Seventh Reading | Matthew 2: 13–23 text | The magi are led by a star to Jesus. | |||||
ELW 303 | Carol: Brightest and best of the stars of the morning (Verses 1–3 only) | ||||||
Eighth Reading | 1 John 1:1—2:2 text | Jesus is the Word of Life. | |||||
ELW 506 | Hymn: The Word of God is source and seed (Verse 1 only) | ||||||
Ninth Reading | John 1:1–14 text | St. John unfolds the great mystery of the incarnation. | |||||
ELW 292 | Carol: Love has come—a light in the darkness! | ||||||
Offertory | Organ: O little town of Bethlehem | Paul Manz (1919–2009) | |||||
Communion | Organ: What is this lovely fragrance | Manz | |||||
Sending Hymn | Carol: Good Christian friends, rejoice! | ||||||
Organ | Joy to the world | Wilbur Held (b. 1914) | |||||
Organ | Coventry Carol | Ludwig Lenel (1914–2002) | |||||
What child is this? | Paul Manz (b. 1919) | ||||||
Hymn | Processional Hymn: Once in royal David’s city | arr. C. & K. Crosier | |||||
Bidding Prayer | |||||||
Invitatory | Carol: Make we joy now in this fest | William Walton (1902–1983) | |||||
First Reading | Genesis 1: 1–5, 26–31 text | Humankind is created by God. | |||||
Carol | The Truth sent from above | Rodney Lister (b. 1951) | |||||
Second Reading | Isaiah 9: 2, 6–7 text | Christ’s birth and kingdom are foretold by Isaiah. | |||||
Carol | One star at last | Peter Maxwell Davies (b. 1934) | |||||
Third Reading | Isaiah 11: 1–4, 6–9 text | The peace that Christ will bring is foreshown. | |||||
Hymn | Lo, how a rose e’er blooming | ES IST EIN ROS | |||||
Fourth Reading | Luke 1: 26–35, 38 text | The angel Gabriel salutes the Blessed Virgin Mary. | |||||
Carol | To a Virgin meek and mild | Spanish Carol arr. Hermann Schroeder (1904–1984) | |||||
Fifth Reading | Luke 2:1, 3–7 text | St. Luke tells of the birth of Jesus. | |||||
Carol | Sing lullaby! | Basque traditional carol (1895) arr. Edgar Pettman (1886-1943) | |||||
Sixth Reading | Luke 2: 8–20 text | The shepherds go to the manger. | |||||
Hymn | Angels we have heard on high | GLORIA | |||||
Seventh Reading | Matthew 2: 13–23 text | The magi are led by a star to Jesus. | |||||
Carol | The three kings from Persian lands afar | ||||||
Peter Cornelius (1824–1874) arr. Ivor Atkins (1869–1953) | |||||||
Eighth Reading | 1 John 1:1—2:2 text | Jesus is the Word of Life. | |||||
Carol | Veiled in darkness | Glenn L. Rudoph (b. 1951) | |||||
Ninth Reading | John 1:1–14 text | St. John unfolds the great mystery of the incarnation. | |||||
Hymn of the Day | Love has come—a light in the darkness! | UN FLAMBEAU | |||||
Offertory | Carol: God’s Son is born (Guds Son är född) | Otto Olsson (1879–1964) | |||||
Communion | Organ: What is this lovely fragrance | Paul Manz (1919–2009) | |||||
Carol: Infant holy, infant lowly | Polish traditional arr. Grant Cochran | ||||||
Sending Hymn | Come, thou Redeemer of the earth | PUER NOBIS NASCITUR | |||||
Organ | Joy to the world | Wilbur Held (b. 1914) | |||||
9:00 PM | COMPLINE | ||||||
Processional | Corde natus ex Parentis | plainsong (with bells) | |||||
Orison | Lullay my liking | Peter R. Hallock (b. 1924) | |||||
Psalm | Psalm 98 | Hallock | |||||
Office Hymn | A solis ortus cardine | Mode III and Lucas Osiander | |||||
Canticle | Nunc Dimittis (No. 15) | Dana Marsh (b. 1965) | |||||
Anthems | O magnum mysterium | Dom Pedro di Cristo (c.1540-1618) | |||||
O regem caeli | Tomás Luis de Victoria (1548–1611) | ||||||
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