Congregational Life at LCH—July, August, and September 2010

Bottling Wine for LutherFest

Sunday afternoon, September 5, fifteen LCHers headed over to Oeno Winemaking in Kailua to bottle wine for LutherFest on October 30. Members of the group had selected a New Zealand Sauvignon Blanc and a Chilean Carmenere at a tasting in late June, the wines were mixed up and fermented, and by early September everything was ready for bottling.

The process involved filling bottles with an electric syphon, topping off the bottles, inserting corks, and applying labels. And, in addition to the church wines, there were several batches of wine that individual members were bottling. But everyone got to work and had it all bottled up in just a few hours—with some time off for snacks and conversation.

At right, Jean and Jeff Lilley, Paula Wheeler, and Ilse Layau bottle up the Sauvignon Blanc.

Pictures from the June wine tasting, mixing up the wines, and the bottling party are available in the Wine Bottling 2010 Slideshow.

Summer Schedule Ends with Potluck

Members and friends shared in potluck to bring the summer schedule to an end.August 8 marked the end of the summer worship schedule of one service at 9:15 AM, and to celebrate the occasion, our Fellowship Committee sponsored a potluck after worship. The committee provided chicken, and everyone else filled out the menu with their favorite dishes—including lots of delicious desserts.

To protect from the hot summer sun, the tables were set up around the courtyard and in Isenberg Hall, so everyone would be fine, even if they forgot their sunscreen. At left, lively conversation and good food at the tables along the west side of Hörmann Courtyard.

The “regular” schedule of two morning worship services at 8:00 and 10:30 AM resumes on August 15.

Going Green with Photovoltaic

PV panels on the roof, inverters and the wall, and relocated sign tell us the photovoltaic system is almost readyThe good folks from GreenPath were hard at work during the last week of July finishing up the new photovoltaic system on the flat roofs around the LCH campus. Now, everything is done except for a few signatures on the contract with the electric company, and soon the switch will be flipped and we will be getting most of our electricity from the sun.

In the picture at right, you can see the photovoltaic panels on the roof by the back parking lot, two of the five inverters that convert power from the panels to standard current for our electrical system, and the signs relocated to a panel in front of the other three inverters. You will also notice that the foliage along the building had to be cut down to install the inverters. New landscaping in connection with renovation of the parking lot should improve the view.

Thanks to all those serving on the task force that oversaw this project.

Pau Hana for Hawai‘i Foodbank

Pau Hana Friday on July 9 combined food and fellowship for members and friends of LCH with a collection of food for the Hawai‘i Foodbank.

Pastor Jeff relinquished grilling responsibilities to Don Johnson and Bill Hamblet so that he and Seth could provide entertainment for close to 50 participants. They later yielded the stage to Naomi Castro and some Hawaiian music.

At left is part of the 300 pounds of food which was donated to the Hawai‘i Foodbank, along with additional gifts of cash.

Celebrating Independence Day with a Baptism and the Northwest Girlchoir

LCH celebrated Independence Day in grand style with the baptism of our newest member and a visit from the Northwest Girlchoir, who sang for worship.

Jake and Emily McIlvaine were joined by friends and family from all over as their daughter was baptized during worship. At right, Jake holds the baby and Emily looks on as Pastor Jeff and the rest of the congregation welcome our newest member.

Adding to the joy of this Sunday was the music of Vivace, one of the choirs making up the Northwest Girlchoir. LCHers were happy to welcome back Erik Floan, accompanist for the Girlchoir, who has played here several times in the past.

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