Work Day Spruces Up LCH Campus

Removing letters from the front wallMembers of the congregation gathered early in the morning on March 31, 2007, to prepare the LCH campus for Easter and the arrival of our new pastor. Following some stretching exercises to avoid injuries, the group began work on three different projects: repainting the Punahou Street wall, trimming plants around the building, and raking the front lawn.

The painting project began with the removal of the letters and signs on the front wall (right) so they could be repainted and the wall prepared for painting.

Painting the letters and signs from the front wall 
The letters and signs from the front wall were repainted in a darker color to improve visibility from the street.

Painting the front wall 
The wall was then scrubbed and then repainted a brighter white.

Final touch-ups after the letters had been put back on the front wall 
When the letters were replaced, it was obvious to everyone that the higher contrast between the brighter wall and darker letters work make it easier for passers-by to read.

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Cutting back overgrown ti plants by the Punahou Street entrance 
Plants all around the campus were trimmed. At right, Don Person cuts back overgrown ti plants on the makai side of the entrance from Punahou Street.

Below, Carolyn Ishikawa and Bill Potter cut back plants on the mauka side of the building.

Cutting back plants along the mauka side of the church

Raking the front lawn 
At right, Dot Hutchins rakes the front yard.

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