LCH Celebrates Christmas 2007

Bill Potter sets up the crècheMembers gathered on Christmas Eve morning to prepare for the joyous celebration of Our Savior’s birth. The historic crèche, imported from Germany in the 1920s, was brought out from storage and set up in one corner of the altar area by Bill Potter.

Because the time for decorating overlapped the broadcast of Lessons and Carols from King’s College and the St. Olaf Christmas Celebration, members brought a radio (visible on the pew in the background) so they could listen while they worked.

Randy and Kipp set up the poinsettia tree 
The poinsettia tree was set up behind the altar and adorned with the fullest of more the 50 poinsettia plants donated by members and friends for the celebration. At left, Randy Castello and Kipp Luuloa arrange plants for optimal coverage.

Carol Langner hanging a background for paper stars. 
The process of decorating the Nave meant there was lots of climbing on ladders and riding up and down on the lift. At right, Carol Langner uses blue cloth streamers to creates blue background for the display of paper stars added this year.

Jeanne Castello makes final adjustments to the poinsettias around the tree. 
It was a bit of a challenge to keep the Norfolk pine Christmas tree from falling over, but after swapping stands, everything was fine. Here Jeanne Castello adjusts the poinsettias around the tree.

In addition to those pictured and named above, thanks to Susan Burns, Olivia Castro, Mary-Jo Estes, Fritz Fritschel, Jim and Audrey Keller, Ilsa Layau, Linda and Stephanie Miller, Billie Jean Ries, and Pastor Jeff Lilley who helped with decorating and preparing the altar

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The 5:00 Family Candlelight Communion 
First to appreciate the fully-decorated Nave was the congregation for the 5:00 Family Candlelight Communion, shown here as Pastor Lilley greets them at the beginning of worship.

The 5:00 Family Candlelight Communion 
One of the highlights of the family service was the music provided by the F.R.O.G.S Choir and Chamber Orchestra. At left, they perform “O Come, Little Children.”

Blessing of the crèche. 
Pastor Lilley invited all children to come into the altar area for the blessing of the crèche, followed by the children’s conversation.

Choir and orchestra performing the cantata 
The late-night Festival Choral Eucharist was preceded by “A Baroque Christmas” featuring Bach’s Unser Mund sei voll Lachens. At left, the choir and orchestra perform the opening chorus.

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