Each Wednesday evening during the season of Lent, members and friends of LCH will gather for table fellowship and worship.
The evenings begin with a light supper of soup, salad, and bread beginning at 6:00 pm in the Hörmann Courtyard. The meal is provided by volunteers, and all are welcome to join in fellowship and conversation around the table. If you feel moved to contribute to the meal, please sign up in the courtyard on Sunday morning.
Worship follows the meal at 7:00 pm using the music and prayerful song from Marty Haugen’s Holden Evening Prayer.
Our Lenten theme for 2020 is “Compassion.” Readings for worship each week will include a psalm and one other selection, with the psalm receiving primary emphasis. Carol Langer will provide art work based on each week’s psalm. Members of the Writers’ Workshop and Pastor Jeff will provide artistic and engaging meditations based on a different verse or verses each Wednesday. Poetry, prose or reflective meditation are all possibilities.
As we all move forward on our Lenten journey and prepare for Easter joy in the resurrection, all are invited to come together at the table, to be fed and nourished in body and soul, and to worship together as a faith community.