Each Wednesday evening during the season of Lent, members and friends of LCH will gather for table fellowship and worship.
The evenings begin with a light supper of soup, salad, and bread beginning at 6:00 pm. The meal is provided by volunteers, and all are welcome to join in fellowship and conversation around the table. If you feel moved to contribute to the meal, please sign up in the courtyard on Sunday morning.
Worship follows the meal at 7:00 pm using the music and prayerful song from Marty Haugen’s Holden Evening Prayer.
Our Lenten theme for 2019 is “Love Unspoken.” As Karoline Lewis writes in her essay for Sundays and Seasons, we tend to let the word “grace” do a lot of the the theological heavy lifting in our proclamation. Her thought is that we find a way to highlight grace in the world without actually having to use the word. We might then look to explore “grace” expressed through actions, relationships, and moments. Grace is God’s love unleashed. Our hope is proclaim God’s love through image, story, experience, art and worship in a way that opens our eyes and hearts to God’s grace unleashed in the world.
The primary text for the entire midweek Lenten cycle will be I Corinthians 13:4–13, which will be read each week as a kind of lectio divina. Verses 4–7 will be incorporated into our opening litany. Writer’s Writers Workshop will be asked to focus on a different verse or verses each Wednesday. Our hope is that the reflection will be artistic and engaging. Poetry, prose or reflective meditation are all possibilities.
As we all move forward on our Lenten journey and prepare for Easter joy in the resurrection, all are invited to come together at the table, to be fed and nourished in body and soul, and to worship together as a faith community.