Celebrating the Cross and Resurrection—
Holy Week and Easter at LCH

Easter morning the 8:0 AM congregation was treated to special music on French horn and organ.For the children’s conversation, Pr. Jeff used plastic eggs to illustrate the meaning of Easter.Between services the congregation enjoyed a delicious potluck brunch.The children had an Easter egg hunt.For the 10:30 service, a brass quartet provided special music.Celebrating communion amid the festive Easter decorations.

Easter Sunday

Members and friends gather for a joyful celebration Easter Sunday morning.

Between two festive worship services at 8:00 and 10:30 am, the younger children enjoyed an Easter egg hunt, and everyone enjoyed a bountiful potluck brunch.

The Great Vigil of Easter began with the lighting of a new fire in the Hörmann Courtyard.The Pascal Candle was lit from the new fire, and the Exsultet was sung.Light was passed during the singing of the Exulted.After hearing lessons from the Hebrew Scriptures telling salvation history, the litany was sung while waiting to enter the Nave.The ministers led the congregation into the Nave and lit the presence candle before the Easter proclamation.Pastor Jeff incensing the altar at communion.Receiving communion at the rail.Breaking the Lenten fast with champagne, cookies, and strawberries following the Vigil.

Great Vigil of Easter

The last part of the Great Three Days (Triduum) began with the congregation gathered in the Hörmann Courtyard for the kindling of the new fire and the lighting of the Pascal Candle.

Members of the congregation lit their candles the flame passed from the Pascal Candle and listened to the Exsultet. The service continued with the retelling of salvation history through lessons from the Hebrew Scriptures, the renewal of baptismal vows, and the Litany of the Saints.

Following the litany, the ministers returned to the courtyard in white Easter vestments and let the congregation into the Nave as the choir sang the Kyrie. The Vigil continues with the joyous Easter proclamation and holy communion.

Following worship, the congregation returned to the Courtyard to break their Lenten fast with a sweet feast of champagne, strawberries, and cookes.

For the Good Friday portion of the Triduum, the cross is veiled, and ministers are dressed in black.The prayer that God “look with loving mercy on your family, for who our Lord jesus Christ was willing to be betrayed.”The Passion Gospel according to John was sung in a setting by Zachary Wadsworth.Behold the life-giving cross on which was hung the salvation of the world.Worshippers brought candles and knelt before the cross.Worshippers departed in silence to await the Easter Vigil.

Good Friday

The observance of the Great Three Days (Triduum) continued with the Good Friday Liturgy. Members gathered to hear the Passion Gospel and venerate the cross.

“The Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ according to John” was sung in a setting by Zachary Wadsworth. David Del Rocco sang the part of the Evangelist, Simon Crookall sang Jesus, and Karol Nowicki sang Pilate; the choir took the part of the crowd.

The Passion was followed by the Solemn Collects and the the Adoration of the Crucified.

The Triduum concludes with the Easter Vigil Saturday evening at 7:30 pm.

The Triduum—Great Three Days—began with Maundy ThursdayPastor Jeff preached on the Gospel lesson of Jesus washing the disciples’ feet as an act of love.hen members of the congregation washed each others’ feet......moving out of their comfort zones to experience this act of service and love.Following Holy Communion, the elements were carried out of the Nave.Then the altar was stripped.Worshippers meditated in the bare Nave.

Maundy Thursday

Our celebration of the Triduum—The Great Three Days—began on Maundy Thursday on March 24. Members gathered to hear again the story of the Last Supper, when Jesus met with his disciples in the Upper Room before being handed over to suffer and die for us.

The Gospel of John recounts how after supper, Jesus washed the feet of his disciples and gave them a new commandment (Latin, mandatum, from which we get the word “Maundy”): ”Love one another.” In response, members of the congregation washed each other’s feet in the Maundy ritual.

The Maundy was followed by Holy Communion, in remembrance that Jesus instituted the sacrament in the Last Supper.

The liturgy concluded with the stripping of the altar, as Jesus was stripped before being crucified.

Both morning worship services on Palm Sunday begin in the courtyard.After hearing Luke’s account of the entry into Jerusalem and a brief homily, palms we blessed for the procession.The process moved from the courtyard into the parking lot......along the side of the church on Dominis......along Punahou, and back into the courtyard.Young and old carried palms and sang.At 10:30, a brass quartet accompanied the singing of “All glory, laud, and honor.”Back in the Nave, the service continued with prayers and lessons.Worship continued with the chanting of the Passion Gospel of Luke and holy communion.

Palm Sunday

Our celebration of Holy Week began with Palm Sunday, March 20.

At both morning service, worshipers gathered in the courtyard to listen to the Palm Sunday Gospel, followed by the blessing and distribution of palms and procession around the church.

Once the congregation was inside the Nave, the focus turned to the chanting of the Passion Gospel according to Luke.

Worship concluded with holy communion.

Posted in Worship.