Celebrating the Cross and Resurrection
at the Lutheran Church of Honolulu

PALM SUNDAY † Sunday, March 25 |
8:00 am |
PROCESSION OF PALMS AND HOLY COMMUNIONThe service moves from the commemoration of Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem to the reading of the story of Jesus’ passion and death in the Gospel according to St. Mark. Music by the Early Worship Ensemble. |
10:30 am |
PROCESSION OF PALMS AND CHORAL EUCHARISTThe service moves from the commemoration of Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem to the reading of the story of Jesus’ passion and death in the Gospel according to St. Mark. Music by Heinrich Schütz and a brass quartet for the Procession of Palms. |

MAUNDY THURSDAY † Thursday, March 29 |
7:30 pm |
CHORAL EUCHARIST AND MAUNDY LITURGYA joyous celebration of the Eucharist meal quickly changes to one of love through humility in the washing of feet. The service concludes with the stripping of the altar, dramatizing Christ’s betrayal, stripping, and mocking by his captors. Music by Hallock, Gjeilo, and Leighton. |

GOOD FRIDAY † Friday, March 30 |
7:30 pm |
GOOD FRIDAY LITURGY AND ADORATION OF THE CRUCIFIEDThis service celebrates the triumph of the cross. The service features the chanting of the St. John Passion and concludes with prayer around the cross. Music includes Zachary Wadsworth’s setting of the St. John Passion and Antonio Lotti’s Crucifixus. |

EASTER EVE † Saturday, March 31 |
7:30 pm |
EASTER VIGIL AND SOLEMN CHORAL EUCHARISTKindling of a new fire, the story of deliverance from the Hebrew Scriptures, and renewal of Baptismal promises lead to the proclamation of Easter Victory and a joyous celebration of Holy Communion. Music by Renaissance masters Palestrina, Hassler, and Lassus. |

EASTER SUNDAY † Sunday, April 1 |
8:00 am |
FESTIVAL HOLY COMMUNONWe celebrate the empty tomb, the central mystery that through death comes new life. Christ is risen! He is risen indeed! Music by the Early Worship Ensemble and brass quartet. |
10:30 am |
FESTIVAL CHORAL EUCHARISTWe celebrate the empty tomb, the central mystery that through death comes new life. Christ is risen! He is risen indeed! Festive music for Easter including Samuel Wesley’s Blessed be the God and Father. |
7:30 pm |
EASTER COMPLINEContemplative Easter meditation offered by the LCH Men’s Schola. Candlelight illuminates the Nave for this short service of prayer, chant, and a cappella singing. |
The Reverend Jeff Lilley, Pastor † Scott Fikse, Director of Music and Liturgy