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August 2011—In this Issue:
The HeartBeatA Message from Pastor JeffMy last youth trip...
We met a group from Maui at the airport, and our numbers swelled to thirty-five adults and kids headed out to the Western States Youth Gathering at California Lutheran University in Thousand Oaks, CA. Having arrived two days before the event, we had time to share a BBQ dinner with Bishop Murray Finck, who welcomed the kids warmly and shared a little about the work and vision of the Center for Mission and Learning, also know as the Synod Office. The office staff and assistants to the Bishop were most gracious hosts as they fed a fantastic BBQ meal of ribs and chicken, coleslaw, and other goodies. As our time to leave neared, one of the staff noticed me dozing in the corner and thankfully offered me a cup of coffee for the drive back to Cal Lutheran! The next day we traveled to Magic Mountain amusement park where we turned the kids loose on the roller coaster themed rides. While the kids were spinning, rocking, screaming, dropping ten stories, and shooting up in the sky at 90 miles per hour, I sat in a nice “quiet” park and read. The next day, the 2011 Western States Youth Gathering began. Mahalo to the organizers, musicians, speakers, and caterers who did a truly great job. Each day began with a plenary session complete with ear splitting music (alas, no Bach), inspirational preaching, presentations by all sorts of interesting people, prayer, and worship. Later in the day, youth attended learning centers where they could experience being part of a worship band, learn about various service opportunities, or share their faith. One day all seven hundred participants fanned out across Thousand Oaks and collected food for a local feeding program. Each evening we gathered again to hear more music and be inspired by speakers, including a young man suffering from addiction, an amputee, and a woman who had struggled with a lifelong weight problem. These were real people with real stories that touched our youth. From 7:30 AM until “lights out” at 1:00 AM the kids played, worshipped, learned, shared, served, and developed relationships with young people from all over the West. Each evening ended with devotions in our small groups, where we shared our highs and lows for the day and talked about where we had seen God at work. After nearly a week, the event finally came to a close as we touched down at Honolulu International Airport. Frankly, I was good and ready to be home. Every bone in my body ached, I had not had a full nights sleep in a week, and I hadn’t been alone or irresponsible in that same amount of time. As I rose from my seat I thought, “I am too old for this stuff. I just can’t do these youth trips anymore.” But as we waited outside the door of the plane I asked the kids how the week was for them. The response was overwhelming. They had not only had fun, but had also made friends, grown spiritually, were thankful for the opportunity, and were enthusiastic about what the church had done for them. I walked down the ramp and sighed, “I guess its time to start planning for the next youth gathering.” Aloha, Regular Worship
Committee/Group | Leader |
Aloha Jam: | Pastor Jeff Lilley |
Archives: | James Cartwright |
Audit: | Sarah Roseberg |
Compline: | Keane Ishii |
Concert: | Carl Crosier |
Communications: | Carol Langner |
Council: | Chris Bushman & Mary Fastenau |
Fellowship: | Jeanne Castello & Mary-Jo Estes |
Finance: | Fred Benco |
Food for Thought: | Kathryn Klingebiel |
Garden Club: | Carol Langner |
In Stitches: | Linda Miller |
Learning Ministry: | Fred Benco |
Mary Magdalene Society: | Robert Zimmer & Francisco Barajas |
Ministry Plan Task Force: | Olivia Castro |
Mutual Ministry: | TBD |
Pau Hana: | Pastor Jeff Lilley |
Pre-Compline: | The Rev. Fritz Fritschel |
Process Theology: | The Rev. Fritz Fritschel |
Property: | Jean-Paul Klingebiel & April Smith |
Scholarship: | Fred Benco |
Social Ministry: | Jean Lilley |
Stewardship: | Pam Buckley |
Sunday School: | Laurie Leach & Linda Miller |
Worship & Music: | Linda Miller |
Writers’ Workshop: | Kathryn Klingebiel |
Youth: | Adam Landherr & Crystal Landherr |
At our May 21 congregational meeting, we approved a $250,000 mission fund-raising campaign for three purposes: to call an associate pastor, to pave the rear parking lot, and to cover the Hörmann courtyard.
Organization of the mission campaign is now underway; however, for those that are already prepared to donate, here are some guidelines for giving:
Aloha! Have you noticed all the good things that are happening around our campus?
A big mahalo to Gaylen (our custodian/handyman) and Seth (our groundskeeper) for their hard work and assistance in doing many of these tasks. Also a big thank you to our volunteer Property Stewards for bringing needed repairs and improvement ideas to our attention.
Here’s a recap of some of what we’ve been able to do so far this year:
With grateful hearts for all of your helping hands,
April Smith and Jean-Paul Klingebiel
Property Committee Chairs
The 2011 Western States Youth Gathering was a life changing experience for me. The whole event was well structured, combining Bible study, worship, and service projects with fun activities like games and 4th of July fireworks, to create an incredibly deep, fun, and interactive experience.
The highlights for me were definitely the guest speakers. Each one had his own unique experience and a unique way to share it. One guy used slam poetry to express himself; others did so through song and dance. One man in particular caught my attention: a recovering drug addict/alcoholic that had found Christ and turned his life around. His story may have seemed crude to some, but I felt like a lot of teens are in a situation very similar to his, and it’s important that they hear how he handled his recovery.
Oh, and the people there were absolutely incredible! Everybody was so friendly and outgoing; nobody ever felt like they were left out. I have yet to find another group of seven hundred kids where everybody is so cool. Guess it’s a Lutheran thing.
Jordan McCreary
It started out innocently enough. Jean Lilley posted a happy note on the LCH Facebook page that “LCH is in Wikipedia.” A friend of her daughter Meghann had run across a picture of folks at our 8:00 AM service taking communion and recognized Pastor Jeff. The friend told Meghann, Meghann told her dad. Pastor Jeff was in California with the our youth for the Western States Youth Gathering and couldn’t post himself, so he told Jean, and she posted on Facebook so everyone could share the good news.
The photo is in the “Church fellowship” section of a major Wikipedia article on “Lutheranism” and certainly represents some serious recognition for our church out here in the middle of the Pacific. It may even use up a significant chunk of Pastor Jeff’s fifteen minutes of fame.
I immediately recognized the photo. It’s one that appears during “green” seasons on our Worship page. It’s not a great photo technically, but it seems to be one that communicates something significant about how Lutherans receive communion.
Only problem was that I couldn’t remember giving anyone permission to post this picture that I had taken for our website.
So I clicked on the photo to look at the linked page that provides information about the photo. It showed that it had been taken at 9:02 AM on October 21, 2007, the description did contain a link to the LCH website, and it was used on three other pages about altar rails and Lutheran worship (“Divine service (Lutheran)” and “Eucharist in the Lutheran Church”). The shocker was that the person who had written the page on “Lutheranism” had also listed himself as author and source of the photo!
I got another surprise when I checked out the other three instances where the photo was used. On the other two pages about communion in Lutheran churches, there was another photo of Pastor Jeff preparing the table for communion that I had used in the 10:30 AM worship slideshow.
What to do? I signed up for a Wikipedia account so I can edit that pages for these photos to properly identify myself as the author of these two photos. Then I sent a message to the person who had written these pages asserting my ownership of the photos and asking for an explanation. Within a few hours, he had replied apologizing for the mix-up and made corrections on both pages.
You might be interested in knowing that this was not the first time I had found this photo used without attribution on the web. About a year ago I was looking at a blog by a Lutheran pastor in the Midwest who had used the same photo to illustrate one of her postings about communion. She also quickly corrected the attribution of the photo when I emailed her. But come to think of it, I bet that her source was this Wikipedia article. I wish she had told me!
I’m always happy when people think enough of the contents of our LCH website that they want to use it, but I do wish people would ask permission. After all, every page of our site is under copyright. But much of the world seems to think that everything on the web is public domain.
If you run across a photo on the web that comes from our website, please send me the URL of the page, and I will contact the people responsible and make sure LCH gets credit.
The congregation voted to establish a committee to call an associate pastor to a two-
year term at a special meeting held on Saturday, May 21, 2011.
The members of the Call Committee include: Karyn Castro, Peter Flachsbart, Chuck Huxel, Carolyn Koehler, Crystal Landherr, and Bob Zimmer.
At our first meeting on July 7, Pastor Jeff reviewed the guidelines of the call process from the Pacifica Synod. At the conclusion of the meeting, we elected Bob Zimmer to serve as Chair and Chuck Huxel to act as secretary. Karyn Castro, Crystal Landherr and Peter Flachsbart agreed to share the duties of correspondent. Karyn Castro will coordinate that effort. This team will handle communication and correspondence with potential candidates as well as with the Office of the Bishop. They will also keep the congregation informed on the progress through articles in the HeartBeat and through announcements in Sunday bulletins.
At our second meeting on July 25, we reviewed and began the process of updating the congregation’s Ministry Site Profile. We expect to complete that process at our third meeting on August 2. We hope to complete all of our work, (which will run simultaneously with that of the Mission Campaign Committee), by the end of this year.
During the call process we sincerely encourage everyone in the congregation to send us their thoughts and aspirations regarding the person to be called as associate pastor through our new email address: <>.
Please pray for us daily as we seek the guidance of the Holy Spirit in our work on your behalf.
Your Associate Pastor Call Committee
If you may recall, last year the Hubble calabash fund was set up to help support Kristen Hubble and her family during her breast cancer treatment. Kristen, a family friend of one of our LCH members, was taken is as part of our LCH ohana, as an account was established to allow individuals to donate support funds for their family. LCH responded with overwhelming generosity and raised nearly $15,000 in support. Below is heartfelt letter of thanks received from Kristen in response to our church’s support during these challenging times.
Dear Lutheran Church of Honolulu,
Thank you so much for raising so much money to help me and my family through this rough time with breast cancer. The check you processed and sent to us has helped me heal and gave my kids stable help at a time when all I could do was lay in bed. I had no idea what I was going to do after I received my first chemo treatment and felt too weak to care for my three kids, especially my brand new baby, Noah. Included are photos of this time so you can picture us all. My heart is so full of love and gratitude for each of you who gave to us. We will be sending individual thank yous soon. Thank you for carrying us through such a hard year. As my cousin Terri put it so well, you all are ‘amazing, generous, and compassionate.’
If I am ever on the island again, I will come and meet you personally. I can’t wait till that day when I can hug you and cry tears of joy for being so giving and caring. If any of you are dealing with breast cancer or know of someone who is who needs help or would just like a friend who has been through it all, please contact me at 801-702-7456. I’d love to give back any way I can.
We thank you again and could not have imagined what we would have done without the money you provided us. God answered our prayers through such an amazing church!
Kristen Hubble and family
Thank you to everyone who came out and participated in last month’s Pau Hana event at Ala Moana Beach Park. We were blessed with beautiful weather for this fun BBQ event, and even more blessed by the turnout of about fifty members and guests.
A big thanks to Pastor Jeff for grilling up the burgers and dogs, and to everyone else who contributed to the potluck!
The family of Mark J. Brommer cordially invites the members and friends of Lutheran Church of Honolulu and surrounding community to a Memorial Service Saturday, August 6, 11:00 AM at LCH.
Mr. Brommer worshipped at Lutheran Church of Honolulu for some years and indicated his desire for a memorial service here in Hawai‘i. Mr. Brommer passed away in the early hours of April 24.
Last month’s “One Pot One Hope” took place on Saturday, July 30. We will continue to meet for this event on the last Saturday of each month. A carpool is available leaving the church at 8:30 AM. Donations of chili, fruit, and cash are welcomed and will be collected on Sunday, August 21.
Come and enjoy the comrades from the other ELCA congregations as we pack “chili and rice” for the homeless in Wai‘anae. It is a great experience and a beautiful ride to Maluhia Lutheran church!
Date | Worship Service | Attendance | Offering Fund | Offering Amount |
July 3 | 9:15 AM Service | 92 | Offering | $3,385.00 |
Compline | 7 | Sunday School Offering | $1.00 | |
Total | 99 | Wounded Warriors | $500.00 | |
July 10 | 9:15 AM Service | 97 | Offering | $1,999.00 |
Compline | 14 | Sunday School Offering | $1.25 | |
Total | 111 | Wounded Warriors | $250.00 | |
July 17 | 9:15 AM Service | 123 | Offering | $2,023.00 |
Compline | 15 | Sunday School Offering | $1.00 | |
Total | 138 | Music Fund | $200.00 | |
July 24 | 9:15 AM Service | 85 | Offering | $3,515.00 |
Compline | 23 | Heifer Project | $200.00 | |
Total | 111 |
Attendance and Offerings for Sunday, July 31, 2011, were not available at time of publication.
Carl | Judy | Maggie | ![]() |
Cindy | Karen | Marion | |
Debbie | Katy | Susan | |
Gene | Ulrike |
Date | Name | ![]() |
08/02 | Michael A. | |
08/02 | Arthur B. Wilson III | |
08/03 | Elizabeth Pearson | |
08/04 | Veronica Weeks | |
08/05 | Nedra Walker | |
08/06 | Sissy A. | |
08/09 | Linda Mizuno | |
08/11 | Jonathan Scheuer | |
08/12 | Charlotte D’Evelyn | |
08/13 | Alexa Sueda | |
08/14 | Benjamin F. | |
08/16 | Barbara Dickinson | |
08/17 | Gordon Wallace | |
08/18 | Ernest Freund | |
08/18 | Jean-Paul Klingebiel | |
08/24 | Dennis Hethcote | |
08/27 | Peggy Khan | |
08/29 | Melissa Schmidt | |
08/29 | Selena Schmidt |
LECTOR | Ruth Johnson | |||
Adam Langherr Crystal Landherr Don Johnson Jim Sullivan | |||
ACOLYTE | Colin B. | |||
USHER | Fred Benco | |||
LECTOR | Cindy Scheinert | Jimmy Castro | April Smith | Peter Flachsbart |
DEACON | Josie Bidgood | Phyllis Hormann | John Bickel | Steve Jensen |
SUBDEACON | Ray Herradura | Frank Haas | Mary Fastenau | Sue Haas |
Randy Christensen Bill Hamblet |
Amanda Lippert Chuck Huxel |
Bob Zimmer Peggy Anderson |
Frank Haas Ray Herradura |
Bob Zimmer | |||
ACOLYTES | Miranda L. Reid W. |
Reid W. Ray Herradura |
Savannah M. Nathalie J. |
Reid W. Miranda L. |
USHERS | Chuck Pearson Chuck Huxel Nan Wond Fred Benco |
Chuck Pearson Chuck Huxel Nan Wond Fred Benco |
Chuck Pearson Chuck Huxel Nan Wond Fred Benco |
Chuck Pearson Chuck Huxel Nan Wond Fred Benco |
Linda Miller Nedra Walker Lois Watanabe Lori Nishimura Phyllis Hormann |
Linda Miller Nedra Walker Lois Watanabe Lori Nishimura Phyllis Hormann |
Linda Miller Nedra Walker Lois Watanabe Lori Nishimura Phyllis Hormann |
Linda Miller Nedra Walker Lois Watanabe Lori Nishimura Phyllis Hormann |
Next Heart Beat Deadline is Tuesday, August 16!
Day | Date | Event and Time |
Tuesday | August 2 | Associate Pastor Call Committee Meeting, 6:30 PM |
Thursday | August 4 | Book of Faith Bible Studies, 10:00 AM |
Saturday | August 6 | Brommer Memorial Service, 10:00 AM |
Sunday | August 7 | Choral Eucharist, 9:15 AM Sunday Forums, 10:30 AM Leadership Roundtable, 10:30 AM Pre-Compline Discussion, 8:30 PM Compline, 9:00 PM |
Monday | August 8 | Aloha Jam, 6:00 PM |
Tuesday | August 9 | Worship and Music Meeting, 6:30 PM |
Wednesday | August 10 | Finance Committee Meeting, 12:30 PM |
Thursday | August 11 | Book of Faith Bible Studies, 10:00 AM |
Saturday | August 13 | LCH Choir Rehearsal, 3:00 PM LCH All-choir Party, 5:00 PM |
Sunday | August 14 | Choral Eucharist, 9:15 AM In Stiches, 10:30 PM Summer Forums, 10:30 AM Pre-Compline Discussion, 8:30 PM Compline, 9:00 PM |
Monday | August 15 | Writers’ Workshop, 7:00 PM |
Tuesday | August 16 | Heartbeat Deadline, 9:00 AM LCH Council Meeting, 6:30 PM |
Thursday | August 18 | Book of Faith Bible Studies, 10:00 AM LCH Choir Rehearsal, 7:00 PM |
Friday | August 19 | Office Closed—Statehood Day IHS Meals Prepared, 1:00 PM IHS Meals Served, 5:30 PM |
Saturday | August 20 | LCH Choir Rehearsal with Orchestra, 3:00 PM |
Sunday | August 21 | Carl Crosier’s Final Service Choral Eucharist, 9:15 AM Celebration for Carl’s Music Ministry, 10:30 AM Pre-Compline Discussion, 8:30 PM Compline, 9:00 PM |
Thursday | August 25 | Book of Faith Bible Studies, 10:00 AM |
Saturday | August 27 | One Pot One Hope, 8:30 AM First Communion Class, 10:00 AM |
Sunday | August 28 | Regular Service Schedule Resumes Holy Communion, 8:00 AM Christian Education, 9:15 AM Choral Eucharist, 10:30 AM Pre-Compline Discussion, 8:30 PM Compline, 9:00 PM |
Wednesday | August 31 | 8:00 O’Clock Ensemble Rehearsal, 6:30 PM |