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June 2010—In this Issue:
The HeartBeatA Message from Pastor JeffA Pentecost Prayer
Bind the broken hearted with whispers of deeper love wrap us in your presence and ease our loneliness gift us with lovers of the spirit and spirited company O Spirit Come Heal our broken bodies with whispers of deeper love bless us with hands that heal and ease our pain gift us with hope and wrap us in quiet peace O Spirit Come Bring courage to us in times of anxious fear and fill us with your driving love release us from timid resignation and paralyzing uncertainty give us a lion’s heart and a mother’s wisdom O Spirit Come Hear the cries of the poor and bring us to them with hearts of deeper love make us one in your spirit and equip us to be more than helpers bring gifts to heal the roots of poverty that abundance might flourish O Spirit Come Cure us of our warring ways and teach us deeper love carry us to the things that make for peace and cure us of intolerance open our eyes to see the us in them and them in us O Spirit Come Protect the powerless and make your world a place of gentle love free children from slavery, abuse, and sexual predation make us fierce and gentle champions of the vulnerable O Spirit Come Blow your mighty breath and sweep your church to profound love kick up the dust of our apathy and fill your body with sweet and holy air gift us with a heart for mission and a gospel voice O Spirit Come O Spirit Come O Spirit Come Amen Pastor Jeff Lilley Trinity Sunday—May 30thLast Sunday School ClassIt’s amazing that summer is almost upon us! All the children are invited to join us for games and treats in Isenberg at 9:15 between services. There will be a puppet show and singing, and a good time will be had by all. Summer worship schedule service at 9:15 am June is here, and your Stewardship Team has a couple of questions for everyone before you start summer vacation. Is your pledge up to date? Pease take a look at your quarterly statements of giving (distributed in April) to see where you are with your giving. If you can’t find your last statement or don’t know if your pledge is current, please contact Financial Secretary Bill Potter, and he will be glad to print another copy. The next statements will be distributed in early July. Will you join our team? In some congregations, folks flee from the Stewardship Committee, but the current team has had so much fun over the last five years, that no one wanted to leave. But this spring, Co-chair Jeanne Castello is resigning to head up our Fellowship Committee with Mary-Jo Estes. So there is an opening on the “Stew Crew,” and we’d love to welcome some new faces to join us for the fun. Fearless leader Pam Buckley and teammates April Smith and Bill Potter promise to keep the laughs coming and the wine flowing. Talk to any one of us or to Pastor Jeff, and we’ll show you that, far from being scary, stewardship can be a blast! Angel Network—Gather in Giving!
Leadership Roundtable
Process Thought ForumA Mix of Biology and Theology
In our discussion, we will explore the fascinating world of termites, ants, moulds, and humans. Newcomers welcomed. There will be a repeat session following worship on Sunday morning, June 13, at 10:30 AM. For more information talk to Fritz. Downtown Lunch BunchJoin the Downtown Lunch Bunch Friday, June 25th, at noon, at Café Laniakea. The café is located in the YWCA at 1040 Richards Street, across from the ‘Iolani Palace grounds. The group is a gathering for LCHers who work or live downtown, but everyone is welcome to join them for a delicious lunch and friendly conversation. Let Josie Bidgood know you are coming, and she’ll save you a seat. Mary Magdalene Wine TastingLutherFest is coming soon, and the LCH wine cellar is empty, so it’s time to make more. We’ve scheduled a wine tasting for 3:00 PM Saturday afternoon, June 26, at Oneo Winemaking (26 Ho‘olai Street) in Kailua. The event is hosted by the Mary Magdalene Society, but all are welcome. Talk to Bill Potter at church or contact him through the Church Office (941-2566) to reserve your place or for more information. Nick Castello to play at UHNick Castello, sophomore libero at Irvine Valley College, was named the 2010 All-Pacific Coast Athletic Conference Men’s Volleyball Most Valuable Player and to the PCAC First Team. He was the conference leader in digs, averaging 4.01 digs per set. Nick will be attending the University of Hawai‘i-Manoa and will be trying out for a walk-on position on the men’s volleyball team for the 2011 season. Nick, and his parents Jeanne and Randy, want to thank the LCH Scholarship Committee for its continued support of his college education and to the LCH volleyball fans for their good wishes in his collegiate volleyball career. Scholarships AvailableScholarship Committee reminds members and friends that scholarship applications are available from Kanani (941-2566). Please try to get these applications in early to reduce the stress levels for all involved. Please turn in applications to Kanani by June 15th. Mahalo. Summer Fellowship OpportunitiesNow that summer is here with the 9:15 AM, one service schedule, we hope you will plan to linger after worship and enjoy the fellowship of the LCH ‘ohana. With one morning service, we all get to worship together in the summer, whether we come at 8:00 AM or 10:30 AM during the rest of the year. It’s a great time to catch up with old friends, get to know people from “the other service,” or meet people you’ve only heard about by name. Please mark your calendars with the following dates:
Here’s looking forward to a great summer! OYEA Summer Camp Registration OpenReady to have some real fun this summer? Join your friends from Lutheran churches around Hawai‘i for the annual OYEA Summer Camp June 27th–July 2nd at Camp Erdman on the North Shore. The camp theme this year is “Jesus Said,” and it will once again be led by the crack camp counselors from Camp WAPO. This year, the camp will feature live music, outdoor activities, a ropes course, and lots of other fun activities. The camp is open to youth entering 7th–12th grade in the fall of 2011. Please invite friends and neighbors to enjoy the week with you. The cost is $375. LCH members are eligible for a substantial scholarship. A $100 deposit is due now. The Aloha Team needs your help for summer worship!Our summer worship schedule begins June 6th at 9:15 AM. We need some friendly faces to welcome everyone before worship each Sunday. Here’s what you need to know about the Aloha Team: What do team members do? Team members staff the Aloha Table to greet visitors and regular worshippers. As a team member, you can offer stick-on name tags to visitors and help regular worshippers find their name tags if necessary; present our visitors with lei, ask them to sign the guestbook or fill out a visitor card; offer copy of The HeartBeat and other LCH literature; and help folks find the Nave entrance, restrooms, nursery, and fellowship area. Where can I find things? Everything you need is ready for you on the chrome cart in the large storage closet in the Nave. Every volunteer will receive a personal orientation to the process. How much time does it take? You need to be ready to begin welcoming worshippers by 8:45 AM and stay at the table until 5 minutes after worship begins. We would like to have at least two volunteers each week, but the more the merrier. This is a great opportunity for an entire family—including the keiki—to serve in this important ministry. There is a sign-up sheet on the Aloha Table, so just put your name down to volunteer! Please speak with April Smith, Olivia Castro, or Pastor Jeff if you have any questions about this ministry opportunity. Mahalo! Summer Education for Children and AdultsEach Sunday over the summer we will have educational opportunities for both children and adults.
The featured story will the The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, the first book of C.S. Lewis’ beloved Chronicles of Narnia. Even if your children are already familiar with the story from the movie, it’s always fun to hear it read aloud. Children’s Hour begins after worship at 10:30 AM. For our adults, the Adult Forum will explore two different topics over the summer. They also meet at 10:30 AM.
Committee/Interest Group Chairs
Highlights from the Pacifica Synod AssemblyRon and Juditha Murashige joined Pastor Jeff and over 400 voting members at the 2010 Pacifica Synod Assembly in San Diego May 6th–8th. Lutherans from around the synod gathered for Bible study, worship, fellowship, and the business of the synod. The Assembly acts as the highest judicatory body for the synod and is charged with passing budgets, setting policy, electing officers and representatives, and other business related to the mission of the synod Thanks to Ron and Juditha for serving as our representatives and for their continued dedication to LCH. This year, Rev. Mark Hanson, presiding bishop of the ELCA, offered the keynote speech and presided over the election of a bishop. Bishop Hanson’s sermon at the opening Eucharist and keynote address at the banquet were highlights of the event. Details of all the actions of our Synod Assembly are available on the synod website <>. Here some of the highlights:
During the Assembly, Pastor Jeff attended a gathering hosted by Pacific Lutheran Theological Seminary, which is doing well. Red Cross—Learn to SwimRed Cross is again offering swim lessons at Ala Moana Beach for children and adults. Children’s classes (for ages 3 to 14) are Saturday morning from 8:45 to 9:45 AM, and adult classes (for ages 14 and over) are Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays from 5:15 to 6:00 PM. Classes begin June 1 for Adults and June 5 for children. There is no charge. More information is available at <> or from Peggy Anderson. Lutheran Bible Camp 2010Keeping the Dream Alive...It all began with a dream. Would it ever be possible to provide a quality Summer Camp for local kids here on Oahu? Could we possibly make it feasible for those without the means to experience this exceptional opportunity without having to fly all the way to the mainland? With prayer, faith, and persistence on the part of a group of Hukilau congregations and their pastors, the first annual camp came to be in summer 2008. With Counselors from a camp on the mainland, we began to build a tradition of Summer Camp right here on the North Shore. And the dream of providing our local youth the opportunity to grow in faith has come to be! But is has not been an inexpensive endeavor. In both 2008 and 2009, almost half the youth attending the camp were on full or partial scholarship. We raise funds throughout the year with a variety of fundraisers and grants, but the majority of our scholarship money comes from people just like you, members of Hukilau congregations. You can help by donating towards this worthy cause. Please consider sponsoring a camper or activity, in whole or in part.
If you can help, please speak with you pastor, or make a check payable to OYEA and mail to: OYEA, c/o Christ Lutheran Church, 95-1361 Meheula Parkway, Mililani, HI 96789. Mahalo nui loa for your help in making this vital ministry a reality! What’s New on the LCH Website?Bill Potter, Webmaster
As the two of us met to figure out what we were going to say to pastors and lay leaders in the Hukilau, it became clear that while each of our congregations is in a different “place,” we not only do we need to develop attractive programs that will engage current members and attract new ones, but we also need to devise effective strategies to “market” those programs in a fragmented and transient society where the old methods of communication are no longer effective. Obviously, a church website will be crucial in this process, but it will also involve social media (Facebook, Twitter, blogs, and so on), as well as radio/television and print. Here at LCH, we have had a pretty good website for several years, and we have begun working the social media, but there is much more to do. As part of our summer education program, Rusty Walker will be doing two sessions geared towards members of the congregation who would like to learn more about Facebook. The first session on June 6 will look the benefits to people of all ages from having a Facebook profile. The following week, on June 13, Rusty will do a hands-on session so “newbies” can set up their own profiles (with appropriate privacy protections) and get started. To introduce the richness of our LCH website, I will be giving a “guided tour” during the eduction hour on June 20. In addition to pointing out what I think are the most interesting parts of the website, I will leave plenty of time for any questions you have. While print and radio/television may seem more familiar to us, the high costs associated with using these media and fragmented markets create a challenge for us as we work to get our message out. Amid those challenges, there are also many opportunities to “tell the story” about our community here at LCH. To move that planning along, we will begin planning a comprehensive strategy for both internal and external communication at LCH with a meeting at noon on Saturday, June 19. Please talk with Carol Langner if you have any ideas or would like to be a part of this working group. Hubble CalabashThank You to All!Dear LCH Ohana, We want to thank you all so much for supporting the Hubble Family Calabash! It is so rare today to be among so many caring and thoughtful people and to be a part of such a selfless group of people is a true blessing. We can honestly say that we have felt the true spirit of Christ through all of you that gave so freely to this family in need. We will keep you updated as to Kristen’s progress, but please know that all of your support has helped Kristen to feel the love of Christ as she journeys down this difficult road. With much mahalo!
Attendance and Offerings for Sunday, May 30, 2010, were not available at time of publication.
Heart Beat DeadlineNext Heart Beat Deadline is Tuesday, June 22! Heavenly Humor
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