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August 2007—In this Issue:
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The HeartBeatA Message from Pastor Jeff
Over the past few weeks the local newspapers have been following the story of a little girl who was found emaciated and starving in her parent’s apartment. From all indications, this child had suffered this sort of abuse for most, if not all of her life. This child, this creation of God, this incredible specimen of God’s handiwork slipped under society’s radar and nearly came to a lonely, horrible death. It would be bad enough if this case was an isolated incident. But if you take a few moments and scan national and international news, you will find hundreds of similar stories about children neglected, starved, beaten, sexually abused or simply forgotten. One shocking case in Reno, Nevada, charged the parents of small child with neglect after authorities found their child filthy and starving in their home. The parents confessed that their addiction to the online game “Dungeons and Dragons” had left little time to care for the child. The 2001 UNICEF Report “State of the World’s Children” declared “The true wealth of a nation is measured in the health and strength of its youngest citizens.” UNICEF and other child advocate agencies see the health of children as a barometer for the overall heath of a nation. If children are hungry, then the nation is starving its future. If children are abused and neglected, it reflects on the nation’s values as a whole. In our own nation, a growing awareness of elder abuse must be added to the mix. Perhaps a more accurate statement might be, “The true wealth of a nation is measured in the health and strength of its most vulnerable citizens.” Jesus certainly seemed to reflect this thought as he challenged religious and cultural rules in his own time. As the children pressed against him his disciples tried to hold them back. But Jesus drew the children near and declared, “Let the children come.” For Jesus, the very Kingdom of God was reflected in these little ones. The ELCA and many other church bodies are taking very positive steps to ensure the safety and well-being of all of God’s people. “Children’s Sabbath,” “Safe Child,” and “A Child in our Hands” are programs aimed at providing good education and care for youngsters. Many churches employ parish nurses to help members maintain healthy lifestyles and be good stewards of their bodies. Here at LCH, we partner with Our Redeemer Lutheran in a Preschool deeply committed to raising healthy, educated, and safe kids. But we as individuals can take steps as well. Many abuse cases come to light when concerned families report abuse and neglect to the proper authorities. According to this morning’s paper, the abuse of a local girl came to light when family members had the courage to set aside familial ties in favor of the life of a child. It took courage, a willingness to become involved, and a willingness to put the needs of another above our own to take such action. As school begins again this month, I encourage each of us to maintain a healthy vigilance on behalf of those most at-risk for abuse. Keep watch over the children walking by your home to school. Report suspicious activity, look in on an elder, and take a moment to thank the many people who give so much to our young people. Pastor Jeff Lilley Highlights of the July 17, 2007, Church Council meeting
Summer SundaysShare your talents/learn something new For most of the year during the learning ministry hour, the adults go to the adult classes or to choir rehearsal while the children attend Sunday School. During the summer, when some of these activities are on hiatus, we have the opportunity to try new activities in a fun atmosphere open to all age groups. Some members of the congregation have offered to share their skills and talents by leading an activity. We began with the teaching of two hula numbers, by the Cheng sisters, then Signing by Stephanie Miller, and Needlecraft by In Stitches. A future activity is listed below. We hope to see you shortly after the service in Isenberg Hall on Aug. 5 Art with Randy Castello—Try wet-on-wet watercolor painting Do you have an idea for a session or two? If so, please contact Laurie Leach through the Church Office (941-2566). We are in hopes of an activity for August 12. First Sunday Ingathering—ANGEL NETWORK
In StitchesIn Stitches will continue meeting through the summer to work on church projects and our own crafts. We meet in the Board Room the second and the fourth Saturdays of each month from 9:00 to 11:00 am. The summer dates are August 11 and 25. Come join us for fellowship and fun! Lunch Bunch
For more information, please contact Stephanie Miller through the Church Office (941-2566). Writers’ WorkshopFor our first meeting of the Fall 2007 season, Writers’ Workshop will meet on Monday, August 13, 7:00-8:30 pm, at LCH. We will be planning our Fall schedule and look forward to getting together after the summer break. All are welcome. For information, after August 1, please contact Kathryn Klingebiel through the Church Office (941-2566). From generation to generationThat is the theme of this year’s Midsummer Night’s Organ Concert, a yearly benefit concert for the Donald L. “Don” Conover Scholarship Fund of the Hawaii Chapter American Guild of Organists. The concert on Tuesday, August 21, at 7:00 pm at Central Union Church will feature several generations of organists, including Nyle Hallman and Margaret Lloyd of Central Union Church, John McCreary and John Renke of St. Andrew’s Cathedral, Katherine Crosier of Lutheran Church of Honolulu, and Joey F. and Jordan M., two young Organ Scholars. Special guest will be Dr. Frederick Swann, national president of the American Guild of Organists, and former organist at the Crystal Cathedral and the Riverside Church, New York. At LCH, our own Nathalie J. and Jordan M. have been recipients of the organ scholarship program. Come, support them in their musical education. Game NightGame Night is at Stephanie Miller’s, in Kaimuki on the fourth Saturday of every month...August 25 starting at 6:30 pm. It’s potluck, so bring a dish of your choice, and a game! For directions to her home, or more information, contact Steff through the Church Office (941-2566). Ohana newsAloha to All, Just wanted to give an update. Kathy got thru the first round of treatments, and is doing well on her week off. We want to thank everyone for the prayers and calls. It’s meant a lot to us that we are kept in your prayers while so far away. We miss everyone there and look forward to reading the newsletter each month. Mahalo to all at LCH, What’s New on the LCH Website?Bill Potter, webmaster
Once everything is ready, you will be able to reach LCH Table Talk through links from major pages on the website. LCH Table Talk will be divided into several different parts, and each part will have a number of individual forums devoted to specific topics. We are still working on the initial configuration of forums, but let me describe some of the plans. The first main section will be devoted to “Worship and Music,” with forums like “Worship and Liturgy Talk” and “Music Talk,” where everyone will be ask questions or discuss ideas related to those topics. In addition, Pastor Jeff Lilley has agreed to moderate a “Sermon Talk” forum for ideas raised in Sunday sermons and a Bible study we can check out during the week. Another section will be devoted to “Spirituality and Theology.” Once forum will be open for all manner of “Spirituality and Theology Talk,” and Pastor Fritz will moderate “Process Talk” for issues related to Process Thought. A third section will be devoted to “Children and Youth.” In addition to general discussion on issues related to children and youth, we will have two private forums—one for children in elementary school and the other for youth in junior high and high school. With a few exceptions (leaders like Pastor Jeff and the webmaster), only children or youth will be able to read or post in the private forums. As part of our commitment to protecting our children and youth, we will require a signed authorization from a parent or guardian before activating forum membership for anyone under 18 years old. The final section right now will be for “Committees and Groups.” Any group that would like to have their own forum in this section can have one simply by asking. You can even have a public group and a private group restricted to your members if you like. In addition to discussions, forum members can make polls and vote on them. The public parts of the forums will be available to everyone connected to the internet, so they will provide a dynamic picture of our life together here at LCH. Posting will be restricted to Table Talk members, but anyone with a valid email address can register. We have set the forums up so that personal information will only be visible to members, and there are several features to keep spammers out of the forums. If you have any questions about LCH Table Talk, or if you have suggestions, just email the webmaster. Watch the weekly announcement sheet or Pastor Jeff’s “LCH E-News” for the date when LCH Table Talk will go live. If you’re really anxious to check it out or want to help out as a forum moderator, email me and I’ll give you the URL. Parking ReminderOvernight parking in the Poki lot or church lot is not permitted. Ace Towing will tow.
Kathy | Michie | Carolyn |
Joan | Jerry | Lorie |
Jackie | Gwen | Shane |
Joe | Dorothy | Paul |
Bauer family |
Kupuna Sunday at Wai‘oli Tea Room hosted by Brian Weis.
(Guess who’s taking the photo? Answer by the next picture.)
Another shot of the whole group at Kupuna Sunday.
(You guessed it. It was Pastor Jeff.)
Happy conversation at Kupuna Sunday.
More conversation at Kupuna Sunday.
08/02 | Arthur Wilson |
08/05 | Nedra Walker |
08/06 | Sissy Arakawa |
08/09 | Linda Mizuno |
08/11 | Jonathan Scheuer |
08/12 | Charlotte D’Evelyn |
08/13 | Alexa Sueda |
08/17 | Gordon Wallace |
08/18 | Jean-Paul Klingebiel |
08/22 | Bruce Kishimoto |
08/24 | Dennis Hethcote |
08/29 | Selena Schmidt |
08/29 | Melisa S. |
Next Heart Beat Deadline is Tuesday, August 21!
July 1 | 9:15 AM Service: | 83 | Offering: | $1,827.50 | |
Compline: | 14 | Capital Campaign: | $100.00 | ||
Total: | 97 | Hormann Courtyard: | $500.00 | ||
July 8 | 9:15 AM Service: | 90 | Offering: | $1,022.50 | |
Compline: | 14 | Capital Campaign: | $100.00 | ||
Total: | 104 | Hormann Courtyard: | $210.00 | ||
July 15 | 9:15 AM Service: | 94 | Offering: | $1,436.50 | |
Compline: | 17 | Capital Campaign: | $23.35 | ||
Total: | 111 | Social Ministry: | $15.00 | ||
Hormann Courtyard: | $1,400.00 | ||||
July 22 | 9:15 AM Service: | 111 | Offering: | $1,827.50 | |
Compline: | 12 | Hormann Courtyard: | $100.00 | ||
Total: | 123 |