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November 2006—In this Issue:
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The HeartBeatMessage from Pastor: “Can you hear me now?”
While I do not agree with the insurance and governmental assignment of an “act of God,” I do appreciate that we are repeatedly told in scripture that our plans for our lives and our comfort can be folly at best. Those who gathered for worship on October 15th were clearly more sober about what is most important in life and how we should focus our resources of time, talent, and treasure to be a blessing to those around us. My intent for this month’s article was to focus on our stewardship in preparation for the two designated Stewardship Sundays, the last two weeks of November. That remains important, and I encourage you to prayerfully consider how you will apportion your time, talent, and treasure for the work of the Lord and make the commitment one of those two Sundays or by mail. In 1 Kings 19 we are told that God was not in the wind, earthquake or fire that Elijah experienced, but in the still, small voice. And the voice asked, “What are you doing here, Elijah?” Perhaps in today’s vernacular, we are asked, “Can you here me now?” What are we doing here? Do we listen for God? Each of us has been blessed with life and time to live it. Each has been given unique talents to be used for the glory of God. Each has some measure of resources to be used for ourselves and others. Even as individuals, there is more we can do as the Spirit gives us awareness of the needs of others. Certainly as the family of God at LCH, there is even more we can do than we have to meet the needs of those around us and those throughout God’s creation. Why are we here as the Lutheran Church of Honolulu? What are we doing here? I encourage you to consider carefully and prayerfully those questions as we look closer at our opportunities for ministry and mission over the next couple of months. Help us to be more of a light in our neighborhood and our islands that leads others to seek God. Prod us; join with us, as we search for additional ways to use our facility and to reach out apart from our facility to meet real and pressing needs. While we have financial challenges at LCH, the impact on our sisters and brothers in Kona was more personal and immediate. Several members, including Pastor Mundt, and many of their neighbors have suffered significant damage to their homes. Holy Trinity has therefore established a Kona Earthquake Response fund and the Hukilau conference is encouraging our congregations to support them. In the midst of our stewardship campaign, I ask that you consider how you were spared and blessed and lovingly support our Kona ohana with your prayers and donations. Look for photos of Kona’s damage and an article from our Dean on our web site. November is a time when we are more aware of the blessings for which we should give thanks. This year we have one more to add to our growing list. This year I add you to mine. May God continue to richly bless, protect, and work through you. Pastor Steven Call CommitteeThe members of the Call Committee are working hard and moving forward. So far we have gone through the mobility papers of the candidates for ministry at Lutheran Church of Honolulu. Information on our church and community were boxed up and sent out to the different ministers. This past Saturday we had a 30-minute conversation with each of these candidates. It has been and will be time consuming. Next we have sermons submitted to us to listen to and following that we will be doing one-hour telephone interviews. At that time we hope to have a good idea who the best candidate for our church will be. We expect that it will be after December when we will do video conferencing with those we feel will best lead us. After that we will take the one name to the church council and bring that minister to our church for a personal interview and introduction. We hope that you will stay with us in daily prayer and meditation. Aloha from your Stewardship CommitteeCo-chairpersons: Pam Buckley and Jeanne Castello and Committee Members Bill Potter and April Smith There are exciting and challenging days ahead for our LCH ohana. We look forward to welcoming a new pastor, we’ll be singing our praises from a new ELCA hymnal, we’ll fellowship with meals prepared in our newly renovated kitchen, and we’ll work on new ideas for outreach to our community. Most importantly, we will strive to be good stewards of all that God has blessed us with. Paul wrote to the Christians in Corinth: “Each of you must make up your own mind about how much to give. But don’t feel sorry that you must give and don’t feel that you are forced to give. God loves people who love to give. God can bless you with everything you need, and you will always have more than enough to do all kinds of good things for others.” (2 Corinthians 9:7-8, CEV) Members and friends, we will soon be given the opportunity to “do all kinds of good things” as we plan together our lives at LCH for 2007 and beyond. Here’s what is coming up: Time and talent sheets as well as pledge cards will be mailed to your homes during the week of November 6. Please prayerfully consider how you wish to use your time, talents, and treasures at LCH for the upcoming year. Don’t be in a hurry just yet to complete the forms because we are going to hold a Ministry Fair between services on November 19 and 26. The theme will be “First Fruits,” so come and learn more about all the opportunities for service that are open to you here! After the Ministry Fairs are over, there will be a dedication of our time and talent forms and pledge cards at Sunday morning services on Dec. 3. If you are unable to attend worship that day, please mail them to the church office. Let’s remember that we don’t always have to spell $teward$hip with dollar signs. Each time you hug your child, recycle a can, ride in a carpool, sing in the choir (or sing in the pew!), help count the offering, greet a visitor, set up chairs, teach a Sunday school class, or commit a random act of kindness, you are being a good steward! Our response to God’s grace and love to us is to share what we have by serving others with the gifts that we have been given. The Property CommitteeThe Property Committee oversees the many and varied tasks necessary to the functioning of the Church community life through its congregational activities and the use our facilities by the preschool. The Committee needs your volunteer help in gardening, sprinklers systems, plumbing, carpentry, painting, locksmith, roofing, electrical, lights, etc., as well as computer networking. We also organize larger work parties to clean and decorate our church campus for special occasions. In the nave we are involved with maintenance of our musical instruments, the audio/PA system, and lighting system. In the fall we prepare a budget request for the coming year. Please consider volunteering some time and energy to the Property Committee for a morning work session or for more long-term participation. Lately, it has been a committee of one. Your time and energy are essential—tools and experience are useful, but not necessary. It is a great feeling to know that a job is done and well done ![]() Read the complete story about LCH’s services following the earthquake and power outage on the website, A new hymnal is coming! A new hymnal is coming!
The new hymnal will replace all 3 of the ones in the pews. Wow! It will have to be really big and bulky. No—only about the same size as the green Lutheran Book of Worship. Will we use it? We don’t use the ones we have very often. You bet we’ll use it. It has 10 different liturgies and over 700 hymns. I thought LCH was so broke we couldn’t afford anything new, including hymnals. Well, we’re asking people to donate the hymnals at $17.50 each. I’m broke, too. Christmas is coming, you know. How about if you donate a hymnal or two as a Christmas gift to LCH? You can even request a bookplate in the hymnal showing that it was given in honor or in memory of a special friend or family member. And remember—it’s tax-deductible! Ok, I’m sold. But I thought the deadline was Oct. 1. No, it’s been extended. So you haven’t missed out. Simply call the church office at 941-2566, or talk to Linda Miller after a service. The Women of the ELCA
Some of the activities sponsored by the ELCA-W include:
If you are interested in becoming more involved with this group, please let Pastor Steve know. At present LCH does not have an active group. The ELCA annual conference is being held in on Hawaii November 3–5. Check the ELCA and Pacifica Synod websites for more information. All Saints Sunday—November 5On All Saints Sunday you will again have the opportunity to come forward to remember a deceased loved one by speaking their name and lighting a candle during the prayers of the community in worship. Please contact the church office with names you would like printed in the special bulletin insert that day and join us for this special remembrance. Children’s Sabbath (rescheduled)—November 12Due to the earthquake, most of our families were not able to attend the planned Children’s Sabbath last month. Invite your friends, neighbors, and co-workers to worship with us at the 10:30 service on November 12, led by LCH youth as musicians, choir, and worship assistants. Thanksgiving Eve Service
Hukilau conference newsJoint confirmation will be held at LCH on November 5 from 4:30-7:00 pm. The service project for this month will be the creation of a large “thank you” card to the residents at the Tripler Army Medical Center’s VA Center for Aging. Parents of our LCH class will be cooking and serving the meal. You are welcome to assist and to greet some 40 students and leaders. In Stitches thanks you for your support!
Come to our meetings every second and fourth Saturday and learn how to make several kinds of lei, or work on a church pillow or your own craft, or come for the fellowship. Meeting dates are as follows: Nov. 11 and 25, Dec. 9, (we’ll break for Christmas), Jan. 13 and 27. A Theology for Skeptics and CynicsCome to another in a series of presentations based on a process theological perspective. See what might be said in response to the views of “skeptics and cynics.” Once again the meeting will be in Isenberg Hall, Saturday, November 11 from 9:30–11:00 am Bring all of your skeptical and cynical ideas for an open discussion led by Fritz Fritschel. Open to all-and of course, to all skeptics. “When Is It Enough?”Decisions in End of Life Care from a Christian Perspective The first in a series of discussions regarding life issues will be presented Sunday, November 12 from 3:00-5:00 pm at Christ Lutheran Church, Mililani, by Pacific Health Ministry and Hospice Hawaii. Discussions will include medical issues, emotional responses, and ethics of making decisions about care in life-threatening illnesses. Writers’ Workshop: Change of Schedule for NovemberWriters’ Workshop has rearranged its schedule for November. There will be no meeting on the LCH campus the evening of November 6. Instead, we will be attending a reading on the UH campus by Ted Kooser, poet laureate of the USA 2004-2006 and winner of the 2005 Pulitzer Prize for Poetry. (7:00 pm in the Campus Center Ballroom). However, Writers’ Workshop will meet in the pastor’s office the following Monday, November 13 at 7:00 pm. (We decided we wanted to have our cake and eat it too!) All are welcome. For more information please contact Kathryn Klingebiel through the Church Office (941-2566). Food for ThoughtFood for Thought will meet for our usual monthly potluck supper and discussion, at the home of Irmgard Hormann, on Saturday November 18 at 6:30 pm. All are welcome. For information, please contact Kathryn Klingebiel through the Church Office (941-2566). Carl Crosier to be honored November 18
Pacific Lutheran University (PLU) at LCHMr. Jedd Chang, Admission Counselor for PLU, is a Hawaii native and will be visiting island schools through November 19. He will worship with us that day and be available during the Ministry Fair to speak with anyone interested in applying to PLU.
Customer donations: | $2,783.44 | |
Foodland donations: | 635.90 | |
Western Union gave: | 133.03 |
Foodland does not give LCH the names and amounts of individual contributors, so please let us know if you would like your Give Aloha contribution to be acknowledged on your LCH statement of giving. You can do this by giving us the receipt or a copy (either in the offering plate or to the office). We will return the documentation to you so that you have it for tax purposes.
Arlene | Erik | Joan | Lorie | Stephen | |
Jean | Jerry | Maxim | Elin | Georgine | |
Jackie | Jolene | Man-Hua | Yuko |
The day before the earthquake, Bishop Finck advised that Synod is working with sister Synods and LCMS districts to create a group of people prepared to assist California and Hawaii congregations in the event of an emergency. He noted, “It’s not a matter of if, but when, such a team will be needed.” Who knew he would prove to be so prophetic?
The Hukilau conference has agreed to support ILERT and encourage our members to volunteer to participate. We will need people to coordinate with state and federal disaster response agencies, relief organizations, medical and mental health professionals, and more. Training will be provided. If you are interested in joining this team, please contact Pastor Steve.
What will be happening at LCH when the next emergency occurs? Worship? Pre-school? Evening meetings? What equipment and supplies do/should we have on hand? Is there an emergency shelter close by? Should we have modifications made to our facility to at least provide emergency lighting, power, and first aid supplies? Should we be prepared to assist our neighborhood with shelter and food? These questions and more have been asked by our members and leaders. While this experience is fresh in our minds, Pastor Steve and the Council invite you to assist LCH by forming a group to address these concerns now and to take concrete steps to be better prepared for the next emergency.
Please contact the church office if you are able to assist.
Georgine Stark hospitalized at Kapiolani awaiting healthy childbirth.
Robert Zimmer
The Church Council has approved participation in a collection of items for “Save The Food Basket.” This would be part of the give away to their clients who have AIDS/HIV and are disabled from working. Also these are items that are not available with their food stamps. From our congregation they have asked for donations of Ziploc or other similar bagging products, saran or similar type wrap, and dishwashing soap. They would like to have 180 of each, any size. I told them we would collect as much as we can of each item but the full amount could be out of reach. Also, if you would like to donate money for this project please see me and I will shop for you and provide a receipt. “Save The Food Basket” is a non-profit and any gifting is a tax deduction. These items and those provided by other organizations will help make their Christmas a happier one.
Pastor David & Karen Barber have a new granddaughter; born on September 15 in Fresno, California.
Drop your used printer ink cartridges/toners and old cell phones (handsets and batteries only) at the LCH Administrator’s office or in a drop box located at the church. Two companies will turn the cartridges and cell phones into CASH, and the proceeds will go to support IHS Meals.
The minimum we can send in is 50 cartridges and 35 cell phones, and we now have 48 cartridges and 4 cell phones. We’ve sent in the first cell phones and are awaiting a check.
The Angel Network, hosted at Calvary by the Sea, is the Hukilau’s food bank for feeding the homeless and destitute. Please consider including them in your regular grocery shopping. Bring cooked meat items and other food and toiletry items to church Sundays.
They also need your assistance on Thursdays and/or Fridays to stock shelves and fill grocery bags. Call Nikki Silverstein at 358-6954 to volunteer.
Beverly Kaeo | 11/01 | |
Amy Purzer | 11/01 | |
Pam Buckley | 11/06 | |
Stephen Schmidt | 11/06 | |
Jonathan Kaeo | 11/08 | |
Nathanael W. | 11/10 | |
Paul Fujii | 11/11 | |
Niell G. | 11/12 | |
Edward Ichikawa | 11/12 | |
Pamela Hethcote | 11/13 | |
Mary Fastenau | 11/14 | |
Joelyn DesForge | 11/16 | |
Betty Demsick | 11/17 | |
Joshua Graber | 11/17 | |
Scott Schweigert | 11/17 | |
Stephen Crosier | 11/18 | |
Dixon D. | 11/20 | |
Justin Kaeo | 11/21 | |
Megan Freund | 11/22 | |
Brysen Kaeo | 11/22 | |
Rev. Fritz Fritschel | 11/23 | |
Brandon Yeh | 11/30 |
Next Heart Beat Deadline is Tuesday, November 21!