With the new school year just around the corner, the congregation gathered to dedicate the new Godly Play room following worship on Sunday, August 31.
The Sunday School teachers and pastors have been preparing for almost a year for the introduction of this new curriculum, which approaches the stories of sacred history in a way that is both fun and engaging. Linda Miller has been describing the journey to be ready for Godly Play in her blog, Notes from Nana Linda. For a brief introduction, please read her post “What is Godly Play?”
Christian Educations is offered for children and adults of all ages each Sunday morning at 9:20, between the two morning worship services. In addition to Godly Play for children ages 3 through 5th grade, children 6th through 12th grade have their own class (which meets in the Rainbow Room), the Adult Forum gathers in the Board Room, and professional nursery care is provided for children infant through 4 years. All are welcome.
At right, Pastor Angela blesses the Godly Play room with help from one of the children.