First Half of Annual Meeting • Sun., Nov. 13, at 11:00 am

people are the church graphicEach year, congregational members gather as a community to tend to important matters of business and ministry. These include nominating leadership, passing a budget, receiving reports, and discussing our mission objectives. At LCH, we divide our annual meeting into two halves. This year’s meeting will be conducted in-person and via Zoom meeting. In November we’ll elect Congregational Council members to take office in January, review the draft budget, and conduct other business that may need to be transacted. In January, the main business is approving a final budget for the new year. All are welcome and encouraged to attend the meetings, but only members in good standing may vote. Please plan to attend!

If you will be attending the meeting over Zoom, contact Pastor Jeff, via email at, for a meeting number and password to log into the meeting.

Posted in Congregational Life, Congregational Meetings.