On September 1, Lutheran Church of Honolulu welcomed Intern Pastor Brianna Llyod for a one-year, full-time internship. Vicar Bree is a “terminal year intern,” meaning that at the end of her internship she will be eligible for call to a congregation. During her year at LCH, she will have the opportunity to experience the full range of pastoral duties, including worship leadership, pastoral care, teaching, youth ministry, administration, stewardship, and finance. In addition, she will undertake an internship project of her own choice. This internship will be somewhat unique given the pandemic. Many of your interactions with Vicar Bree will be via phone, Zoom, or other technology. Pastoral care, committee meetings, and even personal interactions will require some intentionality and care to make this the best experience possible. LCH is a great community in which to learn and develop pastoral skills and a healthy pastoral identity. Please remember, Vicar Bree is a student who is learning all the time. At the same time, we will learn a great deal from her as she brings her unique gifts to bear on God’s ministry through LCH. I pray you will welcome Vicar Bree with your customary enthusiasm and joy!
Vicar Bree has a lay committee with whom she will meet monthly. The initial committee members include Mary Fastenau, Bobby Broyles, Hunter Nishimura, and Olivia Arnold. Vicar Bree will have the opportunity to add one or more other members over the next several weeks as she gets to know our community. The lay committee serves as a sounding board for the vicar, but does not have a supervisory role.
Vecar Bree was formally installed during online worship on Sunday, September 6