Updated Guidance for In-person Worship Attendance

Meeting together safely graphicFollowing revised City and County guidelines, Lutheran Church of Honolulu is no longer requiring proof of vaccination to participate in worship. However, for the protection of the most vulnerable in our midst, we strongly encourage all persons coming to the LCH campus to be fully vaccinated and boosted.

In addition, all participants are requested to wear an appropriate mask on campus while indoors.

If you are not feeling well, please enjoy our events in the comfort of your home via our online offerings.

These rules are subject to change as the covid-19 pandemic evolves.

Lenten Fellowship and Evening Prayer • Wednesdays, March 9–April 6, 7:00 pm

Lenten Vespers graphicPlease join your LCH ‘ohana as we journey through the Lenten season each Wednesday evening beginning March 9.

Our theme this year is “Embraced by the Holy.” We will explore and expand our faith-life and spirituality through the beauty of God’s created world. How is God’s proclamation being communicated by the very environment around us? What do we see, hear, and feel of God in the misty wood or the urban garden?

Due to covid-19 limitations, we will not be able to have our usual Lenten Soup Supper this year. However, you are invited to join us for light pūpū and a cup of soup at 6:20 pm before the service. Evening prayer will begin at 7:00 pm with both in-person attendance and livestream broadcast.

For those not attending in person, the Lenten Evening Prayer will be livestreamed on our streaming page and the LCH Facebook page and then archived on the LCH Facebook page.

Ash Wednesday Worship • March 2 at 7:30 pm

Ash Wednesday cross graphicThe season of Lent begins with a very special worship on Ash Wednesday. This beautiful evening service begins the Lenten season of reflection, prayer, and preparation as we hear the words from Genesis 3:19, “Remember that you are dust, and to dust you shall return.” Ashes, a sign of mourning and repentance, are placed on our foreheads as a reminder of our mortality, but the ashes are in the shape of a cross, a sign of promise, and life, and hope.

Ash Wednesday—and the whole season of Lent—calls us to reflect and remember the precious gift of life and love that God has given us in creation and community and to re-center our thoughts and spirit on what truly matters. As we gather around the communion table in worship on Ash Wednesday, we see our neighbor with the same smudged cross on her head, recall that our mortality is joined to hers forever in Christ, and remember that together we share the joy of life with all of God’s world.

In-person attendance is welcome for vaccinated individuals, and masks are required at all times. For those not attending in person, the Ash Wednesday Liturgy will be livestreamed on our streaming page and the LCH Facebook page.

Ordination and Installation of Pastor Brianna Lloyd • Sun., Feb. 20, 5:00 pm

Pastor Brianna LloydBrianna Lloyd will be ordained to the ministry of Word and Sacrament and installed as associate pastor at Lutheran Church of Honolulu on Sunday, February 20, at 5:00 pm. Bishop Andy Taylor of the Pacifica Synod will preside, and Sister Joan Mitchell, a sister of St. Joseph of Carondelet (CSJ), whose community supported and funded Bree’s divinity schooling, will preach.

Offerings will go to the CSJ community to support women’s theological education and to the Pacifica Synod’s first-call theological education ministry. Donations may be made in-person at the ordination service, by check mailed to Lutheran Church of Honolulu, 1730 Punahou Street, Honolulu, HI 96822, or via PayPal using the donation button at the bottom of this page.

Limited in-person seating is available by reserving a seat through our Eventbrite page. Proof of vaccination or a negative covid-19 test taken within the past 72 hours is required for entry; masks are required throughout the performance. Those not attending in-person can tune in on our streaming page and the LCH Facebook page.

Return to In-person Worship Beginning February 13

Meeting together safely graphicAfter many months of online worship only, we are delighted to announce LCH will return to in-person worship beginning February 13th! Please join us in person and online at 10:00 am. Those worshiping in person will need to provide proof of vaccination or a negative covid test within 72 hours, wear a mask while on campus, and practice social distancing.

Adult Forum will remain online only for the moment. Godly Play will begin to transition to hybrid class over the next few weeks. Parents of Godly Play students will be contacted with more information. Parents wishing to enroll their children 5 years through 5th grade in Godly Play should contact the church office at 808-941-2566 or email lch@LCHwelcome.org.

We look forward to seeing you soon! There is no need to register with Evenbrite for Sunday morning worship.

Compline • Sun., Jan. 16, at 7:30 pm & Bach and Prayer • Wed., Jan. 26, at 7:00 pm

Compline • Sunday, January 16, at 7:30 pm

prayer graphicWe warmly invite all people in all places of faith and life to Compline. Offered on the first and third Sunday of each month, this beautiful candle-lit service is a meditative experience. Join us for a 30-minute meditative time of prayer and reflection by candlelight. A cappella singing and chanting are led by the LCH Men’s Schola with John Bickel presiding.

Compline for January 16 includes music by Un-Yung La (1922–1993), John L. Bell (b. 1949), Thomas Tallis (1505–1585), several plainsong pieces, and an anonymous melody from 1566, arranged by Christopher Dalitz (b. 1967)

Compline will be livestreamed on our streaming page and the LCH Facebook page and then archived on the LCH Facebook page.

Bach and Prayer • Wednesday, January 26, at 7:00 pm

Bach and Prayer graphicAll are welcome to participate in our monthly “Bach and Prayer.” Join us for this quiet prayer service on Wednesday evening, January 26. Bach and Prayer offers a time for silent prayer and meditation interspersed with contemplative organ works by J. S. Bach and his family.

This month, Maika‘i Nash and Scott Fikse will perform selection by Johann Sebastian Back arranged for piano four-hands.

Bach and Prayer will livestream on our streaming page and the LCH Facebook page. If you miss the livestream, the service will be archived on the LCH Facebook page.

LCH Returns to Online-Only Worship Services

Over the weekend Hawai‘i covid-19 numbers spiked to an alarming 2000+ infections and a positivity rate of 11%. I recently spoke with staff members, and we are agreed that LCH should return to online-only worship through Sunday January 16th. Indications are that the current surge will last at least that long. Should numbers hold steady or climb, it seems prudent that we extend online-only worship past that date.

In Peace,
Pastor Jeff

Modified Christmas Worship Information

modified worship graphicWhile we were all looking forward to celebrating a blessed Christmas season in the Nave as an in-person community, the rising covid positivity rate in Hawai‘i has caused us to rethink these plans. In the interest of safety, we’ve modified our Christmastide services as outlined below.

The following services will take place outside in the Hörmann Courtyard. All attendees must be fully vaccinated, wear a mask, and observe social distancing protocols. We ask that if you feel unsafe or unwell, you please stay home and join us online. Seating will be limited and physically-distances, so anyone planning to attend should RSVP using the link for that service.

The 7:30 pm Christmas Eve Choral Eucharist will be offered livestream-only. Family members of the choir and production crew may join in-person (while observing all safety protocols as mentioned above).

Plans for morning worship and Compline on Sunday, January 2, and German Vespers on Friday, January 6, will be determined at a later date.

Thank you for your understanding as we navigate the ups and downs of the pandemic together.

On behalf of the entire staff, we wish you a blessed, safe Christmas season.

Worship for the Christmas Season

The Twelve Days of Christmas

Christmas Eve
Friday, December 24

5:00 pm • Family Service
Musical selections include the St. James Christmas Carol Mass
with chamber choir joined by violin, cello, and piano
7:30 pm • Choral Eucharist
Buxtehude’s Christmas cantata, Das neugeborne Kindelein;
Mozart’s Missa Brevis in G major and works for choir and strings
LCH choir, Bach Chamber Orchestra, and organist Mark Wong

Christmas Day
Saturday, December 25

10:00 am • Festival Worship
with music provided by the women of the LCH Choir

First Sunday of Christmas
Sunday, December 26

10:00 am • Lessons & Carols
featuring members of the LCH Choir

Second Sunday of Christmas
Sunday, January 2

10:00 am • Service of the Word
featuring members of the LCH Choir
7:30 am • Compline
featuring LCH Men’s Schola

Epiphany of Our Lord
Thursday, January 6

Epiphany German Vespers
has ben cancelled due to the rise in covid cases

As of December 21, Choral Eucharist on Christmas Eve will be live-streamed only. Family Worship on Christmas Eve, morning worship on Christmas Day, and Lessons and Carols on December 26 will take place in Hörmann Courtyard with limited in-person attendance by fully-vaccinated or tested individuals. Masks are required
throughout worship. Worship services during January will be online-only.
All services will also livestream on the LCH Facebook page. They will also stream on
our Worship Services page, where orders of worship are available for download.


In-Person Worship Resumes Sunday, December 5

masked worshippers in pewsLutheran Church of Honolulu will resume in-person attendance at worship beginning Sunday, December 5, at the 10:00 am worship service. For those living outside of O‘ahu or not wishing to attend in-person, worship services will continued to be livestreamed on the LCH Facebook page and our own Worship Services page, making this a hybrid service.

All attendees eligible for vaccination must show proof of vaccination on arrival, and everyone on campus must remain masked for the duration including during worship.
 Unvaccinated adults must show a negative covid-19 test taken within a 72-hour window. Children not yet vaccinated will be allowed to attend but must be masked.

Social distancing will be observed through preset seating.
 One Sundays when Holy Communion is celebrated, communion will be by individual wafer and disposable cups distributed to attendees in their seats. Initially there will be no fellowship hour.