While we were all looking forward to celebrating a blessed Christmas season in the Nave as an in-person community, the rising covid positivity rate in Hawai‘i has caused us to rethink these plans. In the interest of safety, we’ve modified our Christmastide services as outlined below.
The following services will take place outside in the Hörmann Courtyard. All attendees must be fully vaccinated, wear a mask, and observe social distancing protocols. We ask that if you feel unsafe or unwell, you please stay home and join us online. Seating will be limited and physically-distances, so anyone planning to attend should RSVP using the link for that service.
The 7:30 pm Christmas Eve Choral Eucharist will be offered livestream-only. Family members of the choir and production crew may join in-person (while observing all safety protocols as mentioned above).
Plans for morning worship and Compline on Sunday, January 2, and German Vespers on Friday, January 6, will be determined at a later date.
Thank you for your understanding as we navigate the ups and downs of the pandemic together.
On behalf of the entire staff, we wish you a blessed, safe Christmas season.