Welcoming Pr. Lesley Radius, Our Interim Pastor

Pr. Lesley RadiusPr. Lesley Radius began serving as the interim pastor of LCH on March 1. We welcome her as our new shepherd and partner in ministry and look forward to all that we will do together over the next year or two. Pr. Lesley, who will be living at Luther Place, will be jumping right into her new call and preaching on March 2. Her email is pr.lesley@lchwelcome.org.

We ask everyone to remember that Pr. Lesley is severely allergic to scented flowers, incense, and perfumes. She has been in the Emergency Room in anaphylaxis, so all are asked to honor her allergy issues whenever you come to the LCH campus.

Pastor Lesley Radius grew up in Chicago, Illinois, and attended Hope Lutheran Church, Lutheran Church Missouri Synod. When she was 13, “Mr. Lesley Radius” was invited to attend a program that fast tracked participants through high school, college, and seminary. With her invitation to that program,Lesley received a brochure entitled “So, you want to be a pastor!” Oddly enough, when Lesley was packing for Lutheran School of Theology, 30 years after she had received the brochure, she found the brochure in the very bottom of the last box she was sorting. This reinforced for Lesley her call to pastoral ministry, even if it took her a long time to know her call and be in a denomination that would allow her to be a pastor.

Lesley is trained in interim ministry, church planting, and church redevelopment. She has served churches in Missouri, Kansas, Tennessee, Maryland, Texas, and now Hawai‘i.

Lesley is very excited to be on this journey with LCH as we discover together what God is up to in our church, the greater community, the state, the nation, and the world. “God is loose in the world,” as Peter Mayer sings. During this transition time, we get the privilege to discern how we will be about doing God’s work, with our hands. May God bless our time together and continue the work of transformation each and every day in each of us. Always remember, Jesus loves you.

On the Passing of Pr. Jeff Lilley

I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. Henceforth there is laid up for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, will award to me on that day, and not only to me but also to all who have loved his appearing.—2 Timothy 4:7–8

Pr. Jeff on their boatAs many of you know, Pastor Jeff Lilley passed away unexpectedly Sunday morning, [October 13,] before services. The congregation of the Lutheran Church of Honolulu is grieving, while providing support for Jeff’s wife Jean, and their children Seth and Meghann and family. Jeff had served this congregation for more than 16 years and was beloved both within and outside the church. Please keep his loved ones in your prayers and thoughts during this most difficult time.

As Bishop Dave Nagler told your church council Sunday morning, Pastor Jeff was one of a kind. We all have stories that bears this out and we will expect to hear and capture many others to honor his life in the coming days and weeks.

First and foremost, we need to support Jean, Seth, and Meghann and family through this very difficult time. The council has established a support committee for this purpose. The Lilley children, Seth and Meghann, will arrive on Monday. The council has decided that LCH will cover their housing during their stay and will also waive the rent for the pastor’s Luther Place apartment as long as Jean needs it.

We also need to be with one another in our grief. We have both in-person and virtual options for pastoral care or grief counseling below and hope to provide additional opportunities to you early this week.

In the meantime, Pastor Margarethe will join Thursday bible study at 10:00 am and Pastor Ruth will be at Choir Practice on Thursday at 7:00 pm.

We are receiving tremendous support from the Pacifica Synod, from the Hukilau Conference, and from the Council of Bishops.

We firmly believe Pastor Jeff would want our congregation to continue providing the spiritual sustenance, community outreach and goodwill, and special events that LCH is well known for.

Please take care of yourselves and your loved ones during this especially difficult time, and do not hesitate to contact another member of the LCH family or a council member if you feel the need to just talk.

And while we all grieve, please give the Lilley family time and space to do so in their own time and way.

On behalf of the LCH Council,
Dan Dennison

Memorial Service for Pr. Jeff, followed by JeffFest • Sat. Oct. 19

Pr. Jeff on their boatPastor Jeff’s Memorial Service is scheduled for 4:00 pm on Saturday, October 19, at LCH. Pacifica Synod Bishop Dave Nagler will preach. The service will be live streamed on the LCH Facebook page. Overflow seating will be available in Isenberg Hall.

LutherFest is now JeffFest and is scheduled to begin at approximately 6:00 pm on Saturday, October 19, in the LCH Courtyard. Brats, salads, beer, wine, and non-alcoholic beverages will be provided. Please bring a non-perishable dessert, as the LCH refrigerator is full. Volunteers from other Hukilau churches are being sought to help with cooking and set-up in order to allow LCH member and friends to attend the service.

On Sunday, October 20, in the 10:00 am worship service, Bishop Dave Nagler will be preaching, and Pastor Ruth Peterson will lead worship. Kimberly, a social worker from Joy of Christ, will also be with us and is making herself available for emotional support.

Compline will not be sung Sunday evening.

Our sincere thanks to all the clergy, active and retired, the bishop, and many others who are assisting the LCH family through this very difficult time. And mahalo to each of you for continuing to support one another and the Lilley family.

The Lilley family has asked that memorial gifts made in honor of Pr. Jeff go to the Hawai‘i Health and Harm Reduction Center (H3RC) for their transgender program. Checks may be made out to Lutheran Church of Honolulu and sent to the church (1730 Punahou Street, Honolulu, HI 96822) or made via PayPal using the button to the left.

Welcoming Pr. Jeff Back from Sabbatical

Pr. Jeff and familyAs the new year begins, we welcome back Pr. Jeff and Jean Lilley from Jeff’s three-month sabbatical in Texas. The sabbatical allowed Pr. Jeff to work on physical, mental, and spiritual health as well as music and visual arts. In addition, he was able to be with daughter Meghann for the birth of twin granddaughters in November. The photo shows Jeff and Jean with Meghann, her husband, the granddaughters, and their grandson.

LCH Welcomes Pastor Margrethe Kleiber

Pr. Margrethe KleiberPastor Jeff Lilley has been granted a period of sabbatical beginning October 1 and extending through the end of the calendar year. He will concentrate on physical, mental, and spiritual health, including working with a spiritual director. In addition, he plans to work on music and visual arts. He is thankful for the opportunity for renewal, and he and Jean plan to spend significant time with family (especially twin grand-daughters due in November).

The Rev. Margrethe Kleiber has graciously agreed to serve part-time as pastor of the congregation during the sabbatical. Pastor Kleiber, a former member of the congregation whose service in the ministry has taken her around the world, will attend to the core areas of preaching, teaching, and pastoral care. You can learn more about Pastor Kleiber on our Leadership page.

Having Pastor Kleiber with us while Pastor Jeff is on sabbatical presents an opportunity for volunteers (and staff), to take on additional responsibilities over the course of the next three months. Please speak with Congregational President Dan Dennison if there are areas in which you would like to volunteer.

Ordination and Installation of Pastor Brianna Lloyd • Sun., Feb. 20, 5:00 pm

Pastor Brianna LloydBrianna Lloyd will be ordained to the ministry of Word and Sacrament and installed as associate pastor at Lutheran Church of Honolulu on Sunday, February 20, at 5:00 pm. Bishop Andy Taylor of the Pacifica Synod will preside, and Sister Joan Mitchell, a sister of St. Joseph of Carondelet (CSJ), whose community supported and funded Bree’s divinity schooling, will preach.

Offerings will go to the CSJ community to support women’s theological education and to the Pacifica Synod’s first-call theological education ministry. Donations may be made in-person at the ordination service, by check mailed to Lutheran Church of Honolulu, 1730 Punahou Street, Honolulu, HI 96822, or via PayPal using the donation button at the bottom of this page.

Limited in-person seating is available by reserving a seat through our Eventbrite page. Proof of vaccination or a negative covid-19 test taken within the past 72 hours is required for entry; masks are required throughout the performance. Those not attending in-person can tune in on our streaming page and the LCH Facebook page.

Congregation Considers New Initiatives

Call Committee Recommends Associate Pastor

Vicar BreeOver the past few months, members of the congregation have approached Pastor Jeff about the possibility of calling Vicar Bree Lloyd to serve as a pastor at LCH. After several conversations with Bishop Andy Taylor and other synod staff, it was determined that Vicar Bree was eligible to be a pastoral candidate at LCH. Pastor Jeff and Vicar Bree had several conversations exploring her sense of call, the mission of the congregation, possible roles, and the challenges and opportunities such a call might present; and Vicar Bree expressed interest in working with the congregation toward a part-time call. Pastor Jeff forwarded the request from members to the Congregational Council Executive Committee, and they agreed to bring it to the attention of the full council.

At their July meeting, the Congregational Council appointed an exploration team consisting of members of the congregation to explore the possibility of calling an associate pastor. Josie Bidgood, Keene Ishii, April Olsen, Steve Miller, Mary Fastenau, and Peter Flachsbart served on the committee. They have worked enthusiastically to developed a mission profile and considered how God might be moving LCH into the future and what role an associate pastor might play. At the September meeting, the council received the report of the exploration team and voted to move forward with consideration of calling Vicar Bree as a part-time, term-call pastor.

In the next couple of weeks, you will receive a report from the call committee and council outlining the missional opportunities they believe the congregation might undertake and how Vicar Bree, as a pastoral candidate, might help the congregation to move forward. Of particular interest is working toward a deeper ministry in creation care and community involvement. You will be invited to take part in one of two Zoom “town hall” meetings where you will have a chance to be heard, make suggestions, and ask questions. If the results of the town hall meetings are positive, the council will schedule a special congregational meeting in the next few weeks and ask the congregation to authorize a call. Calling a pastor is a congregational decision that is not to be made lightly. Please be assured that, throughout this process, congregational leadership has been serious in their discernment and focused on the mission of the congregation. We ask for your prayers as we look boldly into the future!

Digital Organ Discussion

organ graphicThursday, October 14, at 7:00 pm • Via Zoom Meeting

Many of you have noticed the new organ console in the Nave. This instrument is on loan from BYUH with the possibility of remaining at LCH as a supplementary instrument. There will be a Q&A and discussion hour regarding the organ on Thursday, October 14, at 7:00 pm. All are invited to attend. Please email Scott Fikse at scott@LCHwelcome.org to receive the Zoom invitation. Bring your questions, praise, and concerns. This will also be an opportunity to learn about the instrument and the pros and cons of owning a digital organ.

Farewell Celebration for Vicar Bree • Sat., Aug. 28 @ 4:30 pm

microphone graphicIncredible as it may seem, Vicar Bree’s time with us as an intern is almost over. She has been a wonderful addition to this ministry, and we want to say thank you in grand (pandemic-appropriate) style. We hope that you will be able to join us to thank this exceptional vicar who has brought vitality and optimism to our congregation during this very challenging year.

What:     Farewell Celebration For Vicar

Where:   LCH Poki Lot

When:    August 28, 2021, 4:30–6:00 pm

RSVP:    lch@lchwelcome.org or 941-2566 by Wednesday, August 25

This will be a drive-in event with music, entertainment, presentations, and no sermons. For refreshments, BYOB and your own picnic to eat in your car. Hot dogs will also be available while supplies last.

Attendees are encouraged to bring lei with photos, memories, notes, prayers, and/or poems attached. These can be given to a volunteer on entry to the parking lot presentation to Vicar Bree during the program. Or, if preferred, you may send a photo, memory, note, prayer, and/or poem via email to lch@lchwelcome.org no later than Wednesday, August 25, to be added to communal lei. There will also be a calabash at the entry if you would like to drop off a card or gift.

COVID Precautions

  • This will be a drive-in event. Parking spaces will be designated, and volunteers will assist in directing participants to specific stalls.
  • Attendees need to be masked, except when actively eating or drinking, and remain in their vehicles for the entire time.
  • As appropriate and as time permits, Vicar Bree will be invited to walk the parking lot and greet attendees. Some of us have never met her in person. She’s not a bot!
  • “Pack out what we pack in,” especially rubbish. There will not be trash receptacles at the site.

Welcome Intern Pastor Brianna Llyod

Intern Pastor Brianna Lloyd

On September 1, Lutheran Church of Honolulu welcomed Intern Pastor Brianna Llyod for a one-year, full-time internship. Vicar Bree is a “terminal year intern,” meaning that at the end of her internship she will be eligible for call to a congregation. During her year at LCH, she will have the opportunity to experience the full range of pastoral duties, including worship leadership, pastoral care, teaching, youth ministry, administration, stewardship, and finance. In addition, she will undertake an internship project of her own choice. This internship will be somewhat unique given the pandemic. Many of your interactions with Vicar Bree will be via phone, Zoom, or other technology. Pastoral care, committee meetings, and even personal interactions will require some intentionality and care to make this the best experience possible. LCH is a great community in which to learn and develop pastoral skills and a healthy pastoral identity. Please remember, Vicar Bree is a student who is learning all the time. At the same time, we will learn a great deal from her as she brings her unique gifts to bear on God’s ministry through LCH. I pray you will welcome Vicar Bree with your customary enthusiasm and joy!

Vicar Bree has a lay committee with whom she will meet monthly. The initial committee members include Mary Fastenau, Bobby Broyles, Hunter Nishimura, and Olivia Arnold. Vicar Bree will have the opportunity to add one or more other members over the next several weeks as she gets to know our community. The lay committee serves as a sounding board for the vicar, but does not have a supervisory role.

Vecar Bree was formally installed during online worship on Sunday, September 6

COVID-19 Update

Like many organizations throughout Hawai‘i, LCH continues to operate on a modified schedule in response to the covid-19 pandemic. Our primary concern is the safety and health of everyone using the campus. While groups are being allowed to return to campus, they are required to follow CDC, state, and local guidelines for social distancing and sanitization, as well as holding LCH harmless for any covid-19 related illness or injury. Here are some updates on recent developments at LCH:

  1. Worship
    1. The congregational council has directed that in-person Sunday worship be delayed until after August 31, 2020. Online streaming worship will continue.
    2. Limited in-person worship at midweek vespers may commence beginning in July. These services will be held in the courtyard observing all current recommendations for physical distancing and mask use.
    3. The worship committee has appointed a working group to develop a plan for return to in-person worship which will include policies and procedures.
  2. Office Hours—Staff continue to work from home with limited presence at the church office. Anne Sing monitors email daily from home and checks phone messages in the LCH office during twice weekly visits for necessary administrative tasks and supervision of contractors. We do continue to ask for your patience as some inquiries and requests may take longer to respond than usual. Carolyn Koehler keeps us up to date on billing and drafts check payments weekly. Pastor Jeff is in the office almost every day to assure campus security and maintenance. Scott Fikse is working mostly from home.
  3. Community Groups/Tenants: Some community groups have requested permission to begin meeting on the LCH Campus. The council is allowing some groups to return with very stringent guidelines.
    1. Western Presbyterian Church of Hawai‘i (WPCH) has begun in-person worship on Sunday afternoons and Wednesday evenings. They are a very small group and are diligently following the guidelines set forth by the congregational council.
    2. Alcoholics Anonymous—one group initially asked to resume meeting at LCH, but due to leadership adjustments has had to postpone the resumption of meetings. They are cleared to begin as soon as they are ready.
    3. Habitat for Humanity has resumed limited use of their office.
    4. Christiansen Educators tutoring has resumed limited use of the campus.
    5. Organ lessons will be allowed to resume on a limited basis.