First Mondays: Hooray for Bollywood! • Mon., March 6, at 7:00 pm

Bollywood graphicJoin us for our next First Mondays Concert, “Hooray for Bollywood!” which brings together the lush melodies and exotic rhythms of “Old is Gold” Bollywood hits arranged for string quartet! Join us as Helen Liu, Arlene Koh, Susan Leon, and Kathleen Long present this unique program.

First Monday Concerts are free, with a suggested donation $20. As a courtesy to others, please wear a face mask inside the church.

All are welcome join us at 6:00 pm for pūpū in the Hörmann Courtyard.

First Monday Concerts are free, with a suggested donation $20. As a courtesy to others, please wear a face mask inside the church. The concert will only be offered live; there will be no livestream.

Through the generous sponsorship of the Arthur and Mae Orvis Foundation and support from other individual supporters, this concert is free. Additional donations to support this concert and the entire series are gladly accepted online (details below) or at the concert.

First Mondays 2022–2023 Concert Series

Help Make “First Mondays” a Success by Becoming a Sponsor

Your tax-deductible donations make it possible for us to offer these free concerts to the community. Please consider a donation by sending a check (payable to “Lutheran Church of Honolulu”) to the church at 1730 Punahou Street, Honolulu HI 96822 or using the button to the right to make a secure donation via PayPal. Mahalo for your support.

First Mondays: Dr. Barry J. Wenger plays the von Beckerath • Mon., Feb. 6, at 7:00 pm

The von Beckerath organ, photo by Joey FalaJoin Dr. Barry J. Wenger at the Lutheran Church of Honolulu, 1730 Punahou St., for the First Mondays Concert on February 6, at 7:00 pm. Dr. Wenger will present music over the centuries with pieces by J.S. Bach, Louis-Claude Daquin, W.A. Mozart, and contemporary composers including Craig Phillips, Eleanor Daley, and Aaron David Miller. Come enjoy a “tour” of organ music on the wonderful von Beckerath organ.

First Monday Concerts are free, with a suggested donation $20. As a courtesy to others, please wear a face mask inside the church. The concert will only be offered live; there will be no livestream.

Through the generous sponsorship of the Arthur and Mae Orvis Foundation and support from other individual supporters, this concert is free. Additional donations to support this concert and the entire series are gladly accepted online (details below) or at the concert.

First Mondays 2022–2023 Concert Series

Help Make “First Mondays” a Success by Becoming a Sponsor

Your tax-deductible donations make it possible for us to offer these free concerts to the community. Please consider a donation by sending a check (payable to “Lutheran Church of Honolulu”) to the church at 1730 Punahou Street, Honolulu HI 96822 or using the button to the right to make a secure donation via PayPal. Mahalo for your support.

First Mondays: An Evening of Music for Piano and Four Hands • Mon., Jan. 2, at 7:30 pm

Music for Piano and Four Hands graphicJoin us for an evening of four hands piano as we enjoy music by Mozart, Mendelssohn, Schubert, and Ravel performed by pianists Dr. Thomas Yee and Dr. Tyler Flores Ramos.

Please note the change in time. The concert will begin at 7:30 pm.

First Monday Concerts are free, with a suggested donation $20. As a courtesy to others, please wear a face mask inside the church. The concert will only be offered live; there will be no livestream.

Through the generous sponsorship of the Arthur and Mae Orvis Foundation and support from other individual supporters, this concert is free. Additional donations to support this concert and the entire series are gladly accepted online (details below) or at the concert.

First Mondays 2022–2023 Concert Series

Help Make “First Mondays” a Success by Becoming a Sponsor

Your tax-deductible donations make it possible for us to offer these free concerts to the community. Please consider a donation by sending a check (payable to “Lutheran Church of Honolulu”) to the church at 1730 Punahou Street, Honolulu HI 96822 or using the button to the right to make a secure donation via PayPal. Mahalo for your support.

A Season of Celebration—Christmastide at LCH

Celebrating Christmas at LCH

Winter Solstice
Wednesday, December 21

7:30 pm • A Service of Grief and Remembrance
In-person only, no livestream

Christmas Eve
Saturday, December 24

5:00 pm • Family Worship

7:00 pm • Festival Prelude
featuring Vivaldi’s Gloria, rv 588

7:30 pm • Choral Eucharist
with music provided by the LCH Choir

Christmas Day
Sunday, December 25

10:00 am • Choral Eucharist
featuring the women of the LCH Choir

New Year’s Day

Sunday, January 1

10:00 am • Choral Eucharist
A Service of Lessons & Carols

7:30 am • Compline
featuring the LCH Men’s Schola

All are welcome to these services. In the spirit of mutual care, we encourage those attending in person to wear masks. All services,
except for the Blue Christmas worship, will also livestream on the LCH Facebook page and our Worship Services page.

First Mondays: A Holiday Horn Spectacular • Mon., Dec. 5, at 7:00 pm

Holiday Horn Spectacular graphicHorns go-a-caroling!!!! Join us for the Lutheran Church of Honoluluʻs First Mondays Chamber Concerts Horn Quartet performance. We will be getting festive with a variety of holiday tunes. Come ready to join in singing along with your favorite carol! To start spreading Holiday Cheer there will be 1st, 2nd and 3rd place prizes for the most-festively-dressed audience member.

Our artists for the evening are Marie Lickwar, Jamie Sanborn, Rory Onishi, and Colton Hironaka. They all believe in the words of Buddy the Elf, “The best way to spread Christmas cheer is singing loud for all to hear.”

First Monday Concerts are free, with a suggested donation $20. As a courtesy to others, please wear a face mask inside the church. The concert will only be offered live; there will be no livestream.

Through the generous sponsorship of the Arthur and Mae Orvis Foundation and support from other individual supporters, this concert is free. Additional donations to support this concert and the entire series are gladly accepted online (details below) or at the concert.

First Mondays 2022–2023 Concert Series

Help Make “First Mondays” a Success by Becoming a Sponsor

Your tax-deductible donations make it possible for us to offer these free concerts to the community. Please consider a donation by sending a check (payable to “Lutheran Church of Honolulu”) to the church at 1730 Punahou Street, Honolulu HI 96822 or using the button to the right to make a secure donation via PayPal. Mahalo for your support.

48th Annual Advent Procession • Sun., Nov. 27, at 7:30 pm

advent graphicJoin us for Lutheran Church of Honolulu’s annual Advent Procession, a beloved Hawai‘i tradition since 1975. This year the service will be led by Barry Wenger, our new organist and director of music, and will include seasonal readings, hymns old and new, and glorious choral selections by the LCH Choir.

For those not attending in person, the concert will be livestreamed on our Worship Services page and the LCH Facebook page and then archived on the LCH Facebook page

NEW DATE: Frightful Fête! • Monday, October 17, @ 7:00 pm

Frightful Fête! graphicPlease join us for an evening full of fun and scary songs and stories! Our October First Mondays concert will feature musical theater, opera, art song, and solo piano that spans the centuries, from 17th century composer Henry Purcell to current Broadway composer Andrew Lippa. This concert will be performed by two of LCH’s own choir section leaders, as well as our wonderful colleagues from Hawaiʻi Opera Theater and BYUH Hawaiʻi. Come hear some Beetlejuice and Grunchin’ Witch!, featuring Catherine Morris, soprano, Melissa Walker Glenn, mezzo-soprano, Brian Minnick, tenor, Robert Feng, bass, and Jennifer Duerden, piano.

Free admission; suggested donation: $20

For those not attending in person, the concert will livestream on our Worship Services page and the LCH Facebook page.

Concert Program (PDF in a new window)

Through the generous sponsorship of the Arthur and Mae Orvis Foundation and support from other individual supporters, this concert is free. Additional donations to support this concert and the entire series are gladly accepted online (details below) or at the concert.

First Mondays 2022–2023 Concert Series

Help Make “First Mondays” a Success by Becoming a Sponsor

Your tax-deductible donations make it possible for us to offer these free concerts to the community. Please consider a donation by sending a check (payable to “Lutheran Church of Honolulu”) to the church at 1730 Punahou Street, Honolulu HI 96822 or using the button to the right to make a secure donation via PayPal. Mahalo for your support.

First Mondays: Reflections, Songs, and Stories: A Day in the Life of George Kahumoku, Jr. • Monday, November 7, @ 7:00 pm

George Kahumoku, Jr.Please join us for an evening full songs and stories! Grammy and Nā Hōkū Hanohano award winning Slack Key Guitarist George Kahumoku, Jr., will guide us through some history with storytelling and music. Music will include Hawaiian hīmeni (hymns) and a special guest appearance from Malia Kaʻai Barrett. Bring an instrument for the kanikapila portion of the program and your singing voice for a sing-a-long!

Malia Kaʻai BarrettFree admission; suggested donation: $20

The concert will be in-person only, and masks are encouraged. There will be no livestream broadcast.

Through the generous sponsorship of the Arthur and Mae Orvis Foundation and support from other individual supporters, this concert is free. Additional donations to support this concert and the entire series are gladly accepted online (details below) or at the concert.

First Mondays 2022–2023 Concert Series

Help Make “First Mondays” a Success by Becoming a Sponsor

Your tax-deductible donations make it possible for us to offer these free concerts to the community. Please consider a donation by sending a check (payable to “Lutheran Church of Honolulu”) to the church at 1730 Punahou Street, Honolulu HI 96822 or using the button to the right to make a secure donation via PayPal. Mahalo for your support.

First Mondays Concert: Tree Trios • Monday, September 5, @ 7:00 pm

Birch Grove I.  Gustav Klimt. 1902.  oil/canvas.  Dresden, Germany:  Galerie Neue Meister. Public domain. us for an exciting musical adventure exploring the various combinations of these four instruments in various trio formations. Yuseon Nam, violin, Alex Hayashi, oboe, Marie Lickwar, horn, and Jasmine Nagano, piano, perform music from the Romantic period into the 20th century. The lush romanticism of Brahms leads to the polytonality and quartal and quintal harmonies of Milhaud and on to the mature but lighthearted composition by Reinecke.

Free admission; suggested donation: $20

For those not attending in person, the concert will livestream on our Worship Services page and the LCH Facebook page.

Concert Program (PDF in a new window)

Through the generous sponsorship of the Arthur and Mae Orvis Foundation and support from other individual supporters, this concert is free. Additional donations to support this concert and the entire series are gladly accepted online (details below) or at the concert.

First Mondays 2022–2023 Concert Series

Help Make “First Mondays” a Success by Becoming a Sponsor

Your tax-deductible donations make it possible for us to offer these free concerts to the community. Please consider a donation by sending a check (payable to “Lutheran Church of Honolulu”) to the church at 1730 Punahou Street, Honolulu HI 96822 or using the button to the right to make a secure donation via PayPal. Mahalo for your support.

LCH Bids Farewell to Scott Fikse • Sunday, July 31

Farewell and Good Wishes graphicWe’re saying goodbye to our director of music, Scott Fikse, on Sunday, July 31.

The celebration of Scott’s ministry at LCH begins with worship at 10:00 am that morning. The LCH Choir and Bach Chamber Orchestra will fill the service with special music, including Bach’s Cantata 187, Es wartet alles auf dich. Following worship, all are invited to a Cake Reception in honor of Scott.

Festivities continue that evening with a Celebration Potluck in the evening at 5:30 pm. Please prepare a dish and join us in wishing Scott and Marcus a blessed farewell.

For those who cannot attend, we are collecting farewell cards or letters for Scott. Please mail them to the church and we’ll make sure to get them to Scott before his departure. If you have questions about the potluck, please contact the church office at 808-941-2566.