Summer Day Camp for Children Is Almost Here!

Day camp leaders teaching a song for the children's conversationSummer Day Camp begins on Monday, June 30, and the congregation was happy to welcome the young camp leaders to join us for Sunday worship. To get everyone in the mood for camp, the leaders taught a camp song during the children’s conversation, and they even got the whole congregation to stand and join in with the song and motions.

Again this year the leaders come from Lutheran Retreats, Camps, and Conferences (LRCC), headquartered in Southern California. They have prepared an exciting program using the theme ”POWER up,” which invites the children to experience the POWER of God’s dynamic love and grace.

Camp begins on Monday morning, with registration at 8:30 am. All children ages 5 through sixth grade are invited, even if they did not register in advance. Bring your friends for this powerful week experiencing the POWER of God.

Everyone is also invited to the closing worship on Friday at 11:00 am.

At right, the leaders teach the words and motions for a favorite camp song.

Sunday School Prepares for Godly Play

Linda Miller meets with prospective Sunday School teachers to prepare for the new Godly Play curriculumIt seems like summer has just begun, but already folks in our Sunday School are getting ready for the new school year in September. Earlier this year, they decided to switch their curriculum and adopt Godly Play for the LCH Sunday School, so the leadership is busy getting everything ready.

Linda Miller first introduced the Godly Play to the congregation back in January, and one of the Sunday School rooms has been outfitted for the curriculum, so now the teachers are beginning their training to use the curriculum effectively. At right, Linda (left), discusses Godly Play with Jim Niermann, Marjan Lynch, Laurie Leach, and Stepha Luuloa.

To help get the word out about Godly Play, Linda has resurrected her blog, Notes from Nana Linda, with a recent post explaining Godly Play. Check it out, and stay tuned for more news about this exciting curriculum.

Sunday School Year Ends with Fun Day

Sunday School children and teachers enjoy some of the games on Fun DayChildren in the LCH Sunday School enjoyed a morning of fun and games on their last day together until the fall. The Sunday School teachers had prepared a variety of games to appeal to individual interests and different ages. Others from the congregation pitched in to prepare hot dogs and other snacks for the children.

At right, children reach into the mystery box for prizes.

The summer worship schedule begins on June 1, with one morning worship service at 9:15 am. Regular Sunday School Classes will resume with the first Sunday in September, but nursery classes will be provided during worship.

Gearing Up for Summer Camp

Two campers from last summer talk of their experiences and encourage participationSummer is fast approaching, and with it opportunities for our young people to enjoy Day Camp on the LCH campus June 30 through July 4. Again this year, leaders will come from Southern California Lutheran Outdoor Ministry.

To get everyone excited about Day Camp, youth from the congregation provided special music and spoke about how much last year’s experience meant to them at both morning worship services on May 18.

Between services parents and friends held a FUNraiser bake sale to raise funds for the camp.

At right, one of the girls gives her testimony while her brother shows the shirt he made for camp.

Below, one of the boys plays the courante from the Sonata in G minor by Henry Eccles (1670–1742).

Anyone wanting more information or interested in registering for Day Camp should contact Pastor Angela Freeman at

In addition to Day Camp, LCH will be joining with other ELCA churches on O‘ahu and the Episcopal Diocese of Hawai‘i for summer camp. There are three sessions between June 21 and July 3. For more information and a link to register, see the May issue of The HeartBeat.

Special music for at the 11:30 service

Godly Play Is Introduced!

Pastor Angela Freeman and Linda Miller, director of the Sunday school programming were recently trained as facilitators for the Sunday school programing called, Godly Play. Godly Play was developed by Jerome Berryman and continues to be an effective and creative curriculum for students of all ages.

The program is a Montessori style of learning encouraging the participants to ask questions and learn Bible stories in an intimate way. The photo below is of Linda introducing the Christmas story on the Second Sunday after Christmas. This telling of the story is a “soft” introduction of Godly Play. LCH will be slowly building up of its resources as well as materials for the program.

You’re invited to participate in the telling of the story of the Mystery of Baptism which will be offered directly after the 10:30 am worship this Sunday, January 12. The story will be told in the Rainbow Room.

You could also experience a Godly Play story being told on Sunday, February 23 as the sermon for both the 8:00 am and 10:30 am services that day.

Godly Play 1 Godly Play 2