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Paving the Poki Lot

The LCH lumberjacks show off their handiwork.After more than a year waiting for the necessary permits, our contractor got the permit during the week of June 21, and late that Friday afternoon (June 25), the City gave us permission to cut down the diseased tree that had held up the permitting process. Three LCH “lumberjacks”—Fred Benco, Roy Helms, and Larry Nitz—went to work on Saturday.

The old tree from the Poki lot waits to be hauled away.Members and friends discovered the remains of the tree when they arrived for worship the following day.

The contractor's truck arrives to begin hauling away debris.During the week of July 5, our contractor began hauling away the debris.

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Poles were sunk for dust screens.On July 19, poles were sunk, a dust screen went up, and work began under the supervision of our contractor, Hamilton Finau.

Contractor Hamilton Finau supervises the work.

Workers put up the dust screens.

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Dirt is delivered so that the lot can be leveled.Once the contractor got started, they discovered a problems with the plans that required new City approvals and led to more delays, but finally on August 19, they got started.

A load of dirt was delivered so that the lot could be leveled...

the crew goes to work leveling the lot.and the crew went to work.

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The Poki Lot is all paved and ready to be lined.By the last week of August, the paving was done, and the Poki Lot could be used for church parking.

Cars in the lined Poki LotThe lines were painted in early November, and new gates were installed shortly thereafter.

Cars in the lined Poki Lot 
And finally, signs were put up in late February.

Thanks to everyone who worked and contributed to bring this project to a successful conclusion.

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