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Ask a Question or Make a Comment about the Capital Campaign Capital Campaign Kick-Off
Mark your calendars! Oct. 5 (Sun.) Oct. 20-29 (Sun.–Wed.) Nov. 7-8 (Fri.–Sat.) Nov. 22 (Sat.) Nov. 23 (Sun.) Dec. 7 (Sun.) Campaign Newsletter, Issue 1 (PDF) Campaign Newsletter, Issue 2 Campaign Newsletter, Issue 3 Campaign Newsletter, Issue 4 |
Capital Campaign Newsletter #1Our journey of faithfulness
The Campaign is led by a team of members who have accepted responsibility for different parts of the process. To ensure that we make steady progress with a minimum of wasted effort, we have engaged the services of Enrichment Ministries, an organization that helps churches with successful campaigns. Rev. Howell Foster, a veteran of more than ten years with Enrichment Ministries who has helped several other Hukilau congregations with similar efforts, will be our consultant and guide throughout the Campaign. On September 5 and 6 we had an outstanding team meeting with every director in attendance. The enthusiasm and the participation was high, and I left that meeting feeling hopeful and excited about the next three months for LCH. We have a terrific group of campaign directors, but what is even more fantastic is that we have a multitude of other members just like them who will be asked to participate in this campaign. This is a kairos time in the life of our congregation, and the success of this venture depends on the participation of all of us. Please pray for those folks in these leadership roles, but also pray and reflect about your involvement and participation. We will need all of you to be involved in some capacity in order for us to meet our goal. Please say “yes” when asked. Don Person, Campaign Chair
The campaign emphasis will focus on biblical stewardship to encourage Christian growth and commitment, the process will provide a number of opportunities for you to become involved through Bible study, prayer vigil, enrichment gatherings, banquets, and other activities. We need your help to be successful. Please give prayerful consideration to assisting if contacted, but perhaps more importantly to volunteering your time and talents to this campaign for the future of LCH. This is an exciting time to be part of the LCH family. I look forward to working in partnership with each and every one of you. Irmgard Hörmann, Honorary Chair
Why have I been invited to be Honorary Chairman of the LCH Capital Campaign? Not for my financial acumen! Probably, for historical reasons. My father was an early pastor from 1916–1946. I have lived the history of this church which I love. I have precious memories of people and events through the turbulent twentieth century. Because we live on an island, our congregation has always been mobile. Actively involved members are transferred or return to their roots on the mainland. Their departure leaves a puka in our congregation. but new friends keep arriving. And so the cycle continues. I was heartened when I attended the first planning session for leaders of the Campaign team. Old friends and new friends sat around the long table. There were an intelligent, questioning, realistic and at the same time an enthusiastic group. I was impressed with their reasons for embarking on this campaign, which reflected their dreams for a future of service to the community. Under the leadership of Pastor David Barber, the Campaign team, and our consultant, Pastor Howell Foster, and with the cooperation and commitment of our whole church family and the blessing of God, our dreams can be realized. Campaign Team Leaders![]() Back row (L-R): Paul Benco, Doug Althauser, Ken Von Deylen, Roy Helms, Michael Burnett, Don Person, Howell Foster. Second row: Kathy Crosier, Bill Potter, Biz Person, Brenda Moore, Jeanette Hanson, Jim Sullivan. Front row: David Barber, Jimmy Castro, Josie Bidgood, Olivia Castro, Fred Benco. Don Person—Chairman. Don is a physician, soldier, humanitarian who has been involved in many Lutheran churches: Elim (Fargo), Gustavus Adolphus (St. Peter), Mt. Olivet (Minneapolis), Mt. Olive (Rochester), Christ the King (Houston), and Lutheran Church of Honolulu. As Campaign Chairman, he is responsible for overall coordination and leadership. Roy Helms—Advance Gifts Director and Enrichment Gatherings Co-Director. Roy Helms has been a member of LCH and sung in the choir for seventeen years, has twice served as Council President, and is currently the Assistant Treasurer. Professionally, he has been an arts administrator and now heads his own firm marketing the work of American craftspeople. In the Capital Campaign, he will work on advance gifts and as part of the team for Enrichment Gatherings. Fred Benco—Planned Giving Co-Director. Fred is the father of wonderful children, a grandfather, a lifelong Lutheran, and prayerful member of LCH since 1980. He is a lawyer working in real estate and contract litigation, probate, and estate planning. Fred will work to promote awareness of planned giving as part of the Capital Campaign. Brenda Moore—Planned Giving Co-Director. A mother of 5, with children and grandchildren in Texas, Los Angeles, and Kaua‘i, Brenda works in the title and escrow industry. Brenda writes that “Some say I’m a visionary, but I aspire to just be a kind and caring person walking side-by-side with the Lord.” She will lead the Campaign’s efforts in the area of planned giving. Jimmy Castro—Bible Study Co-Director. Kaua‘i-born Jimmy Castro, has been a member of LCH since 1985. He is married to Olivia; and they have two daughters, Naomi and Karyn. Olivia Castro—Bible Study Co-Director. Olivia came to Hawai‘i from North Dakota in 1981 intending to stay two years. Instead she met Jimmy, and the rest is history. She writes that “LCH is my family in Hawai‘i.” Olivia and Jimmy’s role in the Bible Study, which will set the scriptural foundation for our campaign, is to enable as many members and friends as possible to participate in the Bible Study on October 5 and to follow up with materials for those not attending. Jim Sullivan—Prayer Vigil Director. Jim was born and raised in a little town near Gary, IN. His family attended the Church of the Nazarene. After graduating from Olivet Nazarene College, he joined the Army and trained as a Korean Language Intercept Operator. After the Army, he got a degree in mechanical engineering. In 1991, he moved to Hawai‘i and has worked in construction. In the Capital Campaign, Jim will be responsible for the Prayer Vigil. Bill Potter—Promotion Co-Director. Bill came to LCH about 8 years ago (after having been a member of several non-Lutheran churches) because of the music and the welcome extended to gay and lesbian folk here. He sings in the choir, records contributions, and maintains the church web page. Along with Kathy Crosier, he will be working to get the word out about all aspects of the Campaign. Kathy Crosier—Promotion Co-Director. In addition to having just celebrated 25 years as Organist of LCH, Kathy keeps herself busy as the Chapel Organist of ‘Iolani School, playing for Japanese weddings, and teaching a dozen organ students. She has been active behind the scenes at LCH for many years in designing service booklet covers, seasonal newspaper advertisements, the Hundredth Anniversary newsletter, the history book, For Beer and the Bible, and numerous other printed pieces. She has had a desktop publishing business, “The Laser’s Edge,” since 1987. Along with Bill Potter, she will serve as Co-Director of Promotions for the Capital Campaign. Ken Von Deylen—Hospitality Director. Born and raised in Ohio, Ken started working for the Air Force after graduating from Ohio University and has been with them for 37 years. Currently, he is Deputy Financial Services Officer for Headquarter Pacific Air Command at Hickam AFB. Ken and his wife, Sharon, have been in Hawai‘i for 20 years and members of LCH for the last five years. Their daughter and three grandchildren live in Mesquite, Texas. As Hospitality Director for our Capital Campaign, Ken is responsible for gathering reservations and commitments to attend the All-Church Banquet and Children’s Party. Jeanette Hanson—Banquet Director. Jeanette has 2 young adult children, Derek and Janelle, who are both presently attending college in Hawai‘. She has lived here for 35 years, working in the electrical business doing inside sales and customer service. She recently experienced unemployment but is thrilled to be blessed with a new job in electrical business. Jeanette will coordinate the All-Church Banquet on November 22. Biz Person—Resource Director. A former Nurse anesthetist, mother of two boys, and tutu of two girls, Biz was baptized Lutheran, raised Evangelical and Reformed, and has returned to the Lutheran church again at marriage. She likes working in needle arts. Biz will coordinate volunteers for the Capital Campaign. Michael Burnett—Enrichment Gatherings Co-Director. Michael is retired from a career in social services and now volunteers time for worthy causes. He serves on the boards of directors of Hawai‘i Disability Rights Center and Waikiki Health Center, and the Church Council of LCH. He earned a M.Div. degree from Austin Presbyterian Seminary in 1975, and believes theological training and education is solid preparation for a variety of professions and vocations. Michael is frequently seen in the company of Gabriel Burnett, a silver Cocker Spaniel. Along with Roy Helms, Michael will coordinate our Enrichment Gatherings. Doug Althauser—Children and Youth Director. Doug and his son Michael have attended LCH since 1998, the year Michael was baptized. Michael has grown up at LCH, and Doug has been an active part of the Learning Ministry for three years. Doug’s role with the committee will be to explain to the children the importance of stewardship, and helping parents understand the importance of talking about stewardship with the kids. Josie Bidgood—Commitment Visits Director. Josie, her husband, Chuck Pearson, and their children have been attending LCH since 1986. Both Joe and Elizabeth, their children, were confirmed there. They are longtime residents of Manoa Valley and enjoy volunteering for various community activities as well as helping with LCH projects. Josie will have responsibility for Commitment Visits following Commitment Sunday. Paul Benco—Audio/Visual Director. While currently a third year student at the UH, Paul has also been working part-time at Sam Choy’s restaurant for the past five years. When he can, he travels the world in search of perfect waves, while never forgetting how blessed he is by the Lord for having this opportunity. Paul is responsible for audio/visual materials for the Capital Campaign, and he looks forward to getting to know members and friends of the congregation through the campaign.
Resolution Approved by the Congregation of LCH at a Special Meeting on June 29, 2003.Whereas God calls people to responsible stewardship of all material and spiritual resources entrusted to them, and, Whereas the members of the Lutheran Church of Honolulu desire to grow in faith and the understanding of Christian discipleship and to be responsible stewards of the assets we enjoy by the efforts of those who came before us, and Whereas we desire to undertake certain capital improvement projects in order to create a more welcoming facility, to become compliant with current building codes, and to eliminate the existing mortgage so that our ministry can be expanded, Therefore, be it resolved that a $1.5 million capital campaign be launched as of July 1, 2003 to accomplish the following:
Be it further resolved that the first projects to be undertaken will be to meet building codes (Poki and church parking lots) and to fulfill grant obligations (preschool office and restrooms). Be it further resolved that the fundraising goal for the first three-year campaign will be $500,000, not counting any foundation funding that may be located. Subsequent campaigns will be launched to complete the projects within nine years. Be it further resolved that loan funds to begin design and construction will be located. Such loans will be individually brought to the congregation for approval. Be it further resolved that, in order to accomplish the above goals and projects, the Lutheran Church of Honolulu retain the services of Enrichment Ministries, a stewardship education and fund raising firm. The contract for the first three-year campaign will be $22,500 with the intention of beginning in July, 2003. Enrichment Ministries will:
Adopted this 29th day of June, 2003. Don Person, LCH Congregation President ![]() Comments welcome at |