13th Annual Faith and Arts Sunday (Feb. 26)

Members look at examples of the art work of children and adults submitted as part of 2016’s annual Faith and Arts Sunday

LCH celebrated its annual Faith and Arts Sunday on February 26. Held each spring, this is a time when members of the congregations recognize the many ways the arts enrich our lives and honor the artist of all ages who call LCH home.

Works displayed this year represent a wide variety of media: needle craft, paintings, digital media, poetry, prose, photography, drawings, woodworking, and more. Participating artists included young children, working adults, and retirees. Some, like members of the Writers’ Workshop an the In Stitches craft group, meet regularly as a group, but many work at home and share as part of this annual event. In addition to arts and crafts displayed in the courtyard, children added their own musical gifts to worship, along with our regular musical ensembles.

At right, members look at examples of the art work of children and adults submitted for Faith and Arts Sunday 2016.

The slideshow below includes photos of most of the works shared. Click on any of the slides to open up a larger version in a new window.

Read poetry and prose written by members of the Writers’ Workshop.

Parking for Punahou Carnival • Feb. 3 and 4

Parking attendants for Punahou CarnivalAgain this year, LCH will make its parking lots available to folks attending the annual Punahou Carnival. The church is located right across Punahou Street from the school and offers bargain rates of $15 per car (no in/out privileges). The lots open both days at 10:45 am and close at 11:15 pm.

Lots are safe, supervised, and convenient, with entrances on either Dominis Street (the small lot right behind the church) or Poki Street (between Dominis and Nehoa). Map

This fundraisers benefits the church’s programs for children and youth and our outstanding music program.

Welcoming Sunday • January 29

Welcoming Sunday graphicWe invite everyone to join us for worship on “Welcoming Sunday,” January 29.

In 1993 our congregation made the bold and prayerful decisions to be public and affirming in our welcome of all people, including gay, lesbian, transgendered, and questioning folks, who seldom found welcome in Christian churches. Two decades later we rejoice that churches around the world are beginning to share that same welcome. But there is much work to do, and our witness of Christ’s welcoming love is more important than ever.

Join us for worship and in welcoming our LGBTQI friends on Sunday, January 29, at 8:00 and 10:30 am.

More information about the process by which LCH became a “Reconciling in Christ” or welcoming congregation, is available on our RIC page.

Concert of Spirituals (January 15 • 5:00 pm)

MLK Concert graphicKnown to audiences around O’ahu, Georgine Stark represents the finest in artistry, virtuosity, and creativity. Georgine Stark, soprano, is joined by the Lutheran Church of Honolulu Choir under the direction of Scott Fikse, violinist, Darel Stark and pianist, Sachi P. Hirakouji in a dynamic program showcasing African-American spirituals.

Audiences will be moved by songs that inspire hope, question hate and shout for freedom. Don’t miss this special opportunity to hear some of Hawaii’s finest musicians in the intimate acoustics of the Lutheran Church of Honolulu.

Admission: $20 General | $10 Students

For a preview of the concert, check out this YouTube video.

German Vespers for Epiphany (Jan. 6 • 7:30 pm)

German Vespers graphicJoin the LCH Choir, guest soloists, and Bach Chamber Orchestra on the Feast of Epiphany for our annual German Vespers. A tradition at the Lutheran Church of Honolulu since 2002, this service honors the church’s German heritage with prayers, hymns, a cantata, and even the sermon auf Deutsch. Translation will be provided

This year’s music features Hans Leo Hassler’s Magnificat and J.S. Bach’s Cantata 123: Liebster Immanuel, Herzog der Frommen.

The theme for this year comes from Ezekiel 36. “I shall give you a new heart, and put a new spirit in you; I shall remove the heart of stone from your bodies and give you a heart of flesh instead.” Again we welcome Rev. Anke Flohr as presider for this festival worship.

Worship for the Christmas Season

The Twelve Days of Christmas

Christmas Eve
Saturday, December 24

5:00 pm Family Service
Joyous Christmas worship with congregational carols and music
by Karol’s Karolers and members of the Early Worship Ensemble
10:30 pm Christmas Eve Cantata
Bach Chamber Orchestra, LCH Choir, and soloists present
Bach’s Cantata No. 64: Sehet, welch eine Liebe
11:00 pm Festival Choral Eucharist
Christmas Eve worship with choir, chamber orchestra, and soloists
Schubert’s Mass in G Major, motets, carols, and readings.


Christmas Day
Sunday, December 25

10:30 am Choral Eucharist
The women of the LCH Choir sing selections from Rutter’s Dancing Day
and Britten’s A Ceremony of Carols with harpist Constance Uejio.

Lessons & Carols for the
First Sunday of Christmas

Sunday, January 1

8:00 am Holy Communion
with the Early Worship Ensemble
10:30 am Choral Eucharist
with the LCH Choir and organist Mark D. Wong


Friday, January 6

7:00 pm German Vespers for Epiphany
A tradition at the Lutheran Church of Honolulu since 2002,
this service honors the church’s German heritage.
Music will be performed by the LCH Choir, soloists,
and the Bach Chamber Orchestra.
The sermon will be offered in German with translation.


42nd Annual Advent Procession (Nov. 27 • 7:30 pm)

advent procession graphicLutheran Church of Honolulu celebrates our 42nd Annual Advent Procession with Peter Hallock’s mystical and beautiful setting of the “O” Antiphons. First presented in 1975, the Lutheran Church of Honolulu’s Advent Procession has become a Honolulu tradition. This year, Advent choral selections by composers F. Melius Christiansen, Jacob Handl, George Guest, and others will be intermingled with hymns, carols, and the timeless setting of the Magnificat by Charles Villiers Stanford.

Organist Mark D. Wong accompanies the LCH Choir on our beautiful Beckerath organ, and guest singers and soloists will join to make this both a musically and spiritually moving festival service. Please join us as we begin a new liturgical year, carry on a beloved Hawai‘i tradition, and look forward to the Christmas season ahead.

Readings and special music for the Advent Procession.

Thanksgiving Eve Worship & Thanksgiving Day Dinner (Nov. 23 & 24)

pie graphicThanksgiving Eve Joint Worship

Wednesday, November 23, 7:00 pm at St. Clement’s Church

St. Clement Church is hosting the Thanksgiving Eve worship this year. Pastor Jeff Lilley is scheduled to preach. St. Clement lay ministry will assist during this Holden Evening Prayer service.

The annual pie reception will follow immediately after worship. Sign-up sheets for the pie reception will be made available starting November 6.

Annual Thanksgiving Dinner at LCH

Thursday, November 24, 3:00 pm • Isenberg Hall and Hörmann Courtyard

turkey dinner graphicAll are welcome to join the LCH ‘ohana for our annual Thanksgiving Dinner in the courtyard. This is a potluck meal for anyone who would like to attend. Please bring your friends, neighbors, college and university students, and folks who would like some fellowship and food. Pastor Jeff and Jean will prepare the turkeys and bring fresh-baked rolls. A donation of ham would be appreciated. Please plan to bring your favorite dish in quantities to feed at least six persons. Pupus, side dishes, casseroles, desserts, or any other dish is very welcome! Please sign up in the courtyard beginning November 6 so we can plan accordingly.

Neighborhood Cleanup (Nov. 19)

enjoying dinner at LutherFestIn keeping with our theme of “Restoring Creation—Renewing Christ’s Community” we will be organizing a neighborhood cleanup on Saturday, November 19. On the surface our corner of Makiki is pretty neat and clean, but this is a chance to make sure everything is real ship-shape.

We’ll gather in the Courtyard at 10:00 am for some stretching and divide up into groups of two or three to get to work. The plan is to pick up the trash in the area from Wilder Avenue on the mauka side up to Nehoa on the makai, and from Punahou Street over to Makiki Street.

The Stewardship Committee will have vests for you to wear, trash bags, and disposable gloves if you don’t have your own work gloves. We expect to finish up in about two hours, and there will be lunch when the work is all pau.

We invite you all to join in as we restore this little bit of creation that is home to our congregation. Check your calendar and sign up in the Courtyard to be part of this neighborhood cleanup.

LutherFest—Food, Fun, and Frivolity (Oct. 29)

enjoying dinner at LutherFestCome celebrate our Lutheran heritage at our annual LutherFest, where we eat, drink, laugh, and have fun in the Hörmann Courtyard. Festivities will begin at 5:30 pm with light pupus and non-alcoholic punch provided. Beer and wine are available for a donation. A German themed potluck follows at 6:00 pm. Brats will be provided, but please bring a German dish, if possible. To help ensure a balanced table, we suggest the following guidelines:

  • A thru L—main dish
  • M thru Z—side dish

You can look online for suggested German dishes like sausages and sauerkraut, sauerbraten, roast chicken, potato salad, potato dumplings, spatzle, and many other options.

Our dessert contest this year is “tropical fruits”! Think of guava, papaya, bananas, pineapple, etc. and all the different things you could do with them. There’s banana cream pie, pineapple upside-down cake, a guava chiffon cake in the shape of the Luther rose—the possibilities are endless. Judging will be based on use of the special ingredient, Lutheran heritage, taste, and appearance.

Voting for the contest and donations for beer and wine will be by LutherBucks, so bring a check or cash to exchange for your LutherBucks. Donations will will benefit Youth Outreach Waikīkī.

More details will be forthcoming in future Sunday announcements. Danke sehr and hope to see you there!