The New Pew Chairs Are Here!

chair graphicAfter many years of faithful service our beloved pews have reached the end of their useful life. Following much research, we settled on replacing the pews with high quality white oak pew chairs. The pew chairs were delivered to LCH on Wednesday, April 4. Now all we need to do is pay for them.

The addition of the chairs will help transform the worship space and provide LCH with the needed exibility to not only accommodate Sunday worship, but also concerts, recitals, plays, conferences, and the many ways our church members and the community use the building as an extension of our mission.

Three styles of chairs are featured:

  • The majority of the chairs will have a padded seat and no arms. These chairs can be connected to create the feeling of more traditional pews through an easy to use locking mechanism.
  • Armed chairs with padding on the seat and back will be available for those who need a little extra support.
  • The choir will have chairs that fold to provide more exibility for various arrangements.

chair graphicLutheran Church of Honolulu is asking for your support in paying for the 200 chairs that will replace the mahoghany pews currently in the sanctuary. The fundraising for the pew chairs will be done throughout 2018 and into 2019. The goal is to raise $60,000 to pay for the chairs and the shipping.

We humbly ask for your support in this important project. Your help ensures a future in which we can continue to provide a place for worship and a space to serve the community through our music programs and public outreach.

If you would like to help, you can make a secure donation or pledge by credit or debit card on this site or send a check payable to the Lutheran Church of Honolulu, with “PEW CHAIRS” noted on the check LCH at 1730 Punahou Street, Honolulu, HI 96822. Donations of any amount are welcome, but as a guide, the cost of each chair is about $300.

Single chair image copyright Sauder Worship Seating. Used by permission.

Celebrating the Cross and Resurrection—
Holy Week and Easter at LCH

Easter Sunday

Members and friends gather for a joyful celebration Easter Sunday morning.

Between two festive worship services at 8:00 and 10:30 am, the younger children enjoyed an Easter egg hunt, and everyone enjoyed a bountiful potluck brunch.

Great Vigil of Easter

The last part of the Great Three Days (Triduum) began with the congregation gathered in the Hörmann Courtyard for the kindling of the new fire and the lighting of the Pascal Candle.

Members of the congregation lit their candles the flame passed from the Pascal Candle and listened to the Exsultet. The service continued with the retelling of salvation history through lessons from the Hebrew Scriptures, the renewal of baptismal vows, and the Litany of the Saints.

Following the litany, the ministers returned to the courtyard in white Easter vestments and let the congregation into the Nave as the choir sang the Kyrie. The Vigil continues with the joyous Easter proclamation and holy communion.

Following worship, the congregation returned to the Courtyard to break their Lenten fast with a sweet feast of champagne, strawberries, and cookies.

Good Friday

The observance of the Three Great Days (Triduum) continued with the Good Friday Liturgy. Members gathered to hear the Passion Gospel and venerate the cross.

“The Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ according to John” was sung in a setting by Zachary Wadsworth. Benjamin Leonid sang the part of the Evangelist, Simon Crookall sang Jesus, and Logan Webber sang Pilate; the choir took the part of the crowd.

The Passion was followed by the Solemn Collects and the the Adoration of the Crucified.

The Triduum concludes with the Easter Vigil Saturday evening at 7:30 pm.

Maundy Thursday

Our celebration of the Triduum—The Three Great Days—began on Maundy Thursday on March 29. Members gathered to hear again the story of the Last Supper, when Jesus met with his disciples in the Upper Room before being handed over to suffer and die for us.

The Gospel of John recounts how after supper, Jesus washed the feet of his disciples and gave them a new commandment (Latin, mandatum, from which we get the word “Maundy”): ”Love one another.” In response, members of the congregation washed each other’s feet in the Maundy ritual.

The Maundy was followed by Holy Communion, in remembrance that Jesus instituted the sacrament in the Last Supper.

The liturgy concluded with the stripping of the altar, as Jesus was stripped before being crucified.

Holy Week and Easter Worship at LCH

Celebrating the Cross and Resurrection
at the Lutheran Church of Honolulu

Christ showing wounds

PALM SUNDAY   †   Sunday, March 25

8:00 am


The service moves from the commemoration of Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem to the reading of the story of Jesus’ passion and death in the Gospel according to St. Mark. Music by the Early Worship Ensemble.

10:30 am


The service moves from the commemoration of Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem to the reading of the story of Jesus’ passion and death in the Gospel according to St. Mark. Music by Heinrich Schütz and a brass quartet for the Procession of Palms.

robe and wash basin for Maundy liturgy

MAUNDY THURSDAY   †   Thursday, March 29

7:30 pm


A joyous celebration of the Eucharist meal quickly changes to one of love through humility in the washing of feet. The service concludes with the stripping of the altar, dramatizing Christ’s betrayal, stripping, and mocking by his captors. Music by Hallock, Gjeilo, and Leighton.

crown of thorns

GOOD FRIDAY   †   Friday, March 30

7:30 pm


This service celebrates the triumph of the cross. The service features the chanting of the St. John Passion and concludes with prayer around the cross. Music includes Zachary Wadsworth’s setting of the St. John Passion and Antonio Lotti’s Crucifixus.

empty cross and Paschal candle

EASTER EVE   †   Saturday, March 31

7:30 pm


Kindling of a new fire, the story of deliverance from the Hebrew Scriptures, and renewal of Baptismal promises lead to the proclamation of Easter Victory and a joyous celebration of Holy Communion. Music by Renaissance masters Palestrina, Hassler, and Lassus.

Chi Rho and empty tomb

EASTER SUNDAY   †   Sunday, April 1

8:00 am


We celebrate the empty tomb, the central mystery that through death comes new life. Christ is risen! He is risen indeed! Music by the Early Worship Ensemble and brass quartet.

10:30 am


We celebrate the empty tomb, the central mystery that through death comes new life. Christ is risen! He is risen indeed! Festive music for Easter including Samuel Wesley’s Blessed be the God and Father.

7:30 pm


Contemplative Easter meditation offered by the LCH Men’s Schola. Candlelight illuminates the Nave for this short service of prayer, chant, and a cappella singing.

The Reverend Jeff Lilley, Pastor   †   Scott Fikse, Director of Music and Liturgy

Lenten Suppers and Worship (Wednesdays through March 21)

The serving line for Wednesday evening soup and salad suppers.The serving line for Wednesday evening soup and salad suppers.

Each Wednesday evening during the season of Lent, members and friends of LCH will gather for table fellowship and worship.

The evenings begin with a light supper of soup, salad, and bread beginning at 6:00 pm. The meal is provided by volunteers, and all are welcome to join in fellowship and conversation around the table. If you feel moved to contribute to the meal, please sign up in the courtyard on Sunday morning.

Worship follows the meal at 7:00 pm using the music and prayerful song from Marty Haugen’s Holden Evening Prayer. This year’s worship will focus on the theme “Made Whole: Remembering our Baptism.”

As we all move forward on our Lenten journey and prepare for Easter joy in the resurrection, all are invited to come together at the table, to be fed and nourished in body and soul, and to worship together as a faith community.

The cantors place the lighted candle at the beginning of worship.The cantors place the lighted candle at the beginning of worship.

Lent Begins with Ash Wednesday (Feb. 14)

Pastor Jeff Lilley marks the foreheads of members of the congregation with ashes during the Ash Wednesday Liturgy.Pastor Jeff Lilley marks the foreheads of members of the congregation with ashes during the Ash Wednesday Liturgy.

LCH begins the observance of Lent on February 14 with the traditional Ash Wednesday Liturgy with imposition of ashes.

Throughout the Lent, members and friends will gather on Wednesday evenings for table fellowship and worship. This year’s worship will focus on the theme “Made Whole: Remembering our Baptism.”

As our congregations prepares for our Easter joy in the resurrection, all are invited to come together at the table, to be fed and nourished in body and soul, and to feast together as a faith community. The liturgy used during Wednesday worship will incorporate the music and prayerful song from Haugen’s Holden Evening Prayer.

14th Annual Faith and Arts Sunday (Feb. 11)

Members look at examples of the art work of children and adults submitted as part of 2017’s annual Faith and Arts Sunday

LCH celebrated its annual Faith and Arts Sunday on February 11. Held each spring, this is a time when members of the congregations recognize the many ways the arts enrich our lives and honor the artist of all ages who call LCH home.

Works displayed this year represented a wide variety of media: needle craft, paintings, poetry, prose, photography, drawings, woodworking, and more. Participating artists included young children, working adults, and retirees. Some, like members of the Writers’ Workshop an the In Stitches craft group, meet regularly as a group, but many work at home and share as part of this annual event.

At right, members look at examples of the art work of children and adults submitted for Faith and Arts Sunday 2018.

The slideshow below shows the items displayed this year. Click on any of the photos to see a larger version.

Read poetry and prose written by members of the Writers’ Workshop.

Reconciling in Christ Sunday • January 28

Welcoming Sunday graphicWe invite everyone to join us for worship on “ Reconciling in Christ Sunday,” January 28.

In 1993 our congregation made the bold and prayerful decisions to be public and affirming in our welcome of all people, including gay, lesbian, transgendered, and questioning folks, who seldom found welcome in Christian churches. Two decades later we rejoice that churches around the world are beginning to share that same welcome. But there is much work to do, and our witness of Christ’s welcoming love is more important than ever.

Join us for worship and in welcoming our LGBTQI friends on Sunday, January 28, at 8:00 and 10:30 am.

More information about the process by which LCH became a “Reconciling in Christ” or welcoming congregation, is available on our RIC page.

German Vespers for Epiphany (Jan. 6 • 7:30 pm)

German Vespers graphicGerman Vespers is a tradition at the Lutheran Church of Honolulu which began in 2002. Paying homage to the church’s German heritage, the service is completely auf Deutsch.

The LCH Choir, Bach Chamber Orchestra, and soloists will present choral works with orchestra including Bach’s Cantata 32 Liebster Jesu, mein Verlangen, and Magnificat in G by Heinrich Schütz. Again this year, we welcome the Rev. Anke Flohr as presider for this festival worship. Martina Bingham makes her return to Honolulu as our soprano soloist after completing doctoral studies at Stony Brook University. Tim Carney will share his rich baritone as a featured soloist as well.

All are welcome. Free will offering accepted.

Worship for the Christmas Season

The Twelve Days of Christmas

Christmas Eve
Sunday, December 24

5:00 pm Family Service
Joyous Christmas worship with congregational carols and music
by members of the Early Worship Ensemble
10:00 pm Music for Christmastide
Conrad Susa’s Carols and Lullabies: Christmas in the Southwest
10:30 pm Festival Choral Eucharist
Christmas Eve worship with choir, chamber orchestra, and soloists
J. G. de Padilla’s MMissa Ego flow campi,
motets, carols, and readings.


Christmas Day
Sunday, December 25

10:30 am Choral Eucharist
Welcome the newborn king with beloved carols and readings
led by the men of the LCH Choir.

Lessons & Carols for the
First Sunday of Christmas

Sunday, December 31

8:00 am Holy Communion
with the Early Worship Ensemble
10:30 am Choral Eucharist
with the LCH Choir and organist Mark D. Wong


Saturday, January 6

7:30 pm German Vespers for Epiphany
A tradition at the Lutheran Church of Honolulu since 2002,
this service honors the church’s German heritage.
Music will be performed by the LCH Choir, soloists,
and the Bach Chamber Orchestra.
The sermon will be offered in German with translation.


43rd Annual Advent Procession (Dec. 3)

Advent Procession graphicA Way to Hope: An Advent Procession

Sunday, December 3 • 7:30 pm

Join us for the 43rd annual Advent Procession. In our chaotic, stressful time, this meditative service explores the theme “A Way to Hope” through word and song.

Find comfort in beloved readings of the Advent season, congregational carols, and the anthems of Howells, Biebl, Mathias, and Scheidt sung by the Men’s Schola and LCH Choir. Texts for the readings and information on all the music sing is available on our December music list.

All are welcome. Freewill offering accepted.