Mother’s Day Garden Celebration • May 9 at 1:00 pm

Josie Bidgood planting seedsA blessed Mother’s Day to all those who identify as mothers in body and in spirit!

For anyone interested in celebrating Mother’s Day by planting flower seeds, this Sunday offers the opportunity to you. Vicar Bree will be in the garden from 1:00 to 2:00 pm this Sunday, May 9th, planting various flower seeds, as well as some other vegetable seeds.

Aside from planting seeds, it will be a chance to gather in-person outdoors for conversation and community. All are welcome to join.

Earth Day Garden Gathering

LCH children and families gathered Saturday morning, April 24, in the church garden to celebrate and recognize Earth Day. Vicar Bree helped the children learn about caring for creation as they explored and tended the garden beds and all the creepy crawlers in them. They learned about the work of gardeners—seeding, weeding, watering, harvesting, and learning about soil and insects. It was a chance for everyone to get their hands dirty, to give back to creation that gives to us, and to mālama ‘āina.

The slideshow below gives you and idea of all the fun and learning that took place.

First Mondays: Hawai‘i Youth Opera Chorus • May 3 at 7:00 pm

Hawai‘i Youth Opera Chorus photoJoin us for the 60th Anniversary celebration of Hawai’i Youth Opera Chorus (HYOC), featuring a rich assortment of solo and ensemble performances by the talented members of this celebrated ensemble. The program will feature excerpts from HYOC-commissioned youth operas, small ensemble and solo works by western composers, and compositions by Hawaiian monarchs that pay homage to this beautiful island home and culture.

Established in 1961, HYOC is Hawai‘i’s longest running and most advanced community youth choir. Each year, HYOC serves approximately 1200 students from nearly 100 schools. Participants range from absolute beginners to Hawai‘i’s finest young vocalists and musicians.

The concert will be livestreamed on the LCH Facebook page May 3 at 7:00 pm and then archived on the LCH Facebook page.

The concert is free; donations to support the concert series are gladly accepted (details below).

Concert Program (PDF in a new window)

The First Mondays 2020–2021 Concert Series

Help Make “First Mondays” a Success by Becoming a Sponsor

Your tax-deductible donations make it possible for us to offer these free concerts to the community. Please consider a donation by sending a check (payable to “Lutheran Church of Honolulu”) to the church at 1730 Punahou Street, Honolulu HI 96822 or using the button to the right to make a secure donation via PayPal. Mahalo for your support.

LCH Garden Volunteer Opportunities

Vicar Bree by the first garden bedThe month of March included two great volunteer days! The second bed, at the front of the church facing Punahou Street, is now complete and has even a few plants—some basil, chard and squash. We also planted an exciting variety of seeds from the Seed Lab at University of Hawai‘i. The seeds included Paukea cauliflower, U.H. Mānoa lettuce, kai choy, Koba green onion, Komohana grape tomatoes, Hawaiian chili peppers, and Ka‘ala bell peppers! So far, the peppers and a few green onions are peeking above the soil! Thank you gardeners! Look for upcoming volunteer days in April.

Our garden volunteer days will continue in April. We’ll plant the next bed in the shady area by the playground facing Punahou Street. If you have herb seeds, bring them! Garden volunteer days will be Easter Monday, April 5, at 5:30 pm, and Thursday, April 29, at 12:30 pm. Don’t forget your Blue Zones pledges!

Peggy Anderson and Vicar Bree transplant into the second garden bed

First Mondays: Island Oasis • April 5 at 7:00 pm

Island Oasis group photoFirst Mondays Chamber Concerts continue with an evening of authentic Middle Eastern music featuring the talented ensemble Island Oasis, lead by Kip McAtee. Enjoy danceable melodies from throughout the Balkans and Middle East, featuring the lute-like oud, an end-blown flute called the ney, clarinet, percussion, and other instruments.

The concert will be livestreamed on the our streaming page and the LCH Facebook page April 5 at 7:00 pm and then archived on the LCH Facebook page.

The concert is free; donations to support the concert series are gladly accepted (details below). Concert Program (PDF in a new window)

The First Mondays 2020–2021 Concert Series

Help Make “First Mondays” a Success by Becoming a Sponsor

Your tax-deductible donations make it possible for us to offer these free concerts to the community. Please consider a donation by sending a check (payable to “Lutheran Church of Honolulu”) to the church at 1730 Punahou Street, Honolulu HI 96822 or using the button to the right to make a secure donation via PayPal. Mahalo for your support.

Holy Week and Easter Worship at LCH

Celebrating the Cross and Resurrection
at the Lutheran Church of Honolulu

Christ showing wounds

PALM SUNDAY   †   Sunday, March 28

10:00 am


The service moves from the commemoration of Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem to the reading of the story of Jesus’ passion and death in the Gospel according to St. Mark. Music by Georg Friedrich Händel, Juan Bautista Comes, and Ginés Pérez. List of music for this service

robe and wash basin for Maundy liturgy

MAUNDY THURSDAY   †   Thursday, April 1

7:30 pm


A joyous celebration of the Eucharist meal quickly changes to one of love through humility in the washing of feet. The service concludes with the stripping of the altar, dramatizing Christ’s betrayal, stripping, and mocking by his captors. Music by the Taizé Community, Peter Hallock, and Johann Michael Haydn. List of music for this service

crown of thorns

GOOD FRIDAY   †   Friday, April 2

7:30 pm


This service celebrates the triumph of the cross. The service features the singing of the Passion Gospel and concludes with prayer around the cross. Music includes Zachary Wadsworth’s setting of the St. John Passion and motets by Sergei Rachmaninov and Nikolay Kedrov. List of music for this service

empty cross and Paschal candle

EASTER EVE   †   Saturday, April 3

7:30 pm


Kindling of a new fire, the story of deliverance from the Hebrew Scriptures, and renewal of Baptismal promises lead to the proclamation of Easter Victory and a joyous celebration of Holy Communion. Music by Alexander Gretchaninoff and Nikolay Rimsky-Korsakov. List of music for this service

Chi Rho and empty tomb

EASTER SUNDAY   †   Sunday, April 4

10:00 am


We celebrate the empty tomb, the central mystery that through death comes new life. Christ is risen! Christ is risen indeed! Festive music for Easter including A Little Jazz Mass by Bob Chilcott. List of music for this service

7:30 pm


Contemplative Easter meditation offered by the LCH Men’s Schola. Candlelight illuminates the Nave for this short service of prayer, chant, and a cappella singing. List of music for this service

The Reverend Jeff Lilley, Pastor   †   Bree Lloyd, Vicar   †   Scott Fikse, Director of Music and Liturgy

First Mondays: The Lamentations of Jeremiah • March 1 at 7:00 pm

Loss, a sculpture by Jane Mortimer, photo by Mitch HodgeThe Lamentations of Jeremiah are five poems in the form of laments for Jerusalem and Judah, invaded and devastated by the Babylonians in 586 BCE. These moving elegies have inspired composers for centuries, perhaps most famously English Renaissance composer Thomas Tallis.

A sextet of singers will bring the Lamentations to life for our March First Mondays Concert. Accompanied by organist Mark Wong and joined by Duane Padilla (violin) and Aris Doike (cello), the ensemble will perform the first section of Tallis’s lush setting, as well as Charles Gounod’s composition inspired by the defeat of France in the Franco-Prussian War (1870–71). Other laments and works of consolation will make up this strikingly beautiful program.

Our sextet is made up of Georgine Stark and Naomi Barrett, sopranos; Sarah Lambert Connelly, mezzo-soprano; Bowe Souza and Tomás Ramos, tenors; and Scott Fikse, bass-baritone.

The concert will be livestreamed on the our streaming page and the LCH Facebook page March 1 at 7:00 pm and then archived on the LCH Facebook page.

The concert is free; donations to support the concert series are gladly accepted (details below). Concert Program (PDF in a new window)

The First Mondays 2020–2021 Concert Series

Help Make “First Mondays” a Success by Becoming a Sponsor

Your tax-deductible donations make it possible for us to offer these free concerts to the community. Please consider a donation by sending a check (payable to “Lutheran Church of Honolulu”) to the church at 1730 Punahou Street, Honolulu HI 96822 or using the button to the right to make a secure donation via PayPal. Mahalo for your support.

Midweek Lenten Vespers • Wednesdays at 7:00 pm

prayer graphicPlease join us for streaming midweek Lenten services. Holden Evening prayer will begin at 7:00 on Wednesday evenings during Lent with the theme “From Darkness into Light.” Each service will approach the theme from a different perspective including spirituality, care of earth, and mental health using music, imagery, art, and proclamation to draw us deeper into God’s presence. Members of Writers’ Workshop will provide much of the proclamation texts.

You are encouraged to prepare for the service ahead of time by setting your worship space with a candle to light during evening prayer. We pray you will join us each week as we prepare for the joy of Easter.

The Midweek Lenten Vespers will be livestreamed on our Worship Services page and the LCH Facebook page.

LCH Community Garden—February Update

The seedling planted in January have flourishedThe seedlings planted just a few weeks ago on Martin Luther King Day (right) had flourished, and it was time for them to be “up-potted” so they would continue to grow. Once again, members of the congregation (below) joined Vicar Bree on the lanai to get their hands dirty and move the garden along

Peggy Anderson and Vicar Bree up-pot some of the seedlingsPaula Wheeler up-pots some of the seedlings

Josie Bidgood up-pots some of the seedlingsPeggy Anderson and Vicar Bree check out the planting bedAt right, Vicar Bree and Peggy Andersaon check out the planting bed ready ro be filled with soil to receive the plants have gotten a bit bigger.

Ash Wednesday Worship • Feb. 17 at 7:30 pm

Ash Wednesday cross graphicThe season of Lent begins with a very special worship on Ash Wednesday. This beautiful evening service begins the Lenten season of reflection, prayer, and preparation as we hear the words from Genesis 3:19, “Remember that you are dust, and to dust you shall return.” Physical distancing keeps us from receiving ashes, a sign of mourning and repentance, on our foreheads this year. But we are reminded of our mortality through the cross, a sign of promise, and life, and hope. Ash Wednesday—and the whole season of Lent—calls us to reflect and remember the precious gift of life and love that God has given us in creation and community and to re-center our thoughts and spirit on what truly matters. We recall that our mortality is joined to God’s forever in Christ, and remember that together we share the joy of life with all of God’s world.

While we are not able to gather for our traditional Lenten soup and salad suppers this year, we look forward to a time when we will be able gather in person again.

The Ash Wednesday Liturgy will be livestreamed on our Worship Services page and the LCH Facebook page.