47th Annual Advent Procession • November 28 at 7:30 pm

advent graphicJoin us for Lutheran Church of Honolulu’s annual Advent Procession, a beloved Hawai‘i tradition since 1975. This year we will present a prelude cantata, Nun komm, der Heiden Heiland, bwv 61, with choir, orchestra, and soloists.

The service marks the start of a new liturgical year as we begin our Advent journey of hope and expectation. A beautiful selection of lessons and carols will be led by the LCH Choir and chamber orchestra, with each lesson brought into greater focus and relevance through collects written especially for this evening’s service by Pr. Jeff Lilley.

Limited in-person seating is available by RSVP with the church office (808-941-2566 or lch@LCHwelcome.org). As with all our services and events, Advent Procession will be livestreamed on our streaming page and the LCH Facebook page and then archived on the LCH Facebook page.

Bach and Prayer Thanksgiving Eve Service • Wed., Nov. 24, at 7:00 pm

Bach and Prayer graphicAll are welcome to participate in our monthly “Bach and Prayer.” Join us for this quiet prayer service on Thanksgiving, Eve, November 24. Bach and Prayer offers a time for silent prayer and meditation interspersed with contemplative organ works by J. S. Bach and his family.

This will be a hybrid service with both in-person attendance and a livestream broadcast. Contact the church office by phone at 808-941-2566 or by email at lch@LCHwelcome.org to reserve a seat, or tune in for the livestream on our streaming page and the LCH Facebook page. If you miss the livestream, the service will be archived on the LCH Facebook page.

Women’s Compline • Sunday, November 7, at 7:30 pm

prayer graphicWe warmly invite all people in all places of faith and life to Compline. Offered on the first and third Sunday this month, this beautiful candle-lit service is a meditative experience of a cappella singing and chanting to commemorate the day’s end. This month, November 1 will feature Women’s Compline. November 15 compline will be led by members of the LCH Men’s Schola. Musical selections include Gregorian chant, Taizé chant, Renaissance polyphony, and more.

Compline will be livestreamed on our streaming page and the LCH Facebook page and then archived on the the LCH Facebook page.

First Mondays: Bold and Brassy • November 1 at 7:00 pm

Viennese maiden photo by Simon Berger public domainWhile the modern brass quintet has only been around since the 1940s, a wealth of compositions has developed, ranging from the obvious bold and energetic works that horns are known for to the more tender and subtle repertoire these instruments are beautifully capable of playing.

The stellar ensemble of DeShannon Higa (trumpet), Casey Tamanaha (trumpet), Marie Lickwar (horn), Jason Byerlotzer (trombone), and T.J. Ricer (tuba) will present an evening of outstanding music for brass quintet featuring both “classical” works and popular songs on the lighter side.

The concert will include selections from the following pieces:

  1. Galliard Battaglia: Samuel Scheidt (1587–1654)
  2. Three Pieces: Ludwig Mauer (1789–1878)
  3. Renaissance Dances: Tielman Susato (1500–1561)
  4. Sheep May Safely Graze Quintet: J.S. Bach (1685–1750)
  5. Brass quintet: Michael Kamen (1948–2003)
  6. White Rose Elegy: Caleb Hudson (b. 1988)
  7. Puttin on the Ritz: Irving Berlin (1888–1989)
  8. Nightingale Sang on Berkeley Square: Manning Sherwin (1902–1974)

The concert will be livestreamed on the LCH Facebook page and our streaming page November 1 at 7:00 pm and then archived on the LCH Facebook page.

Through the generous sponsorship of the Arthur and Mae Orvis Foundation and support from other individual supporters, this concert is free. Additional donations to support the concert series are gladly accepted (details below).

Concert Program (PDF in a new window)

First Mondays 2021–2022 Concert Series

Help Make “First Mondays” a Success by Becoming a Sponsor

Your tax-deductible donations make it possible for us to offer these free concerts to the community. Please consider a donation by sending a check (payable to “Lutheran Church of Honolulu”) to the church at 1730 Punahou Street, Honolulu HI 96822 or using the button to the right to make a secure donation via PayPal. Mahalo for your support.

Virtual LutherFest • Saturday, October 30, at 6:00 pm

LutherFest graphicOnce again, LutherFest will be a virtual event via Zoom on Saturday, October 30, beginning at 6:00 pm. Entertainment (music and Lutheran trivia) is being planned.

LutherFest wouldn’t be the same without traditional bratwurst. Paradise Brats has agreed to supply us with their very German bratwurst. Place your order by emailing Pastor Jeff at pr.jeff@LCHwelcome.org. The bratwursts can be picked up at church on Friday, October 29, between 4:00 and 6:30 pm.

Watch your weekly E-News for further details.

Congregation Considers New Initiatives

Call Committee Recommends Associate Pastor

Vicar BreeOver the past few months, members of the congregation have approached Pastor Jeff about the possibility of calling Vicar Bree Lloyd to serve as a pastor at LCH. After several conversations with Bishop Andy Taylor and other synod staff, it was determined that Vicar Bree was eligible to be a pastoral candidate at LCH. Pastor Jeff and Vicar Bree had several conversations exploring her sense of call, the mission of the congregation, possible roles, and the challenges and opportunities such a call might present; and Vicar Bree expressed interest in working with the congregation toward a part-time call. Pastor Jeff forwarded the request from members to the Congregational Council Executive Committee, and they agreed to bring it to the attention of the full council.

At their July meeting, the Congregational Council appointed an exploration team consisting of members of the congregation to explore the possibility of calling an associate pastor. Josie Bidgood, Keene Ishii, April Olsen, Steve Miller, Mary Fastenau, and Peter Flachsbart served on the committee. They have worked enthusiastically to developed a mission profile and considered how God might be moving LCH into the future and what role an associate pastor might play. At the September meeting, the council received the report of the exploration team and voted to move forward with consideration of calling Vicar Bree as a part-time, term-call pastor.

In the next couple of weeks, you will receive a report from the call committee and council outlining the missional opportunities they believe the congregation might undertake and how Vicar Bree, as a pastoral candidate, might help the congregation to move forward. Of particular interest is working toward a deeper ministry in creation care and community involvement. You will be invited to take part in one of two Zoom “town hall” meetings where you will have a chance to be heard, make suggestions, and ask questions. If the results of the town hall meetings are positive, the council will schedule a special congregational meeting in the next few weeks and ask the congregation to authorize a call. Calling a pastor is a congregational decision that is not to be made lightly. Please be assured that, throughout this process, congregational leadership has been serious in their discernment and focused on the mission of the congregation. We ask for your prayers as we look boldly into the future!

Digital Organ Discussion

organ graphicThursday, October 14, at 7:00 pm • Via Zoom Meeting

Many of you have noticed the new organ console in the Nave. This instrument is on loan from BYUH with the possibility of remaining at LCH as a supplementary instrument. There will be a Q&A and discussion hour regarding the organ on Thursday, October 14, at 7:00 pm. All are invited to attend. Please email Scott Fikse at scott@LCHwelcome.org to receive the Zoom invitation. Bring your questions, praise, and concerns. This will also be an opportunity to learn about the instrument and the pros and cons of owning a digital organ.

First Mondays: Art and Song in Vienna • October 4 at 7:00 pm

Viennese maiden photo by Simon Berger public domainAny list of the greatest composers of art song would be sorely incomplete without the names Brahms, Mozart, and Schubert.

These three musical giants, who spent much of their lives in Vienna, Austria, will be featured prominently in a performance that blends the visual art of that time and place with some of their most enchanting compositions for solo voice or small ensemble.

Performing this month are Leslie Goldman, soprano; Sarah Lambert Connelly, mezzo-soprano; Timothy Carney, baritone; and Maka‘i Nash, piano.

The concert will be livestreamed on the LCH Facebook page and our streaming page October 4 at 7:00 pm and then archived on the LCH Facebook page.

Through the generous sponsorship of the Arthur and Mae Orvis Foundation and support from other individual supporters, this concert is free. Additional donations to support the concert series are gladly accepted (details below).

Concert Program (PDF in a new window)

First Mondays 2021–2022 Concert Series

Help Make “First Mondays” a Success by Becoming a Sponsor

Your tax-deductible donations make it possible for us to offer these free concerts to the community. Please consider a donation by sending a check (payable to “Lutheran Church of Honolulu”) to the church at 1730 Punahou Street, Honolulu HI 96822 or using the button to the right to make a secure donation via PayPal. Mahalo for your support.

Feast of St. Francis: Blessing of Pets and Vespers • Sunday, October 3

Blessing of Pets graphicBlessing of Petsat 10:00 am

Recognizing God’s love for all creatures and in celebration of the Feast of St. Francis of Assisi, we will have our annual blessing of the pets on October 3, during the streaming worship service at 10:00 am.

We are collecting photos of your beloved pets—any animals or stuffed animals—for including during worship. If you wish to participate, please email a photo of your pet(s), including the pet name(s) to Pastor Jeff Lilley at pr.jeff@LCHwelcome.org.

Morning Worship will be livestreamed on our streaming page and the LCH Facebook page and then archived on the LCH Facebook page.

St. Francis graphicVespers for the Feast of St. Francis at 7:30 pm

St. Francis of Assisi was an Italian Catholic friar, deacon, mystic, and preacher, and today he is associated with patronage of animals and our beautiful planet, as well as peace and compassion.

We will offer a special vespers service in place of Compline Sunday evening at 7:30 pm. The service will feature music by Christopher Tambling, Healey Willan, and Emilis Melngailis. All are welcome for the livestream as we take time for prayer, praise, and reflection.

Vespers will be livestreamed on our streaming page and the LCH Facebook page and then archived on the LCH Facebook page.

Bach and Prayer Debuts Wednesday, September 22, at 7:00 pm

Bach and Prayer graphicAll are invited to join us for our first Bach and Prayer service on September 22 at 7:00 pm. A quiet time of prayer and reflection, Bach and Prayer offers a space for silent prayer and meditation interspersed with contemplative organ works by J. S. Bach and his family.

Contact the church office to reserve a seat, or tune in for the livestream on our streaming page or the LCH Facebook page. If you miss the livestream, the service will be archived on the LCH Facebook page.

This service will be offered on the fourth Wednesday of each month.

God’s Work, Our Hands Volunteer Day • Sat., Sept. 25, at 9:00 am

God's work, our hands logoPlease join us Saturday, September 25, at 9:00 am for God’s Work Our Hands Volunteer Day at Sand Island Beach Park. Though not the same day as God’s Work, Our Hands Sunday, this will be LCH’s opportunity to participate in the ELCA’s national day of service. God’s Work, Our Hands Sunday celebrates who we are as the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America—one church freed in Christ to serve and love our neighbor.

On September 25, we will serve our neighbors—humans, birds, turtles, plants, and fish—by cleaning and caring for Sand Island. This is a wonderful way to share our love for the earth and demonstrate our care for all God has made.

Due to COVID-19 restrictions, we are limited to a group of 25 for this event; masks and social distancing are required to participate. Please register for the event by emailing Pastor Jeff at pr.jeff@LCHwelcome.org. Event details, including meeting place at the park, will be emailed to you once you register. Bring gloves, a water bottle, sun screen, and a sense of adventure! Trash bags, snacks, additional gloves, and spiritual support are provided by LCH.