Lutheran Church of Honolulu ushers in the season with the 45th annual Advent Procession of lessons and carols. First presented in 1975, this festival service has become a beautiful Honolulu tradition and perennial favorite. Join in singing familiar carols accompanied by the Beckerath organ while our choirs share some of the finest choral works inspired by Advent texts.
Freewill offering accepted. All are welcome!
O Radiant Dawn: James MacMillan (b. 1959)
Tomorrow Go Ye Forth: Gabriel Jackson (b. 1962)
O Day Full of Grace: F. Melius Christiansen (1871–1955)
Magnificat, Collegium Regale: H. Howells (1892–1983)
and others
The LCH Choir
Rev. Jeffrey Lilley, pastor
Scott Fikse, conductor
Mark Wong, organist