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include ("../"); ?>These contributions of poetry and prose were shown as part of Faith and Arts Sunday at the Lutheran Church of Honolulu—February 12, 2012
Poetry and Prose by Writers’ Workshop (February 12, 2012)The Writers Workshop is a group of church members and friends who meet once a month to work on their writing together. Everyone is welcome to bring something they have written that they can share with the group. Group members displayed the following examples of poetry and prose as part of Faith & Arts Sunday 2012. Change is necessary for survival![]() Robert G. Ahlstrom Rare is a person who is all things to all situations; ergo, persons believing they can do everything alone should consider mind set changes. A leader without followers has no one else to lead. The surgeon with skills can save a life, but singularly is unable to play a football game because this requires team effort. Although gifted individuals can thrive alone, their efforts can better excel with a support team. Akin to an established musician with a booking agent, marketing expert and lawyer, creative individuals need support to concentrate on developing new ideas for future activities. Enterprising minds began a long time ago when early man carved the first wooden bowl to replace cupped hands used to scoop water. Proving that for every action, there is a reaction, observers became convinced the bowl held all of its water, whereas a cupped hand leaked water through their fingers. Those with the wooden bowls became leaders and soon afterward followers realized the advantages of dipping for water with their own bowl. Progressive thinkers won, whilst skeptics lost because they were unable to adapt to change and continued to cup their hands to dip water. Of course today the wooden water bowls of the past have been replaced by plastic cups. Trust is necessary for progress. Unfortunately, trust failed my grandfather. He was unaccustomed to using electric alarm clocks. Adaptation meant his daily tradition of winding a manual alarm clock was lost to progress. When electrical outages delayed the clock's alarm for minutes or hours, my grandfather was late for chores. He returned to winding his manual clock. When long-term batteries became available, my grandfather learned he only needed to remember to change batteries once per year. Because he was burned by the failure of modern conveniences and wanted to make sure he awoke on time, he still wound his manual alarm clock. Success breeds criticisms and curtails achievements; however, those truly dedicated to constructive changes for survival must never be sidetracked by antiquated traditions and attitudes. Imagine when Henry Ford first presented his Model “A” automobile. Harness makers, horse stud farms and carriage shops fought against progress to preserve their profitable way of life. Copycat companies soon expanded needs to develop roads and eventually highways. Travel time was shortened to minutes instead of days. Today we should not blame Henry for helping create traffic jams and access to superstores leading to the downfall of small local markets. Fortunately, horses have survived to become entertainment on polo grounds, racetracks and specialty exhibitions. Today determined persons continue to create competitive ideas with such wonders as the iPod and giant liquid crystal display television screens. Each of us can create a future deserving 15 minutes of fame. Imagination changes survival, education is the start, all else is possible. Robert G. Ahlstrom The ChildA child born in love A child to be loved A child to give love He crawls in quickness He takes his first steps His tiny legs race His mother chases His father laughs He seeks to touch Oh, how he questions Watch careful this child He was born to know He was born to teach He was born to heal To give and give more Beware of the leaders Bewildered they scorn How short was his life Ending so quick So cruelly to die His cross was so heavy He carried mine Robert G. Ahlstrom
Have you seen my horse?
Oh what a wonderful word is this whyFor my Granddaughter Anna
Anna asks “Why” It’s too early for me to think about whys “Grandpa, Why” How many whys will she ask me today Patiently questioning everything passing her way “You need to”, “Why” “Please don’t”, “Why” “Let’s go”, “Why” I am feeling frustration As answers elude me I’m unable to satisfy most of her whys A “because” or “I said so” now seems not very wise When “because” has betrayed me It’s then I visualize The “I said so” Does not satisfy and leaves her Thinking once again why
Gradually the day slows to a quieter pace But after weeks of her questions I soon realize That I’m certainly not really feeling so wise Aware and thinking Afraid to ask why So I somewhat sadly reflect Looking Where are my whys So I listen to her and to my surprise I slowly begin to find some long concealed whys
Anna when you read of your wonderful whys Will it be a search for wonderful wise Be aware you may not recognize But don’t stop caring and searching Since maybe the wise thing is to ask why not Since the source of our wise comes from A God oh so wise Who knew us even before we were able to ask why And before the sun could even rise Gary Buchs Proverbs 24:14
It was a Sunday afternoon. I had laid out two frozen rib eye steaks that morning before we left for church. When I went to marinate them that afternoon they were gone. After some searching we found the wrapper and immediately knew the culprit. We had noticed that Scary had been kind of sluggish that day. By 3:00 she was downright lethargic. We were only half sympathetic to her gastric plight, in light of our lunch downgraded from rib eyes to hamburgers. During the day, several times we called her up to lay beside us on the sofa. She would slowly rise, head down and weakly jump up for a few strokes and murmurings and then dejectedly drop once again to the floor where she laid, legs splayed out behind her. It was obvious she was miserable as the floor was never her first choice of seating when there were warm laps to lie on. We determined that her tummy full of choice beef was giving her misery that she never imagined as she was devouring those rib eyes earlier. About sundown she slowly rose, and walked, tail hanging low, out of the living room. Just a minute later she returned with a raw rib eye between her jaws. She slowly approached Gary and laid it at his feet. Totally surprised Gary picked up her bloody offering and walked to the front door where he called Chloe, our lab. Scary calmly watched the proceedings from the living room. Any other time she would have been dancing around Chloe waiting for the best opportunity to steal away from her any treats we offered, but that night Scary just sat quietly, accepting the fate of the other rib eye. When Gary returned to the couch the transformation occurred. The ears came up and the tail was once again held high, wagging energetically as she hopped up beside Gary and enthusiastically accepted his caresses and words of comfort. It was not her stomach that was was her heart. Our little dog had spent a guilt ridden day until her conscience could stand it no longer. And the amazing thing was that once she confessed her sin and paid her penance, she expressed her delight in the sure knowledge that she would be forgiven. Her joy returned. Gary and I will never forget this lesson learned about the joy of forgiveness from one of God’s special creatures. And as we celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ, our Savior this season we remember that He came to earth to live and die so that we too can know the joy of sure and promised forgiveness. May this assurance bless your holiday this season! Marcia and Gary Buchs Top of Page
Friend BeyondNoble knight, radiant soul, empyreal servant, destined for the kingdom of glory;
Riding now among angels in clouded reserves, journeying to higher realms beyond;
Past are days grueling and harsh, deprived of solace, bearing trials beyond human bounds;
Past are nights, sleepless and long, driven by mission, lone, fatigued, death’s shadow hovering;
Laid to rest are secret plans against unnamed foes, a hidden life, known but to a few;
Warring done, challenges met, loved ones safe and sound, homebound; now he heads for diff’rent lands.
Dark divide, impassible veiled shadow that keeps us from our friends and beloved souls;
How may one understand such a great, fell chasm? And how may one truly say farewell?
I still feel he brushes near my frail, earthbound heart, silently affirming bonds of love.
Time suspends past and present in those rare moments, sheltering an embrace born of faith;
Bringing calm, dispelling tears, surrounding with peace, offering strength, solace for a time;
Bearing hope of things to come, of truths eternal, guiding, illuminating the way. Karen Fay Top of Page
I Sought JesusI sought Jesus in desolation, loss, and despair; In that place, He lifted my eyes revealing a hidden sanctuary reflected in the darkness, blessed and peaceful, in the light of His presence.
I sought Jesus when discouraged, weak, and powerless; In that place, He bade me persevere in His vast orchards of humility, mercy, and justice that they may bear the fruits of His witness, each in their time and season.
I sought Jesus in overwhelming trials, chaos, and pain; In that place, He stood by until I knew His heart, His suffering, and believed without doubt in the unfolding miracle of His resurrection. Karen Fay Top of Page
Light House TwilightSo, here we are a place of our own cuddle cupped in calm we talk and touch teach and tell as time winds us down
Just now we are safe from harms frothy fangs still lifting light concerned that youth take bearings before their night
Scanning horizons from our headland home we dream ourselves away feeding each other wisps of wonder till one is alone Donald K. Johnson
Moving AwayAn early morning walk on a hilltop Crisp moon-shadowed morning Troubled by roosters impatient for the dawn His dew-licked zorried toes Move over lives that have been Moments—years treasured Glide through nature’s door Soul-touched by a soft breath—smiling Down-wind from night Donald K. Johnson
A Pillar of StrengthA pillar of strength Stood tall all my life Overflowing warmth And every thing nice But up came a lump And then destructive surgery The pillar went limp Yet somehow managed merrily The bump went deceivingly away For a happy year and a half Then came back this time to spread and stay Wreaking havoc through its forged path The pillar crumbled, devastating me thoroughly Her glorious days linger still in my memory
R.I.P. Grandma Ruthie [Rest in Peace] Rebekah Johnson
Grand ChildrenO! The joys of Grand Children To view the world through their eyes To hear the sounds through their ears To appreciate that play is their way to learn
Five years old and multiple cultures clash Through three different languages Their different connotations Their inherent puzzling humor
Three years old and a whole new world Develops with the multiple tongues to learn Different concepts to understand Varied attitudes to similar situations
All this can be discovered With patience and love By Grand Parents who care And a loving, understanding spirit Jean-Paul Klingebiel
Human PlanetEverywhere and at all times Human activity never ceases We keep transforming our planet Visible, even from outer space
Monochrome our planet is not White and gray from clouds, Polar caps and glaciers Tan and brown from barren lands
Our blue planet is also green From grass prairies and forests Blue and green from water All this is not static but in flux
While some adaptations can be good for us Where is our duty as stewards of God’s creation? Our earth is quite resilient for transitory situations But what is best for the planet surely must be best for us. Jean-Paul Klingebiel
A life has passedfor Robert G. Ahlstrom A life has passed while we were away Our friend is sorely missed anyway His friendly smile and rolling chuckle way No longer will lighten our day
Our life was richer for his Christian love His light coming from above some way Helping older folks to be connected from above He could reflect that light their way
Fare well old friend, we are grateful for you For your life, your presence and your dignity Jean-Paul Klingebiel
and the winner is...water falls from the sky sits on the earth sometimes wants to run along sideways always wants to go down
no flame wants to go down
flame sometimes falls from the sky always sits lightly on the earth flame only wants to go up fire up in flames
can a flame tame the wet water Kathryn Klingebiel
Yours truly went back to a favorite line or twoYours truly went back to a favorite line or two and they weren’t there in the past: they would not stay put, they’re knocking at the door tonight.
armless she is silence still, like the moon, she has forgotten moons in their thousands
Thereupon popped up the long-ago refrain: go to the beach to watch the electricity atomic bodies alive in sand and sun but not without you
But without you I went back to a line from a 1996 TV show (“Oliver’s Travels,” BBC) “No use in a straight line, but brilliant sideways“ reflection on a lateral mind: this is what will ultimately save us from machines
I stumbled upon a few lines probably best forgotten: fairy child little shit who would thought a single child to have so much noise in it? Full of suffering on a long-ago plane ride.
By now you’re probably ready to swat me: exciting with a capital X wonderful with a capital why daunting with a capital damn mischevous with a capital I
But don’t you get to wondering if you too could pull a little something together...? Kathryn Klingebiel
Dog Time-ShareA dog and his boy
Then a magical thing happened. One of my daughters suggested that we share a dog. I floated this idea by them earlier but had gotten no positive response. Suddenly, the perfect dog was available and needed a home. From that point on it all fell into place so smoothly I couldn’t remember why we hadn’t shared a dog before. The way it works is I have the dog, Logan, during the week and my daughter has him on the weekend. Since I’m retired I can spend more time with him during working hours and he is at my house when I have the grandchildren over after school. Then on the weekend I can relax and not worry about walks and feeding and the thousand things having a dog entails. When I go on a trip Logan will stay with my daughter. So far (two weeks) it’s been great. I really do enjoy having a dog around and I’ve come to believe it’s good for my health. Another reason to teach children to share. They can become very useful to you in your old age. Steve Miller ![]() 1730 Punahou Street, Honolulu, HI 96822 • 808-941-2566 Comments welcome at |