In this issue:
- Welcoming Pr. Lesley Radius, Our Interim Pastor
- First Mondays Concerts: Four Seasons
- Ash Wednesday Worship
- Lenten Soup and Salad Suppers
- Lenten Wednesdays: Holy Lament
- From Pastor Margrethe
- Work of the Congregation and the Role of the Interim Pastor
- Added Strength Before the Call Process
- LCH Office Hours
- Stewardship Corner
- Committee/Interest Group Chairs
- 125th Anniversary Mission Fund Plans
- Angel Network In-Gathering
- Adult Forum
- Leadership Roundtable
- Game Day
- Book of Faith Bible Study
- Restorative Yoga
- LCH Choir Concert: “In Sorrow and Joy”
- Mary Magdalene Society
- Compline
- Writers’ Workshop
- IHS Sandwich Making
- LCH OFFICE CLOSED for Prince Kūhiō Day
- Seeking Volunteers & Donations for One Pot, One Hope
- Food for Thought
- New Choir Loft Takes Shape
- Regular Offerings
- The Beckerath Organ—50 and Beyond!
- HeartBeat Deadline
- Electronic Funds Transfers for January
- Attendance and Offerings for February
- Prayer Requests
- March Birthdays
- Calendar: March 2025
Welcoming Pr. Lesley Radius, Our Interim Pastor
Pr. Lesley Radius begins serving as the interim pastor of LCH on March 1. We welcome her as our new shepherd and partner in ministry and look forward to all that we will do together over the next year or two. Pr. Lesley, who will be living at Luther Place, will be jumping right into her new call and preaching on March 2. Her email is
In anticipation of her arrival at LCH, we ask everyone to remember that Pr. Lesley is severely allergic to scented flowers, incense, and perfumes. She has been in the Emergency Room in anaphylaxis, so all are asked to honor her allergy issues whenever you come to the LCH campus.
To find out more about Pr. Lesley, please look back at her own brief introduction in the February HeartBeat.
First Mondays Concerts: Four Seasons
Monday, March 3, at 7:00 pm
Welcome spring with the Four Seasons by Antonio Vivaldi. Darel Stark will lead our chamber orchestra for this 300th-anniversary performance with a narration of the sonnets upon which this work is based. Also featured on the program will be works by Darel Stark and Johann Sebastian Bach.
All are invited to gather for pūpū in the Hörmann Courtyard and 6:15 pm. The concert is free, with a suggested donation $20. In addition, we will continue to collect packaged, unopened dry goods (e.g., cereal, flour, sugar, pasta, etc.) and canned food donations for the Angel Network at each concert.
Ash Wednesday Worship
Wednesday, March 5 + 7:30 PM + in the Nave
The season of Lent begins with a very special worship on Ash Wednesday. This beautiful evening service begins the Lenten season of reflection, prayer, and preparation as we hear the words from Genesis 3:19, “Remember that you are dust, and to dust you shall return.” Ashes, a sign of mourning and repentance, are placed on our foreheads as a reminder of our mortality, but the ashes are in the shape of a cross, a sign of promise, and life, and hope.
Ash Wednesday—and the whole season of Lent—calls us to reflect and remember the precious gift of life and love that God has given us in creation and community and to re-center our thoughts and spirit on what truly matters. As we gather around the communion table in worship on Ash Wednesday, we see our neighbor with the same smudged cross on her head, recall that our mortality is joined to hers forever in Christ, and remember that together we share the joy of life with all of God’s world.
Lenten Soup and Salad Suppers
Wednesdays, March 12, 19, and 26 and April 2 and 9 6:00 PM • in the Hörmann Courtyard
Please join in this wonderful time of fellowship and prayer, beginning each Wednesday of Lent with a simple soup and salad supper. Suppers are served at 6:00 PM, prior to 7:00 PM Lenten services in the Nave. A sign-up sheet will be available in the courtyard for contributions to each week’s meal and for help with set-up and clean-up. See Jeanne Castello or call the LCH office for more information.
Lenten Wednesdays: Holy Lament
Join us mid-week during Lent as we share Holden Evening Prayer. The sung prayer service begins at 7:00 PM preceded by a soup-and-salad supper at 6:00 PM in the church courtyard. This year’s Lenten theme is Holy Lament.
All are welcomed and encouraged to share this intimate prayer service and supper with us this Lenten season.
From Pastor Margrethe
Me ke Aloha Nui, With Much Love
Beloved siblings in Christ,
When you receive this edition of the HeartBeat, it will have been four and a half months since Jeff passed away. In some ways, it feels like this happened yesterday. In other ways it feels like this happened a lifetime ago.
It has been a rare privilege to accompany this congregation through the aftermath of Jeff’s passing to the present moment. Despite your grief, you pulled together as a team, enabling us to offer a beautiful and poignant memorial service and celebration of Jeff’s life, the “JeffFest.” As a congregation, you had your priorities right, placing the needs of Jean, Meghann, and Seth first in the days immediately following Jeff’s death.
As we’ve grieved, worked, laughed, and cried together these past months, you’ve touched me with your care for one another and willingness to go the extra mile in service to one another. You’ve reminded me repeatedly that LCH is a unique and beautiful expression of God’s love in the world. I am both proud and humbled to have been able to share this time with you.
Now, it is time for me to pass the baton to Pastor Lesley Radius. I know you will welcome and embrace her in love as only LCH can. She will bring new eyes and a fresh perspective, enabling us to reflect on who we are and, more importantly, who God calls us to become.
While we will continue to grieve, we will also be attentive to God’s future for LCH.
After Pastor Lesley arrives, I will take some time to detach, as this has been an intense experience. When the timing is right, I’ll ease myself back into life at LCH like I did after Jeff returned from his sabbatical.
LCH will always continue to be foremost in my thoughts and prayers. Mahalo for your love and support these past four and a half months.
Me ke aloha nui,
Work of the Congregation and the Role of the Interim Pastor
LCH had two excellent interim pastors in its history, Pastor David Barber and Pastor Steve Jensen. So, in many ways, this congregation is familiar with the intentional interim process. Still, it has been seventeen years since LCH worked with an interim pastor, so it may be helpful to review the work of the congregation and the role of the interim pastor.
The brief article below, by the Rev. Amy Thompson Sevimli, former assistant to the bishop of the Metropolitan Washington D.C. Synod of the ELCA, provides a helpful description of interim work. I’ve adapted it slightly for our context.
Pastor Margrethe
Added Strength Before the Call Process
We often think of an interim pastor as someone who can “mind the gap” until the next called pastor arrives, but intentional interim ministers serve an additional purpose. Namely, they do everything you would expect an ordained person to do in an interim, but they also work with the congregation on “their stuff.”
The idea is that the intentional interim minister will help talk with a congregation about all the good and all the bad the congregation sees in itself. They will rejoice with the congregation in the good and work with them to talk through the bad.
There are different ways this is done, but a few of the most immediate and most important are forming a Transition Team (which is different from the Call Committee) and then working with the Transition Team to engage the congregation in conversation. These conversations will serve two purposes: 1) to identify what the congregation needs to pay attention to before calling a new pastor and 2) to inform the development of the Ministry Site Profile. This work takes place before the Call Committee is formed.
The Call Committee can then operate from a position of strength because they have received feedback in the interim process. When everything goes according to plan (which is, of course, what always happens, right?), the information the Transition Team has gleaned from the interviews with the congregation and the work that followed instruct the Call Committee’s work.
Adapted from a September 18, 2012, article by The Rev. Amy Thompson Sevimli, former assistant to the bishop of the Metropolitan Washington D.C. Synod of the ELCA.
LCH Office Hours
- Monday—Closed
- Tuesday—9:00 am to 1:00 pm
- Wednesday—9:00 am to 1:00 pm
- Thursday—9:00 am to 1:00 pm
- Friday—9:00 am to 1:00 pm
- Saturday–Sunday—Closed
We recommend calling the office (808-941-2566) before dropping in to see the pastor or the administrator, as schedules may vary with appointments, other work commitments, and lunch breaks
Please visit the LCH website at for more information about weekly events and ministries, and to access the public LCH Facebook page for online worship services.
Committee/Interest Group Chairs
Committee/Group | Leader |
Archive: | Jim Cartwright |
Concert: | Barry Wenger |
Communications: | Carol Langner |
Council: | Olivia Castro |
Hospitality: | Jeanne Castello |
Finance: | Roy Helms |
Financial Review: | Dori Palcovich |
Food for Thought: | Marlise Tellander |
Lay Ministers: | Carolyn Koehler |
Learning Ministry: | Fred Benco |
Mary Magdalene: | Bill Potter Roy Helms |
Process Theology: | Carol Langner |
Property: | Richard Mundell |
Scholarship: | Fred Benco |
Social Ministry: | Mary Fastenau |
Stewardship: | Phyllis Hörmann Willow Chang |
Website: | Bill Potter |
Worship & Music: | Randy Castello |
Writers’ Workshop: | Peter Flachsbart |
Worshipping II
In last month’s article, Phyllis Hörmann asked why we expend so much effort every week preparing for worship. Her answer was that we do it because worshipping together makes a difference. Building on that, Biscuit Geurts talked about her understanding of that difference during worship last Sunday, and later this month Keane Ishii will share his answer. This month, I want to share some of my thoughts on the importance of worship.
We all remember how we felt just a few years ago when we could not gather for worship because it was just too dangerous for us to share the same air. We were all grateful for the tremendous efforts of Pr. Jeff, Jean, Scott and others that made it possible for us to worship online, but it just wasn’t the same. We could do a lot online—sing God’s praises, ask forgiveness, listen to the word being read and preached—but there was a lot missing. We could exchange greetings in chat, but we could not see our friends, hug them, or even hear their voices. At first, we didn’t even have communion. And we got no tasty treats during coffee hour.
Beyond these obvious shortcomings of worship online, there is something intangible about being together in person that we feel in our bodies but may have a hard time putting into words. Our hymns do a better job of praising God when our individual voices join together in harmony and are supported by the Beckerath organ. The petitions offered by others during the prayers resonate with our own concerns. We kneel together at the communion rail and know that we are not alone but are children of a loving and nourishing God.
Of course, our virtual worship over Facebook is a real blessing for members of the LCH ‘ohana who have moved away or may be travelling or ill and cannot attend in person. But we also know that some folks on O‘ahu would like to be with us in person on Sunday mornings but have trouble getting to church.
As we discussed this problem, Phyllis and I could identify at least two people who are able to attend because someone comes by and brings them. We suspect there are others who could use similar help, so as part of this focus on “Worshipping,” we have committed to setting up a system to address this problem.
That solution has two parts:
- If you face obstacles getting to church for worship, please let the church office know, either by phone (808-941-2566) or email ( Be sure to include your name, contact information, location, and if you want to come early for Adult Forum.
- If you are able to offer transportation to church for someone, please contact Phyllis ( or me ( with the same information. The two of us will do our very best to match people up, but if there is a need and no volunteer, we might seek out someone who might be able to help.
Worshipping together regularly is both a key part of our identity as the Lutheran Church of Honolulu and the fundamental source of the energy and determination that allows us to grow as followers of Christ and continue to be Christ’s community. That’s why it comes right after “Welcoming to all” in our mission statement. May we continue worshipping together for the next 125 years and beyond.
Bill Potter for the Stewardship Team
Pam Buckley, Willow Chang, Phyllis Hörmann, Barbara Poole-Street, Bill Potter, and Cindy Scheinert
125th Anniversary Mission Fund Plans
LCH’s 125th Anniversary celebration includes two important elements—refurbishing the organ and mission objectives that were formed through the critical input from the ‘Ohana Groups and the ongoing discussions about what is God calling us to do.
The areas the congregation identified as the most important are:
- Welcoming and Safe Environment
- Liturgy, Music, and the Arts
- Silver Tsunami
The area of liturgy and music is being covered by the money being raised for the organ and a generous $79,000 bequest from the Thomas Hilgers Trust that is to be spent on the music program, but specifically for items not in the ongoing budget, such as concerts, new musical commissions, and other ways to expand the music program.
To cover the Welcoming and Safe Environment and the Silver Tsunami, we propose the following:
- Welcoming and Safe Environment—$50,000
- Presenting a more welcoming face to the world (cleaning up the front of the church, painting the exterior and interior of the church, removing old playground equipment, repairing the rose window)
- Landscaping, including creating a dog run for neighbors
- Murals to capture the spirit of the church
- Silver Tsunami—$4,000
- Seed money to help determine the most beneficial programs for seniors and their caregivers.
- Tithing to the ELCA through the Pacifica Synod—$6,000
- Yes, tithing is part of our culture.
We will create task forces to oversee these efforts and make sure the congregation is involved in the planning. If you want to be part of one of these task forces, please talk to Olivia Castro.
As of publication, we have raised $9,000 for the mission part of the 125th anniversary celebration. We narrowed the focus and are now concentrating on raising funds. If you would like to contribute, we ask that you do the following:
- Write a check and mail it in or give as your offering. Please designate 125th Anniversary Mission Fund on the description line.
- Contact Brenda in the church office (808-941-2566 or to start initiate a monthly EFT donation to the 125th Anniversary Mission Fund through Simply Giving or to add a new donation to your current contributions via Simply Giving
- Go to the LCH website and click the Donate link. From the pulldown menu and click on 125th Anniversary Mission Fund.
If you have any questions, please contact Mary Fastenau, Olivia Castro, or Dan Dennison.
Angel Network In-Gathering
LCH is not collecting donations for Angel Network Charities until further notice. However, Angel Network is accepting donations at the Calvary-by-the-Sea Lutheran Church location in east O‘ahu: 5339 Kalaniana‘ole Highway, Honolulu 96821.
For those who are able and interested in donating, they accept donations on Thursdays and Fridays, from 8:30 am to noon. They will only accept packaged, unopened dry goods (e.g. cereal, flour, sugar, pasta, etc.) and canned goods.
Angel Network requires that donating drivers identify themselves and remain in their vehicle. Volunteers will offload donation items from your vehicle with protective gloves. Over 2,500 individuals are served monthly through this program. Mahalo for your generosity and support.

Adult Forum
Sundays at 9:00 am • In-person in the Boardroom
Adult Forum will continue to discuss major Christian theologians and their views of who “God” is through the month of March. We have studied Paul Tillich, and we will take up Soren Kierkegaard and then study Dietrich Bonhoeffer. We may conclude the topic with video presentations.
Please join us for these inspiring films and lively discussions. All are welcome. If you are coming for worship, just get your coffee and head to the Boardroom at 9:00 to join the others who are there.
Leadership Roundtable
Tuesday, March 4, at 6:30 pm • Via Zoom Meeting
Committee chairs and team leaders, please plan to gather for a short (45 minute) meeting. This month’s meeting will be conducted via the Zoom online meeting platform. Please refer to your email for the Zoom Meeting details. This is an opportunity for us to sit down together and share information on what is happening with all the ministries at LCH. If you are a committee or team leader, you will receive an email with login information. Please be prepared to share a little information on your activities with the group. Mahalo!
Game Day
Wednesday, March 5, at 1:00 pm in Isenberg Hall
Please join Paula Wheeler for Game Day on Wednesday, March 5, from 1:00 to 3:00 in the Boardroom. We will meet for lively conversation and some fun games. If you have any questions or suggestions call Paula at 808-542-2843.
Book of Faith Bible Study
Thursdays, 10:00 am • In-person and Via Zoom Meeting
The Book of Faith Bible Study meets on Thursday mornings in-person or via Zoom meeting. All are welcome to join this lively discussion of the Biblical texts, relevant current events, and historical foundations. Please contact Cathy Baptista at to receive an invitation to the next Zoom Bible study discussion.

Restorative Yoga
Thursdays, March 6, 13, 20, and 27, at 6:30 pm • Via Zoom Meeting
Explore the restorative and ancient practice of yoga, led by LCH member Willow Chang. As a yoga practitioner for over 30 years, Willow shares the joy, wonder, and enthusiasm of a beginner. She emphasizes the origins, cultural context, and safe practice of yoga for all by sharing aspects of yoga, from pranayama (breathing exercises) and yogic philosophy (ahimsa), to poses, referred to as asanas.
Join for one, two, or all sessions from the safety of your own shelter-in-place. These unique classes also provide an opportunity to answer your questions about yoga practice and form. You don’t need yoga pants, previous experience, youth, flexibility, or any real-life experience in India to learn about yoga. Bring your amazing self to be in wonder of your abilities! Please contact Willow Chang ( to be included in the weekly Zoom meeting invitation. Let’s learn and find a new center, together!
LCH Choir Concert: “In Sorrow and Joy”
March 13, at 7:00 pm
The LCH Choir and orchestra present a concert in memory of Pastor Jeff Lilley. Music includes J.S. Bach’s Cantata No. 38, “Out of the Depths, I Cry to Thee” and Ruth Watson Henderson’s “From Darkness to Light.”
We will mark this six-month anniversary of Pr. Jeff’s passing through the beauty of music. Please invite friends and family to this beautiful concert of music to remember our sorrow and also to remember our joy!

Mary Magdalene Society
Saturday, March 15, at 6:00 PM • Hörmann Courtyard
Mary Magdalene Society will meet in-person for our potluck and game night in the Hörmann Courtyard. We invite LGBTQI members and friends of LCH to prepare their favorite potluck dish and join in the festivities. As part of our commitment to mutual care, participants should RSVP in advance and be fully-vaccinated.
An email will be sent on March 9 to those who are already on the Mary Magdalene mailing list detailing the RSVP procedure. If you don’t receive your invitation, have questions or want to be added to the mailing list, please contact Bill Potter, group facilitator, at
Sunday, March 16, at 7:30 pm • In-person and Via Livestream Broadcast
We warmly invite all people in all places of faith and life to Compline. Offered on the third Sundays of each month, this beautiful candle-lit service is a meditative experience of a cappella singing and chanting to commemorate the day’s end. Led by members of the LCH Men’s Schola, musical selections include Gregorian chant, Taizé chant, Renaissance polyphony, and more.
Compline is sung on the third Sunday of the month from September through May.
For those not attending in person, Compline will be livestreamed on the LCH Facebook page.
Writers’ Workshop
Monday, March 17, at 4:30 pm • Via Zoom Meeting
Writers’ Workshop will continue to meet via Zoom meeting. All are welcome! If you are new to our group and would like more information on how to participate, please contact Peter Flachsbart at He will send you a Zoom link if you prefer to participate remotely. Mahalo!

IHS Sandwich Making
Thursday, March 20, 12:00–2:00 pm • Isenberg Hall
LCHers will again convene to prepare sandwiches and pack sack lunches for distribution at Institution for Human Services (IHS). This continues a tradition stretching back decades. We meet monthly and could use a few new, dependable volunteers to join our dedicated group. Please join us. Mahalo!
If you would like to participate in this action-packed, fun activity, please let Brenda know at She will pass your contact info on to event organizers.
LCH Office Closed for Prince Kūhiō Day
Wednesday, March 26
Seeking Volunteers & Donations for One Pot, One Hope
Saturday, March 29, at 9:00 am • Maluhia Lutheran Church in Wai‘anae
The One Pot, One Hope ministry, a Hukilau project, continues each month at Maluhia Lutheran Church in Wai‘anae. Please consider participating by joining the volunteers at the next meet-up.
You can also contribute by donating 5-lb. cans of chili, cartons of granola bars, or large jars of peanut butter or jelly; or you can support this outreach with funds either by check or via the LCH Donate page. (Be sure to designate donation for One Pot, One Hope.) Food items may be dropped off during coffee hour on Sundays or left at the office during open hours. Contact Billie Jean Reis or Linda Muller with any questions. Mahalo for assisting with this mission to provide meals to our neighbors.
Food for Thought
Saturday, March 29, at 5:30 pm • David Hörmann’s Home
Food for Thought meets at the home of David Hörmann, who will provide the main dish, while others are asked to bring side dishes or dessert to complete the potluck. If you would like to participate virtually, please contact Peter Flachsbart at to receive an invitation for the next Zoom meeting. If you wish to come in person, please RSVP, contact Marlise Tellander at

New Choir Loft Takes Shape
You may have noticed that the choir has a new Sunday morning home. I have been attending LCH a little over 7 years and had my first serious talk with Pastor Jeff about a new choir loft about 7 years and one month ago, and even then, it was old news.
I asked Randy Castello how long the “temporary” choir loft had been in place, and to the best of his recollection, the first generation was installed in 1978 when the organ was installed. The original carpet was not grey but blue, like the blue in the choir robes. He said that in 2000, for the performance of the Bach St. Mathew Passion, extra platforms were constructed and when not used were stored up in the loft and brought down for special performances. At some point, shortly after the Bach performance, all the sections were recovered with the grey carpet. Over time the layout got altered and then settled on the awkward arrangement that was used for the past several years.
From that initial conversation with Jeff, projects with a higher priority kept popping up, and the new loft would get pushed to the back burner. The kitchen windows, the steps to the loft, COVID and virtual church requiring the construction of an AV booth, the installation of permanent cameras, and the new Isenberg windows all took precedence. Then this past fall, with the 125th celebration just around the corner, the choir loft jumped to the front of the list, and Jeff began having conversations with Barry about the design. Jeff would fill me in when we were together, and we were looking forward to finally getting started on construction. The last words Jeff spoke to me were “Let’s get together for lunch next week and come up with a plan for the new loft”

In late November I had a meeting with Pastor Margrethe and Olivia to discuss the list of projects that we wanted to get done for the 125th anniversary, and, of course, the loft was at the top of the list. We knew that the new pipes for the organ were going to be installed in May, and we didn’t want to be working on the loft during Holy Week, so that put the tentative construction start date for shortly after the first of the year. Barry and I got together in the Nave to talk design. We began by reviewing what he and Jeff had discussed. The two main design options were curved tiers or straight, diagonal tiers. We took chairs and mocked them in both arrangements and the diagonal design seemed to allow the array of the highest number chairs while enabling for the maximum comfort of each singer. Barry also liked the way all the members would be able to see him either at the piano or the organ and still be projecting their voices with no cross-over singing.
I went home that evening and drew up the plans and came up with a build technique that would minimize material waste and allow us to get main structure fabricated in one day. In two consecutive Saturdays at the beginning of February, volunteers we were able to get 80% of the loft completed and the choir did not miss a Sunday.
The word in the Nave is that Barry and the choir members love the new loft. We still have a fair amount of flooring to install and a lot of detailed trim work to complete, but each week we get a little closer to having the choir loft that Jeff and LCH members have been yearning for!
Rich Mandell, property chair
Regular Offerings
If you are not attending church in person, you are encouraged to mail your offering check directly to the church: Lutheran Church of Honolulu, 1730 Punahou Street, Honolulu HI 96822. If you would like to set up regular electronic funds transfer from your checking or savings account, forms are available at or can be requested by email to If you prefer to make a one-time contribution or ongoing pledge by credit card, there is a link in the bottom right corner of each page of the church website or you can go directly to Thank you!
The Beckerath Organ—50 and Beyond!
As we continue our fundraising for the Beckerath Organ cleaning and additions, we are grateful for donations already received and hopeful that you will find a place for your gift. We joyfully celebrate having raised $42,000 in gifts and pledges towards our goal of $60,000. We cannot thank you enough for your generosity.
We are also beginning our “Support a Pipe” Campaign to continue to raise funds. We are recommending two options, but every gift will be honored:
- Trumpet Stop—a $500 per pipe gift ($250 to organ fund/$250 to Mission)
- Salicional Stop—a $300 per pipe gift ($150 to organ fund/$150 to Mission)
There are 32 trumpet pipes being built and voiced now. And there are 56 salicional pipes being constructed and voiced. That gives us a total of 88 pipes to purchase in honor of or memory of a loved one. This campaign and all gifts will be commemorated on a plaque placed near the organ.
Please join us in the faithful stewardship of this wonderful instrument to have it thoroughly cleaned and enhanced by these two “new” sounds.
Gifts may be made by check or via PayPal using these links for general donations or the “Support a Pipe” campaign.
HeartBeat Deadline
Tuesday, March 18, 9:00 am
Alan G., Alex M., Amanda L., Betty H., Chuck P. and Josie B., the family of Cecilia F., Don J., Elaine, Flora and Jim S., George T., Geneva J. and family, Greg G., Harold W., Jane H., Jason M., Jean L. and her family, John B., John S., Johnny, Kathleen C., LaVerne R., Melanie M., Michael, Miriam S., Peggy A., Salina R., Star W., Steve J., Steve M., Tony P., Tracy W., Yvonne and Andy M.
Please help us to keep the Prayer Requests list relevant. If you have a friend or loved one who should remain on the list, we are glad to keep them in prayer. Please email the office to let us know when a name may be removed from the list.