In this issue:
- First Mondays Concerts: Organ Extravaganza
- Volunteers Needed—Youth Fundraiser!
- An Alert about Pr. Lesley
- From Pastor Margrethe
- Transition Team Appointed
- LCH Office Hours
- Stewardship Corner
- Committee/Interest Group Chairs
- Angel Network In-Gathering
- Pastor Lesley, a Brief Introduction
- LCH OFFICE CLOSED for Presidents Day
- LCH Work Days
- Adult Forum
- Leadership Roundtable
- Game Day
- Book of Faith Bible Study
- Restorative Yoga
- Mary Magdalene Society
- Compline
- Writers’ Workshop
- IHS Sandwich Making
- Seeking Volunteers & Donations for One Pot, One Hope
- Food for Thought
- Prayer Walk, BBQ, and Remembrance of Pastor Jeff
- Regular Offerings
- The Beckerath Organ—50 and Beyond!
- HeartBeat Deadline
- Electronic Funds Transfers for December
- Attendance and Offerings for January
- Prayer Requests
- February Birthdays
- Calendar: February 2025
First Mondays Concerts: Organ Extravaganza
Monday, February 3, at 7:00 pm
Enjoy the robust sounds of the Beckerath organ and celebrate the 50th anniversary year of the organ at Lutheran Church of Honolulu by joining us for this exciting program featuring concert organist Douglas Cleveland. Dr. Cleveland recently became the interim director of music and organist at Fourth Presbyterian Church of Chicago, overseeing the 5 manual/142 rank Quimby/Skinner organ and the professional and semi-professional choirs at the church. Dr. Cleveland comes to us with a wide variety of musical performances throughout the world.
Doug has local ties with family here on O‘ahu and has enjoyed playing the Beckerath on previous trips. He comes to us with a wide variety of musical performances throughout the world. His recent performance in China was hailed by Fanxiu Shen, professor of organ for the Central Conservatory of Beijing and organist at the National Center for the Performing Arts: “Douglas Cleveland played a brilliant recital. … The people of China love him!”
All are invited to gather for pūpū in the Hörmann Courtyard and 6:15 pm. The concert is free, with a suggested donation $20. In addition, we will continue to collect packaged, unopened dry goods (e.g., cereal, flour, sugar, pasta, etc.) and canned food donations for the Angel Network at each concert.
Volunteers needed—Fundraiser!
Punahou Carnival Parking • Friday and Saturday, February 7 and 8
Each year, the LCH youth request your help with their Punahou Carnival parking fundraiser. The carnival begins each year on the first Friday of February and lasts for two days. We need adult and youth volunteers for three-hour shifts during the carnival on both days. Event coordinators provide snacks and drinks, flashlights, and safety vests, and you provide the fellowship! Sign-up sheets will be made available in the Hörmann Courtyard after worship service. Volunteer shifts on both Friday, February 7, and Saturday, February 8, are: 10:30 am–1:30 pm, 1:30–4:30 pm, 4:30–7:30 pm, and 7:30–10:30 pm. Thank you!
An Alert about Pr. Lesley
Pastor Lesley Radius arrives in the islands on February 17, and her sister, Karen, will be picking her up at the airport. She will be busy with her sister preparing for the memorial service of her brother-in-law on February 20. Thus, her welcome is postponed. Stay tuned for more information in the eNews about our plans. Pastor Lesley’s first day as interim minister is March 1.
Pastor Lesley is severely allergic to: scented flowers, incense, and perfumes.
She has been in the Emergency Room in anaphylaxis. Please honor her allergy issues whenever you come to the LCH campus. We will not be using Easter lilies or incense this year for our Holy Week services. Please do not wear perfumed products. Please avoid giving or wearing scented lei or flowers. She has several flowers she is OK with, including the red ginger, tiger lilies, and anything unscented. Signs will be posted to remind us of her severe allergies.
From Pastor Margrethe
Brenda and Margrethe’s Excellent Adventure in Kota Kinabalu
The 12th Asian Lutheran International Conference
“Indeed, the body does not consist of one member but of many.”—1 Corinthians 12:14

Did you know there are 12 distinct Lutheran Churches in India, all belonging to the Lutheran World Federation?
And did you know that the Huria Kristen Batak Protestan (HKBP), also a member of the Lutheran World Federation, has over 6 million members?
Were you aware that the Lutheran Theological Seminary in Hong Kong is more than a century old?
While the Lutheran Confessions originated in 16th century Northern Europe, as a movement within the greater Christian church, Lutheranism has taken root globally. In Asia alone, more than fifty church bodies are members of the Lutheran World Federation.
The Asian Lutheran International Conference (ALIC) is a network that brings Asians from Asia together with Asians from the ELCA for “fellowship, networking, theological discussion and sharing of mutual concerns in ministry.” The Association of Asians and Pacific Islanders of the ELCA (AAPI-ELCA) organizes this conference every two years. Attendees include pastors, bishops, and lay leaders from Asian churches and the ELCA. This year’s conference was in Kona Kinabalu, the capital of the Malaysian state of Sabah. The Basel Christian Church of Malaysia (one of the Pacifica Synod’s companion churches) served as our local host.

Brenda and her husband Pastor Moses Barrios and Pastor Grace Lee and her wife Debbie Kim, all of Calvary-by-the-Sea, joined Pastor J.P. Sabbithi of Joy of Christ, myself, and Bishop David Nagler of the Pacifica Synod at this year’s ALIC conference. We enjoyed the sights and sounds of Kota Kinabalu, including visits to its mosque and the city market. And, of course, no visit to Malaysia is complete without a bowl of laksa!
“Lift Every Voice,” the theme for the conference, was inspired by the African American National Anthem, Lift Every Voice and Sing. This hymn praises God for liberation from slavery and celebrates freedom. Through ALIC’s keynote speakers, Bible study leaders, and worship, conference participants explored the broader implications of liberation within the context of Asian churches and ministries.
Keynote speakers included Bishop James Wong of the Basel Christian Church of Malaysia (BCCM), the Rev. Hephzibah Pemumaka, pastor of Grace Lutheran Church in the Southwestern Texas Synod of the ELCA, and Dr. Mayuko Yasuda, a professor at Japanese Lutheran College.
Other activities included visits to Sabah Theological Seminary and the Lutheran Study Center, a tour of the Mirgan School Ministry to migrant children (a ministry of the BCCM), and tours of Mari-Mari Cultural Village and Kota Kinabalu City Mosque. On Sunday morning, conference participants worshipped in local congregations.
My travels and experiences with the global church, including ALIC, remind me of St. Paul’s words in 1 Corinthians 12: For just as the body is one and has many members, and all the members of the body, though many are one body, so it is with Christ. For in the one Spirit, we were all baptized into one body—Jews or Greeks, slaves or free—and we were all made to drink of one Spirit.
ALIC has been an opportunity to see the physical embodiment of Christ in the churches of Asia. I wish every Christian could have this or similar experiences. It is both humbling and encouraging to know our small congregations here in Hawaii are part of a greater reality, the body of Christ in the world.
Pastor Margrethe Kleiber
Transition Team Appointed
Many of you volunteered to serve on the Transition Team, and for that I am profoundly grateful. God is calling us into service and you are saying yes. Many of you will later be asked to prayerfully consider serving on the Call Committee, once the work of the Transition Team is completed.
The Transition Team will be responsible for:
- Completing the Ministry Site Profile (MSP), a document from the ELCA to help congregations better understand where they are and what God is calling them to and to assist the synod and pastors considering a call to LCH to understand the nature of our ministry in this place.
- Developing and implementing a process for gathering input from the congregation on the current state of LCH, with a focus on future mission, and then incorporating the information gathered into the MSP.
- Regularly updating the Church Council on their work.
The Transition Team is expected to serve from 12 to 15 months, or until its work is completed and the Call Committee is formed. The seven team members appointed by the Council are representative of the congregation in terms of age, culture, sexual identity, longevity, areas of focus (i.e. music ministry, LGBTQ+ advocacy, senior citizen issues) and possessing the abilities needed to successfully research, develop, and complete the MSP. The appointees to the Transition Team are: Dylan De Pretto, Keane Ishii, Laurie Leach, Linda Muller, Ayesha Nibbe, Barbara Poole-Street, and Mark Russell. Please join me in supporting them in their work to be successful in preparing LCH to call a new pastor.
Olivia Castro, Church Council president
LCH Office Hours
- Monday—Closed
- Tuesday—9:00 am to 1:00 pm
- Wednesday—9:00 am to 1:00 pm
- Thursday—9:00 am to 1:00 pm
- Friday—9:00 am to 1:00 pm
- Saturday–Sunday—Closed
We recommend calling the office (808-941-2566) before dropping in to see the pastor or the administrator, as schedules may vary with appointments, other work commitments, and lunch breaks
Please visit the LCH website at for more information about weekly events and ministries, and to access the public LCH Facebook page for online worship services.
Committee/Interest Group Chairs
Committee/Group | Leader |
Archive: | Jim Cartwright |
Concert: | Barry Wenger |
Communications: | Carol Langner |
Council: | Olivia Castro |
Hospitality: | Jeanne Castello |
Finance: | Roy Helms |
Financial Review: | Dori Palcovich |
Food for Thought: | Marlise Tellander |
Lay Ministers: | Carolyn Koehler |
Learning Ministry: | Fred Benco |
Mary Magdalene: | Bill Potter Roy Helms |
Process Theology: | Carol Langner |
Property: | Richard Mundell |
Scholarship: | Fred Benco |
Social Ministry: | Mary Fastenau |
Stewardship: | Phyllis Hörmann Willow Chang |
Website: | Bill Potter |
Worship & Music: | Randy Castello |
Writers’ Workshop: | Peter Flachsbart |
Youth: | Pr. Margrethe Kleiber |
I came December 23rd to help decorate the nave for Christmas. I had an hour to give that day. When I arrived, there were already many different things happening. I found myself in awe of the bodies, hands, equipment, playfulness, and creativity it takes for us to be able to worship, especially for the big festival days. The question that arose that day was “How many Lutherans does it take to get our worship space ready for the upcoming season and for worship generally?”
A large, very heavy fresh green wreath made by Randy was hung with Keane’s help as he hoisted it up from the top of the lift that’s used to hang other things too. Others strung lights on the large Norfolk pine readying it for hand-made birds and other ornaments. The crèche (nativity scene) was assembled with care and the glass star hung above it. Several pairs of hands put candles into the holders for singing Silent Night. All this, and so much more, to prepare for Christmas.
Yes, it takes many people—if not almost all of us—at different times to prepare for worship seasonally and weekly. The visual space undergoes a color transformation as paraments are changed for each season of the church year. More elaborate decorations come out especially for Easter and Christmas. Some members have been doing this for many years and have their favorite tasks.
Pastor Margrethe, Barry, Brenda and the Worship and Music Committee, work together to plan and schedule services. Bulletins are prepared, reviewed, and printed. Barry selects music for the choir as well as the hymns we sing. Then come the weekly rehearsals plus extra rehearsals depending on the season. Sermon preparation happens throughout every week. Members of the Altar Guild fill those tiny glasses for communion, and set the altar. On the third Sunday of the month, they pull out the kneeler and our new banner for the healing part of our service, as well as make sure a pitcher of water is available when we use the Thanksgiving for Baptism at the beginning of worship. Still others work on scheduling greeters, ushers—who do a variety of things including making sure candles are lit—tech people, lectors, assisting ministers, and communion assistants for each season.
Whew! Are you tired yet? So many details! Why do we expend so much effort each and every week to prepare for worship?
We do it because it makes a difference when we come to LCH and gather to worship and praise God, hear the Gospel proclaimed through word and song, and we come together at the table to receive communion along with many others at other churches around the world. I come to worship with all of you because together we are the church! We are a special ‘ohana! And, as the church, in worship, not only are we reminded of God’s love, mercy, and grace, and not only do we praise God. We also come together to strengthen one another so that when we are dismissed, we can leave saying boldly, “Thanks be to God!” and so begin our service wherever the week takes us as God’s hands and feet in the world.
As we journey through Epiphany and approach the Lenten season during the next two months, the Stewardship Team will shift its focus from “Welcoming to all” to “Worshiping.” Pastor Margrethe has already begun to enhance our understanding of worship with her detailed introductions about the season of the church year we are in and any specifics concerning special days of worship. Bill Potter and I will share blurbs in the eNews regarding the liturgical year as well as the shape of the worship service from gathering to sending and everything in between. We will also work on figuring out a system for helping people who otherwise are unable to come to church get to worship. The effort will be on connecting drivers with those who need transportation and live relatively close to one another. And, we will be inviting others to give temple talks on why being in worship is important.
We look forward to worshipping with you each and every Sunday!
Phyllis Hörmann for the Stewardship Team
Pam Buckley, Willow Chang, Phyllis Hörmann, Barbara Poole-Street, Bill Potter, and Cindy Scheinert
Angel Network In-Gathering
LCH is not collecting donations for Angel Network Charities until further notice. However, Angel Network is accepting donations at the Calvary-by-the-Sea Lutheran Church location in east O‘ahu: 5339 Kalaniana‘ole Highway, Honolulu 96821.
For those who are able and interested in donating, they accept donations on Thursdays and Fridays, from 8:30 am to noon. They will only accept packaged, unopened dry goods (e.g. cereal, flour, sugar, pasta, etc.) and canned goods.
Angel Network requires that donating drivers identify themselves and remain in their vehicle. Volunteers will offload donation items from your vehicle with protective gloves. Over 2,500 individuals are served monthly through this program. Mahalo for your generosity and support.
Pastor Lesley, a Brief Introduction
As I write this, a line from a song sung in The King and I, “Getting to know you, getting to know all about you,” is an earworm playing in my head. I look forward to the opportunity to get to know all about you as individuals and as God’s people of LCH and beyond.
Just a few things about myself that will provide a kick start to getting to know me…
- When you say, “Pastor or Lesley (your choice), I have a question.” There is a high probability that my initial response to your statement will be, “The answer is Jesus loves you.” I truly believe that’s the beginning point and foundation of everything, even a question. Of course, I will give you an additional answer to your specific question. It might be, “That’s a great question. I don’t know the answer. Let me check.”😊
- Upon my first trip to Hawai‘i in 1975, to visit my sister, who had just begun her career as an attorney for Legal Aid, I was introduced to some amazing food. One of my most favorite food (yes, cake is food!) is Chantilly Cake from Liliha Bakery. Yum!
- I had the privilege to serve in the Central States Synod with Pr. Jeff from 2006 until he left to accept the call at LCH. He served on a mission table that partnered with me in redevelopment work for Lord of Love, Belton, MO. At one of the meetings where we were discussing the progress of the redevelopment work, Jeff gave me a nickname that still sticks today. If you want to know that name, just ask.
- Zoos are one of my favorite places to visit and recharge. When I visit Hawai‘i, I always make sure I visit the Honolulu Zoo. I look forward to being able to visit it often in my time with you.
- I love to pray. I look forward to the privilege of praying with you and for you. I have already begun to include LCH in my prayers; that God would guide our time together and continue to send us the power of the Holy Spirit to live into the plans that God has for LCH so it might to continue to boldly proclaim God’s love, mercy, grace, salvation, hope, peace, and joy.
I will see you in just a few weeks. I am excited about the privilege to journey with y’all. There is so much for us to get to know about each other as beloved children of God. Most importantly, together we will discover how God is calling us to move forward doing God’s work, with our hands.
God’s richest blessings and my prayers,
Pastor Lesley
LCH Office Closed for Presidents Day
Monday, February 17
LCH Work Days
Saturdays, February 1 and 8
Come join us for one or both of our upcoming workdays. We will be doing a number of projects each day, including gardening, power washing, painting, yard work, tree trimming, and general clean up. In addition, we will focus on the choir loft. We have tools, gloves, and sunscreen for your use, but feel free to bring your own. We will break for lunch at noon and then finish projects and clean up afterward. No experience or special skills needed!
If you have any questions, please talk to Rich Mundell (property chair) after church, or sign up at the table behind the welcome cart!
Adult Forum
Sundays at 9:00 am • In-person in the Boardroom
Through the end of February, we will continue to discuss major Christian theologians and their views of who “God” is. We have studied Paul Tillich, and we will take up Soren Kierkegaard and then study Dietrich Bonhoeffer. We may conclude the topic with video presentations.
Please join us for these inspiring films and lively discussions. All are welcome. If you are coming for worship, just get your coffee and head to the Boardroom at 9:00 to join the others who are there.

Leadership Roundtable
Tuesday, February 4, at 6:30 pm • Via Zoom Meeting
Committee chairs and team leaders, please plan to gather for a short (45 minute) meeting. This month’s meeting will be conducted via the Zoom online meeting platform. Please refer to your email for the Zoom Meeting details. This is an opportunity for us to sit down together and share information on what is happening with all the ministries at LCH. If you are a committee or team leader, you will receive an email with login information. Please be prepared to share a little information on your activities with the group. Mahalo!
Game Day
Wednesday, February 5, at 1:00 pm in Isenberg Hall
Please join Paula Wheeler for Game Day on Wednesday, February 5, from 1:00 to 3:00 in the Boardroom. We will meet for lively conversation and some fun games. If you have any questions or suggestions call Paula at 808-542-2843.
Book of Faith Bible Study
Thursdays, 10:00 am • In-person and Via Zoom Meeting
The Book of Faith Bible Study meets on Thursday mornings in-person or via Zoom meeting. All are welcome to join this lively discussion of the Biblical texts, relevant current events, and historical foundations. Please contact Cathy Baptista at to receive an invitation to the next Zoom Bible study discussion.
Restorative Yoga
Thursdays, February 6, 13, 20, and 27, at 6:30 pm • Via Zoom Meeting
Explore the restorative and ancient practice of yoga, led by LCH member Willow Chang. As a yoga practitioner for over 30 years, Willow shares the joy, wonder, and enthusiasm of a beginner. She emphasizes the origins, cultural context, and safe practice of yoga for all by sharing aspects of yoga, from pranayama (breathing exercises) and yogic philosophy (ahimsa), to poses, referred to as asanas.
Join for one, two, or all sessions from the safety of your own shelter-in-place. These unique classes also provide an opportunity to answer your questions about yoga practice and form. You don’t need yoga pants, previous experience, youth, flexibility, or any real-life experience in India to learn about yoga. Bring your amazing self to be in wonder of your abilities! Please contact Willow Chang ( to be included in the weekly Zoom meeting invitation. Let’s learn and find a new center, together!
Mary Magdalene Society
Saturday, February 15, at 6:00 PM • Hörmann Courtyard
Mary Magdalene Society will meet in-person for our potluck and game night in the Hörmann Courtyard. We invite LGBTQI members and friends of LCH to prepare their favorite potluck dish and join in the festivities. As part of our commitment to mutual care, participants should RSVP in advance and be fully-vaccinated.
An email will be sent on February 9 to those who are already on the Mary Magdalene mailing list detailing the RSVP procedure. If you don’t receive your invitation, have questions or want to be added to the mailing list, please contact Bill Potter, group facilitator, at

Sunday, February 16, at 7:30 pm • In-person and Via Livestream Broadcast
We warmly invite all people in all places of faith and life to Compline. Offered on the third Sundays of each month, this beautiful candle-lit service is a meditative experience of a cappella singing and chanting to commemorate the day’s end. Led by members of the LCH Men’s Schola, musical selections include Gregorian chant, Taizé chant, Renaissance polyphony, and more.
Compline is sung on the third Sunday of the month from September through May.
For those not attending in person, Compline will be livestreamed on the LCH Facebook page.
Writers’ Workshop
Monday, February 17, at 4:30 pm • Via Zoom Meeting
Writers’ Workshop will continue to meet via Zoom meeting. All are welcome! If you are new to our group and would like more information on how to participate, please contact Peter Flachsbart at He will send you a Zoom link if you prefer to participate remotely. Mahalo!
IHS Sandwich Making
Thursday, February 20, 12:00–2:00 pm • Isenberg Hall
LCHers will again convene to prepare sandwiches and pack sack lunches for distribution at Institution for Human Services (IHS). This continues a tradition stretching back decades. We meet monthly and could use a few new, dependable volunteers to join our dedicated group. Please join us. Mahalo!
If you would like to participate in this action-packed, fun activity, please let Brenda know at She will pass your contact info on to event organizers.
Seeking Volunteers & Donations for One Pot, One Hope
Saturday, February 22, at 9:00 am • Maluhia Lutheran Church in Wai‘anae
The One Pot, One Hope ministry, a Hukilau project, continues each month at Maluhia Lutheran Church in Wai‘anae. Please consider participating by joining the volunteers at the next meet-up.
You can also contribute by donating 5-lb. cans of chili, cartons of granola bars, or large jars of peanut butter or jelly; or you can support this outreach with funds either by check or via the LCH Donate page. (Be sure to designate donation for One Pot, One Hope.) Food items may be dropped off during coffee hour on Sundays or left at the office during open hours. Contact Billie Jean Reis or Linda Muller with any questions. Mahalo for assisting with this mission to provide meals to our neighbors.
Food for Thought
Saturday, February 22, at 5:30 pm • David Hörmann’s Home
Food for Thought meets at the home of David Hörmann, who will provide the main dish, while others are asked to bring side dishes or dessert to complete the potluck. If you would like to participate virtually, please contact Peter Flachsbart at to receive an invitation for the next Zoom meeting. If you wish to come in person, please RSVP, contact Marlise Tellander at
Prayer Walk, BBQ, and Remembrance of Pastor Jeff
Wednesday, Feb. 26, at Kaimana Beach Park
Please join us for this time of remembering in sorrow and joy. One of Pr. Jeff’s gifts was cooking and barbecuing, and he loved to do so with the LCH ‘ohana. We will walk, pray, dine together, and remember. If you have any questions, please contact Barry Wenger or Phyllis Hörmann.
- 4:30–5:00 pm—Set-up Kaimana Beach Park
Park around the circle drive across from the Natatorium. We will set up under the trees. - 5:00 pm—Prayer Walk around Queen Kapi‘olani Park
We will remember Pastor Jeff and the many gifts he brought us. - 6:00 pm—BBQ by Natatorium
Pr. Jeff loved his barbecuing techniques and charcoal starting! Brats and burgers will be provided. Please bring sides to share and your own beverages. - 6:35 pm—Enjoy sunset together, and then write down remem- brances or prayers to be burned in the charcoal after dinner. Depart as you like or continue to “Talk Story about Pr. Jeff.”
Regular Offerings
If you are not attending church in person, you are encouraged to mail your offering check directly to the church: Lutheran Church of Honolulu, 1730 Punahou Street, Honolulu HI 96822. If you would like to set up regular electronic funds transfer from your checking or savings account, forms are available at or can be requested by email to If you prefer to make a one-time contribution or ongoing pledge by credit card, there is a link in the bottom right corner of each page of the church website or you can go directly to Thank you!
The Beckerath Organ—50 and Beyond!
As we continue our fundraising for the Beckerath Organ cleaning and additions, we are grateful for donations already received and hopeful that you will find a place for your gift. We joyfully celebrate having raised $42,000 in gifts and pledges towards our goal of $60,000. We cannot thank you enough for your generosity.
We are also beginning our “Support a Pipe” Campaign to continue to raise funds. We are recommending two options, but every gift will be honored:
- Trumpet Stop—a $500 per pipe gift ($250 to organ fund/$250 to Mission)
- Salicional Stop—a $300 per pipe gift ($150 to organ fund/$150 to Mission)
There are 32 trumpet pipes being built and voiced now. And there are 56 salicional pipes being constructed and voiced. That gives us a total of 88 pipes to purchase in honor of or memory of a loved one. This campaign and all gifts will be commemorated on a plaque placed near the organ.
Please join us in the faithful stewardship of this wonderful instrument to have it thoroughly cleaned and enhanced by these two “new” sounds.
Gifts may be made by check or via PayPal using these links for general donations or the “Support a Pipe” campaign.
HeartBeat Deadline
Tuesday, February 18, 9:00 am
Alan G., Alex M., Amanda L., Betty H., Chuck P. and Josie B., Cookie W., the family of Cecilia F., Don J., Elaine, Flora and Jim S., George T., Geneva J. and family, Greg G., Harold W., Jane H., Jason M., Jean L. and her family, John B., John S., Johnny, Kathleen C., LaVerne R., Linda M. and her family, Melanie M., Michael, Miriam S., Peggy A., Salina R., Star W., Tony P., Tracy W., Yvonne and Andy M.
Please help us to keep the Prayer Requests list relevant. If you have a friend or loved one who should remain on the list, we are glad to keep them in prayer. Please email the office to let us know when a name may be removed from the list.
Day | Date | Event and Time |
Saturday | February 1 | 9:00 am, Work Day |
Sunday | February 2 | 9:00 am, Adult Forum, Boardroom 10:00 am, In-person/Streaming Worship Service |
Monday | February 3 | 7:00 pm, First Monday Concert, In-person Only |
Tuesday | February 4 | 6:30 pm, Leadership Roundtable Zoom Meeting |
Wednesday | February 5 | 1:00 pm, Game Day, Isenberg Hall |
Thursday | February 6 | 10:00 am, Bible Study, Boardroom/Zoom Meeting 6:30 pm, Restorative Yoga Zoom Class 7:00 pm, LCH Choir Rehearsal |
Friday | February 7 | LCH Office Closed Punahou Carnival—LCH Youth Parking Fundraiser |
Saturday | February 8 | Punahou Carnival—LCH Youth Parking Fundraiser 9:00 am, Work Day |
Sunday | February 9 | 9:00 am, Adult Forum, Boardroom 10:00 am, In-person/Streaming Worship Service |
Tuesday | February 11 | 6:30 pm, Worship and Music Zoom Meeting |
Thursday | February 13 | 10:00 am, Bible Study, Boardroom/Zoom Meeting 6:30 pm, Restorative Yoga Zoom Class 7:00 pm, LCH Choir Rehearsal |
Saturday | February 15 | 6:00 pm, Mary Magdalene Society, Hörmann Courtyard |
Sunday | February 16 | 9:00 am, Adult Forum, Boardroom 10:00 am, In-person/Streaming Worship Service 7:30 pm, In-person/Streaming Compline Service |
Monday | February 17 | Office Closed—Presidents Day 4:30 pm, Writers’ Workshop Boardroom/Zoom Meeting |
Tuesday | February 18 | HeartBeat Submissions Deadline |
Thursday | February 20 | 10:00 am, Bible Study, Boardroom/Zoom Meeting noon, IHS Brown Bag Meal Prep (closed group) 5:30 pm, Finance Committee Zoom Meeting 6:30 pm, Restorative Yoga Zoom Class 7:00 pm, LCH Choir Rehearsal |
Saturday | February 22 | 9:00 am, One Pot, One Hope, Maluhia Lutheran Church 5:30 pm, Food for Thought, Hörmann Home |
Sunday | February 23 | 9:00 am, Adult Forum, Boardroom 10:00 am, In-person/Streaming Worship Service |
Tuesday | February 25 | 6:00 pm, Executive Council, Zoom Meeting 6:30 pm, LCH Council, Boardroom/Zoom Meeting |
Wednesday | February 26 | 5:00 pm, Prayer Walk, BBQ, and Remembrance of Pastor Jeff, Kaimana Beach Park |
Thursday | February 27 | 10:00 am, Bible Study, Boardroom/Zoom Meeting 6:30 pm, Restorative Yoga Zoom Class 7:00 pm, LCH Choir Rehearsal |