HeartBeat—January 2025

In this issue:

Index of other issues of HeartBeat

Pr. Margrethe with our confirmandsConfirmation Sunday

Sunday, January 5

Guided by the star, they found
Him whose praise the ages sound.
We too have a star to guide us,
Which forever will provide us
With the light to find our Lord.

Nicholai F. S. Grundvig

On Sunday, January 5, we will celebrate the Feast of the Epiphany and hear anew the familiar story of the magi who followed a star to Bethlehem. As the day celebrates seekers, it is fitting to celebrate LCH’s four confirmands: Thomas B., Nohea L., Samantha L., and Tyler O. They have completed their confirmation journey, and on Epiphany Sunday, they will affirm their baptisms through the rite of Holy Confirmation. Please join us in worship on January 5 to support and congratulate our confirmands.

First Mondays Concerts: Koliadkyi—A Celebration of Ukrainian Music and Food

concert graphicMonday, January 6, at 7:00 pm

Join us for a heartfelt celebration of Ukrainian culture, where we honor our Ukrainian brothers and sisters through the timeless beauty of traditional Ukrainian kolida (carols). This special evening features a string quartet performance of beloved Ukrainian melodies, paired with authentic dishes that showcase the rich flavors of Ukraine. Come together in community to support, celebrate, and connect through music and food.

All are invited to gather for pūpū in the Hörmann Courtyard and 6:15 PM. The concert is free, with a suggested donation $20. In addition, we will continue to collect packaged, unopened dry goods (e.g., cereal, flour, sugar, pasta, etc.) and canned food donations for the Angel Network at each concert.

Members study and discuss the proposed budgetAnnual Congregational Meeting, Part 2

Sunday, January 26, at 11:20 am • In the Nave

Part 2 of the Annual Meeting is scheduled for January 26. The main business includes approval of a final budget for the new year and a second vote on revisions to the constitution.

The proposed budget will be distributed in advance of the meeting, and there will time during the meeting to ask questions before the vote is taken.

Everyone is welcome and encouraged to attend the annual meeting, but only members in good standing may vote. Please plan to attend!

From Pastor Margrethe

Stepping in the River

“We never step in the same river twice, for it’s not the same river, and we are not the same people.”—Heraclitus

There is a rhythm to congregational life. Worship follows a predictable pattern. The church year begins with the season of Advent and concludes with the festival of Christ the King. Non-liturgical events and traditions, such as dinners, mission trips, retreats, or annual service projects, also shape congregational life. Continuity provides stability.

The three months have been anything but predictable. Pastor Jeff’s sudden and unexpected death plunged us into grief and upended our plans for the future.

While people frequently use the words interchangeably, change and transition are different concepts. William Bridges, who wrote extensively on organizational change, described change as what happens to us, whereas transition is what happens within us. Transition is how we adapt to the changes around us.

The covid-19 pandemic forced changes upon us. Congregations courageously adapted to these changes. We learned new skills and developed new patterns of behavior. In the process, we became different people.

Pastor Jeff’s passing is a change that happened to us. LCH heroically rose to the occasion. This congregation offered support to Jeff’s family and pulled together a beautiful memorial service within a week of his passing, even as we struggled with our grief. Now, we are faced with the work of transition, adapting to the reality of life without Jeff. This is not what we wanted or anticipated. Nonetheless, as a congregation, we must take on new responsibilities, learn new skills, and develop new patterns of behavior. In the process, we will become different people.

As Heraclitus said, “We never step in the same river twice, for it is not the same river, and we are not the same people.”

Sometime this year, LCH will welcome an interim pastor. As you step in the river with your new leader, remember that you have creatively adapted to change in the past and will continue to do so in the future.

Yet, if change is inevitable, there is one certainty we can rely on—the steadfast love of God. Thousands of years ago, the prophet Jeremiah mourned the destruction of Jerusalem and its temple, which anchored Israel’s worship life and shaped its identity. Exiled to Babylon, the people grieved, cut off from all that gave shape to their lives.

Yet, amid his lament, Jeremiah makes the most astonishing assertion.

The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases,

his mercies never come to an end;

they are new every morning;

great is your faithfulness.—Lamentations 3:22–23

Even in exile, the unchanging love of God is our anchor. Amid change and disruption, the mercies of God are new every morning.

As we step into the everchanging river, improvising a way forward, God accompanies us, gifting us with courage and creativity.

Pastor Margrethe Kleiber

Thank You from the Lilley Family

The Lilley family with the boat Jeff builtThe Lilley Family would like to express how eternally grateful we are to the congregation of the Lutheran Church of Honolulu. This church has proven to be everything a community should be: giving, kind, empathetic, present, and loving. You have been a balm in our time of mourning. Thank you for not shying away from the difficulties of losing your religious leader and for helping us through the loss of our husband, father, brother, and grandfather. Your comfort and care have eased our transition into our journey without Jeff.

We’ve tried to thank everyone individually, but your support has left us so overwhelmed, we must put the last of our gratitude here in the HeartBeat. We never would have been able to plan Jeff’s celebration of life without the generous donations of Uber and UberEats gift cards, the AirBnB we stayed in for that week, and Zippy’s gift cards ($250 buys a lot of saimin and Korean fried chicken!). We also want to recognize the congregation’s generosity in waiving the rent for the months of October through December for Jean.

The memorial service was everything we could have dreamt and more, from the lovely music to the liturgy to the slideshow. Brenda, it never could have happened without your hard work and late nights of preparation. We are so grateful for your thoughtfulness in this endeavor. Thank you to everyone who helped move the Leona D into and out of the Nave and to everyone who wrote blessings for her sendoff. Your cards, notes, and memorial donations have helped us keep Jeff’s legacy alive and well. Also, pivoting the LutherFest celebration into JeffFest for the reception was an absolute blessing.

We would like to uplift Marsha Schweitzer, Wayne Gau, Fred Benco, Barry Wenger, Keane Ishii, and Phyllis Hörmann for their heroic efforts to revive Jeff when he lost consciousness in his office. You gave him every possible chance of survival, according to the medics in the ambulance. We will never forget your quick thinking and tireless resolve. We rest a little easier knowing that he wasn’t alone at the end of his life and that your loving actions were the last thing he experienced in this world.

Finally, thank you to Pastor Margrethe. In a time of need, you stepped into a position you never could have anticipated. You describe yourself as a bridge pastor, and that is thoroughly appropriate. A rift opened with the passing of Pastor Jeff, a seemingly impassable canyon, and you have stretched yourself across to span that gap. Truly, you are a marvel of support for this congregation. We couldn’t have anticipated how much we would need you, and you’ve been there every step of the way.

Truly, this church has behaved like family. You have cared for us, housed us, and kept us fed both spiritually and physically. We can never repay you, and hope your next pastor sees and understands how truly special this church and its congregation are. We pray that you will live in the spirit that Jeff taught and grow in the spirit in which you are called.

With every ounce of love,
Jean, Seth, Meghann, Charlie, Frankie, Blake, and Lilly

LCH Office Hours

  • Monday—Closed
  • Tuesday—9:00 am to 1:00 pm
  • Wednesday—9:00 am to 1:00 pm
  • Thursday—9:00 am to 1:00 pm
  • Friday—9:00 am to 1:00 pm
  • Saturday–Sunday—Closed

We recommend calling the office (808-941-2566) before dropping in to see the pastor or the administrator, as schedules may vary with appointments, other work commitments, and lunch breaks

Please visit the LCH website at www.lchwelcome.org for more information about weekly events and ministries, and to access the public LCH Facebook page for online worship services.

Committee/Interest Group Chairs

Committee/Group Leader
Archive: Jim Cartwright
Concert: Barry Wenger
Communications: Carol Langner
Community Life: Larry Anderson
Council: Olivia Castro
Hospitality: Jeanne Castello
Finance: Steve Miller
Financial Review: Dori Palcovich
Food for Thought: Marlise Tellander
Lay Ministers: Carolyn Koehler
Learning Ministry: Fred Benco
Mary Magdalene Society: Bill Potter
Roy Helms
Process Theology: Carol Langner
Property: Richard Mundell
Scholarship: Fred Benco
Social Ministry: Miles Sato
Stewardship: Phyllis Hörmann
Willow Chang
Sunday School: Linda Miller
Website: Bill Potter
Worship & Music: Randy Castello
Writers’ Workshop: Peter Flachsbart
Youth: Pr. Margethe Kleiber

Stewardship Corner

Welcoming to All II

Stewardship 2025 logo: welcoming to allFor our 125th anniversary year, the Stewardship Team is organizing our efforts around LCH’s mission statement, starting with the first line, “Welcoming to all.” In December Cindy introduced our two initiatives—reviving the Aloha Ministry and encouraging everyone in the congregation to invite people to join us in worship and other church activities.

We are happy to report that our initial team of greeters (Barbara, DJ, Ethan, and Billie Jean) have been at work since the second Sunday of December, and we have lined up teams of greeters for January and February. We have gathered supplies, made special name tags, and developed procedures for the teams. Everything seems to be in good shape.

But, to be honest, reviving the Aloha Ministry was the easy task. Getting Lutherans to talk about their faith or invite people to church is the bigger challenge.

Why would we even want to invite others to join us at LCH?

In some faith traditions people talk about saving souls or answering the Great Commission of Matthew 28:19. Others might say that, just like any other organization, we need to recruit new members to continue paying our bills. However, for me it’s more about wanting to share the blessing that LCH is with my friends and neighbors. Our wonderful church community enriches my life, and I get so much from my time in worship and at other activities of this congregation that it’s all way too good to keep secret.

According to a February 2024 article in US News and World Report, “Among U.S. adults, about one in three said they feel lonely at least once a week. Worse, one in 10 Americans say they feel lonely every day.” People deal with this loneliness in a variety or healthy and unhealthy ways, but from my point of view, few things are better than being part of a sane and loving community like LCH. And on top of that, we’ve got top-notch preaching, great music, educational and service opportunities, and lots of ‘ono food.

Even though this all sounds good, many of us will say we’re shy or don’t know what to say to folks. The basic elements are simple: let people know your passion about LCH and invite them to join you; be clear and direct in extending an invitation but don’t be pushy. Still, it’s probably better to show rather than tell, so during worship on January 26, Cindy and I will have some skits so you can get an idea of what to do and what not to do.

Whether you wait until after our skits on January 26 or invite someone to give LCH a try before that, we encourage you to share the wonder that is the Lutheran Church of Honolulu.

Bill Potter for the Stewardship Team
Pam Buckley, Willow Chang, Phyllis Hörmann, Barbara Poole-Street, Bill Potter, and Cindy Scheinert

Angel Network In-Gathering

LCH is not collecting donations for Angel Network Charities until further notice. However, Angel Network is accepting donations at the Calvary-by-the-Sea Lutheran Church location in east O‘ahu: 5339 Kalaniana‘ole Highway, Honolulu 96821.

For those who are able and interested in donating, they accept donations on Thursdays and Fridays, from 8:30 am to noon. They will only accept packaged, unopened dry goods (e.g. cereal, flour, sugar, pasta, etc.) and canned goods.

Angel Network requires that donating drivers identify themselves and remain in their vehicle. Volunteers will offload donation items from your vehicle with protective gloves. Over 2,500 individuals are served monthly through this program. Mahalo for your generosity and support.

Jean and Seth Lilley worshiping at our Christmas Eve candlelight service.Jean and Seth Lilley worshiping at our Christmas Eve candlelight service.

LCH Office Closed for New Year’s Day

Wednesday, January 1

Book of Faith Bible Study

Thursdays, 10:00 am • In-person and Via Zoom Meeting

The Book of Faith Bible Study meets on Thursday mornings in-person or via Zoom meeting. All are welcome to join this lively discussion of the Biblical texts, relevant current events, and historical foundations. Please contact Cathy Baptista at cathynt@gmail.com to receive an invitation to the next Zoom Bible study discussion.

Restorative Yoga

Thursdays, January 2, 9, 16, 23, and 30, at 6:30 pm • Via Zoom Meeting

Explore the restorative and ancient practice of yoga, led by LCH member Willow Chang. As a yoga practitioner for over 30 years, Willow shares the joy, wonder, and enthusiasm of a beginner. She emphasizes the origins, cultural context, and safe practice of yoga for all by sharing aspects of yoga, from pranayama (breathing exercises) and yogic philosophy (ahimsa), to poses, referred to as asanas.

Join for one, two, or all sessions from the safety of your own shelter-in-place. These unique classes also provide an opportunity to answer your questions about yoga practice and form. You don’t need yoga pants, previous experience, youth, flexibility, or any real-life experience in India to learn about yoga. Bring your amazing self to be in wonder of your abilities! Please contact Willow Chang (willowchang@hotmail.com) to be included in the weekly Zoom meeting invitation. Let’s learn and find a new center, together!

Adult Forum

Sundays at 9:00 am • In-person in the Boardroom

The first Adult Forum topic in 2025 will be the ways in which theologians interpret and present “God.” Most of these interpretations will be from Christian or Lutheran theologians and will give us insights into their deeper thinking.

Please join us for these inspiring films and lively discussions. All are welcome. If you are coming for worship, just get your coffee and head to the Boardroom at 9:00 to join the others who are there.

Punahou Academy Spring Term Parking

Monday–Friday • Church Lot and Poki Lot

The Punahou Academy spring semester begins Tuesday, January 7. Student parking resumes in the LCH Poki Street and church parking lots. All Poki Street lot spaces are reserved for Punahou student parking, Monday through Friday, from 6:00 am to 6:00 pm on school days only, through May 29. There are ten spaces reserved for Punahou students in the church lot for the spring semester. All spaces along the Poki Street side of the church lot and two spaces in the gravel area nearest to the dumpster are reserved. Please do not park in the designated student spaces Monday through Friday, from 6:00 am to 6:00 pm on school days only, through May 29.

Please do not park in the Poki Street lot during regular business hours, Monday through Friday. Even if spaces are empty, they are paid for by and reserved for Punahou students. It is recommended that you observe posted “Reserved Parking” signs and park in the church lot, against the LCH office building, during office hours when visiting LCH on regular business days.

Please be aware that cars parked in the church lot after 10:00 pm will be towed at the owner’s expense.

Greeters Barbara Pool-Street and Billie Jean Ries doing the wonderful job welcoming members and visitors on Sunday.Greeters Barbara Pool-Street and Billie Jean Ries doing the wonderful job welcoming members and visitors on Sunday.

Leadership Roundtable

Tuesday, January 7, at 6:30 pm • Via Zoom Meeting

Committee chairs and team leaders, please plan to gather for a short (45 minute) meeting. This month’s meeting will be conducted via the Zoom online meeting platform. Please refer to your email for the Zoom Meeting details. This is an opportunity for us to sit down together and share information on what is happening with all the ministries at LCH. If you are a committee or team leader, you will receive an email with login information. Please be prepared to share a little information on your activities with the group. Mahalo!

Game Day

Wednesday, January 8, at 1:00 pm in Isenberg Hall

Please join Paula Wheeler for Game Day on Wednesday, December 4, from 1:00 to 3:00 in the Boardroom. We will meet for lively conversation and some fun games. If you have any questions or suggestions call Paula at 808-542-2843.

Mary Magdalene Society

Saturday, January 11, at 6:00 PM • Hörmann Courtyard

Mary Magdalene Society will meet in-person for our potluck and game night in the Hörmann Courtyard. We invite LGBTQI members and friends of LCH to prepare their favorite potluck dish and join in the festivities. As part of our commitment to mutual care, participants should RSVP in advance and be fully-vaccinated.

An email will be sent on January 5 to those who are already on the Mary Magdalene mailing list detailing the RSVP procedure. If you don’t receive your invitation, have questions or want to be added to the mailing list, please contact Bill Potter, group facilitator, at bill.potter808@gmail.com.

IHS Sandwich Making

Thursday, January 16, 12:00–2:00 pm • Isenberg Hall

LCHers will again convene to prepare sandwiches and pack sack lunches for distribution at Institution for Human Services (IHS). This continues a tradition stretching back decades. We meet monthly and could use a few new, dependable volunteers to join our dedicated group. Please join us. Mahalo!

If you would like to participate in this action-packed, fun activity, please let Brenda know at lch@LCHwelcome.org. She will pass your contact info on to event organizers.

Christmas decorating in the Nave. Thank you to everyone who showed up to make our sanctuary so festive this year.Christmas decorating in the Nave. Thank you to everyone who showed up to make our sanctuary so festive this year.


Sunday, January 19, at 7:30 pm • In-person and Via Livestream Broadcast

We warmly invite all people in all places of faith and life to Compline. Offered on the third Sundays of each month, this beautiful candle-lit service is a meditative experience of a cappella singing and chanting to commemorate the day’s end. Led by members of the LCH Men’s Schola, musical selections include Gregorian chant, Taizé chant, Renaissance polyphony, and more.

Compline is sung on the third Sunday of the month from September through May.

For those not attending in person, Compline will be livestreamed on the LCH Facebook page.

LCH Office Closed for Martin Luther King, Jr., Day

Monday, January 20

Writers’ Workshop

Monday, January 20, at 4:30 pm • Via Zoom Meeting

Writers’ Workshop will continue to meet via Zoom meeting. All are welcome! If you are new to our group and would like more information on how to participate, please contact Peter Flachsbart at pflachsbart@gmail.com. He will send you a Zoom link if you prefer to participate remotely. Mahalo!

Seeking Volunteers & Donations for One Pot, One Hope

Saturday, January 25, at 9:00 am • Maluhia Lutheran Church in Wai‘anae

The One Pot, One Hope ministry, a Hukilau project, continues each month at Maluhia Lutheran Church in Wai‘anae. Please consider participating by joining the volunteers at the next meet-up.

You can also contribute by donating 5-lb. cans of chili, cartons of granola bars, or large jars of peanut butter or jelly; or you can support this outreach with funds either by check or via the LCH Donate page. (Be sure to designate donation for One Pot, One Hope.) Food items may be dropped off during coffee hour on Sundays or left at the office during open hours. Contact Billie Jean Reis or Linda Muller with any questions. Mahalo for assisting with this mission to provide meals to our neighbors.

Thanks to all the candle and banner bearers who helped with the 50th annual Advent Procession.Thanks to all the candle and banner bearers who helped with the 50th annual Advent Procession.

Food for Thought

Saturday, January 25, at 5:30 pm • David Hörmann’s Home

Food for Thought meets at the home of David Hörmann, who will provide the main dish, while others are asked to bring side dishes or dessert to complete the potluck. If you would like to participate virtually, please contact Peter Flachsbart at pflachsbart@gmail.com to receive an invitation for the next Zoom meeting. If you wish to come in person, please RSVP, contact Marlise Tellander at marlisetellander@hotmail.com.

Volunteers Needed—Youth Fundraiser!

Punahou Carnival Parking • Friday & Saturday, February 7 & 8

Each year, the LCH youth request your help with their Punahou Carnival parking fundraiser. The carnival begins annually on the first Friday of February and lasts for two days. We need adult and youth volunteers for three-hour shifts during the carnival on both days. Event coordinators provide snacks and drinks, flashlights and safety vests, and you provide the fellowship! Sign-up sheets will be made available in the Hörmann Courtyard after worship service. Volunteer shifts on both Friday, February 7, and Saturday, February 8, are: 10:30 am–1:30 pm, 1:30–4:30 pm, 4:30–7:30 pm, and 7:30–10:30 pm. Thank you!

News of Family Promise of Hawai‘i

Family Promise of Hawai‘i (FPH) has some exciting news. After an intense search, FPH was able to purchase a building, enabling them to open their first ‘Ohana Navigation Center. The Center combines interim housing—providing emergency shelter for families experiencing homelessness—with on-site case management, wraparound services, connections to housing resources, and space for community partners and volunteers. The Center opened in early December.

The Center serves families of any size or composition, including single parents, two-parent families, and multigenerational families, and there is no cost to families for its services. The Center can provide interim housing to up to six families at a time; in total, it will serve an estimated 192 children, parents, and family members annually. Each family receiving shelter has their own room. The mission of FPH includes keeping families together as they navigate the challenges leading to stable housing.

Family Promise of Hawai‘i acquired the ʻOhana Navigation Center property earlier in 2024 for $2.4 million—the first property acquisition in the organization’s history—with funds from the Bezos Day 1 Families Fund, State of Hawai‘i Grant in Aid, Clarence T.C. Ching Foundation, Nareit Foundation, Atherton Family Foundation, HMSA, G70, and individual members of its Cornerstone Circle and Visionary Circle.

LCH contributed to holiday cheer at Family Promise of Hawai‘i by recently sending the agency a substantial check. The money comes from donations of LCH members who regularly include designated contributions to FPH in their offerings. LCH began making donations to FPH in 2017 in support of their Shallow Subsidy program. Through their ongoing work, we are able to participate in providing for the growing need for services for families and children in our community. Thank you, LCH, for generously sharing with neighbors in our community.

More information about the ‘Ohana Navigation Center is available on the FPH website.

Regular Offerings

If you are not attending church in person, you are encouraged to mail your offering check directly to the church: Lutheran Church of Honolulu, 1730 Punahou Street, Honolulu HI 96822. If you would like to set up regular electronic funds transfer from your checking or savings account, forms are available at www.lchwelcome.org/support or can be requested by email to LCH@LCHwelcome.org. If you prefer to make a one time contribution or ongoing pledge by credit card, there is a link in the bottom right corner of each page of the church website or you can go directly to www.lchwelcome.org/donate. Thank you!

The Beckerath Organ—50 and Beyond!

As we continue our fundraising for the Beckerath Organ cleaning and additions, we are grateful for donations already received and hopeful that you will find a place for your gift. We joyfully celebrate having raised $42,000 in gifts and pledges towards our goal of $60,000. We cannot thank you enough for your generosity.

Pipes for the organ renovationsWe are also beginning our “Support a Pipe” Campaign to continue to raise funds. We are recommending two options, but every gift will be honored:

  • Trumpet Stop—a $500 per pipe gift ($250 to organ fund/$250 to Mission)
  • Salicional Stop—a $300 per pipe gift ($150 to organ fund/$150 to Mission)

There are 32 trumpet pipes being built and voiced now. And there are 56 salicional pipes being constructed and voiced. That gives us a total of 88 pipes to purchase in honor of or memory of a loved one. This campaign and all gifts will be commemorated on a plaque placed near the organ.

Please join us in the faithful stewardship of this wonderful instrument to have it thoroughly cleaned and enhanced by these two “new” sounds.

Gifts may be made by check or via PayPal using these links for general donations or the “Support a Pipe” campaign.

Electronic Funds Transfers for November
Offering Fund Amount Offering Fund Amount
Offering $8,235 Family Promise $30
Music Fund $375 125th Mission Fund $30
Concert Fund $330 Capital Improvements $25
Organ Renovation Fund $234 One Pot, One Hope $20
Social Ministries/IHS $150
Attendance and Offerings for December
Date Worship Service Attendance Offering Fund Amount
December 1 Hybrid Worship 83 + 396 views Offerings $8,009
Advent Procesion 57 + 227 views Orvis Fund $12,000
Organ Renovation Fund $4,112
Wounded Warriors $1,850
December 8 Hybrid Worship 65 + 381 views 125th Mission Fund $750
Music Fund $500
  Family Promise $608
  Memorials-Pr. Jeff—H3RC $400
December 15   Hybrid Worship 72 + 257 views One Pot, One Hope $70
Hybrid Compline 22 + 233 views
December 22 Hybrid Worship 81 + 291 views Offerings $3,583
  Wounded Warriors $1,307
  Organ Renovation Fund $500
December 24 Family Service 120 + 380 views Memorials-Pr. Jeff—H3RC $200
Choral Eucharist 105 + 387 views Seasonal Offerings $1007
December 25 Hybrid Worship 35 + 350 views Altar Flowers $50
  Music Fund $25
December 29 Hybrid Worship 68 + 234 views Angel Network $20

HeartBeat Deadline

Tuesday, January 21, 9:00 am

Prayer Requests

Alan G., Alex M., Amanda L., Betty H., Chuck P. and Josie B., Cookhie W., Don J., Elaine, George T., Geneva J. and family, Greg G., Harold W., Jane H., Jean L. and her family, John B., John S., Johnny, Kathleen B., Kathleen C., LaVerne R., Linda M. and her family, Melanie M., Michael, Miriam S., Peggy A., Salina R., Star W., Tony P., Tracy W., Yvonne and Andy M.

Please help us to keep the Prayer Requests list relevant. If you have a friend or loved one who should remain on the list, we are glad to keep them in prayer. Please email the office to let us know when a name may be removed from the list.

January Birthdays
01/02 Bruce Abbe
01/03 Jeanne Castello
01/05 Fred Benco
01/06 Angie Niermann
01/11 Liane Sakai
01/12 Allen Bauchle
01/16 Nohea L.
01/23 Emma Loomis
01/23 Jim Niermann
01/25 Jeff Miller
01/29 Marcus Fikse
01/31 Greg Lippert
January birth flower: carnations

Calendar: January 2025
Day Date Event and Time
Monday January 1 Office Closed—New Year’s Day
Thursday January 2 10:00 am, Bible Study, Boardroom/Zoom Meeting
6:30 pm, Restorative Yoga Zoom Class
7:00 pm, LCH Choir Rehearsal
Sunday January 5 Confirmation Sunday
9:00 am, Adult Forum, Boardroom
10:00 am, In-person/Streaming Worship Service
Monday January 6 7:30 pm, First Monday Concert, In-person Only
Tuesday January 7 6:30 pm, Leadership Roundtable Zoom Meeting
Wednesday January 8 1:00 pm, Game Day, Isenberg Hall
Thursday January 9 10:00 am, Bible Study, Boardroom/Zoom Meeting
6:30 pm, Restorative Yoga Zoom Class
7:00 pm, LCH Choir Rehearsal
Saturday January 11 6:00 pm, Mary Magdalene Society, Hörmann Courtyard
Sunday January 12 9:00 am, Adult Forum, Boardroom
10:00 am, In-person/Streaming Worship Service
Tuesday January 14 6:30 pm, Worship and Music Zoom Meeting
Thursday January 16 10:00 am, Bible Study, Boardroom/Zoom Meeting
noon, IHS Brown Bag Meal Prep (closed group)
6:30 pm, Restorative Yoga Zoom Class
7:00 pm, LCH Choir Rehearsal
Sunday January 19 9:00 am, Adult Forum, Boardroom
10:00 am, In-person/Streaming Worship Service
7:30 pm, In-person/Streaming Compline Service
Monday January 20 Office Closed—Martin Luther King, Jr., Day
4:30 pm, Writers’ Workshop Zoom Meeting
Tuesday January 21 HeartBeat Submissions Deadline
Thursday January 23 10:00 am, Bible Study, Boardroom/Zoom Meeting
5:30 pm, Finance Committee Zoom Meeting
6:30 pm, Restorative Yoga Zoom Class
7:00 pm, LCH Choir Rehearsal
Saturday January 25 9:00 am, One Pot, One Hope, Maluhia Lutheran Church
5:30 pm, Food for Thought, Hörmann Home
Sunday January 26 9:00 am, Adult Forum, Boardroom
10:00 am, In-person/Streaming Worship Service
11:20 am, 2nd Half of Annual Meeting, In-person
Tuesday January 28 6:00 pm, Executive Council Zoom Meeting
6:30 pm, LCH Council Zoom Meeting
Thursday January 30 10:00 am, Bible Study, Boardroom/Zoom Meeting
6:30 pm, Restorative Yoga Zoom Class
7:00 pm, LCH Choir Rehearsal