In this issue:
- A Message from Vicar Bree
- ‘Ohana Gatherings
- LCH Office Hours During COVID-19 Shelter-at-Home Order
- Committee/Interest Group Chairs
- Mahalo for Give Aloha Donations
- Stewardship Corner
- Please Consider Serving on the Church Council
- Blue Zones Project
- Godly Play
- Adut Forum
- All Saints’ Day
- Virtual Coffee Talk with Pastor Jeff
- Compline
- November First Mondays Concert
- Leadership Roundtable
- Angel Network In-Gathering
- Book of Faith Bible Study
- Restorative Yoga
- Food for Thought
- Mary Magdalene Society
- LCH Office Closed for Veterans Day
- LCH Women’s Book Club
- Writers’ Workshop
- IHS Brown Bag Meal Prep
- First Half of Annual Congregational Meeting
- Streaming Thanksgiving Eve Service
- LCH Office Closed for Thanksgiving Holiday
- 46th Annual Advent Procession
- Photo of Pr. Jeff’s with his new grandson
- Committee Chair Reports
- Volunteer Opportunity: LCH Website Team
- Regular Offerings
- Save on Your Taxes!
- An Easy Way to Donate
- Edward Shipwright Memorial Piano Fund
- HeartBeat Deadline
- Eectronic Funds Transfers for September
- Attendance and Offerings for October
- Prayer Requests
- November Birthdays
- Calendar: November 2020
From Vicar Bree
Church and State
Election Day approaches. All are encouraged to vote—this democratic privilege in which lies the basis for government of, for, and by the people. The democratic and constitutional republic that is the United States is still very much a work in process. Equal access to voting and fairly-counted votes are still a work in process. Democracy is something that requires continued commitment. Indeed, perhaps we have seen over these past few years how fragile a thing democracy is.
As people of faith, what is our role in the political institutions of our day? By what hope and faith do we carry on after the election results roll in? In which political work do we faithfully engage, and from which do we faithfully remove ourselves?
The relationship between church and state has been a point of contention since the formation of the Unites States. This relationship shaped the treatment of those who were on the American continent long before Columbus arrived, along with those who were forcibly brought with the early colonists. The French diplomat Alexis de Tocqueville, after visiting the United States at the end of the 19th century, would note the unique blending of church and state in this country. He noted that “North America,” was “peopled by men who professed a democratic and republican Christianity.” In fact, this religion he noted, “powerfully contributes to the maintenance of democratic republic amongst the Americans.” He even went so far as to write, “Despotism may govern without faith, but liberty cannot.”
At the same time, de Tocqueville saw—and believed that the church leaders of the time saw—that if the church were confused with the state, it would lose its identity, for “where could it abide in the ebb and flow of human opinions? Where would that respect which belongs to it be paid, amidst the struggles of faction? And what would become of its immortality, in the midst of perpetual decay?”
Hundreds of years prior to this, Martin Luther engaged the question of the relationship of church and state, too. He wrote an essay translated as, “Temporal Authority: To What Extent It Should Be Obeyed.” He acknowledged this: “You must know that since the beginning of the world a wise prince is a mighty rare bird, and an upright prince even rarer. They are generally the biggest fools or the worst scoundrels on earth.” More importantly, he was careful to draw a divide between “the two kingdoms.” Both are needed. “Both must be permitted to remain; the one to produce righteousness, the other to bring about external peace and prevent evil deeds. Neither one is sufficient in the world without the other.” Bonhoeffer would draw from this two kingdoms approach in the middle of World War II when he took a stance against Hitler and the German church that supported him.
From people who have experienced and continue today to experience drastic and violent political abuses—including the persistent, daily ones that shape and exhaust a life—faith has been both a means of resistance to politics and something that abets this power. It has been used to support oppression and to free one from it. Martin Luther King, Jr., in his Letter from a Birmingham Jail, uncomfortably for some, wrote this: “I have almost reached the regrettable conclusion that the Negro’s great stumbling block in his stride toward freedom is not the White Citizen’s Counciler or the Ku Klux Klanner, but the white moderate, who is more devoted to “order” than to justice; who prefers a negative peace which is the absence of tension to a positive peace which is the presence of justice.” Certainly religion played a role in the White moderate’s order. It still does today.
Faith or spirit informs our politics. All of us live in a political world, and many of us live by faith and spirit. We are shaped by both. Perhaps the best we can do is to acknowledge that these are indeed two separate powers, two separate authorities in our lives—each informing the other. May they not be confused with one another. If our party of choice is not elected, may we cling to the hope that is not finally dependent on this power. May we continue the work of caring for each other and our neighbors in need. May we continue to work to change the injustices that keep every life from experiencing themselves as beloved. This work will always remain, and as people of faith, we will carry on because we are held and led by a greater hope.
Vicar Bree
‘Ohana Gatherings
Dear LCH community,
I have felt very welcomed here during my first few weeks. I would love the opportunity to get to know each of you more. Please join me for any one, two, or all of these Zoom meeting ‘ohana gatherings during the month of November. We can share, talk story, and learn about each other’s journeys. Consider this either a virtual invite to my house or me virtually inviting myself to yours.
I would love to gather on:
- Saturday, November 14, 5:00 pm
- Monday, November 16, 10:00 am
- Tuesday, November 17, 7:00 pm
- Thursday, November 19, 1:00 pm
Please contact me via email at to indicate your interest in attending. I will reply with the Zoom meeting link for our virtual ‘ohana gatherings.
Vicar Bree
Committee/Interest Group Chairs
Committee/Group | Leader |
Archive: | Jim Cartwright |
Aloha: | Bruce Holmberg |
Concert: | Scott Fikse |
Communications: | Carol Langner |
Community Life: | Larry Anderson |
Council: | Pam Buckley |
Fellowship: | Mary-Jo Estes |
Finance: | Steve Miller |
Financial Review: | Dori Palcovich |
Food for Thought: | Marlise Tellander |
Lay Ministers: | Carolyn Koehler |
Learning Ministry: | Fred Benco |
Mary Magdalene Society: | Bill Potter Roy Helms |
Process Theology: | Carol Langner |
Property: | Richard Mundell |
Scholarship: | Fred Benco |
Social Ministry: | Jean Lilley Miles Sato |
Stewardship: | Phyllis Hörmann Willow Chang |
Sunday School: | Laurie Leach |
Website: | Bill Potter |
Worship & Music: | Roy Helms Randy Castello |
Writers’ Workshop: | Peter Flachsbart |
Youth: | Pr. Jeff Lilley |
LCH Office Hours During COVID-19 Shelter-at-Home Order
The LCH office and church campus are generally closed to in-person meetings and gatherings as cases of covid-19 in the state continue to rise and as a precaution in accordance with the CDC, Hawai‘i State Governor’s Office, and Honolulu City and County Office of the Mayor’s recommendations regarding covid-19 virus safety. We recommend that you do not leave a phone message on the office voicemail. It is preferable that you please email to contact the administrator, to contact Pastor Jeff, or to contact the LCH music director. If you prefer to leave a brief voicemail message, your call will be returned when someone is able to check in at the LCH office. Please visit the LCH website at for more information about weekly events and ministries, and to access the public LCH Facebook page for online worship services (you do not need a Facebook account to access the LCH Facebook page).
Mahalo for Give Aloha Donations
The Give Aloha organization extends their congratulations to LCH! “Your success in Foodland’s Give Aloha 2020 program has resulted in a top 100 finish!” LCH donations totaled $3,609.00, resulting in matching gifts of $793.44, and a grand total of $4,402.44 for LCH and LCH programs. Mahalo for your generosity!
We’ve come this far by faith, leaning on the Lord;
trusting in his holy word, he’s never failed us yet…
Just remember the good things God has done,
things that seemed impossible;
oh, praise him for the vict’ries he has won. (ELW 633)
This hymn came to mind as I reflected on the year so far and the gratitude I feel for all of you who make up LCH—past, present, and future. We are a community woven together in God’s love and strong in faith.
So many seemingly impossible things have come to fruition as we lean on God and one another: rich worship opportunities touching more people than ever before; moments of laughter—and yes sometimes cries of frustration—as we learn to communicate and see ourselves via Zoom or in Facebook live; the rejuvenation of God’s creation; neighbors reaching out to neighbors. God’s tapestry of faith continues to grow and evolve despite this year filled with so many challenges. God has not failed us; rather, God has walked with us every step of the way.
“Leaning on the Lord” and” trusting in his holy word,” we ask that you review the Commitment Packets you received recently and express your gratitude by making a commitment for the next year. Please return your commitments by mail to the church office or scan and email them to so they may be dedicated on November 22. (If you did not receive a commitment packet, please send an email to the same email address, and the materials will be sent to you. If you would prefer hard copies, please write or call the church office at 808-941-2566.)
Over the next year, we will be focusing on the theme “Stewards of God’s Love.” We will consider our relationship with God, what God has entrusted to our care, and our relationship with our neighbor. Then, next fall, we will again be ready to consider our annual financial response to this good news.
Stewardship begins with God who comes down in love and abundantly blesses us. We are stewards of God’s grace. We are stewards of the Gospel story and how that impacts our own personal stories. We also are stewards of God’s creation, a responsibility entrusted to us as we hear in the creation stories from Genesis. We will spend the months of December, January, and February focusing on these three aspects of stewardship.
These words from Isaiah can guide us as we begin this year of focus on being stewards of God’s love and caring for all that God has given us:
“But now thus says the Lord, he who created you, O Jacob, he who formed you, O Israel: Do not fear, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by name, you are mine. When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and through the rivers, they shall not overwhelm you; when you walk through fire you shall not be burned, and the flame shall not consume you.”—Isaiah 43:1-2
We are created, named, and claimed by God, who redeems us in the waters of baptism. All that we are and have belongs to God. So we respond to God’s love for us by being good stewards and caring for one another.
Gratefully yours,
Phyllis Hörmann for your Stewardship Team
Please Consider Serving on the Church Council
We need nominees to be presented at the first half of our Annual Meeting, on November 22, to fill council vacancies. The work of the council is important, interesting, informative, good fellowship, and fun! The work of the Council is not scary, intimidating, overly time consuming, or difficult to understand.
What to expect:
- One, 2-hour meeting per month. Council members take turns hosting, providing a meal (when social distancing is not in force) and short devotion, and (when we return to in-person worship) also serve a month as “council in charge,” ensuring that the church is locked up and items put away after the last worship service on Sunday morning.
- You can also expect to communicate during the month via texting or email if necessary. If you don’t text or have email, we can make arrangements for you—don’t let that stop you from saying yes to serving on Council.
- Council members also serve as liaisons to church committees or teams to communicate back to the council on planned activities or needs. Planned and unplanned absences are expected and taken into consideration, so don’t assume you can’t serve if you’ll be away for a month or two.
Please consider putting your name on the ballot to serve on the 2020 LCH church council. Still have questions? Just ask a current council member: Pam Buckley, Josie Bidgood, Steve Miller, Carol Langner, Mary Fastenau, Bruce Holmberg, Rev. Phyllis Hormann, Pam Buckley, Willow Chang, Julie Cummings, Miles Sato, Dan Dennison, Ian Cummings, or Pastor Jeff.
Mahalo for your prayerful consideration of serving as part of the Council!
Blue Zones Project
In the October HeartBeat, Miles Sato briefly described the engagement principles of the Blue Zones Project, which include spirituality, family life, and social life. A Blue Zones pledge form was distributed recently along with stewardship materials so that members and friend of the congregation who you are interested in improving their well-being, the well-being of our church community, and the community-at-large, could consider making personal pledges to support the church’s participation in the program. The form lists many items, and individuals are encouraged to consider at least some of the actions listed in the personal checklist.
Blue Zones plege forms can be mailed to the church office or scanned and sent by email to If you did not get a packet or misplaced your form, please contact the church office at for another copy.
Godly Play
Sundays at 9:00 am • Online via Zoom meeting login
We have Sunday school via a Zoom meeting each Sunday, before service. This class is geared toward children in kindergarten through fifth grade. A story will be followed by a craft which we can make together. Each Saturday, the link for the meeting will be sent via email to all who want to join. Please contact the LCH office ( to be added to the invitation list. All are welcome!
Below is the schedule of Godly Play stories for November:
- 11/1—The Ark and the Tent
- 11/8—The Ark and the Temple
- 11/15—The Exile and Return
- 11/22—Jonah, the Backward Prophet
- 11/29—Advent I (The Prophets)
Adult Forum
Sundays at 9:00 am • Via Zoom meeting login
All are welcome to join the Adult Forum Zoom meetings, live Sunday mornings. During November, Adult Forum will continue studying persons in the Old Testament and the New Testament, with an eye to ranking them in order of significance. They will briefly analyze each personage and then consider their impact (short term or long term) on their contemporary times or even down to the present.
Participation in Adult Forum via Zoom works best if you download the free Zoom app beforehand. You may need to enable your microphone and video capabilities. If you are not already on this list for the Adult Forum, please contact Dr. Stephen Miller at to receive an invitation to join the next Zoom Adult Forum discussion.
All Saints’ Day
Sunday, November 1 • Live-streaming on the LCH Facebook page
The LCH celebration of All Saints will be a virtual service this year. LCH has collected photos of your loved ones who have died and whom you wish to have remembered on this day. We honor their memory and commit them to the community of saints who have gone before us, trusting in God’s promises. Be sure to join us for this service.
Virtual Coffee Talk with Pastor Jeff
Online Coffee Talk, Sundays, 11:15 am • Via Zoom Meeting login
You are invited to join with your LCH ‘ohana on Sundays for a virtual coffee talk following online worship. This discussion time will be via Zoom Meeting, and will run for approximately 20 to 30 minutes.
In order to avoid “Zoom bombing” (surprise visits from unsavory folks), you will need to contact Pastor Jeff, via email at, for a meeting number and password to log into the meeting. While these are not ideal gathering circumstances, we can at least enjoy a chance to commune together briefly.
Sundays, November 1 & 15, 7:30 pm • Via Live-stream broadcast
We warmly invite all people in all places of faith and life to Compline. Offered on the first and third Sundays of each month, this beautiful candle-lit service is a meditative experience of a cappella singing and chanting to commemorate the day’s end. This month, November 1 will feature Women’s Compline. November 15 compline will be led by members of the LCH Men’s Schola. Musical selections include Gregorian chant, Taizé chant, Renaissance polyphony, and more.
Access to the LCH public Facebook page at or by using the link on the bottom of any page on the LCH website.
November First Mondays Concert
Monday, November date to be determined • Livestreamed on the LCH Facebook Page
The concert originally scheduled to open the series in September has been rescheduled for this month. In honor of our newly-acquired Estonia grand piano, Taevamuusika (Estonian for music of the heavens) will feature pianists Maika‘i Nash and Mark Wong as they share a concert of works for two pianos. They will be joined by special guest soprano Martina Bingham. Tune in for this livestream concert, exploring themes of the cosmos, featuring selections from Holst’s suite The Planets, as well as a virtuosic 4-hands Star Wars fantasy.
Leadership Roundtable
Tuesday, November 3, 6:30 pm • Via Zoom Meeting invitation
Committee chairs and team leaders, please plan to gather for a short (45 minute) meeting. This month’s meeting will be conducted via the Zoom online meeting platform. Please refer to your email for the Zoom Meeting details. This is an opportunity for us to sit down together and share information on what is happening with all the ministries at LCH. If you are a committee or team leader, you will receive an email from Pastor Jeff, via Zoom Meeting, regarding login information. Please be prepared to share a little information on your activities with the group. Mahalo!
Angel Network In-Gathering
LCH is not collecting donations for Angel Network Charities until further notice. However, Angel Network is accepting donations at the Calvary-by-the-Sea Lutheran Church location in east O‘ahu: 5339 Kalaniana‘ole Highway, Honolulu 96821.
For those who are able and interested in donating, they accept donations on Thursdays and Fridays, from 8:30 am to noon. They will only accept packaged, unopened dry goods (e.g. cereal, flour, sugar, pasta, etc.) and canned goods.
Angel Network requires that donating drivers identify themselves and remain in their vehicle. Volunteers will offload donation items from your vehicle with protective gloves. Over 2,500 individuals are served monthly through this program. Mahalo for your generosity and support.
Book of Faith Bible Study
Thursdays, 10:00–11:45 am • Online via Zoom meeting login
The Book of Faith Bible Study usually meets on Thursday mornings in the LCH Boardroom. However, during the statewide “stay at home” mandate, meetings have been conducted via the Zoom online meeting platform. All are welcome to join this lively discussion of the Biblical texts, relevant current events, and historical foundations. Please contact Pastor Jeff at to receive an invitation to the next Zoom Bible study discussion.
Restorative Yoga
Thursdays, November 5, 12, and 19, at 6:00 pm • Online via Zoom meeting login
Explore the restorative and ancient practice of yoga, led by LCH member Willow Chang. As a yoga practitioner for over 30 years, Willow shares the joy, wonder, and enthusiasm of a beginner. She emphasizes the origins, cultural context, and safe practice of yoga for all. In this 4-week session, she’ll share various aspects of yoga, from pranayama (breathing exercises) and yogic philosophy (ahimsa), to poses, referred to as asanas.
Join for one, two, or all four sessions from the safety of your own shelter-in-place. These unique classes also provide an opportunity to answer your questions about yoga practice and form. You don’t need yoga pants, previous experience, youth, flexibility, or any real-life experience in India to learn about yoga. Bring your amazing self to be in wonder of your abilities! Please contact Willow Chang ( to be included in the weekly Zoom meeting invitation. Let’s learn and find a new center, together!
Food for Thought
Saturday, November 7, at 5:00 pm • Via Zoom meeting login
Food for Thought currently meets via Zoom online meeting. This works best if you download the free Zoom app beforehand. You may need to enable your microphone and video capabilities. Please contact Dr. Stephen Miller at to receive an invitation to join the next Zoom Food for Thought meeting.
Mary Magdalene Society
Online Happy Hour Saturdays, November 7 and 21, at 5:00 pm • Via Zoom meeting login
We will continue to invite LGBTQI members and friends of LCH to prepare their favorite beverage and pupu and gather for an online happy hour every other week during July. Those who are already on the Mary Magdalene mailing list will receive an email with directions for accessing the Zoom meeting by the Wednesday before the scheduled meeting. If you don’t receive your invitation or want to be added to the mailing list, please contact Bill Potter, group facilitator, at to be added or for more information.
For November 7, we will share thoughts on the election in addition to our usual convivial conversation. A suggestion for November 21 will be included in the invitation for that evening.
LCH OFFICE CLOSED in observance of Veterans’ Day
Wednesday, November 11
LCH Women’s Book Club
Monday, November 16, 10:00 am, via Zoom online meeting
LCH Women’s Book Club will meet via Zoom online meeting. The group will discuss Erotic Tales from Punjabi Widows by Balli Kaur Jaswel. Connecting to Zoom meeting works best if you download the free Zoom app beforehand. You may need to enable your microphone and video capabilities. If you are not already on the Book Club list, please contact Dr. Stephen Miller at to receive an invitation to join the next Zoom online Book Club meeting.
Writers’ Workshop
Tuesday, November 17, 4:30 pm
Writers’ Workshop will meet via Zoom meeting, since restrictions on group meetings at LCH are still in effect. All are welcome! If you would like to participate, please contact Peter Flachsbart at for information on how to connect remotely.
IHS Brown Bag Meal Prep
LCH continues our commitment to IHS to assist with feeding the homeless during these difficult times. Although stay-at-home orders may have relaxed a bit, we anticipate that all the requirements of social distancing, masks, sanitizing, etc. will still be in force. Therefore, only a small group will be asked to make sandwiches, and those individuals will be contacted directly by phone or email. We will keep you updated about when we can be back to our regular group. Thank you for your patience as we navigate our way through the uncertainty.
First Half of Annual Meeting
Sunday, November 22, 11:00 am • Via Zoom meeting login
Each year, congregational members gather as a community to tend to important matters of business and ministry. These include nominating leadership, passing a budget, receiving reports, and discussing our mission objectives. At LCH, we divide our annual meeting into two halves. This year’s meeting will be conducted via Zoom meeting login. In November we’ll elect Congregational Council members to take office in January, review the draft budget, and conduct other business that may need to be transacted. In January, the main business is approving a final budget for the new year. All are welcome and encouraged to attend the meetings, but only members in good standing may vote. Please plan to attend!
In order to avoid “Zoom bombing” (surprise visits from unsavory folks), you will need to contact Pastor Jeff, via email, for a meeting number and password to log into the meeting.
Streaming Thanksgiving Eve Service
The LCH Thanksgiving Eve celebration will be a virtual service this year. Please join us online for the annual LCH Thanksgiving Eve Service, streaming live on the LCH Facebook page. Unfortunately, we cannot gather for a pie social following this service. But you are encouraged to have your favorite pie available to enjoy following worship.
LCH OFFICE CLOSED for the Thanksgiving Holiday
Thursday & Friday, November 26 & 27
46th Annual Advent Procession
November 29 at 7:30 pm • Livestreaming on the LCH Facebok page
Lutheran Church of Honolulu’s Advent Procession has been a Hawai‘i tradition since 1975. We come to the end of Kingdomtide (Time after Pentecost) and begin a new liturgical cycle with a service that melds music and word. This year we’ve adapted our service for the livestream setting as we offer The O Antiphons by Peter Hallock, invoking ancient titles of Christ through choral music. If one looks at the first letter of each antiphon in Latin — Emmanuel, Rex, Oriens, Clavis, Radix, Adonai, and Sapientia — it spells the Latin phrase ero cras, which translates, “Tomorrow, I will come.” Join us as we begin a new liturgical year and carry on a beloved Hawai‘i tradition. Livestreaming at

Committee Chair Reports
It’s time to begin compiling the Annual Report! Please submit your committee’s yearly report to the LCH office by Friday, December 18. Direct questions to the office at 808-941-2566 or email
Volunteer Opportunity: LCH Website Team
We all know our website is the face of LCH to people outside of congregation. It tells people who we are and what goes on here, and it provides members of the LCH ‘ohana with information about both what happened in the past and what’s going on this month.
We’re all happy when visitors tell us they found us because of the website, and I hope we’re all proud of its professional appearance and the wealth of information available on the site. For years the LCH website has been my one-man labor of love and, while I’m happy to continue working hard to grow and maintain the site for long-term sustainability, we need to develop a team of several individuals to share the work and ensure continuity. So, I am looking for two or three members from the LCH ‘ohana to join the website team.
Work on the website requires basic knowledge of html, the language of webpages, but that can be taught and is not a prerequisite for joining the website team. What is required are commitment to the mission of LCH, a couple of hours a week that can be devoted to the website, an openness to learning new skills (like html coding), good basic computer skills, and a good internet connection.
If you have any question about what’s involved in being part of the website team or want to volunteer, please contact me at
Bill Potter, LCH webmaster
Regular Offerings
While we are not able to meet in person, you are encouraged to mail your offering check directly to the church: Lutheran Church of Honolulu, 1730 Punahou Street, Honolulu HI 96822. If you would like to set up regular electronic funds transfer from your checking or savings account, forms are available at or can be requested by email to If you prefer to make a one time contribution or ongoing pledge by credit card, there is a link in the bottom right corner of each page of the church website or you can go directly to Thank you!
Save on Your Taxes!
For individuals taking required distributions from a retirement account, under the new tax law, if you give cash or check donations from your personal funds, you will be taxed on your distribution, and you may not be able to take the deduction. There are two ways to avoid this.
- Donate directly to LCH from your IRA If you take money directly from your IRA to give to LCH, this increases your income and may increase your tax bracket. You may not be able to use the deduction because of the new, higher standard deduction. Give directly by telling your IRA provider to donate to the church—the account representative will do this easily.
- Give appreciated stock directly to LCH. If you sell stock and then donate, it increases your tax bracket, and you may not be able to use the deduction because of the new, higher standard deduction. Instruct your broker to donate directly to LCH.
The church’s legal name and address is:
Lutheran Church of Honolulu (Note: There is no The in the title)
1730 Punahou Street, Honolulu, HI 96822
If you need the Federal Tax ID (EIN) or if you have questions, please contact Steve Miller. As always, please check with your tax advisors to determine what is appropriate for you.
An Easy Way to Donate
Did you know you can donate to Lutheran Church of Honolulu while shopping without spending any extra money? Shop at and increase donations to Lutheran Church of Honolulu! Any Amazon purchase can be made through LCH’s unique charity-link, which will take you directly to in support of LCH. Just type this URL in your browser and start shopping:
Edward Shipwright Memorial Piano Fund
The church has an ongoing need for maintenance of our current piano, which is on generous loan from Mark Wong. We also need to plan for eventual purchase of an excellent, permanent piano for LCH.
Therefore, we have established the Edward Shipwright Memorial Piano Fund. Dr. Shipwright was the head of the piano division of the Music Department at UH Mānoa. Many people associated with LCH were students or friends of Ed. The fund will be a fitting memorial to his 50 years of teaching and playing.
HeartBeat Deadline
Tuesday, November 17, 9:00 am
Alyssa, Arnold, Barbara M.-F., Billy S., Bob and Holly R. and their families, Bretta and Ron, Bruce H., Colleen K., Greg, Judy M., Kathy M., Kathy S., Keahi, Kendra K., Michael, Patricia, Resi, Shirley S., William
Day | Date | Event and Time |
Sunday | November 1 | All Saints Day 9:00 am, Godly Play Zoom Meeting 9:00 am, Adult Forum Zoom Meeting 10:00 am, All Saints Streaming Worship Service 11:15 am, Virtual Coffee Talk Zoom Meeting 7:30 pm, Streaming Women’s Compline Service |
Tuesday | November 3 | 6:30 pm, Leadership Roundtable Zoom Meeting |
Thursday | November 5 | 10:00 am, Bible Study Zoom Meeting 6:00 pm, Restorative Yoga Zoom Class |
Saturday | November 7 | 5:00 pm, Food for Thought Zoom Meeting 5:00 pm, Mary Magdalene Virtual Happy Hour |
Sunday | November 8 | 9:00 am, Godly Play Zoom Meeting 9:00 am, Adult Forum Zoom Meeting 10:00 am, Streaming Worship Service 11:15 am, Virtual Coffee Talk Zoom Meeting |
Monday | November 9 | 6:00 pm, Worship & Music Zoom Meeting |
Wednesday | November 11 | OFFICE CLOSED—Veterans’ Day Holiday |
Thursday | November 12 | 10:00 am, Bible Study Zoom Meeting 6:00 pm, Restorative Yoga Zoom Class |
Saturday | November 14 | 5:00 pm, ‘Ohana Gathering via Zoom Meeting |
Sunday | November 15 | 9:00 am, Godly Play Zoom Meeting 9:00 am, Adult Forum Zoom Meeting 10:00 am, Streaming Worship Service 11:15 am, Virtual Coffee Talk Zoom Meeting 7:30 pm, Streaming Compline Service |
Monday | November 16 | 10:00 am, Women’s Book Club Zoom Meeting 10:00 am, ‘Ohana Gathering via Zoom Meeting |
Tuesday | November 17 | HeartBeat Submissions Deadline 4:30 pm, Writers’ Workshop Zoom Meeting 7:00 pm, ‘Ohana Gathering via Zoom Meeting |
Wednesday | November 18 | 12:00 pm, Finance Committee, Zoom Meeting |
Thursday | November 19 | 10:00 am, Bible Study Zoom Meeting 12:00 pm, IHS Brown Bag Meal Prep (closed group) 1:00 pm, ‘Ohana Gathering via Zoom Meeting 6:00 pm, Restorative Yoga Zoom Class |
Saturday | November 21 | 5:00 pm, Mary Magdalene Virtual Happy Hour |
Sunday | November 22 | 9:00 am, Godly Play Zoom Meeting 9:00 am, Adult Forum Zoom Meeting 10:00 am, Streaming Worship Service 11:00 am, First Half of Annual Meeting via Zoom |
Tuesday | November 24 | 6:00 pm, Executive Council Zoom Meeting 6:30 pm, LCH Council Zoom Meeting |
Thursday | November 26 | OFFICE CLOSED—Thanksgiving Day |
Friday | November 27 | OFFICE CLOSED—Thanksgiving Holiday |
Sunday | November 29 | 9:00 am, Godly Play Zoom Meeting 9:00 am, Adult Forum Zoom Meeting 10:00 am, Streaming Communion Service 11:15 am, Virtual Coffee Talk Zoom Meeting 7:30 pm, Streaming 46th Annual Advent Procession |