In this issue:
- A Message from Pastor Jeff
- Stewardship Corner
- LCH Office Hours During COVID-19 Stay-at-Home Order
- Committee/Interest Group Chairs
- LCH Scholarship Applications
- Lay Ministers, Please Take Note
- Summer Schedules
- Mary Magdalene Society
- Angel Network In-Gathering
- Adut Forum
- Godly Play—Sunday School
- Confirmation Preparation Classes
- Compline
- Leadership Roundtable
- First Mondays
- Book of Faith Bible Study
- IHS Brown Bag Meal Prep
- LCH Women’s Book Club
- Writers’ Workshop
- One Pot, One Hope
- Regular Offerings
- An Easy Way to Donate
- Edward Shipwright Memorial Piano Fund
- HeartBeat Deadline
- Eectronic Funds Transfers for March
- Attendance and Offerings for April
- Prayer Requests
- May Birthdays
- Calendar: May 2020
A Message from Pastor Jeff
Thank you for your patience and support over the past few weeks. All of us are adjusting to the challenging changes to our lives and the ministry of our congregation as a result of the pandemic. Our decision to close the campus was the right and faithful decision to make in order to keep you—and our community at large—safe. Initially, we planned to close our physical campus through April 30. With Mayor Caldwell’s recent extension of the stay-at-home order, the congregational council has decided to extend the closure of on-campus activities at LCH through May 31. If recommendations from the CDC and the mayor’s and governor’s offices indicate, we can have limited services before that date, we may reconsider.
Your congregational council is developing a plan for a return to in-person worship and limited utilization of the campus once that is allowed. We do not expect to be able to return to fully-present worship for some time but, when appropriate, we will have opportunities to worship together while observing mandates for physical distancing. In the meantime, we will be developing new opportunities for worship, fellowship, and community service online and through remote means. Our goal is, of course, to keep everyone safe and yet engaged in the ministry to which we are called. Online worship has had as many as 700 views and a reach of over 2,500 people for some worship services. This is remarkable and it is a delight to be reaching far beyond our immediate ‘ohana with the gift of worship.
At the same time, it is disheartening to see communities, and even some churches, insisting on exercising their “rights and freedoms” to assemble and do whatever they like. Sadly, such behavior is resulting in increases in covid-19 cases in their locales. Our faith suggests that we live not just for our personal rights but for the sake of our neighbor. While the shutdown of our economy and personal lives is terribly difficult, it is crucial to do so for the moment. It is also crucial that we do whatever we can to help those whose job losses place then in dire economic jeopardy. LCH continues to support IHS, One Pot One Hope, Family Promise, and other agencies during this crisis. If you are having trouble making ends meet, please call me and I will do everything I can to be of help.
Finally, I want to thank our staff and volunteers for all they are doing to keep the ministry at LCH vibrant. Anne continues to take care of administrative duties from her home office and visits the LCH office twice a week to process mail and perform other necessary duties. Scott is doing an admirable job pulling together worship resources and choir members to enhance worship. Mark Wong, despite a very heavy schedule in in regular job, continues to delight us in worship with his musicianship! Marcus Fikse has managed a steep learning curve to master “Switcher,” the software package we use to broadcast worship. Jean Lilley arrives with me each Sunday, two hours before worship, to set up cameras, internet, arrange the nave, and then be the lector. Carolyn Koehler and Bill Potter manage the week-to-week financials, and Angie Niermann is coordinating counters for offerings that come into the office. On top of that, Rich Mindell and I have undertaken a major construction effort in Isenberg Hall. Lastly, I want to thank all of you for your continued financial support during these difficult times!
Although the campus is physically closed, ministry goes on and is even growing! Please keep up your financial support and be sure to dash off a note of thanks to the staff and volunteers who are keeping the ministry lights out from under the bushel basket!
Pastor Jeff
Through the Lenten season, we wove strands of justice as we struggled with what it means to be a socially-distant community. We wove our community together as we made potholders, masks, sandwiches for IHS, held meetings online, and reached out to each other with phone calls, emails, and text messages. We worshipped together online, and realized just how far our tapestry of faith has reached as friends from around the world joined us on the journey from Good Friday to Easter. Christ is risen! He is risen indeed!
In this time after Easter, we ask that you introduce strands of faith and creation into your life as we look with hope toward the future. We rejoice that we are blessed with God’s promise of rainbows after the storm. While we may not be able to plan group activities, please take time to enjoy a walk in the sunshine or even in the rain. Stop to breathe in the fragrance of the plumeria. Marvel at the beauty of the mountains and the power of the ocean. Pull a weed, plant a flower, grow your own herb garden. Join in sharing via social media beautiful sunrises and sunsets, scenic sites you have seen, changes in weather and the appearance of vibrant first spring flower and tagging them with the hastag #LCHfaithful.
Certainly, this time of sheltering at home due to covid-19 has the hidden blessing of allowing our beautiful state, with its parks, beaches, mountains, foliage, land and sea creatures, a time to experience healing and renewal. We are given pause to think about how best to care for these precious resources as we await and anticipate the time when we can enjoy them in person once again. How long has it been since we have seen a beach virtually empty? Some of you have great green thumbs and perhaps even grow your own food. Our hope for May is to hold a plant exchange. Perhaps you have some offerings to contribute.
Our tapestry continued to grow during the last part of Lent as we reached out to others while keeping our social distance. During Easter, we ask that you weave small changes for the good of creation into your daily routine. Let our tapestry take root as it reaches for the stars and continues to grow. Don’t forget to save strands to weave into our LCH tapestry once we can safely gather again. Christ is risen! He is risen indeed!
Committee/Interest Group Chairs
Committee/Group | Leader |
Archive: | Jim Cartwright |
Aloha: | Bruce Holmberg |
Concert: | Scott Fikse |
Communications: | Carol Langner |
Community Life: | Larry Anderson |
Council: | Josie Bidgood |
Fellowship: | Mary-Jo Estes |
Finance: | Steve Miller |
Financial Review: | Dori Palcovich |
Food for Thought: | Marlise Tellander |
Lay Ministers: | Carolyn Koehler |
Learning Ministry: | Fred Benco |
Mary Magdalene Society: | Bill Potter Roy Helms |
Process Theology: | Carol Langner |
Property: | Richard Mundell |
Scholarship: | Fred Benco |
Social Ministry: | Jean Lilley Miles Sato |
Stewardship: | Phyllis Hörmann Willow Chang |
Sunday School: | Laurie Leach |
Website: | Bill Potter |
Worship & Music: | Roy Helms Randy Castello |
Writers’ Workshop: | Peter Flachsbart |
Youth: | Pr. Jeff Lilley |
LCH Office Hours During COVID-19 Stay-at-Home Order
The LCH office and church campus will remain closed, through May 31, in accordance with the CDC, Hawai‘i State Governor’s Office, and Honolulu City and County Office of the Mayor’s recommendations regarding covid-19 virus safety. We recommend that you do not leave a phone message on the office voicemail. It is preferable that you please email to contact the administrator, to contact Pastor Jeff, or to contact the LCH music director. If you prefer to leave a brief voicemail message, your call will be returned when someone is able to check in at the LCH office. Please visit the LCH website at for more information about weekly events and ministries, and to access the public LCH Facebook page for online worship services (you do not need a Facebook account to access the LCH Facebook page).
LCH Scholarship Applications
Submit by Tuesday, May 19
Scholarship applications are available for the coming summer and 2020–21 school year. Scholarships may be used for tuition assistance, music study, and the like. If you wish to apply for an LCH scholarship, please call the church office (808-941-2566) or send an email request to for an application. Scholarship applications should be submitted by Tuesday, May 19, for committee review and approval.
Lay Ministers, Please Take Note
Since the mayor has now extended the stay at home order through the end of May, and since many of you were hesitant to serve in May anyway, and since we normally go to our summer schedule (one service only) starting in June, I thought this might be the best way to proceed:
The following people are scheduled to serve on whatever Sunday we re-open for worship:
- Lector: Cindy Scheinert
- Assisting Minister: Bobby Broyles
- Communion Assistants: Laurie Leach, Bob Tellander, and Frank Haas
- Acolyte: Hunter N.
Near mid-May, I will send out a request for summer conflicts. Once we have a re-opening date, I will start doing the summer schedule. If the people mentioned above are unable to serve on whatever date we re-open, you can let me know and I’ll find a replacement for you. I hope this is amenable to all. Mahalo nui loa for your patience and cooperation.
Easter blessings and aloha,
Summer Schedules
As June approaches, and in the event that LCH is able to return to in-person services, please keep in mind that LCH Sunday service times change to the summer schedule for June, July, and August. Beginning Sunday, June 7, there will be one communion worship service on Sundays, at 9:15 am. There will be no Compline during the summer months. Compline resumes on the first Sunday of September.
Mary Magdalene Society
Online Happy Hour Saturdays, May 2, 16, and 30, at 5:00 pm • Via Zoom meeting login
Our two online happy hour meetings during April were wonderful opportunities for fellowship in this physically-distanced world, and we even had former members who are now on the continent join us. So, we will continue to invite LGBTQI members and friends of LCH to prepare their favorite beverage and pupu and gather for an online happy hour every other week during May.
Those who are already on the Mary Magdalene mailing list will receive an email with directions for accessing the Zoom meeting by the Wednesday before the scheduled meeting. If you don’t receive your invitation or want to be added to the mailing list, please contact Bill Potter, group facilitator, at to be added or for more information.
We encourage everyone to find an amusing cartoon to share for the first happy hour on May 2. Suggestions for subsequent evenings will be included in those invitations.
Angel Network In-Gathering
LCH is not collecting donations for Angel Network Charities until further notice. However, Angel Network is accepting donations at the Calvary-by-the-Sea Lutheran Church location in east O‘ahu: 5339 Kalaniana‘ole Highway, Honolulu 96821.
For those who are able and interested in donating, they accept donations on Thursdays and Fridays, from 8:30 am to noon. They will only accept packaged, unopened dry goods (e.g. cereal, flour, sugar, pasta, etc.) and canned goods.
Angel Network requires that donating drivers identify themselves and remain in their vehicle. Volunteers will offload donation items from your vehicle with protective gloves. Over 2,500 individuals are served monthly through this program. Mahalo for your generosity and support.
Adult Forum
Sundays at 9:00 am • Online via Zoom meeting login
On April 26 and May 3, Marsha Schweitzer will lead discussion on spiritual “triangulation.” The three points of this mystic triangle are the two opposite poles of duality and a higher dimension—eternity—where the opposite poles are harmonized.
May 3—Triangulation, Part 2: Alchemy and the Law of Three: Alchemy is not about turning lead into gold. It is about the Law of Three and the Seven Hermetic Principles as they manifest on three planes of existence: physical, mental, and spiritual.
All are welcome to join the Adult Forum Zoom meetings, live Sunday mornings. This works best if you download the free Zoom app beforehand. You may need to enable your microphone and video capabilities. Please contact Dr. Stephen Miller at to receive an invitation to join the next Zoom Adult Forum discussion.
Godly Play—Sunday School
The hardest part about social distancing is not seeing your children every week! To help us keep in touch and give you tools for home study, Linda Miller put together a list of the Godly Play lessons for this month with links to YouTube videos. She also indicates what about each video made her choose it rather than another.
Usually, after the story and any questions the children have, we break for crafts or playing with the things that tell the stories. Lastly, we come together and end with a small feast, including conversation and prayer. We hope all of you are well and that we get to see each other soon!
- May 3—Julian of Norwich: How can you pass up a Sunday school lesson that starts with a cat? Also, this presenter links Julian’s life with our current self-isolation.
- May 10—Saul Changes: This is only part of Saul/Paul’s story but it’s an important part and clearly presented.
- May 17—St. Columba: The video is from the colony on Iona that was founded by Columba and that continues his work today. A lovely connection from half way around the world.
- May 24—The Story of the Church: The model of the church is wonderful! We don’t have it at LCH and thought it was great to have the kids get a chance to see this story.
- May 31—Pentecost: This presentation should be familiar to our children since this is how we tell the story of Pentecost every year.
That’s it for May. Have a wonderful summer and hopefully we will be together again in September.
Confirmation Preparation Classes
For May, confirmands should check their email or contact Pastor Jeff for schedule updates.
Sundays, May 3 & 17, 7:30 pm • Live-streamed to the LCH public Facebook page
Join us on the first and third Sunday of each month for an online streaming broadcast of Compline, led a cappella. This is a peaceful experience of rejuvenation and prayer.
Leadership Roundtable
Monday, May 4, 6:30 pm • Via Zoom Meeting invitation
Committee chairs and team leaders, please plan to gather for a short (45 minute) meeting. This month’s meeting will be conducted via the Zoom online meeting platform. Please refer to your email for the Zoom Meeting details. This is an opportunity for us to sit down together and share information on what is happening with all the ministries at LCH. If you are a committee or team leader, you will have received an email from Pastor Jeff, via Zoom Meeting, regarding login information. Please be prepared to share a little information on your activities with the group. Mahalo!
First Mondays
Monday, May 4, CANCELED
Unfortunately, we have to cancel the First Mondays concert for May. We hope to resume the First Mondays concert series in September. Stay tuned for performance information.
Book of Faith Bible Study
Thursdays, 10:00–11:45 am • LCH Boardroom
The Book of Faith Bible Study usually meets on Thursday mornings in the LCH Boardroom. However, during the statewide “stay at home” mandate, meetings have been conducted via the Zoom online meeting platform. All are welcome to join this lively discussion of the Biblical texts, relevant current events, and historical foundations. Please contact Pastor Jeff at to receive an invitation to the next Zoom Bible study discussion.
IHS Brown Bag Meal Prep
LCH will keep our commitments to IHS to assist with feeding the homeless during these difficult times. Although the stay-at-home orders may relax a bit by mid-May, we anticipate that all the requirements of social distancing, masks, sanitizing, etc. will still be in force. Therefore, only a small group will be asked to make sandwiches, and those individuals will be contacted directly by phone or email. By June, maybe we can be back to our regular group. Thank you for your patience as we navigate our way through the uncertainty.
LCH Women’s Book Club
LCH Women’s Book Club meetings are canceled until further notice.
Writers’ Workshop
Tuesday, May 19, 4:00 pm
Writers’ Workshop will meet via Zoom meeting, since restrictions on group meetings at LCH are still in effect. All are welcome! If you would like to participate, please contact Peter Flachsbart at for information on how to connect remotely.
One Pot, One Hope
Saturday, May 30, 9:30 am is CANCELED until further notice
Regular Offerings
While we are not able to meet in person, you are encouraged to mail your offering check directly to the church: Lutheran Church of Honolulu, 1730 Punahou Street, Honolulu HI 96822. If you would like to set up regular electronic funds transfer from your checking or savings account, forms are available at or can be requested by email to If you prefer to make a one time contribution or ongoing pledge by credit card, there is a link in the bottom right corner of each page of the church website or you can go directly to Thank you!
An Easy Way to Donate
Did you know you can donate to Lutheran Church of Honolulu while shopping without spending any extra money? Shop at and increase donations to Lutheran Church of Honolulu! Any Amazon purchase can be made through LCH’s unique charity-link, which will take you directly to in support of LCH. Just type this URL in your browser and start shopping:
Edward Shipwright Memorial Piano Fund
The church has an ongoing need for maintenance of our current piano, which is on generous loan from Mark Wong. We also need to plan for eventual purchase of an excellent, permanent piano for LCH.
Therefore, we have established the Edward Shipwright Memorial Piano Fund. Dr. Shipwright was the head of the piano division of the Music Department at UH Mānoa. Many people associated with LCH were students or friends of Ed. The fund will be a fitting memorial to his 50 years of teaching and playing.
HeartBeat Deadline
Tuesday, May 19, 9:00 am
Arnold, Barbara M-F, Billy S., Carol M., Charlotte, Colleen K., Eduardo C., George, Greg, Kathy S., Keahi, Kendra K., Patricia, Resi, Shirley S., Vonia
05/05 | Vreni Griffith |
05/09 | Bill Fay |
05/11 | Ivan Kaeo |
05/14 | Miles Sato |
05/17 | Karyn Castro |
05/22 | Miguel Felipe |
05/23 | Francisco Barajas |
05/24 | Stephanie Luuloa |
05/28 | Lilianna S. |
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Day | Date | Event and Time |
Saturday | May 2 | 5:00 pm, Mary Magdalene Zoom Virtual Happy Hour |
Sunday | May 3 | 9:00 am, Online Adult Forum 10:00 am, Streaming Worship Service 7:30 pm, Online Compline |
Monday | May 4 | 6:30 pm, Leadership Roundtable Zoom Meeting |
Thursday | May 7 | 10:00 am, Book of Faith Bible Study Zoom Meeting |
Sunday | May 10 | Mother’s Day 9:00 am, Online Adult Forum 10:00 am, Streaming Worship Service |
Monday | May 11 | 6:00 pm, Worship & Music Zoom meeting |
Thursday | May 14 | 8:00 am, IHS Meal Prep (closed group, by assignment) 10:00 am, Book of Faith Bible Study Zoom Meeting |
Saturday | May 16 | 5:00 pm, Mary Magdalene Zoom Virtual Happy Hour |
Sunday | May 17 | 9:00 am, Online Adult Forum 10:00 am, Streaming Worship Service 7:30 pm, Online Compline |
Tuesday | May 19 | HeartBeat Submissions Deadline 4:00 pm, Writers’ Workshop Zoom Meeting |
Wednesday | May 20 | 12:00 pm, Finance Committee Zoom Meeting |
Thursday | May 21 | 10:00 am, Book of Faith Bible Study Zoom Meeting |
Sunday | May 24 | 9:00 am, Online Adult Forum 10:00 am, Streaming Worship Service |
Monday | May 25 | Memorial Day |
Tuesday | May 26 | 6:00 pm, Executive Council Zoom Meeting 6:30 pm, LCH Council Zoom Meeting |
Thursday | May 28 | 10:00 am, Book of Faith Bible Study Zoom Meeting |
Saturday | May 30 | 5:00 pm, Mary Magdalene Zoom Virtual Happy Hour |
Sunday | May 31 | Day of Pentecost 9:00 am, Online Adult Forum 10:00 am, Streaming Worship Service |