In this issue:
- A Message from Pastor Jeff
- Vicar Andy Update
- LCH Office Hours
- Committee/Interest Group Chairs
- Angel Network In-Gathering
- Dia de los Muertos
- Godly Play—Sunday School
- Leadership Roundtable
- Mourning into Dancing All Saints Vespers
- First Mondays: Stephanie Anne Johnson in Concert
- Book of Faith Bible Study
- Process Forum
- Confirmation Preparation Classes
- LCH OFFICE will be closed Monday, November 11
- IHS Brown Bag Meal Prep
- New Member Inquiry Brunch
- Food for Thought
- Mary Magdalene Society
- First Half of the Annual Meeting
- Please Consider Serving on the Church Council
- Compline
- LCH Women’s Book Club
- Writers’ Workshop
- New Member Inquiry Classes
- Thanksgiving Eve Joint Worship
- Annual Thanksgiving Dinner at LCH
- One Pot, One Hope
- 45th Annual Advent Procession
- Committee Chairs!
- Save on Your Taxes!
- An Easy Way to Donate
- Edward Shipwright Memorial Piano Fund
- LutherFest Photos
- HeartBeat Deadline
- Give Aloha and Electronic Funds Transfers for September
- Attendance and Offerings for October
- Prayer Requests
- November Birthdays
- LCH Worship Participants (8:00 am)
- LCH Worship Participants (10:30 am)
- Calendar: November 2019
A Message from Pastor Jeff
Re * form
The Lutheran Church came into being over 500 years ago. Rooted in the persistent questions of a then little-known monk, the reforming movement, given the pejorative name “Lutheran,” sought not to divide but to correct some of the worst abuses of the church. Alas, institutions, especially big religious institutions, are neither agile enough to change with the times nor particularly open to criticism. Eventually, Luther found himself on the wrong end of a papal decree calling for his execution. Without help from his prince and other nobility in the German states, Luther would have been killed and relegated as a minor footnote in history, like his predecessor reformer Jan Huss.
Each year we commemorate the beginning of Luther’s reforming movement in worship, where we read the word of God through the prophet Jeremiah, “Behold,” God says, “I am making a new covenant.” Sometimes we forget that the reformation was not a “one and done” affair. Five hundred years after Luther posted the 95 Theses, we are still a reforming church.
But what will be the root of that reform for the future? Will we become a church chasing after popularity, “relevance,” or, as is popular these days, “decolonization” (Google “decolonize the ELCA” for more info)? Will we—in the perfectly understandable attempt to preserve what we know as church—compromise faith, worship, justice, and hope for the sake of our own survival?
True reformation assumes that some parts of the church will diminish—or even cease to exist—so that the Body of Christ can participate and share in the mission that God is already doing in the world. That “something” God is doing in the world is love. Yep, I think that pretty much sums it up. Too simple? Maybe. But just because something lacks complexity doesn’t mean it isn’t truth. God makes the light and loves it. God makes the earth and loves it. God makes people, animals, plants and the day of Sabbath and loves them all; still does. Then God sends us out to do the same. That’s our reformation map for the future.
How will we be the love of God, the messengers of grace and hope, the bearers of the vision God’s wonderful, relational, fragile, enduring, all-encompassing, and unconditional love in a world addicted to selfishness, war making, wealth building, border protecting, and accumulation? In many ways, our ongoing reformation is nothing more and nothing less than being love and proclaiming grace in ways that each generation can hear and experience as fully as possible.
On a local level, how will we, as the congregation at Lutheran Church of Honolulu, join with other agencies, congregations, denominations, community partners and God herself to Re * form ourselves as a gift for the world? What are we willing to give up? What will we have to set aside for a while? What are we willing to receive, grow, or start afresh in order to be God’s love for the world? We can see this reforming process as a threat (like many did 500 hundred years ago) or as a wonderful opportunity to grow together in ministry.
In some ways, this reforming movement is like taking a long journey on a curvy road. Around each bend there is something new to discover. Sometimes we are treated to extraordinary sites (like your first glimpse of the Grand Canyon), and sometimes it will just be more road (usually without any bathrooms). But the reforming work of ministry is always unfolding and, ultimately, a worthy journey.
As we work together over the next few months on our strategic plan, we will have a chance to ponder, pray, and plan for how our congregation will participate fully in the reforming movement to which we have been called. I pray each of you will participate in the process as it unfolds and be nurtured as part of this wonderful, Re*forming congregation.
Pastor Jeff
Vicar Andy Update
Aloha Siblings-in-Christ,(Former) Vicar Andy, here! As most of you know, either through Pastor Jeff or social media, I have been assigned to the New England Synod for first call. That means that I will be getting a call in either: Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, Vermont, New Hampshire, or Maine. This is exciting for us, as New England was our top choice for synods! During this time of interviews and the like, we would love your prayers. While Justin and I are both enjoying our temporary jobs, both of us look forward to “going back into our fields.”
To that end, I was recently contacted by the Alaska Synod bishop about a two-month pastor-in-residence position, November and December of this year, in rural Alaska. After many conversations with various people, I will be serving Shishmaref Lutheran Church in Shishmaref, Alaska, as their intern pastor-in-residence. (We are using the term intern here, as I am not yet ordained.)
I will be able to, with Bp. Wickstrom’s permission, lead worship (including presiding at communion); preach; conduct funerals, baptisms, and weddings; provide pastoral care; visit homebound members; and participate in congregational meetings. I am very excited for this unique opportunity and look forward to all that is to come. To think, earlier this year, I was wearing slippers in Hawai‘i and now I am going to fur-lined boots in Alaska!
Feel free to look up Shishmaref, but be prepared; it may be challenging. The town of a little over 550 is facing climate change in multiple heartbreaking ways. Be sure to also look up Shishmaref Lutheran Church. It is the only church in the town, with its own parsonage and cemetery next door.
I will be leaving for Alaska on October 30 and returning on December 28. Upon my return, I will write up another HeartBeat article about my experience.
Until next time,
Committee/Interest Group Chairs
Committee/Group | Leader |
Archive: | Jim Cartwright |
Concert: | Scott Fikse |
Communications: | Carol Langner |
Community Life: | Larry Anderson |
Council: | Josie Bidgood |
Fellowship: | Jeanne Castello & Mary-Jo Estes |
Finance: | Steve Miller |
Financial Review: | Dori Palcovich |
Food for Thought: | Kathryn Klingebiel |
Lay Ministers: | Carolyn Koehler |
Learning Ministry: | Fred Benco |
Mary Magdalene Society: | Bill Potter & Roy Helms |
Process Theology: | Carol Langner |
Property: | Richard Mundell |
Scholarship: | Fred Benco |
Social Ministry: | Jean Lilley |
Stewardship: | Phyllis Hörmann & Willow Chang |
Sunday School: | Laurie Leach |
Worship & Music: | Roy Helms & Randy Castello |
Writers’ Workshop: | Kathryn Klingebiel |
Youth: | Pr. Jeff Lilley |
LCH Office Hours
- Monday—9:00 am to 4:00 pm
- Tuesday—9:00 am to 4:00 pm
- Wednesday—9:00 am to 12:30 pm
- Thursday—9:00 am to 4:00 pm
- Friday—9:00 am to 3:00 pm
We recommend calling the office (808-941-2566) before making a visit to see Pastor Jeff or the administrator, as schedules may vary with appointments, other work commitments, and lunch breaks.
Angel Network In-Gathering
Sunday, November 3
On the first Sunday of each month, an in-gathering of food and personal items is collected at LCH for Angel Network, a ministry based out of Calvary-by-the-Sea Lutheran Church. The items are taken to Angel Network during the following week. Over 2,500 individuals are served monthly through this program. We are grateful for your generosity and support.
Dia de los Muertos
Willow Chang will host an annual Dia de los Muertos celebration Sunday, November 3, in the Hörmann Courtyard. Day of the Dead is celebrated at this time of year throughout Mexico and Latin America to honor the life cycle, familia, and loved ones. Our joyful, yet respectful celebration of the human experience will be represented with a family altar. Please feel free to bring photos of your departed friends and family or an offering (e.g. a loved one’s favorite sweet) for the community altar. Photos of departed pets and their favorite treats are also welcome. No photos, please, of those still living.
Godly Play—Sunday School
Sunday School 9:20–10:20 am
LCH offers Sunday school for children from kindergarten through senior high. The older children (grades 6–12) meet in the Rainbow Room. The younger children (grades k–5) meet in the Godly Play room. All are welcome! Below is the schedule of Godly Play stories for November:
- November 3—The Ark and the Tent
- November 10—The Ark and the Temple
- November 17—The Exile and Return
- November 24—The Prophets
Leadership Roundtable
Sunday, November 3, 11:45 am • LCH Boardroom
Committee chairs and team leaders, please plan to gather for a short (45 minute) meeting. This is an opportunity for us to sit down together and share information on what is happening with all the ministries at LCH. If you are a committee or team leader, please be prepared to share a little information on your activities with the group. Mahalo and see you there!
Mourning into Dancing All Saints Vespers
Sunday, November 3, 7:30 pm
Mourning into Dancing is a ceremony in honor of All Saints and All Souls, featuring beautiful choral and instrumental music, inspiring text, and time to come together for a collective and personal moment of reflection and remembrance. Joined by harp, organ, and cello, the LCH Choir will present stunning works by contemporary and Renaissance composers guiding us on a journey from the darkness of grief into the light of joy.
First Mondays: Stephanie Anne Johnson in Concert
Monday, November 4, 7:00 pm. Refreshments at 6:30 pm
Join us for a free concert of contemporary soul, gospel, and singer-songwriter music for our November First Mondays Chamber Concert series.
Stephanie Anne Johnson is a multifaceted vocalist who enjoys singing handwritten acoustic soul music, performing with regional musical theater companies, and serving communities as a teaching artist. Stephanie also has a scholarly background in and deep love for gospel and spirituals, inspired by greats like Leontyne Price and Kathleen Battle. In the past few years, Stephanie has performed with Oregon Shakespeare Festival, The Actor’s Theater of Louisville, The Village Theater in Hairspray, and numerous venues in Seattle including the Tractor Tavern, the Royal Room and the Triple Door. Stephanie was a lounge singer for Holland America Cruise Line and the premier luxury line, Seaborne, and a top-20 finalist on season 5 of NBC’s Emmy Award Winning The Voice.
Stephanie will be joined by local artists Maika‘i Nash and Reid Ishikawa for this performance. Pupus and non-alcoholic drinks will be served before the concert, beginning at 6:30 pm. Meet members of your local music community and enjoy an electrically soulful program. Free-will donations are welcome.
Book of Faith Bible Study
Thursdays, 10:00–11:45 am • LCH Boardroom
The Book of Faith Bible Study meets on Thursday mornings in the boardroom. All are welcome to join this lively discussion of the Biblical texts, relevant current events, and historical foundations. Please come for engaging fellowship and discussion!
Process Thought
Saturday, November 9, 9:30 am • LCH Boardroom
A Program of Poetic Prehensions! Alliterations aside, “prehension” is an important concept for Process philosophy. We’ll touch on that but spend most of our time on poetry. You can bring a favorite to add to the poems provided for discussion. We’ll look at these gems through the lens of Process concepts. No previous encounter with process is necessary and all are invited to share our time together! Please join us.
Confirmation Preparation Classes
Sundays, November 10 & 24, 11:45 am • LCH Rainbow Room
Confirmation is voluntary for youth, grades 6 and up, who would like to confirm their faith. At baptism we promise to “place in (your child’s) hands the Holy Scripture and provide for their education in the Christian Faith.” In confirmation class we study scripture, the Reformation, and Christian history, but we are more interested in helping young people develop as persons of faith. For more information, please contact Pastor Jeff.
LCH OFFICE will be closed Monday, November 11
in observance of Veterans’ Day
IHS Brown Bag Meal Prep
Thursday, November 14, 8:00 am • LCH Isenberg Hall
The schedule for our monthly meal service to the homeless at IHS, for the remainder of 2019, involves making sandwiches and packing sack lunches in Isenberg Hall. The remaining dates are Thursdays, October 17, November 15, and December 19. When we make meatloaf at the IHS kitchen, we do it on the third Friday of a given month. Friday hot meal prep will be on the schedule again in 2020.
So, for the next three months, come to LCH on the dates listed above at 8:00 am to help prepare brown bag meals. Enjoy coffee, tasty treats, good conversation, and the satisfaction of helping Honolulu’s homeless.
To participate or for additional information, please speak to Carol Langner or contact the LCH office. A driver with a van or SUV is needed to help transport meals. To learn more about the Institute for Human Services, visit their website at Mahalo to all who help with this ministry to Honolulu’s homeless.
New Member Inquiry Brunch
Saturday, November 16, 10:00 am • LCH Isenberg Hall
Please join Pastor Jeff and leaders of the congregation for a meet and greet with casual brunch. We will share some time getting to know one another, answer your questions about the Lutheran faith, and about LCH and the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (our national church body). Please call the LCH office at 808-941-2566 or email if you would like to attend.
Food for Thought
Saturday, November 16, 5:30 to 8:00 pm
Food for Thought meets at the home of David Hörmann. All are welcome for potluck supper, video, and discussion. For more information, please contact the LCH office at 808-941-2566.
Mary Magdalene Society
Saturday, November 16, 6:00 pm • LCH Isenberg Hall
LGBTQI and friends, please join our potluck supper and social. Table talk and games will follow dinner. For more information, contact Bill at Please share information of this gathering and an invitation to other LGBTQI and friends you know who may be interested in socializing with us.
First Half of the Annual Meeting
November 17, 9:15 am • between services in Isenberg Hall
Each year, congregational members gather as a community to tend to important matters of business and ministry. These include nominating leadership, passing a budget, receiving reports, and discussing our mission objectives. At LCH, we divide our annual meeting into two halves. In November we’ll nominate Congregational Council members to take office in January, review the draft budget, and conduct other business that may need to be transacted. In January, the main business is approving a final budget for the new year and electing new council members. All are welcome and encouraged to attend the meetings, but only members in good standing may vote. Please plan to attend!
Please Consider Serving on the Church Council
We need nominees to be presented at the first half of our Annual Meeting, on November 17, to fill council vacancies. The work of the council is important, interesting, informative, good fellowship, and fun! The work of the Council is not scary, intimidating, overly time consuming, or difficult to understand.
What to expect:
- One, 2-hour meeting per month. Council members take turns hosting, providing a meal and short devotion, and also serve a month as “council in charge,” ensuring that the church is locked up and items put away after the last worship service on Sunday morning.
- You can also expect to communicate during the month via texting or email if necessary. If you don’t text or have email, we can make arrangements for you—don’t let that stop you from saying yes to serving on Council.
- Council members also serve as liaisons to church committees or teams to communicate back to the council on planned activities or needs. Planned and unplanned absences are expected and taken into consideration, so don’t assume you can’t serve if you’ll be away for a month or two.
Please consider putting your name on the ballot to serve on the 2020 LCH church council. Still have questions? Just ask a current council member: Josie Bidgood, Mary Fastenau, Steve Miller, Juditha Murashige, Bruce Holmberg, Carol Langner, Rev. Phyllis Hormann, Pam Buckley, Willow Chang, Julie Cummings, Miles Sato, Ian Cummings, or Pastor Jeff.
Mahalo for your prayerful consideration of serving as part of the Council!
Sunday, November 17, 7:30 pm
Join us on the first and third Sunday of each month for Compline, led a cappella by the LCH Men’s Schola. This is a peaceful experience of rejuvenation and prayer.
LCH Women’s Book Club
Monday, November 18, 10:00 am
We will meet at the Murashige’s. Audrey leads discussion of The Tea Girl of Hummingbird Lane, by Lisa See. All are welcome. Please contact the church office if you have questions, 808-941-2566.
Writers’ Workshop
Monday, November 18, 4:00 pm
Writers’ Workshop meets in the boardroom at LCH. All are welcome. For more information please contact the LCH office at 808-941-2566.
New Member Inquiry Classes
Sundays, November 24 and December 1, 8, and 15, 9:20 am • LCH Boardroom
Are you interested in learning more about the Lutheran faith? Are you interested in learning more about becoming a member of Lutheran Church of Honolulu? Join Pastor Jeff for a series of fun and informal classes beginning November 24. LCH members are welcome and encouraged to participate. We will learn or refresh our knowledge about Lutheran faith, discuss your questions, get to know one another, and share some laughs. Please let Pastor Jeff know if you would like to attend,
Thanksgiving Eve Joint Worship
Wednesday, November 27, 7:00 pm • St. Clement Church
St. Clement Church is hosting the Thanksgiving Eve worship this year. Pastor Jeff Lilley is scheduled to preach.
The annual pie reception will follow immediately after worship. Sign-up sheets for the pie reception will be made available starting Sunday, November 4.
Annual Thanksgiving Dinner at LCH
Thursday, November 28, 3:30 pm • Isenberg Hall and Hörmann Courtyard
All are welcome to join the LCH ‘ohana for our annual Thanksgiving Dinner in the courtyard. This is a potluck meal for anyone who would like to attend. Please bring your friends, neighbors, college and university students, and folks who would like some fellowship and food. Pastor Jeff and Jean will prepare the turkeys and bring fresh-baked rolls. A donation of ham would be appreciated. Please plan to bring your favorite dish in quantities to feed at least six persons. Pupu, side dishes, casseroles, desserts, or any other dish is very welcome! Please sign up in the courtyard beginning November 6 so we can plan accordingly.
One Pot, One Hope
Saturday, November 30, 9:30 am
A consistent group of LCH volunteers helps feed 100 to 125 people each month in Wai‘anae. Help support this mission outreach project by participating or by bringing donations of designated items—Costco gallon-sized cans of chili, fresh fruit, granola bars, bottled water, recycled grocery bags, and large cardboard boxes—or checks payable to “One Pot, One Hope.” Bring donated items to church on the third Sunday of the month. See Peggy Anderson for more information, including volunteering and carpool. Chili donations are appreciated, #10 sized cans (from Costco or Sam’s Club).
45th Annual Advent Procession
Sunday, December 1, 7:30 pm
Lutheran Church of Honolulu celebrates our 45th Annual Advent Procession with lessons and carols to usher in the season of Advent. First presented in 1975, the Lutheran Church of Honolulu’s Advent Procession has become a Honolulu tradition. This year, Advent choral selections by composers James MacMillan (b. 1959), Gabriel Jackson (b. 1962), F. Melius Christiansen (1871–1955), Peter Hallock (1924–2014), and others will be intermingled with hymns, carols, and the Magnificat for King’s College, Cambridge, by Herbert Howells (1892–1983). Organist Mark Wong will accompany the LCH Choir and Men’s Schola on our beautiful Beckerath organ. Please join us as we begin a new liturgical year, carry on a beloved Hawai‘i tradition, and look forward with expectation and wonder to the Christmas season ahead.
Committee Chairs!
It’s time to begin compiling the Annual Report! Please submit your committee’s yearly report to the LCH office by Monday, December 16. Direct questions to the office at 808-941-2566 or email
Save on Your Taxes!
For individuals taking required distributions from a retirement account, under the new tax law, if you give cash or check donations from your personal funds, you will be taxed on them and you may not be able to take the deduction. There are two ways to avoid this.
- Donate directly to LCH from your IRA. If you take money directly from your IRA to give to LCH, this increases your income and may increase your tax bracket. You may not be able to use the deduction because of the new, higher standard deduction. Give directly by telling your IRA provider to donate to the church—the account representative will do this easily.
- Give appreciated stock directly to LCH. If you sell stock and then donate, it increases your tax bracket, and you may not be able to use the deduction because of the new, higher standard deduction. Instruct your broker to donate directly to LCH.
The church’s legal name and address is:
Lutheran Church of Honolulu (Note: no The in the title)
1730 Punahou Street, Honolulu, HI 96822
If you need the Federal Tax ID (EIN) or if you have questions, please contact Steve Miller. As always, please check with your tax advisors to determine what is appropriate for you.
An Easy Way to Donate
Did you know you can donate to Lutheran Church of Honolulu while shopping without spending any extra money? Shop at and increase donations to Lutheran Church of Honolulu! Any Amazon purchase can be made through LCH’s unique charity-link, which will take you directly to in support of LCH. Just type this URL in your browser and start shopping:
Edward Shipwright Memorial Piano Fund
The church has an ongoing need for maintenance of our current piano, which is on generous loan from Mark Wong. We also need to plan for eventual purchase of an excellent, permanent piano for LCH.
Therefore, we have established the Edward Shipwright Memorial Piano Fund. Dr. Shipwright was the head of the piano division of the Music Department at UH Mānoa. Many people associated with LCH were students or friends of Ed. The fund will be a fitting memorial to his 50 years of teaching and playing.
LutherFest Photos

Another generous and joyous LutherFest is on the books! Held Saturday, October 26, attendees shared an abundance of good food, drinks, laughter, and fun in the Hörmann Courtyard. This year, contestants Greta (Pr. Jeff Lilley), Heinrick (Bobby Broyles), and Helga (Jacqueline Abbe) battled for their dignity in a raucous round of Lutheran Jeopardy! Proceeds from drink donations will go to Waikīkī Heath Center Youth Outreach (YO) which serves as a safe haven for homeless youth.

HeartBeat Deadline
Tuesday, November 19, 9:00 am
Carol M., Chuck P., Colleen K., George, Greg, Karen O., Keahi, Kendra K., Margaret H., Patricia, Resi, Richard B., Vonia, Wayne G.
Day | Date | Event and Time | Saturday | November 2 | 7:30 pm, Early Music Hawai‘i concert |
Sunday | November 3 | All Saints Sunday Angel Network In-Gathering 8:00 am, Holy Communion 9:20 am, Christian Education, all ages 10:30 am, Choral Eucharist 11:45 am, Leadership Roundtable 7:30 pm, All Saints Vespers |
Monday | November 4 | 7:00 pm, LCH First Mondays concert |
Wednesday | November 6 | 5:00 pm, Early Worship Ensemble Rehearsal |
Thursday | November 7 | 10:00 am, Book of Faith Bible Study 2:30 pm, Weekly Staff Meeting 7:00 pm, LCH Choir Rehearsal |
Saturday | November 9 | 9:30 am, Process Forum 7:00 pm, Oahu Choral Society concert |
Sunday | November 10 | 8:00 am, Holy Communion 9:20 am, Christian Education, all ages 10:30 am, Choral Eucharist 11:45 am, Confirmation Class |
Monday | November 11 | Office CLOSED—Veterans’ Day 6:00 pm, Worship & Music Meeting |
Wednesday | November 13 | 6:00 pm, Early Worship Ensemble Rehearsal |
Thursday | November 14 | 8:00 am, IHS Sandwich assembly 10:00 am, Book of Faith Bible Study 2:30 pm, Weekly Staff Meeting 7:00 pm, LCH Choir Rehearsal |
Saturday | November 16 | 10:00 am, New Member Inquiry Brunch 5:30 pm, Food for Thought 6:00 pm, Mary Magdalene Society |
Sunday | November 17 | 8:00 am, Holy Communion 9:15 am, First Half Annual Meeting 9:20 am, Sunday School 10:30 am, Choral Eucharist 7:30 pm, compline |
Monday | November 18 | 10:00 am, Women’s Book Club 4:00 pm, Writers’ Workshop |
Tuesday | November 19 | HeartBeat Submissions Deadline 12:30 pm, Finance Committee Meeting |
Wednesday | November 20 | 5:00 pm, Early Worship Ensemble Rehearsal |
Thursday | November 21 | 10:00 am, Book of Faith Bible Study 2:30 pm, Weekly Staff Meeting 7:00 pm, LCH Choir Rehearsal |
Sunday | November 24 | 8:00 am, Holy Communion 9:20 am, Sunday School 9:20 am, New Member Inquiry Class 10:30 am, Choral Eucharist 11:45 am, Confirmation Class |
Tuesday | November 26 | 6:30 pm, Council Meeting |
Wednesday | November 27 | 7:30 pm, Thanksgiving Eve Service at LCH |
Thursday | November 28 | Office CLOSED—Thanksgiving 3:30 pm, Thanksgiving Potluck Meal at LCH |
Friday | November 29 | Office CLOSED—Thanksgiving Holiday |
Saturday | November 30 | 9:30 am, One Pot One Hope |