In this issue:
- A Message from Pastor Jeff—500 Years of Grace
- Book of Faith Bible Study
- Committee/Interest Group Chairs
- Confirmation Preparation Classes
- Angel Network In-Gathering
- Adult Education
- Godly Play—Sunday School News
- Leadership Roundtable
- Compline
- Office Closed for Veterans’ Day
- Process Forum—Exploring Mysticism (Part 2)
- New Member Inquiry Class
- Writers’ Workshop
- IHS Meals Prepared and Served
- First Half of the Annual Meeting
- LCH Women’s Book Club
- Annual Thanksgiving Eve Service and Pie Potluck
- Office Closed for Thanksgiving
- Thanksgiving at LCH
- One Pot, One Hope
- The Starks in Concert
- Food for Thought
- Hörmann Family Trust Donates Generous Legacy
- Thanks from Scott for Concert Help
- Photos from Reformation 500 Celebrations
- Give Aloha Results Are In!
- An Easy Way to Donate
- HeartBeat Deadline
- Electronic Funds Transfers for September
- Attendance and Offerings for October
- Prayer Requests
- November Birthdays
- LCH Worship Participants (8:00 am)
- LCH Worship Participants (10:30 am)
- Calendar: November 2017
From Pastor Jeff—500 Years of Grace
Luther and the Holy City—A Changed Perspective
As a friar, Martin Luther was expected to submit to the discipline of his Observant Augustinian order. But not only was there friction within his own house, the greater Augustinian Order was struggling as observant and more lax houses within the order argued about various subjects. Following a convocation in 1501, Johann Von Staupitz, the vicar general of Germany, ordered that all the Augustinian houses be joined under one central administration. But the Black Cloister in Efurt decided to exercise their right of appeal and chose Martin Luther and another brother to travel to Rome to make their case with the general of the order.
Luther, like many of his contemporaries, was star struck to have this rare opportunity to travel to the very seat of the Christian Faith. Rome was the Holy City, home of saints and angels and repository of thousands of holy relics. But the journey must have been difficult to say the least. Luther and his companion walked the entire distance from Erfurt to Rome, a journey over 800 miles, on foot. Travel by foot was dangerous at any time due to robbers and thieves, but Luther also crossed some truly treacherous ground along the way including the Alps! The travelers stayed in the houses of fellow monks who fed and provided for them, but Luther was disturbed by the lax morals and discipline he observed. Finally, they arrived in Rome and he was nearly overwhelmed at the sight of it. In his book “Luther the Reformer,” James Kittelson writes,
There were countless acts of devotion one could do to benefit one’s own soul and those of many others, both living and deceased. Just by crawling up the Sancta Scala (the steps Jesus climbed on his way to trial before Pilate that had been magically transported to Rome by angels) on his knees, Luther could free one of his loved ones from purgatory. He later said that the first sight of the holy city caused him to “throw myself on the ground and say: ‘How blessed are you Holy Rome!’”
It did not take Luther long to become dis-enamored of Rome. While Luther did everything a pilgrim was expected to do, including saying mass at the holy altar, climbing the steps of woe on his knees, and praying before the many relics, he also began to see through the curtain drawn so tightly over the eyes of the faithful. There were so many forefingers of St. Peter to be prayed over in Rome that poor saint must have been an octopus indeed. How could the payment of a poor widow’s last dime for an indulgence convey more mercy that Christ himself? He was further struck by the extravagant lifestyle and questionable morality of some of Rome’s priests and vicars. While most faithful saw Rome as the Holy See, others thought of it as an “utter cesspool.” (It literally was; even the pope spent considerable time outside of the city due to horribly unclean conditions and rampant disease.)
Luther left Rome disillusioned and troubled. He had gone to make his case for his cloister with officials in Rome, but in the end, the general of the order refused to hear their case. Luther and his companion found themselves back on the road to bear unwelcome news to their brethren and ponder what they experienced in Rome
Although Luther was deeply aware that the shocking behavior and lack of morals of the priests and officials they encountered in Rome did not besmirch the underlying purity of the church or the Gospel, it seemed to raise in him some doubt as to the extent of the authority of Rome, and therefore the Pope. He had seen the very human side of a spiritual institution and was left to reconcile what he had always held dear with what his own eyes had witnessed. In later lectures, Luther would ridicule the institutionalized and commercialized “business” of religious Rome and bring derision on the sanctity of the many relics purported to convey spiritual power.
On his return to Erfurt, he urged his fellow monks to submit to Von Staupitz’s authority, and was promptly invited to move away from Erfurt to Wittenberg. For years afterward, the Erfurt monks would revile his name, but Luther’s course was set as he embarked on a new life in “dreadful Wittenberg.”
Committee/Interest Group Chairs
Committee/Group | Leader |
Archive: | Jim Cartwright |
Concert: | Scott Fikse |
Communications: | Carol Langner |
Community Life: | Larry Anderson & Wayne Gau |
Council: | Craig Clissold |
Fellowship: | Jeanne Castello & Mary-Jo Estes |
Finance: | Steve Miller |
Financial Review: | Dori Palcovich |
Food for Thought: | Kathryn Klingebiel |
In Stitches: | Linda Miller & Stephanie Luuloa |
Lay Ministers: | Carolyn Koehler |
Learning Ministry: | Fred Benco |
Mary Magdalene Society: | James Cartwright |
Process Theology: | Fritz Fritschel & Carol Langner |
Property: | Jean-Paul Klingebiel & Greg Gebhardt |
Scholarship: | Fred Benco |
Social Ministry: | Jean Lilley |
Stewardship: | Pam Buckley |
Sunday School: | Laurie Leach |
Worship & Music: | Roy Helms & Randy Castello |
Writers’ Workshop: | Kathryn Klingebiel |
Youth: | Pr. Jeff Lilley |
Book of Faith Bible Study
Thursdays, 10:00–11:30 am • LCH Boardroom
The Book of Faith Bible Study meets on Thursday mornings in the Boardroom. All are welcome to join this lively discussion of the Biblical texts, relevant current events, and historical foundations. Please come for lively engaging fellowship and discussion!
Confirmation Preparation Classes
Thursdays, 6:15 pm • LCH Rainbow Room
Confirmation is voluntary for youth, grades 6 and up, who would like to confirm their faith. At baptism we promise to “place in (your child’s) hands the Holy Scripture and provide for their education in the Christian Faith.” In confirmation class we study scripture, the Reformation, and Christian history, but we are more interested in helping young people develop as persons of faith.
For more information, please contact Pastor Jeff.
Angel Network In-Gathering
Sunday, November 5
On the first Sunday of each month, an in-gathering of food and personal items is collected at LCH for Angel Network, a ministry based out of Calvary-by-the-Sea Lutheran Church. The items are taken to Angel Network during the following week. Over 2,500 individuals are served monthly through this program. We are grateful for your generosity and support.
Adult Education
The Role of the Prophet in the New Testament Church
We are familiar with the prophets of the Old Testament, but did you know that the prophet was an order of ministry in the first century Christian church? Wayne Gau will lead a discussion on the topic on November 5 and 12. All are welcome.
Sunday School News
Sunday School 9:20–10:20 am
LCH offers Sunday school for children from kindergarten through senior high. The older children (grades 6–12) meet in the Rainbow room. The younger children (grades k–5) meet in the Godly Play room. All are welcome!
Below is the schedule of Godly Play stories for November:
- 11/5—The Ark and the Tent
- 11/12—The Ark and the Temple
- 11/19—The Exile and Return
- 11/26—Jonah, the Backward Prophet
Leadership Roundtable
Sunday, November 5, 11:45 am • LCH Boardroom
Committee chairs and team leaders, please plan to gather for a short (45 minute) meeting. This is an opportunity for us to sit down together and share information on what is happening with all the ministries at LCH. If you are a committee or team leader, please be prepared to share a little information on your activities with the group. Mahalo and see you there!
Sundays, November 5 and 19, 7:30 pm
Join us on the first and third Sunday of each month for Compline, led a cappella by the LCH Men’s Schola. This is a peaceful experience of rejuvenation and prayer.
Office Closed for Veterans’ Day
Friday, November 10
Process Forum—Exploring Mysticism (Part 2)
Saturday, November 11, 9:30 am • LCH Boardroom
During the September meeting, we discussed an article about mysticism from the Jesus, Jazz, and Buddhism website. We turn this month to poetry by mystics whose words will provide material for more in-depth discussion. Poets include Silesius, Rumi, Hafiz, and others.
All are invited to come be part of this group and bring a poem if you’d like to share. Please note that we will move our meeting back to our regular schedule—the second Saturday of the month.
Please join us.
New Member Inquiry Class
Beginning Sunday November 12, 9:15 am • Pastor’s Office
Are you interested in learning more about the Lutheran faith? Are you interested in learning more about becoming a member of Lutheran Church of Honolulu? Join Pastor Jeff for a series of fun and informal classes beginning November 12 and running through Sunday, December 3. We will learn about the faith, discuss your questions, get to know one another, and share some laughs. Please let Pastor Jeff know if you would like to attend.
Writers’ Workshop
November 13 at 4:30 pm • Boardroom
Writers’ Workshop will meet next on November 13 at 4:30 pm in the LCH Boardroom, with possible plans for one final meeting this year on December 18. For more information contact the LCH office at 808-941-2566.
IHS Meals Prepared and Served
Friday, November 17, 1:30 pm prep/5:30 pm serve
For over 25 years, LCH has shopped for, prepared, and served a special dinner on the third Friday of each month for over 300 of Honolulu’s homeless. The cost is underwritten by the LCH budget and by a grant from the German Benevolent Society of Hawai‘i. Shoppers, cooks, and servers are needed each month. To learn more about the Institute for Human Services, visit their website at Contact the LCH office or speak to Jimmy Castro for more information.
First Half of the Annual Meeting
November 19 • 9:15 am
Each year congregational members gather as a community to tend to important matters of business and ministry. These include nominating leadership, passing a budget, receiving reports, and discussing our missional objectives. At LCH, we divide our annual meeting into two halves. In November we will nominate Congregational Council members to take office January, review the draft budget, and conduct any other business that might need to be transacted. In January the main business is to elect Council members and approve a final budget for the new year. Everyone is welcome and encouraged to attend these meetings, but only members in good standing may vote. Please plan to attend!
Women’s Book Club
Book club will meet at the Murashige’s on Monday, November 20th. The title of the book for November is Hillbilly Elegy. All are welcome.
Annual Thanksgiving Eve Service and Pie Potluck
Wednesday, November 22 • 7:00 pm
LCH will once again host the Parish St. Clement Episcopal church for our annual Thanksgiving Eve service. St. Clement’s new Rector, the Rev. Heather Hill, will preach at the worship service. Following the service, we join with our friends in the pie feast! Please bring a pie to share. Pie sign-ups will be available November 5.
Office Closed for Thanksgiving
Thursday & Friday, November 23 & 24
Thanksgiving at LCH
You are most welcome to join your LCH ‘ohana for Thanksgiving potluck on Thursday November 23rd at 4:00 pm. Turkey, ham, and fresh baked rolls will be provided along with beverages and wine. You are invited to bring your favorite hot dish, side dish, or desert in quantities great enough to share. Please sign up on the clipboard beginning November 5. You are welcome to bring friends, neighbors, or folks you find in the streets. Just let us know how many you are planning to bring so we have enough food!
One Pot, One Hope
Saturday, October 28, 9:30 am
Please note the new time. A consistent group of LCH volunteers helps feed 100 to 125 people each month in Wai‘anae. Help support this mission outreach project by participating or by bringing donations of designated items—Costco gallon-sized cans of chili, fresh fruit, granola bars, bottled water, recycled grocery bags, and large cardboard boxes—or checks, payable to “One Pot, One Hope.” Bring donated items to church on the third Sunday of the month. See Peggy Anderson for more information, including volunteering and carpool (earlier, 8:30 am, because of new time).
The Starks in Concert
November 26 at 6:00 pm
Georgine and Darel Stark and their friends present a chamber music concert Sunday evening, November 26, in the LCH Nave. Enjoy the Ardente Trio (Darel Stark, violin; Pauline Bai, cello; and Sachi P. Hirakouji, piano) and Georgine Stark, soprano, in a program of music by Schubert, Greig, Handel, and Darel Stark. Tickets are $20 ($10 for students) and will be available at the door.
Food for Thought
The next meeting of Food for Thought is planned for December 2. Check the LCH Calendar, HeartBeat, and LCHNews for information or call the LCH office at 808-941-2566.
Hörmann Family Trust Donates Generous Legacy
The Hörmann Family Trust has donated to Lutheran Church of Honolulu a legacy gift from the estate of Irmgard Hörmann in the amount of $100,000. The unrestricted gift is a wonderful investment in the mission and ministry of our congregation that continues a long history of service by the Hörmanns. Rev. Hörmann served as Pastor of LCH from 1916 through 1948, together with his wonderful spouse “Mutti.” Throughout these difficult years, Pastor H. also commuted to Līhu‘e Lutheran on Kaua‘i following the death of their pastor. Their daughter Irmgard Hörmann was a tireless volunteer, storyteller, caregiver, and ever-present angel in the lives of many in Honolulu and around the world. Her long and colorful life made a remarkable difference for thousands of people with her founding and support of Meals on Wheels, her work with Friends of the Library, her vocation as a librarian and nurturer of young minds, and her care for her many family members. We are grateful to the Hörmann family for their generous gift, and we thank them for all they do for our congregation and Hawai‘i.
Thanks from Scott for Concert Help
A heartfelt thank you goes out to the many volunteers who combined efforts to make our Reformation 500 concerts so successful. This congregation is lucky to have so many helping hands, and our ministry would not be what is without the efforts of dedicated volunteers. Please take a moment to offer a word of thanks to a choir member, baker, pew-mover, or any of the other hard-working folks who helped out. Mahalo nui loa!
Photos from Reformation 500 Celebrations
Dr. David Lose (above) preached, and musicians from several churches provide the music under the direction of Todd Behckham (St. Andrew’s), Tim Carney (St. John) and Scott Fiske (LCH). For the anthem (above right), they were joined by a brass quartet.
The congregation included clergy from a wide variety of faith traditions.
Click on any photo for a larger view.

LutherFest participants enjoyed great food, a green jello contest (left), entertainment by The Great Davidio (above right), and musicial selection by members of the congregation.
Click on any photo for a larger view.
Give Aloha Results Are In!
Thanks to all who participated in this year’s Give Aloha, Foodland’s Annual Community Matching Gifts Program. Customer donations for LCH totaled $3,937.00, generating matching gifts of $831.17 from Foodland. That’s a grand total of $4,768.17! Mahalo for your generosity.
An Easy Way to Donate
Did you know you can donate to Lutheran Church of Honolulu while shopping without spending any extra money? Shop at and increase donations to Lutheran Church of Honolulu! Any Amazon purchase can be made through LCH’s unique charity-link, which will take you directly to in support of LCH. Just type this URL in your browser and start shopping:
Offering Fund | Amount | Offering Fund | Amount |
Offering | $4,964 | Capital Improvements | $110 |
Music Fund/Instruments | $210 | Wounded Warriors | $120 |
Shallow Subsidy | $70 |
HeartBeat Deadline
Tuesday, November 21, 9:00 am
Amanda, Dainan and Romney, Dot, Foua, James C., Jennifer,
Karen, Keahi Y., Kim K., Kim V., Kirsten, Lee M., Marc V.,
Mark S., Micki S., Sara, Shirley, Swede, Vonia
Day | Date | Event and Time |
Thursday | November 2 | 10:00 am, Book of Faith Bible Study 6:15 pm, Confirmation Class 7:00 pm, LCH Choir Rehearsal |
Sunday | November 5 | Angel Network In-Gathering All Saints Sunday 8:00 am, Holy Communion 9:20 am, Sunday School/Adult Forum 10:30 am, Choral Eucharist 11:45 am, Leadership Roundtable |
7:30 pm, Compline | ||
Tuesday | November 7 | 2:30 pm, Holoholo Pickup 6:00 pm, Early Worship Ensemble Rehearsal |
Wednesday | November 8 | 12:30 pm, Finance Committee Meeting |
Thursday | November 9 | 10:00 am, Book of Faith Bible Study 6:15 pm, Confirmation Class 7:00 pm, LCH Choir Rehearsal |
Friday | November 10 | OFFICE CLOSED—Veterans’ Day |
Saturday | November 11 | 9:30 am, Process Thought Forum 7:30 pm, EMH Concert |
Sunday | November 12 | 8:00 am, Holy Communion 9:15 am, New Member Inquiry Class 9:20 am, Sunday School/Adult Forum 10:30 am, Choral Eucharist |
Monday | November 13 | 4:30 pm, Writers’ Workshop 6:00 pm, Early Worship Ensemble Rehearsal 6:00 pm, Worship & Music Mtg |
Thursday | November 16 | 10:00 am, Book of Faith Bible Study 6:15 pm, Confirmation Class 7:00 pm, LCH Choir Rehearsal |
Friday | November 17 | 1:00 pm, IHS Meals Prepared 5:30 pm, IHS Meals Served |
Sunday | November 19 | 8:00 am, Holy Communion 9:15 am, 1st Half Annual Meeting 9:15 am, New Member Inquiry Class 9:20 am, Sunday School/Adult Forum 10:30 am, Choral Eucharist 5:00 pm, Joint Evensong (St. Andrew’s Cathedral) 7:30 pm, Compline |
Monday | November 20 | 10:00 am, LCH Women’s Book Club 6:00 pm, Early Worship Ensemble Rehearsal |
Tuesday | November 21 | Heartbeat Deadline! 2:30 pm, Holoholo Pickup 6:30 pm, Council Meeting |
Wednesday | November 22 | 7:00 pm, Joint Thanksgiving Eve Service |
Thursday | November 23 | OFFICE CLOSED—Thanksgiving 4:00 pm, Thanksgiving Potluck |
Friday | November 24 | OFFICE CLOSED—Thanksgiving Holiday |
Saturday | November 25 | 9:30 am, One Pot One Hope |
Sunday | November 26 | 8:00 am, Holy Communion 9:15 am, New Member Inquiry Class 9:20 am, Sunday School/Adult Forum 10:30 am, Choral Eucharist 6:00 pm, Chamber Music Concert |
Monday | November 27 | 6:00 pm, Early Worship Ensemble Rehearsal 7:00 pm, LCH Choir Rehearsal |
Thursday | November 30 | 10:00 am, Book of Faith Bible Study 2:30 pm, Weekly Staff Meeting 6:15 pm, Confirmation Class 7:00 pm, LCH Choir Rehearsal |