In this issue:
- A Message from Pastor Jeff
- What’s Your Story?
- Stewardship Corner
- Ash Wednesday Worship
- Committee/Interest Group Chairs
- Book of Faith Bible Study
- Confirmation Preparation Classes
- In Stitches Meets Again!
- Angel Network In-Gathering
- Godly Play—Sunday School News
- Adult Forum/New Member Inquiry Class
- Leadership Roundtable
- Poetry Group
- Compline
- Lenten Soup and Salad Suppers
- Children’s Benefit Concert Cancelled
- Process Thought Forum
- Writers’ Workshop
- Holoholo Pick-Up
- IHS Meals Prepared and Served
- Food for Thought
- LCH Women’s Book Club
- One Pot, One Hope
- Mary Magdalene Society
- Join the Children at the Seder Meal
- Office Closed—Kūhiō Day
- New Call for Pastor Angela
- Easter Potluck April 16
- An Easy Way to Donate
- Anticipating a Big Celebration
- HeartBeat Deadline
- Electronic Funds Transfers for January
- Attendance and Offerings for February
- Prayer Requests
- March Birthdays
- LCH Worship Participants (8:00 am)
- LCH Worship Participants (Ash Wednesday Liturgy and 10:30 am)
- Calendar: March 2017
A Message from Pastor Jeff
As I sat waiting for a train at Union Station in Washington DC, the dull drone of automated announcements struggled to be heard over the din of panicking tourists, bored children, and laughing couples. “Please keep an eye on your valuables,” the voice repeated for the third time in ten minutes. “Unattended luggage will be confiscated and destroyed,” said the voice in a sweetly disarming tone, similar to the one your charming auntie uses when reminding you to eat your vegetables.
But then she said it—the phrase I would hear in every airport and see repeated on TSA signs across the country: “If you see something, say something.” On a screen across the way from where I was sitting, those words flashed followed by a cheesy video depicting nefarious creatures trying to sneak behind the secured luggage area and another discretely sketching the layout of the station in preparation for a terror attack. One actor asked too many strange questions, prompting the well-dressed businessman to call the police. As I watched it for the third time (I am prone to arriving at transit facilities much too early), I began to realize that both good sense and terrible truth require us to heed the advice, “If you see something, say something.”
First, good sense. Too often crimes, suspicious activities, and potential disasters have been allowed to happen because witnesses were too afraid, too self-absorbed, or too apathetic to respond. In 1934, Kitty Genovese was raped and murdered outside a New York apartment building. Thirty-eight people heard her screams, but no one called the police or came to her aid. She died alone, with her attacker being witnessed by furtive glances through drawn curtains. It became known as the crime that changed New York forever. If you see something, say something—someone is dying out there.
But there is a flip side to the good and common sense of the simple TSA message. The TSA warning, developed in response to the attacks on 9/11, gives evidence of the culture of fear that pervades our daily lives. Every backpack has the potential to be a pressure cooker bomb, a torn shoe sole might conceal an improvised explosive device. A campaign promoting travel safety has, in some cases, become a narrative for paranoia. In the pursuit of safety and security we give up joy and freedom.
Sadly, some have taken their fear to extremes. For some folks, just seeing a person who looks like they might be from the Middle East is cause enough to say something—usually something derogatory. The current political atmosphere feeds the paranoia to a fevered pitch. Certain immigrants are assumed to be like unattended luggage left in the airport—just plain dangerous.
While caution and alertness are great things, unbridled fear leads to internment camps, pogroms, isolationism, and racism—all antithetical to the Christian message of love. So let’s turn fear on its head. When the crowd gathered, stones-in-hand, around a woman caught in adultery, Jesus did not stand by and wait for crowd justice to reign. He said something—something quiet, deep, profound, convicting, and freeing. The crowd was released from their need to mete out punishment, and the woman was released from her guilt. Grace and love have power that drowns even the most stubborn fear.
So, where you see bigotry, say something. Where racism raises its ugly head, say something. When you see justice not being served, say something. Where policies and procedures serve the few at the expense of the poor, say something. When you see children hurt or neglected, say something.
If someone had said something—anything—when Kitty Genovese was being attacked, perhaps she might have lived to a ripe old age. Perhaps this Lent we need to be reminded of the love that God first gave us in creation and that survived an awful death on a cross. Perhaps we are called to say something in the face of fear and proclaim the love of God that is not constrained by race, or religion, or country of origin, political party, or sexuality, but recalls us to abundant life together, promised in Jesus Christ.
What’s Your Story?
Sharing stories of faith is an important and powerful spiritual exercise. Do you have a story to tell? You are invited to write a story to be shared on our community bulletin board.
- What is God up to in your life?
- How is God’s grace and hope bearing fruit for you and your community?
Every story will be posted, some will appear (with your permission) in the HeartBeat or e-News. Feeling particularly inspired? Once a month, beginning in March, we hope to have a member share their story during worship. Please submit stories to the LCH office or to Pastor Jeff.
Shallow Subsidy for Housing Assistance
Please keep your eyes and ears open for information about a Shallow Subsidy Project for the LCH community that will be introduced soon and launched at Easter!
Committee/Interest Group Chairs
Committee/Group | Leader |
Archive: | Jim Cartwright |
Concert: | Scott Fikse |
Communications: | Carol Langner |
Council: | Craig Clissold & Mary Fastenau |
Exploring Boundaries: | Carol Langner |
Fellowship: | Jeanne Castello & Mary-Jo Estes |
Finance: | Steve Miller |
Financial Review: | Ron Murashige |
Food for Thought: | Kathryn Klingebiel |
In Stitches: | Linda Miller |
Lay Ministers: | Carolyn Koehler |
Learning Ministry: | Fred Benco |
Mary Magdalene Society: | James Cartwright |
Process Theology: | Fritz Fritschel |
Property: | Jean-Paul Klingebiel & Greg Gebhardt |
Scholarship: | Fred Benco |
Social Ministry: | Jean Lilley |
Stewardship: | Pam Buckley |
Sunday School: | Laurie Leach |
Worship & Music: | Linda Miller & Randy Castello |
Writers’ Workshop: | Kathryn Klingebiel |
Youth: | Pr. Jeff Lilley |
Ash Wednesday Worship
Wednesday, March 1, 7:30 pm • Nave
Please join us for Ash Wednesday Worship in the Nave—a thoughtful, reflective way to begin the season of Lent. Weekly Lenten suppers and services will be held every Wednesday throughout the season.
Book of Faith Bible Study
Thursdays, 10:00–11:30 am • LCH Boardroom
The Book of Faith Bible study meets on Thursday mornings in the boardroom. All are welcome to join this lively discussion of the Biblical texts, relevant current events, and historical foundations. Please come for lively engaging fellowship and discussion!
Confirmation Preparation Classes
Thursdays, March 2, 9, 16, 23, & 30 • 6:15 pm • Rainbow Room
Confirmation is a voluntary for youth, grades 6 and up, who would like to confirm their faith. At baptism we promise to “place in (your child’s) hands the Holy Scripture and provide for their education in the Christian Faith.” In confirmation class we study scripture, the Reformation, and Christian history, but we are more interested in helping young people develop as persons of faith.
Confirmation classes are held on Thursday evenings and include dinner. If you’re interested in participating in confirmation preparation, please contact Pastor Jeff.
In Stitches Meets Again!
Saturday, March 4, 9:00 am • LCH Rainbow Room
In Stitches, the LCH craft group, will meet the first Saturday of the month month in the Rainbow Room. Come work on your craft project and enjoy the fellowship.
Angel Network In-Gathering
Sunday, March 5
On the first Sunday of each month, an in-gathering of food and personal items is collected at LCH for Angel Network, a ministry based out of Calvary-by-the-Sea Lutheran Church. The items are taken to Angel Network during the following week. Over 2,500 individuals are served monthly through this program. We are grateful for your generosity and support.
Godly Play—Sunday School News
Sunday Mornings 9:15–10:20 am
LCH offers Sunday school for children from kindergarten through senior high. The older children (grades 6–12) meet in the Rainbow room. The younger children (grades k–5) meet in the Godly Play room. All are welcome!
Below is the schedule of Godly Play stories for March:
- March 5—Change Paraments/The Mystery of Easter Puzzle
- March 12—The Faces of Easter I, II, III
- March 19—The Faces of Easter IV, V, VI
- March 26—Seder Meal
Adult Forum/New Member Inquiry Class
Sundays, March 5, 12, & 19, 9:15 am • LCH Boardroom
Please join Pastor Jeff and Fred Benco for an adult study/New Member Inquiry class entitled “Baptized We Live: Sacramental Living and Lutheran Life.” We will explore Lutheran theology, sacraments, and teaching through new eyes. This simple text invites us to see our Lutheran faith as a “Way of Seeing, A Way of Hearing, A Way of Teaching, and a Way of Following.” Anyone interested in exploring membership at LCH is especially invited to attend. Contact Pastor Jeff at if you have any questions.
Leadership Roundtable
Sunday, March 5, 11:45 am • LCH Boardroom
Committee chairs and team leaders, please plan to gather for a short (45 minute) meeting. This is an opportunity for us to sit down together and share information on what is happening with all the ministries at LCH. If you are a committee or team leader, please be prepared to share a little information on your activities with the group. Mahalo and see you there!
Poetry Group
Poetry group will not meet in March. We look forward to seeing everyone on the first Sunday of next month, April 2, prior to the Compline service, which begins at 7:30 pm.
Sunday, March 5, 7:30 pm
Join us for Compline, led a cappella by the LCH Men’s Schola. This is a peaceful experience of rejuvenation and prayer.
Lenten Soup and Salad Suppers
Wednesdays, March 8, 15, 22, 29 & April 5, 6:00 pm • Isenberg Hall
Please join in this wonderful time of fellowship and prayer, beginning each week with a simple soup and salad supper, Wednesday evenings during the season of Lent. Suppers will be served at 6:00 pm, prior to 7:00 pm Lenten Services. Our theme for services this year will be, A new heart I will give you, and a new spirit I will put within you, from Ezekiel 36:26.
A sign-up sheet will be available in the courtyard for contributions to each week’s meal and for help with set-up and clean-up. See Mary-Jo Estes or call the LCH office for more information.
Process Thought Forum
Saturday, March 11, at 9:30 am • LCH Boardroom
Process Forum has often focused on philosophical issues, theory, and concepts of process thought. Now we turn to a practical application of theory, with a look at how a composer uses these concepts in his approach to musical composition. It’s a fascinating look at the creative process, and how his approach connects him to the world beyond notes on the page. Find the article (and audio file) at:
Join us for a good discussion on process in daily living.
Children’s Benefit Concert Cancelled
Saturday, March 11 • 4:00 pm • LCH Nave
TThe Children’s Benefit Concert, originally scheduled for Saturday, March 11, has been cancelled. Unfortunately, there are not enough children available to perform this year.
Writers’ Workshop
Monday, March 13, 4:30–6:00 pm • LCH Boardroom
Writers’ Workshop will meet in the LCH Boardroom for our first meeting of the new year. Further meetings are planned for April 17, May 15, and June 12. All are welcome! For information, please call the LCH office at 808-941-2566.
Holoholo Pick-Up
Tuesdays, March 14 and 28, 2:30–4:00 pm • LCH Boardroom
Holoholo General Store is a Community Supported Agriculture organization, or csa, that works with the Lutheran Church to bring you fresh produce from multiple, local farms. To join or find more information visit their website
IHS Meals Prepared and Served
Friday, March 17, 1:30 pm prep/5:30 pm serve
For over 25 years, LCH has shopped for, prepared, and served a special dinner on the third Friday of each month for over 300 of Honolulu’s homeless. The cost is underwritten by the LCH budget and by a grant from the German Benevolent Society of Hawai‘i. Shoppers, cooks, and servers are needed each month. To learn more about the Institute for Human Services, visit their website at Contact the LCH office or speak to Jimmy Castro for more information.
Food for Thought
Saturday, March 18, 5:30–8:00 pm
The next gathering of Food for Thought has been scheduled to meet at the home of David Hormann. All are welcome for potluck supper, video, and discussion. For location details and other information, please call the LCH office at 808-941-2566.
LCH Women’s Book Club
Monday, March 20, 10:00 am
In March we meet at the Murashige’s to discuss The Unlikely Pilgrimage of Harold Fry by Rachel Joyce. In April we will discuss The Soul of An Octopus by Sy Montgomery. All are welcome.
One Pot, One Hope
Saturday, March 25, 10:00 am
A consistent group of LCH volunteers helps feed 100 to 125 people each month in Wai‘anae. Help support this mission outreach project by participating or by bringing donations of designated items—Costco gallon-sized cans of chili, fresh fruit, granola bars, bottled water, recycled grocery bags, and large cardboard boxes—or checks, payable to “One Pot, One Hope.” Bring donated items to church on the third Sunday of the month (March 19). See Peggy Anderson for more information, including volunteering and carpool.
Mary Magdalene Society
Saturday, March 25, 6:00 pm • Isenberg Hall
LGBTQI and friends, please join our potluck supper and games or video night in Isenberg Hall. Supper begins at 6:00 pm with games or video to follow. Set up begins at 5:30, and help is greatly appreciated. Please bring a food item to share.
For March we’re encouraging everyone to share their Lenten commitments with the group. Games and or videos are also welcome for after-dinner entertainment. If you are bringing a video, please let Jim Cartwright or Bill Potter know in advance so that we can line up the equipment for viewing.
For more information, contact Jim at Please share information of this gathering and an invitation to other LGBTQI and friends you know who may be interested in socializing with us.
Join the Children at the Seder Meal
Sunday, March 26, 9:20 am
Come join the Sunday school children at the Seder Meal in Isenberg Hall, between services. This is a traditional part of our Easter preparation at the Lutheran Church of Honolulu. It is the Old Testament remembrance of God’s special relationship with His people and His freeing of the Israelites from slavery in Egypt. Join us to learn more.
LCH Office Closed—Kūhiō Day
Monday, March 27
New Call for Pastor Angela
Congratulations to our former co-pastor, Angela Freeman-Riley, who began her new call on February 20, at Bethesda-on-the-Bay Lutheran Church in a suburb of Cleveland. The contact information for her new parish is: 28607 Wolf Road, Bay Village, OH 44140.
Easter Potluck April 16
Join in the fun of fellowship and food at the Easter Sunday potluck brunch, between services this Easter. All are welcome.
An Easy Way to Donate
Did you know you can donate to Lutheran Church of Honolulu while shopping without spending any extra money? Shop at and increase donations to Lutheran Church of Honolulu! Any Amazon purchase can be made through LCH’s unique charity-link, which will take you directly to in support of LCH. Just type this URL in your browser and start shopping:
Anticipating a Big Celebration: 500th Anniversary
The year 2017 marks the 500th anniversary of the traditional beginning of the Lutheran movement that started in Wittenberg, Germany, with the nailing of Luther’s 95 Theses to the door of that town’s church. This event inaugurated the period known as the Reformation, and its effects spread worldwide. Now we ask what our congregation can do to honor and celebrate that rich heritage? Ideas are already circulating, but there is certainly room for more. More definite plans will be elaborated after the first of the year. Meanwhile, let your own creative imagination suggest some activity or project that seems fitting for such a celebration.
Offering Fund | Amount | Offering Fund | Amount |
Offering | $5,035 | Capital Improvements | $107 |
Music Fund/Instruments | $100 | Wounded Warriors | $117 |
HeartBeat Deadline
Tuesday, March 21, 9:00 am
Amanda, Diane, Irene, Jeff S., Jonathan, Karen, Kathe,
Kirsten, Lee M., Leilani, Sara, Swede
03/05 | Hunter Nishimura |
03/06 | Nathalie Jones |
03/07 | Lillie Jones |
03/07 | Brian Weis |
03/18 | Ken Bauchle |
03/18 | Donald Womack |
03/23 | Nicholas Castello |
03/28 | Olivia Castro |
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Day | Date | Event and Time |
Wednesday | March 1 | Ash Wednesday 7:30 pm, Ash Wednesday Worship |
Thursday | March 2 | 10:00 am, Book of Faith Bible Study 2:30 pm, Weekly Staff Meeting 6:15 pm, Confirmation Class 7:00 pm, LCH Choir Rehearsal |
Saturday | March 4 | 9:00 am, In Stitches |
Sunday | March 5 | Angel Network In-Gathering 8:00 am, Holy Communion 9:20 am, Christian Education—all ages 10:30 am, Choral Eucharist 11:45 am, Leadership Roundtable 7:30 pm, Compline |
Monday | March 6 | 6:00 pm, Early Worship Ensemble Rehearsal |
Wednesday | March 8 | 12:30 pm, Finance Committee Meeting 6:00 pm, Lenten Soup & Salad Supper 7:00 pm, Lenten Service |
Thursday | March 9 | 10:00 am, Book of Faith Bible Study 2:30 pm, Weekly Staff Meeting 6:15 pm, Confirmation Class 7:00 pm, LCH Choir Rehearsal |
Saturday | March 11 | 9:30 am, Process Thought Forum 4:00 pm, Children’s Benefit Concert |
Sunday | March 12 | 8:00 am, Holy Communion 9:20 am, Christian Education—all ages 10:30 am, Choral Eucharist |
Monday | March 13 | 5:30 pm, Writers’ Workshop 6:00 pm, Worship & Music Meeting 7:00 pm, Early Worship Ensemble Rehearsal |
Tuesday | March 14 | 2:00 pm, Holoholo pick-up |
Wednesday | March 15 | 6:00 pm, Lenten Soup & Salad Supper 7:00 pm, Lenten Service |
Thursday | March 16 | 10:00 am, Book of Faith Bible Study 2:30 pm, Weekly Staff Meeting 6:15 pm, Confirmation Class 7:00 pm, LCH Choir Rehearsal |
Friday | March 17 | 1:00 pm, IHS Meals Prepared 5:30 pm, IHS Meals Served |
Sunday | March 19 | 8:00 am, Holy Communion 9:20 am, Christian Education—all ages 10:30 am, Choral Eucharist 7:30 pm, Women’s Compline Service |
Monday | March 20 | 10:00 am, LCH Women’s Book Club 6:00 pm, Early Worship Ensemble Rehearsal |
Tuesday | March 21 | HeartBeat Submissions Deadline 6:30 pm, LCH Council Meeting |
Wednesday | March 22 | 6:00 pm, Lenten Soup & Salad Supper 7:00 pm, Lenten Service |
Thursday | March 23 | 10:00 am, Book of Faith Bible Study 2:30 pm, Weekly Staff Meeting 6:15 pm, Confirmation Class 7:00 pm, LCH Choir Rehearsal |
Saturday | March 25 | 10:00 am, One Pot One Hope 6:00 pm, Mary Magdalene Society 7:30 pm, HPU Moonlight Serenade |
Sunday | March 26 | 8:00 am, Holy Communion 9:20 am, Children’s Seder Meal 10:30 am, Choral Eucharist |
Monday | March 27 | 6:00 pm, Early Worship Ensemble Rehearsal |
Tuesday | March 28 | 2:30 pm, Holoholo Pick-up |
Wednesday | March 29 | 6:00 pm, Lenten Soup & Salad Supper 7:00 pm, Lenten Service |
Thursday | March 30 | 10:00 am, Book of Faith Bible Study 2:30 pm, Weekly Staff Meeting 6:15 pm, Confirmation Class 7:00 pm, LCH Choir Rehearsal |