In this issue:
- A Message from Pastor Angela
- Stewardship Corner
- Committee/Interest Group Chairs
- Council Highlights from September
- A Note from our Treasurer
- Director of Worship and Music Search Committee Update
- Adult Form—Dante and Sin
- Holoholo Pick-Up
- Process Thought Forum
- LCH Night at Hawai‘i Public Radio
- O‘ahu Youth Gathering
- Raphael Sings on TV
- Teen Confirmation Classes
- LutherFest!
- Exploring Boundaries…and Beyond
- Writers’ Workshop
- One Pot, One Hope
- Food for Thought
- Welcome Back Pastor Jeff and Jean Lilley
- Hukilau Fall Assembly
- O Antiphons—Mahalo!
- Pianos for Sale
- In Stitches, In Session
- Book of Faith Bible Study
- Mahalo!
- Heavenly Humor
- Heart Beat Deadline
- Attendance and Offerings for September
- Prayer Requests
- October Birthdays
- LCH Worship Participants (8:00 am)
- LCH Worship Participants (10:30 am)
- Calendar: October 2014
A Message from Pastor Angela
Not just the future…
October marks the beginning of a new season for Lutheran Church of Honolulu in that the Stewardship Team will lead us through a yearlong stewardship program. Each month, we will focus on a different aspect of our lives, as individuals and as a congregation, giving thanks for gifts, celebrating our accomplishments, and seeking new ways to care for all that God has created.
You will be offered a chance to reflect and pray over newsletter articles, bulletin announcements, temple talks, special education efforts, and other special offerings that highlight a particular gift and the monthly focuses.
This effort begins in October with “Stewardship of our Keiki”—the stewardship of our children. Thank you to Auntie Linda Miller who provided the newsletter article sharing specifics about how we as a congregation celebrate and support our children. Surely, you are not surprised that this month’s focus is near and dear to me. As a congregation, you call me to focus on our family ministries and specifically to support the children’s ministries.
I am certain you’ve heard the statement, “The children are the future of the Church.” I would like to gently request that if this is a phrase you use, you discard it and not use it again.
Of course, we would like to see these young people remain in the church and be there for years to come. So, in some sense, they are the future. Proverbs 22:6 tells us, “Train a child in the way he/she should go and when he/she is old he will not turn from it.” Even scripture supports this thinking to some extent.
My problem with the statement is that, while it is well meaning, it disparages young people in our midst as being currently unimportant. Of course, none of us would say that out loud and mean it. We would like to think we value our children, right? Let’s just claim it! The children of the congregation—young children and teens alike—are vitally important members of our community today!
When we offer quality ministry for young people and their families, we are investing more than ”money in the bank” in hope that the young ones will “stick” with the church and not leave. Rather, when we foster the faith of young people and provide meaningful and fruitful ministries for and with them, we value them today.
As adults, we have the opportunity to learn from children and teens. Spend a half hour with a young person, and you will be challenged, you will see the world and experience what is around you in ways you otherwise would not. The curiosity of a child represents a value that we adults have often let go of, but we can be re-taught and reminded.
I am so grateful to be part of a congregation that takes this seriously enough to take the risk of calling in a second pastor in order to support faith development for families and young people. This month, I pray that you take time to get to know one young person in our congregation that you do not already know. Learn more about what we as a congregation are doing to minister with young children and teens. Ponder what you might do to help and support this vital and important part of who we are as a congregation. And, Celebrate! Give thanks for the talented boys, girls, and young men and women who are with us now and who have grown up here!
Through us adults, may the young people around us always know they are beloved children of God and an integral part of our current life as a family of faith in Jesus Christ.
“People were bringing little children to Jesus to have him touch them, but the disciples rebuked them. When Jesus saw this, he was indignant. He said to them, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these. I tell you the truth, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it.” And he took the children in his arms, put his hands on them and blessed them.”—Mark 10:13-16
Yours on the journey,
Pastor Angela
Committee/Interest Group Chairs
Committee/Group | Leader |
Archive: | Jim Cartwright |
Audit: | Randy Castello |
Concert: | Miguel Felipe |
Communications: | Carol Langner |
Council: | April Smith |
Exploring Boundaries: | Carol Langner |
Fellowship: | Jeanne Castello & Mary-Jo Estes |
Finance: | Gary Brauer |
Food for Thought: | Kathryn Klingebiel |
In Stitches: | Linda Miller |
Lay Ministers: | Carolyn Koehler |
Learning Ministry: | Fred Benco |
Mary Magdalene Society: | Robert Zimmer & Francisco Barajas |
Process Theology: | The Rev. Fritz Fritschel |
Property: | Jean-Paul Klingebiel & April Smith |
Scholarship: | Fred Benco |
Social Ministry: | Jean Lilley |
Stewardship: | Pam Buckley |
Sunday School: | Laurie Leach |
Worship & Music: | Linda Miller |
Writers’ Workshop: | Kathryn Klingebiel |
Youth: | Pr. Angela Freeman |
Stewardship of Keiki
The stewardship of our keiki (children) is a perfect example of a place where the people of LCH uses all three aspects of stewardship—time, talent, and money. There are many ways we support our keiki: children’s conversations with the pastors during the service, confirmation classes, O‘ahu Youth Group, OYEA, summer camps, and of course Sunday morning fellowship.
Every Sunday morning, the people of LHC provide a nurturing Christian environment for children from infancy through high school.
We have paid professional nursery attendants for the youngest children, 0 to 4, available all of Sunday morning. This is a commitment on the part of LCH to support the young families as a part of our church community.
Godly Play is an exciting new curriculum we started this year for children kindergarten through fifth grade. This has only been possible because members of the congregation have used their time and talents to make it happen. Being good stewards, we applied for and received grants for some of the cost of setting up this program, but even so it has taken commitment from the congregation. We now have ten people on the Godly Play team sharing the work and the joy of presenting our Christian heritage in a lively manner to our children.
The older children, grades six through twelve, meet in the Rainbow Room on Sunday morning. These older children are led into discussions about their faith in God through Jesus and how that faith guides them in the world. We have four adults committed to help guide these discussion. LCH has invested in support materials including videos to help stimulate discussion. We could use more people willing to use their time and talents with these young people.
On October 19 we will have our annual Children’s Sabbath. You will see our keiki give back to the congregation using their time and talents. They have been supported in their faith journey by the congregation, so now they can turn around and bless us. By being good stewards we are creating good stewards.
Since 2005 the keiki of LCH have hosted an annual benefit concert during Lent. The first several years they challenged the congregation, their friends and their families to be better stewards of the world by encouraging donations of a dollar a day during Lent (or $40) toward the gift of an ark of animals through Heifer International. Last year they changed the beneficiary of their concert to ELCA Good Gifts.
Each spring, the keiki of LCH have been faithful supporters of Faith in Arts Sunday, displaying their art alongside other artists for the congregation to enjoy. They have also shared their dramatic talents with LCH several times over the year by presenting skits during worship through the Spiritual Kids Interpreting Scripture Through Skits (S.K.I.T.S.).
LCH is truly blessed to create good stewards by being good stewards.
Council Highlights from September
- Pastor Jeff will be welcomed home during an expanded fellowship hour between morning services on Sunday, October 26. Please plan to attend.
- Treasurer Gary Brauer reported that member and plate offerings were at 88% of our budgeted amount for the month of August.
- Student parking for Punahou students is at 100 percent capacity for this semester, with a waiting list already established for next spring, summer, and fall.
- Christianson Educators are expanding facility use to access of three rooms at LCH on weekdays and request the possibility of using one room on Saturdays.
- The Music Director Search Committee met Saturday, September 20, to determine candidates to consider for interviews.
- The Sabbatical Project Committee received minimal responses to the letters sent to community leaders and church leaders. However, Dole Head Start and Hawaii Community Action Program are both possibilities for our project.
- Dori Palcovich volunteered to join the Financial Review Committee. Mahalo, Dori!
- Council approved a new job description for combining custodian and groundskeeper into one position.
- Kunkelworks agreed to a four-month refund plan to reimburse our deposit for roofing project materials we were unable to use.
- Council voted to pursue a contract with EcoShade for installation of an adjustable, louvered roofing system for the Hörmann Courtyard. Specific concerns regarding permitting, payments, warranties, and gutters will be addressed with the company before a contract is finalized. Estimated total cost is approximately $39,000, all-inclusive. The structure has a 35-year warranty, with materials warranted for 10 years. Construction time is estimated to be only five days once permits are acquired.
A Note from our Treasurer
It’s time to start the budget process for 2015. Committee chairs, please submit your committee budget proposals if you have not done so already. I will then begin to finalize a proposed budget for the congregation in November.
Base your proposals on your committee’s vision of its part of the ministry at LCH for the coming year. We are in an exciting time of seeking God’s will for our ministry at LCH. I look forward to dynamic and inspired proposals.
God bless you through this process,
Gary Brauer, Treasurer
Director of Worship and Music Search Committee Update
The committee met Saturday, September 20, to review the nine application packets received by the deadline of September 19. Applications were reviewed by committee members before and during the meeting. After devotions and prayer, the committee narrowed the candidate pool to four. Each of the four is invited to submit specific worship materials showing their skills in planning worship for our faith community. After materials are received, the team will reconvene and continue the process by scheduling interviews with top candidates. The committee invites to you to continue to pray for the process, committee members’ discernment, and the individual candidates.
Adult forum—Dante and Sin
Sundays, 9:20 am in the Boardroom
Members and friends are invited to Adult Forum. We continue our series of discussions about “sin” as envisioned by Italian poet Dante Alighieri in his Inferno. As Dante continues his descent into the inferno with his guide Virgil, he vividly describes each circle and what the sins are in each circle. Dante even places several popes in lower circles! Please join us on our journey with Dante on Sunday mornings.
Holoholo Pick-Up
Thursday, October 2, 16, & 30, 2:00–4:00 pm
The Holoholo General Store is a Community Supported Agriculture organization, or csa, that works with the Lutheran Church to bring you fresh produce from multiple, local farms. If you are interested in their farm-fresh local produce offerings, check out their website at for price ranges and sign-up instructions.
Process Thought Forum
Saturday, October 4, 9:30–11:00 am
The Process Thought group will meet in the Boardroom of LCH. The article selected from the website “Jesus, Jazz and Buddhism” is written by John Cobb and entitled Five Foundations for a New Civilization. Special attention will be given to the Cobb’s fifth point addressing morality. What is the basis and nature of goodness and morality? Cobb is known as a premier representative of the Process Perspective of viewing our world. Join us for lively and provocative discussion.
LCH Night at Hawai‘i Public Radio
Saturday, October 4, 6:00–8:00 pm at HPR
It’s that time again. Hawai‘i Public Radio’s fall fund drive begins in the first week of October. LCH has volunteered to person the phones for that most- Lutheran of all radio broadcasts, A Prairie Home Companion. There will probably be tuna hotdish, and who knows what other delicacies.
Please contact Bill Potter through the Church Office (808-941-2566) or by email ( to be a part of this fun evening. We’ll answer the phones, take pledges, and enjoy each other’s company.
We will also put an “LCH Challenge” on the table, with money contributed by parishoners. Our gift challenges other Lutherans in the community to call in their pledge. Let Bill know if you want to contribute.
Raphael Sings on TV
Sunday, October 12, 6:30 pm on KHON2
Tune in to watch Raphael’s September 21 performance in the finals of Hawai‘i Keiki Stars! Raphael didn’t win the big prize, but this little “Michael Jackson” went home with gifts and lots of hugs for a job well done! Thanks to the LCH fans who waved signs and cheered him on from the crowd!
Teen Confirmation Classes
Sunday, October 12, 3:30 to 5:00 pm
Teens in grades 6 to 9 gather with Pastor Angela to explore and learn more about the Bible, core Lutheran concepts, and other important foundations of faith. If you or your teenager would like to participate in confirmation class, please contact the pastor directly or call the church office.
Saturday, October 18 October 25, 5:30–8:30 pm
LutherFest has been rescheduled to Saturday, October 25, because of the uncertain weather from Tropical Storm Ana.
Join us for our annual celebration of our Lutheran heritage. Gather at 5:30 pm for pupus and drinks. Beer and LCH wine will be available for donation in the Hörmann Courtyard Biergarten. Non-alcoholic beverages will also be served.
Dinner follows at 6:00 pm with bratwurst and buns. Please add to our buffet by bringing a German side dish, if possible, to compliment the wieners. Suggestions are spatzle, German potato salad, sauerbraten, sauerkraut, potato pancakes, apple strudel, etc. If German cuisine isn’t your thing, whatever you bring will be welcome at the buffet table.
This year’s contest will be to create an edible dish using pretzels. This may include homemade pretzels, pretzel bread, or any creation using pretzels. Judging is based on presentation, taste, use of pretzels, and Lutheran heritage. Please bring your entries before 6:00 pm. Post a placard on the dish showing the name of your creation and any ingredients that may cause allergy. Put your name on the back of the card. Be creative—you won’t believe the recipes found online.
Nursery care is available from 6:00 to 8:30 pm, so please bring your kiddies. We are looking for volunteers to set-up tables and chairs and those who will provide kitchen cleanup. To assist, look for the sign-up sheets or see Mary Jo Estes.
We hope you and your friends will join us in fellowship for this event!
Exploring Boundaries & Beyond: Chemical Elements—The Stuff of Stars
Presented by Dr. Art Mori • Sunday, October 19, 6:00-7:15 pm—Postponed because of Tropical Storm Ana
In the most simplistic terms—“in the beginning”—the Big Bang produced lots of hydrogen. But where did all the other chemical elements come from? Dr. Mori presents a fascinating look at the chemical evolution of the universe, a detailed consideration of the astrophysical processes responsible for nucleosynthesis (the formation of elements). Beginning with the Big Bang and proceeding to present day, these processes have constructed our universe and our very beings. Dr. Mori will also introduce us to atomic structure and a few of the myriad sub-atomic particles. What kind of energy does it take to hold these particles, and our universe, together?
Art Mori, PhD, is Emeritus Professor of Chemistry at Chaminade University. He holds degrees in chemical engineering (BE, Yale); education (Diploma, UC Berkeley) and physical organic chemistry (PhD, University of Hawai‘i, Mānoa). At Chaminade, Dr. Mori also taught courses on the geology of the Hawaiian Islands.
Evening Prayer follows at 7:30 pm.
Writers’ Workshop
Monday, October 20, 7:00–8:30 pm
Writers’ Workshop will have its next get-together on Monday, October 20, at LCH. For information, please contact Kathryn Klingebiel through the Church Office (808-941-2566).
One Pot, One Hope
Saturday, October 25, 10:00 am
A consistent group of LCH volunteers helps feed 100 to 125 people each month in Wai‘anae. Help support this mission outreach project by participating or by bringing donations of designated items—Costco gallon-sized cans of chili, fresh fruit, granola bars, bottled water, recycled grocery bags, and large cardboard boxes—or checks, payable to “One Pot, One Hope.” Bring donated items to church on the third Sunday of the month. See Peggy Anderson for more information, including volunteering and carpool.
Food for Thought
Saturday, October 25 November 15, 6:30 pm
The next Food for Thought will take place at the home of Irmgard Hörmann. All are welcome for potluck supper, video, and discussion. For information, please contact Kathryn Klingebiel through the Church Office (808-941-2566).
Welcome Back Pastor Jeff and Jean Lilley
Reformation Sunday • October 26
Reformation Sunday is Pastor Jeff’s first Sunday back after his three month sabbatical. We hope you’ll join us for worship that day to welcome him and Jean back to LCH! You’re invited to bring them lei or another sign of your aloha. A special fellowship hour will be offered between worship services that Sunday as well. If you would like to help with the fellowship hour, you are invited to call the office and let us know. Welcome back Pastor Jeff and Jean!
Don’t’ forget that the color for Reformation Sunday is red!
Hukilau Fall Assembly
Saturday, November 1, 10:00 am–3:00 pm
The Hukilau Conference will hold its Fall Assembly at Christ Lutheran Church, 95-1361 Meheula Drive, Mililani. Each O‘ahu congregation is encouraged to send at least the pastor and five lay members to the assembly. Neighbor-island congregations are asked to bring the pastor and two lay members.
In addition to normal agenda items, the conference will spend the bulk of the time in what the Pacifica Synod is calling Walking Into the Future Together. It is described as “a process of taking stock of the synod’s goals and priorities, which will help us better understand the traits we need in the new bishop as we go through the nomination and election process.” Election of a new bishop will take place at the Synod Assembly in May 2016.
Lunch will be provided by Christ Lutheran Church. Each person attending is asked to bring $10 to help cover costs. We are asked to contact the CLC office no later than Monday, October 27, with the number of people who will attend from our congregation, and to advise any special dietary requests. Please contact Pastor Angela if you are interested in attending.
O Antiphons—Mahalo!
New Sacred Music for Advent
The Cantata Project—an LCH initiative designed to foster and perform new major works of sacred music—announces its second project: The O Antiphons by Zachary Wadsworth. Zach is known to some as the composer of the stunning St. John Passion sung at LCH on Good Friday in 2013 and 2014. The O Antiphons will premiere in our 40th annual Advent Procession on Sunday, November 30. As of September 21 we have reached our goal to raise $3,500 for this project. Thank you for your generosity and see you at Advent Procession!
O Sapientia—O Wisdom | Commission: Langer/Fritschel |
O Adonai—O Lord | Commission: Schweitzer |
O Radix Jesse—O Root of Jesse | Commission: Castro |
O Clavis David—O Key of David | Commission: Shimada |
O Oriens—O Dayspring | Commission: Klingebiel |
O Rex Gentium—O King of Nations | Commission: Castello |
O Emmanuel—O God With Us | Commission: Felipe/Gould |
Pianos for Sale
LCH is selling our two pianos to make way for Mark Wong’s beautiful grand piano, a long-term loan to the congregation. Our Grotrian grand piano was the generous gift of the Millers but needs repairs and is better suited to a private home or school setting. The large, upright Yamaha, was bequeathed in 2014 by Paul Bornand. It is in excellent working order. Please refer anyone interested to Miguel Felipe, Michael Bartels, or Mark Wong.
In Stitches, In Session
Summer was so busy we were unable to have a table for ribbon lei making after service. Once or twice a month this fall a table will be set up between services for socializing and lei making. Look for it to pop up every once in a while in the courtyard. Crafters wanting to make lei at home can pick up ribbon at the table.
Book of Faith Bible Study
If you are looking for a way to get plugged into the LCH community, or have yet to find a Bible Study group, don’t forget about our Book of Faith Bible Study! Come join the lively discussion Thursday mornings at 10:00 am in the Boardroom!
Thanks to all who donated tools for the LCH toolbox. Your generosity was overwhelming! Special thanks for the donation of a Home Depot gift card. We are so blessed!

by the Rev. Jay Sidebotham © The Church Pension Fund. Used by permission.
HeartBeat Deadline
Next HeartBeat Deadline is Tuesday, October 21!
Akiyo | Edward | Jeff |
Bob R. | Fay | Jerry |
Bob Z. | Gene | Karen |
Denise | Irmgard | Melissa |
Diane | Jason | Sylvia |
Tami and the Averett family |
Day | Date | Event and Time |
Wednesday | October 1 | 6:00 pm, Sabbatical Task Force Meeting |
Thursday | October 2 | 10:00 am, Book of Faith Bible Study 2:00 pm, Holoholo Pickup 2:30 pm, Weekly Staff Meeting 7:00 pm, LCH Choir Rehearsal |
Saturday | October 4 | 9:30 am, Process Thought Forum |
Sunday | October 5 | 8:00 am, Contemporary Worship 9:20 am, Christian Education for all ages 10:30 am, Traditional Eucharist 5:00 pm, O‘ahu Youth Gathering 7:00 pm, Poetry Group 7:30 pm, Evening Prayer |
Monday | October 6 | 5:30 pm, Stewardship Team Meeting 6:30 pm, Worship & Music Meeting |
Wednesday | October 8 | 12:30 pm, Finance Committee Meeting |
Thursday | October 9 | 10:00 am, Book of Faith Bible Study 2:30 pm, Weekly Staff Meeting 7:00 pm, LCH Choir Rehearsal |
Sunday | October 12 | 8:00 am, Contemporary Worship 9:20 am, Christian Education for all ages 10:30 am, Traditional Eucharist 3:30 pm, Confirmation Class |
Monday | October 13 | Office Closed—Discoverers Day |
Thursday | October 16 | 10:00 am, Book of Faith Bible Study 2:00 pm, Holoholo Pickup 2:30 pm, Weekly Staff Meeting 7:00 pm, LCH Choir Rehearsal |
Friday | October 17 | 1:00 pm, IHS Meals Prepared 5:30 pm, IHS Meals Served |
Saturday | October 18 | 5:30 pm, LutherFest!—Postponed until October 25 |
Sunday | October 19 | 8:00 am, Contemporary Worship 9:20 am, Christian Education for all ages 10:30 am, Traditional Eucharist 6:00 pm, Exploring Boundaries & Beyond—Postponed because of Tropical Storm Ana 7:30 pm, Evening Prayer |
Monday | October 20 | 7:00 pm, Writers’ Workshop |
Tuesday | October 21 | November Heartbeat Deadline! 6:00 pm, Executive Council Meeting 6:30 pm, Council Meeting |
Thursday | October 23 | 10:00 am, Book of Faith Bible Study 2:30 pm, Weekly Staff Meeting 7:00 pm, LCH Choir Rehearsal |
Saturday | October 25 | 10:00 am, One Pot One Hope 5:30 pm, LutherFest! 6:30 pm, Food for Thought—Postponed until November 15 |
Sunday | October 26 | 8:00 am, Contemporary Worship 9:20 am, Christian Education for all ages 10:30 am, Traditional Eucharist |
Monday | October 27 | 9:30 am, LCH Book Club |
Thursday | October 30 | 10:00 am, Book of Faith Bible Study 2:00 pm, Holoholo Pickup 2:30 pm, Weekly Staff Meeting 7:00 pm, LCH Choir Rehearsal |