In this issue:
- A Message from Pastor Angela
- Congregational Sabbatical Project
- Aloha…Again!
- Food for Thought
- Evening Prayer
- Writers’ Workshop
- Council Highlights from June
- Godly Play comes to LCH
- Hörmann Courtyard Covering Report
- What’s New on the LCH Website?
- Committee/Interest Group Chairs
- Larry Anderson—July’s Volunteer Honoree!
- LCH participates in Honolulu Pride Parade
- HeartBeat Deadline
- Attendance and Offerings for June
- Prayer Requests
- Office Closed Friday, July 4
- July Birthdays
- LCH Worship Participants (9:15 am)
- Calendar: July 2014
A Message from Pastor Angela
Discernment & Sabbatical Project
As individuals and as a congregation, we’re always making decisions. All of us are constantly having to make choices, great and small, and these choices make up the pattern of our lives. How we discern which of the options before us represents the “will of God for our lives” is a key facet of faith. It is much easier to decide our own wants and likes rather than listening deeply to God’s desire.
For a number of weeks, we as a congregation have been discussing what our congregational sabbatical project might look like during the three months Pastor Jeff will be away beginning July 17. As a congregation we have an opportunity to undertake a particular task—a project—that we will work on together during Pastor Jeff’s absence.
Why would a congregation do such a thing? There are multiple reasons. First of all, this is a bit more of a goal-oriented kind of project. The project could be something that we are able to do together during Pastor Jeff’s sabbatical—something we can accomplish together, allowing us to grow in relationships and faith. It could be something that we then look back upon together with Pastor Jeff when he returns.
It could be and should be a springboard to the next stages of ministry that we undertake at LCH. But, keep in mind it should be something achievable and accomplish-able during the time he is not with us.
A specific project creates an opportunity for the congregation to deepen its relationships within its own community, an opportunity to deepen relationships with our wider community, and certainly an opportunity for us to deepen our relationship with God. When Pastor Jeff returns in October, we will re-engage together with him—sharing what we have learned with him. In turn, he will share with us what he has learned and how he has grown, rested, and deepened his relationships. You might ask, why are we taking so much time to discern our project? Maybe even, why are we belaboring the decision about what we’re going to do?
The bottom line is that your leaders and I desire that we truly discern together to follow God’s leading and God’s desires for us.
One member who attended the first discernment session on Sunday, June 8, said to me, “Pastor, when I went into the conversation, I thought I knew exactly what we should be doing. But after really listening to what everyone had to say, I left with absolutely no idea what the project should be!”
In discernment, it is okay to be rattled and uncertain. It is normal not to have clear- cut answers for a little while. It can be very uncomfortable to let the Spirit work and really listen, sitting in the place of uncertainty. But in time, with careful listening and attention, one can learn to better recognize the movements of the Spirit in one’s prayer as one considers the choices that lie ahead.
Answering the question: “What does God desire for my life? Or for the life of the congregation?” is very different than just saying, “What do I want/like/need.”
It is important in discernment to remember that we are not called to do everything. Even when a need exists and we are qualified to meet it, we are not necessarily called to respond to it. Just because it seems logical for us to do it or because it is a good thing to do or because we can do it better than anyone else, it does not mean that God is calling us to do it. Sensitive listening is needed. Perhaps someone else is meant to do this task.
Every true call is a call to obey God. God’s call requires a response. It demands that we take on some responsibility or task. But it is more than simply “carrying out an order” as if we were soldiers responding to our commander. It engages our creativity as well as our obedience. When we receive a call, it is like being given a set of building blocks and being encouraged to see what we can make with them. God promises to work with us in this process by guiding and directing us.
God not only calls us, but God also empowers us. Awareness of a call may give rise to feelings of inadequacy (e.g., Moses, Jeremiah, Isaiah). But God empowers us for every task to which we are called, even though the power may come only as we respond to the call.
So, onward we go, continuing in prayerful discernment trusting the Spirit’s leading.
Yours on the journey,
Pastor Angela
Congregational Sabbatical Project
As Pastor Jeff Lilly takes his three-month Sabbatical, starting July 17, the congregation is charged with taking on a special project of the their choosing. The ideas generated by our LCH ‘ohana are gradually taking shape as a result of the meetings after the June 8 and 15 services, which were attended by over thirty people and facilitated by Jim Niermann and Olivia Castro. The congregation will be asked to participate in some manner—whether through study, prayer, connecting to the community, leadership, or other action.
Per Jim’s excellent summary: “The emerging goal is to learn about ourselves and our neighborhood, identify neighborhood needs that we can serve, and start to develop a project or program to meet those needs. By the end of our project we will know what we are called to do in service to Christ’s community—our neighborhood.” The project will entail the following:
Study: Inform ourselves about how a church can be deeply involved in its neighborhood. Two suggested books are Reclaiming the E Word: Waking Up to Our Evangelical Identity by Kelly A. Fryer and Paul Sparks and a new book by Tim Soerens and Dwight Friesen called The New Parish: How Neighborhood Churches Are Transforming Mission, Discipleship and Community.
Listen: Gather information about neighborhood needs within a two-mile radius of LCH. Meet with non-profits and leaders of the neighborhood to learn what the issues, concerns, and needs are. Partner with other neighborhood churches in this process. As the opportunity arises, talk with our neighbors about what they see as needs.
Do: Discern what it is that LCH can do to make a difference in our neighborhood. Define what we are going to act on. This could be something done in partnership with another organization or something unique to LCH.
What is your feedback on this project? What time and talents can you offer in support of it? What organizations or leaders do you recommend to gather information about our neighborhood?
At its June 17 meeting, the council decided to establish a Sabbatical Project Steering Committee. We are seeking volunteers and ask you to contact Jim Niermann, Olivia Castro, April Smith, or any council member through the church office’s email.
Let us joyfully embrace God’s call to serve Christ’s community—our neighborhood.
A message from your Parish Coordinator
After resigning nearly a year ago to take some time to travel throughout the U.S., I’ve finally returned to Hawai‘i. As many of you may have noticed, I am once again serving as your parish coordinator in the LCH office. Due to some unforeseen staffing changing, I’ve been asked to return to this position over the summer to help stabilize the office while Pastor Jeff is away on sabbatical and then assist with hiring and training your next parish administrator. Feel free to stop by the office or give me a call if I haven’t had the chance to say hello yet!
When I said my farewells to you all nine months ago, I never predicted I’d be given the opportunity serve in this position again. It was an incredibly hard decision to leave you at the time, and I am more than grateful to be given a “second chance” at serving this congregation. I had the experience of a lifetime house-sitting my way around the U.S. this past year, and I thank you all for the prayers and support you’ve given me along the way. It was a wonderful adventure, but it is equally wonderful to be back home in Hawai‘i and home at LCH.
Thank you for the opportunity, I am thrilled to be back, and hope to do my best in assisting LCH during this transitional time.
Mahalo and aloha!
Sarah Roseberg, Parish Coordinator
Food for Thought
Saturday, August 23
The next meeting of Food for Thought will take place on Saturday, August 23, at 6:30 pm at the home of Irmgard Hörmann. All are welcome for potluck supper, video, and discussion. For information, please contact Kathryn Klingebiel through the Church Office (808-941-2566).
Evening Prayer on Sabbatical
During the months of June, July and August, Evening Prayer will take a break from meeting its usual first and third Sundays. We pray that you will have a blessed and restful summer.
Writers’ Workshop
August 25, 7:00–8:30 pm
Writers’ Workshop will have its next get-together on Monday, August 25, from 7:00 to 8:30 pm at LCH. For information, please contact Kathryn Klingebiel through the Church Office (808-941-2566).
Council Highlights from June
- Dori Palcovich was appointed to fill the council position vacated by Kirstin Yost due to relocation. Welcome and mahalo, Dori!
- Current level of giving is significantly below budgeted amount. Additional information from the Treasurer will be published in the August HeartBeat.
- Thank you notes received from Christianson Educators and its students expressing their appreciation for the rental use of our facilities. The tutors and students are very thankful for the convenient, safe, and welcoming atmosphere that LCH provides.
- Mahalo to Karyn Castro for providing excellent short-term coverage as parish administrator! We are blessed to have Sarah Roseberg back for the summer as we prepare to hire a new administrator. Council reviewed updated job description for the position.
- Aloha Roofing will be contracted for the installation of the courtyard covering at a cost of $24,000.
- A leadership team from within the congregation will be recruited for the Sabbatical Project. Our thanks to Olivia Castro and Jim Niermann for all their work so far in organizing the listening process.
- A task force consisting of a diverse group from the congregation will be established to aid in the hiring process for a new music director.
Godly Play comes to LCH
Godly Play is a time-tested Sunday School curriculum. It was developed by an Episcopal minister and has been used for thirty years by many congregations all over the world. The hour of Sunday School is divided into twenty-minute segments. The storyteller presents a story, the children have time for an artistic response, and finally everyone gathers for a “feast” that includes prayer and fellowship.
Godly Play Room is a sacred space. In the Godly Play program the church sets up a room where the children are literally surrounded by objects that tell the sacred stories of the Bible and stories of liturgical actionsthat are part of church worship. The children learn that this space is for them and their spiritual development.
Godly Play is beautiful. Stories are told with handmade objects of natural materials and copies of great works of art. The room is welcoming and enticing. It is a place where the children wish to linger and explore, going deeper into what is interesting them.
Godly Play is fun! The students are encouraged to make their own artistic response to the story in drawing or clay, to look at a book, to do a puzzle, or to retell a story using the objects on the shelves. With scripted storytelling and artistic activities, teachers and the students discover the joy and wonder of our Christian heritage.
If you think you might want to help as Godly Play becomes a reality at LCH, talk to Pastor Angela or Linda Miller about joining our team. There will be a storyteller’s training in August if you feel your gift might be to present the stories.
Hörmann Courtyard Covering Report
February 2014:
- Drafting Solutions, LLC (Bryan Miyasaki) was contracted to draft the design for installation and to begin permitting process with City and County of Honolulu.
March 2014:
- Building permit application was submitted to City and County of Honolulu.
- Order was placed for materials with KunkelWorks (balance due on delivery: $8,000).
April/May/June 2014:
- Notified by City and County that a minor modification to our existing conditional use permit (CUP) was necessary.
- Letter received from City and County on May 28 deemed minor modification already existed from 2003 renovation plans and permit check was returned to LCH.
- KunkelWorks notified LCH of delivery of materials at end of July.
- Bids for installation were received:
- Edi Arellano/ Luis Avalos: $11,700
- Brad Cole: $15,500
- Aloha Roofing: $24,083.76
- Michael Coulson: $50,104.69
- Council approved Aloha Roofing installation contract.
Project Accounting:
Estimated total cost of project: $51,922
Total funds available to start: $35,858
Total expenses to date (June 15, 2014): $19,422
Total remaining expenses: $32,500
Total additional funds needed for completion: $16,064
Committee/Interest Group Chairs
Committee/Group | Leader |
Archive: | Jim Cartwright |
Audit: | Randy Castello |
Concert: | Miguel Felipe |
Communications: | Carol Langner |
Council: | April Smith |
Exploring Boundaries: | Carol Langner |
Fellowship: | Jeanne Castello & Mary-Jo Estes |
Finance: | Gary Brauer |
Food for Thought: | Kathryn Klingebiel |
In Stitches: | Linda Miller |
Lay Ministers: | Carolyn Koehler |
Learning Ministry: | Fred Benco |
Mary Magdalene Society: | Robert Zimmer & Francisco Barajas |
Process Theology: | The Rev. Fritz Fritschel |
Property: | Jean-Paul Klingebiel & April Smith |
Scholarship: | Fred Benco |
Social Ministry: | Jean Lilley |
Stewardship: | Pam Buckley |
Sunday School: | Laurie Leach |
Worship & Music: | Linda Miller |
Writers’ Workshop: | Kathryn Klingebiel |
Youth: | Pr. Angela Freeman |
What’s New on the LCH Website?
Bill Potter, webmaster
It’s summer, so there is only one worship service on Sundays, and the list of activities on the LCH calendar is shorter, but the LCH website continues to grow and develop.
If you haven’t already done so, check out the page about Pr. Angela’s installation on June 1. There is even a slideshow with some great photos Jean Lilley took during the ceremony.
We also have a page about preparations for the introduction of Godly Play, the new (to LCH) Sunday School curriculum being implemented this fall. That page has a link to Linda’s blog, “Notes from Nana Linda,” which she tells me will have ongoing posts about Godly Play. If you’re interested in Godly Play, consider subscribing to her blog using the link on the right side of any blog post.
Larry Anderson—July’s Volunteer Honoree!
The LCH Council has nominated Larry Anderson as our monthly “volunteer of the month” honoree. Larry, who generally attends the early Sunday service, was born in Alta, Iowa, and has had interesting careers with the Air Force (including Vietnam) and several local airlines, and he has owned his own bookkeeping and tax business. His two children (Sarah and David) were also raised at LCH.
This is actually “Phase II” of Larry’s LCH membership. In Phase I, Larry was president of the Council (as was his wonderful late wife, Sue), treasurer, and finance committee chair. Sue and Larry returned to LCH in Phase II a couple of years ago, where Larry has once again contributed his wisdom and knowledge to the finance committee and adult forum, served as one of our delegates to the recent Synod Assemblyand takes part in most discussions regarding LCH’s future. Congratulations and thank you Larry!
LCH participates in Honolulu Pride Parade
Mahalo to everyone who came and participated in the 2014 Honolulu Pride Parade! A fabulous year to be out supporting pride in Hawai‘i as we also celebrate the year of marriage equality in this great state of ours!
At right, our church banner leading the LCH contingent in the Pride Parade. Below left, Miss Peggy’s neighbor Florence drives while Miss Peggy and Bob Zimmer hold little Rikki and Lucy—the morning’s real stars! Below right, Pastor Angela and Miss Peggy sporting their rainbow hats.

HeartBeat Deadline
Tuesday, July 15, 9:00 am
Bob | Gene | Jerry |
Carl | Irene | Juanita |
Diane | Irmgard | Karen |
Fay | Jason | Sylvia |
Jeff |
Don’t Forget…
Office Closed Friday, July 4

Day | Date | Event and Time |
Thursday | July 3 | 10:00 am, Book of Faith Bible Study 3:00 pm, Weekly Staff Meeting |
Friday | July 4 | Fourth of July—Office Closed |
Sunday | July 6 | 9:15 am, Holy Communion |
Tuesday | July 8 | 9:30 am, Hukilau Pastors’ Meeting |
Wednesday | July 9 | 12:30 pm, Finance Committee Meeting |
Thursday | July 10 | 10:00 am, Book of Faith Bible Study 2:00 pm, Holoholo Pickup |
3:00 pm, Weekly Staff Meeting | ||
Saturday | July 12 | 9:30 am, Financial Review Team Meeting |
Sunday | July 13 | 9:15 am, Holy Communion 10:45 pm, Sunday School Meeting |
Tuesday | July 15 | Heartbeat Deadline! 6:00 pm, Executive Council Meeting 6:30 pm, Council Meeting |
Thursday | July 17 | 10:00 am, Book of Faith Bible Study 3:00 pm, Weekly Staff Meeting |
Friday | July 18 | 1:00 pm, IHS Meals Prepared 5:30 pm, IHS Meals Served |
Sunday | July 20 | 9:15 am, Holy Communion |
Thursday | July 24 | 10:00 am, Book of Faith Bible Study 2:00 pm, Holoholo Pickup |
3:00 pm, Weekly Staff Meeting | ||
S aturday | July 26 | 10:00 am, One Pot One Hope |
Sunday | July 27 | 9:15 am, Holy Communion |
Thursday | July 31 | 10:00 am, Book of Faith Bible Study 3:00 pm, Weekly Staff Meeting |