In this issue:
- A Message from the Director of Music and Liturgy
- A Message from Our Pastors
- Summer Worship Schedule
- Rite of Installation
- Evening Prayer on Sabbatical
- Process Thought
- Congratulations to All Our Graduates!
- Come Play With Us!
- Congregational Gathering June 8
- Exploring Boundaries…and Beyond
- Women’s Book Club
- Summer Camp, Hui Pū
- Day Camp for all children ages K through 6th grade
- Council Highlights
- Mahalo!
- FUNraiser Was a Great Success!
- Sabbatical Update
- Committee/Interest Group Chairs
- AIDS Walk 2014
- Food for Thought
- Writers’ Workshop
- What’s New on the LCH Website?
- Randy Castello—June’s Volunteer Extraordinaire!!
- HeartBeat Deadline
- Attendance and Offerings for May
- Prayer Requests
- June Birthdays
- LCH Worship Participants (9:15 am)
- Calendar: June 2014
From the Director of Music and Liturgy
Dear members of the LCH Community,
On Tuesday of this week I sent a letter to the Church Council offering my resignation, effective November 30, 2014. This decision is the result of extensive consideration and one I’ve struggled with for months. This letter comes with a profound sense of respect for LCH as a congregation with a remarkable tradition and welcoming community.
The reason for resignation is very simple, if difficult: I can’t do justice to my work at UH and my work at LCH. Since I hit the ground running in August 2011, I’ve had big ambitions for my work both here and at the university. During the last three years I’ve accomplished or begun many of the things I’ve wanted but, at the same time, left far more items undone. During these few years I’ve left too many half-fulfilled commitments to colleagues and congregants and been frenetic at key moments when I needed to lead. In short, I am not able to manage the administration of two large choral programs while maintaining a sense of professional integrity and healthy personal life.
Our 40th annual Advent Procession on November 30th will be my last event but, starting in September, I’ll be engaging the help of other musicians to lead our 8:00 O’Clock Ensemble and Evening Prayer. During the fall, I will support the leadership in any way asked as they discern how the congregation wants to proceed with the musical-liturgical activities of our worship life. I feel strongly that LCH is an important icon in our community and one I want to see succeed far beyond my departure.
I never thought this would be happening so soon; I intended to be at LCH as long as I lived on O‘ahu. Indeed, Aaron and I consider it as our home church in Hawai‘i. Know that I think fondly of the staff, leadership, congregation, and broader community that defines the Lutheran Church of Honolulu. LCH is a face of Christianity (and the arts!) that is sorely needed in today’s world and I want nothing but the very best for our community.
With deep gratitude,
Dr. Miguel Ángel Felipe
Director of Music and Liturgy
From Our Pastors
It is with profound regret that the LCH Congregational Council has accepted the resignation of Dr. Miguel Felipe from the position of Director of Music and Liturgy. In a letter dated May 19, Dr. Felipe cited his frustration at not being able to give both his primary job at UH and his duties at LCH the kind of administrative attention he knows each program deserves. At the same time, he expressed his thanks at having the opportunity to share in the ministry of this place.
Pastor Angela and I are deeply sorry to lose the wonderful collegiality, talent, and commitment that Miguel brought to our worship and to the LCH music program. His wonderful spirit and joy are a blessing to this ministry; and his presence as a colleague will be truly missed. All of us wish him the best and are keeping him and his husband Aaron in our prayers.
You may be asking “What will we do now?” Over the next few weeks LCH leadership will be engaged in asking you that same question. While this unexpected transition certainly leaves us all sad, it is also an opportunity for the congregation and leadership to ask “What is God up to” in this moment in our history together? Are there aspects of the music ministry we want to emphasize? Are there unmet opportunities we might explore? How do we want to shape the choral program in light of our mission in this community?
Transitions are always difficult, but they often present an opportunity for rich conversation and redefinition. As your pastors, we share in your sadness that Miguel is resigning. He has (and will remain) a great friend and valued colleague. But we also share in the excitement of living out our ministry together in this new situation. We are both committed to excellent liturgy, fine music, and deep service to the community that reflects God’s mission in the world. As the conversation unfolds, we look for your input and the guidance of the Holy Spirit.
Pastor Jeff
Pastor Angela
Summer Worship Schedule
Beginning Sunday, June 1, 9:15 am
Sunday, June 1, we will move to one morning worship service. This schedule continues through the end of August. Mark your calendars and tell your friends!
Rite of
Sunday, June 1, 9:15 am
Pastor Angela Freeman will be installed as co-pastor of LCH. We will celebrate our ministry and the mission we share! There will be a BBQ luncheon afterward!
Evening Prayer on Sabbatical
During the months of June, July and August, Evening Prayer will take a break from meeting its usual first and third Sundays. We pray that you will have a blessed and restful summer.
Process Thought
The Process Thought group will meet on Saturday, June 7, 9:30–11:00 am at Lutheran Church of Honolulu. In a world that is increasingly pluralistic, with the rising influence of Islamic entities, it should be our responsibility to become more acquainted with the Islamic world. Here is your chance as we look at “A Process Appreciation of Islam.” You may find the article by that name on the Jesus, Jazz, and Buddhism website. Please join us, even if it your first time.
Congratulations to All Our Graduates!
Morning Worship • Sunday, June 8
If you or someone you know is graduating from any level of schooling, please let us know! As a community of faith, we would like to prayerfully support you in your next endeavors and celebrate with you. There will be a special time of recognition and prayer during worship on Sunday, June 8.
Come Play With Us!
We will be starting a new Sunday school curriculum next year called Godly Play. It is a very creative curriculum that is fun and exciting to teach. On June 22 we invite you to join us after service and find out how you can help. We will have need for storytellers, doorkeepers, craft people, and people to help with snacks. Listen to hear if God is calling you to this ministry.
Congregational Gathering June 8
Pastor Jeff Lilley is taking a well-deserved sabbatical between July and October 2014 to reflect, refresh, and renew himself in his call to ministry at LCH. One condition of the sabbatical is a commitment by the congregation to a project to be done during the three months that furthers our ministry at LCH.
During May the Council has been seeking your ideas for specific ministry projects that can be carried out by the congregation while Pastor Jeff is on sabbatical. Ideas are welcome through the end of May. There is a box to collect the ideas in the nave. Ideas may also be submitted to the church office,
You are invited to attend our congregational gathering on June 8, following our one worship service, to select the actual project. The planning team will collate all the ideas prior to the meeting and facilitate the meeting. Small groups, led by members of the Council, will discuss and narrow down the ideas after which the whole group will select the project which the congregation will implement during Pastor Jeff’s sabbatical. Light refreshments will be served.
Olivia Castro
Exploring Boundaries…and Beyond
With Brien Hallett • Sunday, June 15, at 7:00 pm
Brien Hallett is an associate professor at the Matsunaga Peace Institute at the University of Hawaii. His most recent area of study has been the declaring of war—and why the Congress is incapable of doing so. He explores this theme in his recent book “Declaring War: Congress, the President and What the Constitution Does Not Say.” Brien often presents on matters relating to war and peace, just war theory and nuclear policies. The specific title of his presentation at LCH will be announced later.
Please note the change in time. Because there is no Evening Prayer this evening, we will meet for Exploring Boundaries from 7:00 to 8:15 PM.
Women’s Book Club
The LCH Women’s Book Club will meet at 9:30 am on Monday, June 16, in the Boardroom at church. We will be discussing The Life of Pi by Yann Martel. Come and join the group. All are welcome.
Summer Camp, Hui Pū
Registration is open! This is the overnight Bible camp held at Mokulē‘ia. Like last year’s camp, this is a partnership between the Hukilau Conference and Episcopal Diocese of Hawaii. Speak with Pr. Angela for more information. Registration is available online!
- ‘Ōpio: (completing grades 9–12) June 21–26
- Ahe: (completing grades 3–5) June 27–29
- Lōkahi: (completing 6–8) June 30–July 3
Register or download the PDF brochure with more information at
Day Camp for all children ages K through 6th grade
Monday, June 30, through Friday, July 4 • 9:00 am–3:00 pm @ LCH
This year’s theme is POWER Up!, which comes from the initials of the words Prayer, Others, Word, Equipping, and Responding.
The children are invited to experience the POWER of God’s dynamic love and grace. POWER is an inherent characteristic of God, seen around and within our world. This POWER surges from God creating, through Christ resurrecting, to the foundations for an abundant life. In Prayer, Others, Word, Equipping, and Responding, we will become servants of this gospel of the gift of God’s grace given to us through the working of God’s power.
The cost for the first child is $60 for the week, and additional children from the same family may attend for $40 each. Scholarships are available and older children are welcome to come as camp helpers. Registration is now open.
Council Highlights from May
- New lease was signed with Honolulu Church Wesleyan to continue their use of our facilities through December 31, 2014.
- Suggestions for project to be completed during Pastor Jeff’s sabbatical will be collated and presented with congregational discussion after worship on June 8.
- Approved scholarship for Jerelyn Watanabe to assist with costs of her doctoral studies. We encourage all families to apply for scholarship consideration for all forms of educational ventures.
Thanks so much to Carolyn Koehler for providing the material and to Peggy Anderson for sewing and installing the new curtains in the restrooms!
FUNraiser Was a Great Success!
Thank you to everyone who helped make the FUNraiser on Sunday, May 18, a great day! During both worship services, we highlighted and celebrated the Bible camp ministries of last year and the ones to come this summer! The children played beautiful music and gave heartfelt and touching testimonies! We sung a new camp song during the children’s sermon time. Baked goodies were baked with love by many! People gave generously for these tasty treats! We raised $635.10 that will go toward covering the expenses of camp! Hats off to Georgine Stark for all the work organizing and planning for the special day and mahalo nui loa to everyone for your support of our children’s ministry!
A Note from Pastor Angela
“Pastor, why are we having a fundraiser for youth ministry if we already do the Punahou Carnival parking every year?” I have received a few questions from folks about how we use the Punahou Carnival parking funds we receive and why we’re doing another fundraiser now. Yes, we were raising money through the bake sale but the primary reason for the FUNraiser was to raise awareness about camps. Secondly, it is important to note that our growing camp ministry is still new to LCH and isn’t something we regularly budget or plan for. Carnival parking funds go toward helping cover the expenses of Youth Group activities and not younger children’s ministries like Day Camp. So, the additional funds received will help to cover the unbudgeted for expenses for camp and help to support these important faith formation experiences for our younger children.
Pastor Angela
Committee/Interest Group Chairs
Committee/Group | Leader |
Archive: | Jim Cartwright |
Audit: | Randy Castello |
Concert: | Miguel Felipe |
Communications: | Carol Langner |
Council: | April Smith |
Exploring Boundaries: | Carol Langner |
Fellowship: | Jeanne Castello & Mary-Jo Estes |
Finance: | Gary Brauer |
Food for Thought: | Kathryn Klingebiel |
In Stitches: | Linda Miller |
Lay Ministers: | Carolyn Koehler |
Learning Ministry: | Fred Benco |
Mary Magdalene Society: | Robert Zimmer & Francisco Barajas |
Process Theology: | The Rev. Fritz Fritschel |
Property: | Jean-Paul Klingebiel & April Smith |
Scholarship: | Fred Benco |
Social Ministry: | Jean Lilley |
Stewardship: | Pam Buckley |
Sunday School: | Laurie Leach |
Worship & Music: | Linda Miller |
Writers’ Workshop: | Kathryn Klingebiel |
Youth: | Pr. Angela Freeman |
Sabbatical Update
Pastor Jeff and the Mutual Ministry team continue to work on planning his sabbatical. The sabbatical is a time of rest, learning, and renewal undertaken in partnership with the congregation, the pastor, and the synod office. It is a time for pastoral leaders to be re-energized for ministry, explore new ideas, and have time away for reflection, prayer, and study.
He will begin his Sabbatical July 17 by attending “Transitional Ministry Training” at Zephyr Piont Conference Center. The training helps develop skills for pastors working in congregations going through pastoral and other major transitions. As LCH moves into the future, this training should be an excellent resource. Pastor Jeff will return to Hawai‘i after that training for a period of rest and renewal.
In August, he will travel to the mainland to spend time in congregations who have navigated transitions—some of whom have been successful and others who have not. At this point, congregations in California, Oregon, and in Chicago are on the list of suggested visits. In late September and early October, finances permitting, he will travel to Berlin, Germany, to continue his life-long study of Dietrich Bonhoeffer. Bonhoeffer was a German Lutheran pastor during WWII who challenged both the political and ecclesial norms of his time. He hoped to develop a church deeply engaged in God’s Word, community, and service. He was executed by the Nazi’s at Flossenbürg Concentration camp as the allies approached to liberate the camp.
The sabbatical will come to an end in mid-October. Pastor Jeff will join Pastor Angela and the clergy of the Pacifica Synod at the 2014 Professional Leader’s Conference in Palm Desert and return to work immediately following. All plans are tentative subject to finances and availability.
AIDS Walk 2014
Team LCH represented the congregation at the 2014 AIDS Walk to benefit the Life Foundation on Saturday, May 24. Billie Jean Ries, Peggy Anderson, Pr. Angela Freeman, Amanda Lippert, Mary-Joe Estes, Jim Cartwright, Bill Potter, Jean Lilley, and Pr. Jeff Lilley walked that morning. Karyn Castro, Naomi Castro, and Jeremy Wong were part of the team but could not walk that day. The team raised close to $3,000.
Food for Thought
Saturday, August 23
The next meeting of Food for Thought will take place on Saturday, August 23, at 6:30 pm at the home of Irmgard Hörmann. All are welcome for potluck supper, video, and discussion. For information, please call Kathryn Klingebiel through the Church Office (941-2566).
Writers’ Workshop
August 25, 7:00–8:30 pm
Writers’ Workshop will have its next get-together on Monday, August 25, from 7:00 to 8:30 pm at LCH. For information, please call Kathryn Klingebiel through the Church Office (941-2566).
What’s New on the LCH Website?
Bill Potter, webmaster
In the middle of May, the LCH website went through a big transition that you probably never noticed. In late April, the hosting company we use approached us about new services they are offering to sites that use WordPress (the content management system we have bee using since last fall). For a few more dollars a month, they offer a separate server optimized for WordPress and equipped with extra security features. It sounded like a good deal, so we switched hosting plans and were transferred to the new serve overnight on May 21–22. There were no interruptions to our service, and I’ll bet you never noticed.
But the next day (Wednesday), I did notice a problem. When I went to our Daily Prayer pages to say Compline before bed, it told me that it was Thursday. It was too late to troubleshoot, so I just said Compline for the next day and went to bed. The next morning, I checked under the hood and realized that the page was operating on CUT (Greenwich Mean Time) and ignoring the time zone corrections that had been build in. It turns out that PHP (the programming language used to create the Daily Prayer pages) had changed the way it sets the time zone between PHP4 and PHP5, and our new server was using PHP5. I researched the new protocol, updated the code on the Daily Prayer pages, and now everything’s working just fine.
The month of May has been pretty busy at LCH and on the website. We have chronicled some key events with posts about Synod Assembly, the baptism on May 11, preparations for the upcoming summer camp opportunities, the annual AIDS Walk to benefit the Life Foundation, and the Sunday School Fun Day on the last Sunday with two worship services.
In addition, we are preparing for the summer worship schedule with a notice on the Home page and revisions to the Worship Services and Nursery & Sunday School pages that reflect the summer worship schedule. We went live with these pages after worship on May 25 so that no one is confused about our summer schedule.
In addition to the LCH website, remember to visit our Facebook for additional photos and videos from the life of our congregation.
Randy Castello—June’s Volunteer Extraordinaire!!
LCH is blessed with so many dedicated laypeople who generously contribute their time and talents to enhance the life of the congregation. Randy Castello is certainly one of these folks. Randy first came to LCH in 1972 while still a student at UHM, specifically to sing in the newly formed choir under Joe Hansen. Upon graduation, he became a PanAm/United flight attendant and was away from the islands for several years. In 1980, he was back home with the love of his life, Jeanne. Even before they became members, the couple was married at LCH. Two wonderful children, Marissa and Nick, were raised within the church.
Randy got back into the choir and is still singing 34 years later as leader of the tenor section. Randy’s creativity extends to the visual arts as well. He has headed the Liturgical Arts subgroup of Music & Worship for many years, designing the Easter quilt paraments, which were actually made by his mother and aunt!! Randy is an accomplished stained glass worker; the beautiful rainbow panels in the nave front door are his design and fabrication. Randy also contributes to decoration of the Nave for seasonal liturgical services, gathering and displaying appropriate plant material for Holy Week and Advent/Christmas. Most recently, the Council has claimed him as Vice President.
Away from church, Randy’s caring ways are evident in his teaching. After leaving the Friendly Skies, he trained as a Waldorf teacher and took one class through all eight years of elementary/intermediate school. He now teaches grades 1 and 2 at Assets School which specializes in education for gifted, dyslexic, and gifted-dyslexic children. Guided by an eye and ear for beauty—and a kind heart—Randy’s life is a testimony of his faith in God’s sustaining, never-ending love. We are grateful for his friendship and service to the LCH ‘ohana.
HeartBeat Deadline
Tuesday, June 17, 9:00 am
Carl | Gene | Maaggie |
Chris | George | Shirley |
Elaine | Karen | Stephen |
Eric | Susan |
Day | Date | Event and Time |
Sunday | June 1 | Angel Network In-Gathering Pastor Angela’s Installation 9:15 am, Worship 10:45 am, BBQ Luncheon |
Tuesday | June 3 | 6:30 pm, Mutual Ministry Meeting |
Thursday | June 5 | 10:00 am, Book of Faith Bible Study 3:00 pm, Weekly Staff Meeting 7:00 pm, Western States Youth Gathering Planning Meeting |
Saturday | June 7 | 9:30 am, Process Thought Forum |
Sunday | June 8 | Pentecost 9:15 am, Worship 11:00 am, Congregational Project Planning |
Tuesday | June 10 | 9:30 am, Hukilau Pastors’ Meeting |
Wednesday | June 11 | 12:30 pm, Finance Committee Meeting |
Thursday | June 12 | 10:00 am, Book of Faith Bible Study 2:00 pm, Holoholo Pickup 3:00 pm, Weekly Staff Meeting |
Sunday | June 15 | Trinity Sunday 9:15 am, Worship 7:00 pm, Exploring Boundaries & Beyond |
Monday | June 16 | 9:30 am, Women’s Book Club |
Tuesday | June 17 | Heartbeat Deadline! 6:00 pm, Executive Council Meeting 6:30 pm, Council Meeting |
Thursday | June 19 | 10:00 am, Book of Faith Bible Study 3:00 pm, Weekly Staff Meeting 4:30 pm, Wounded Warriors Meal |
Friday | June 20 | 1:00 pm, IHS Meals Prepared 5:30 pm, IHS Meals Served |
Saturday | June 21 | Hui Pū 2014 Summer Camp (High School) begins |
Sunday | June 22 | Earth Day Sunday 9:15 am, Worship |
Thursday | June 26 | Hui Pū 2014 Summer Camp (High School) ends 10:00 am, Book of Faith Bible Study 2:00 pm, Holoholo Pickup 3:00 pm, Weekly Staff Meeting |
Friday | June 27 | Western States Youth Gathering begins in LA Hui Pū 2014 Summer Camp (Elementary) begins |
Saturday | June 28 | 10:00 am, One Pot One Hope |
Sunday | June 29 | 9:15 am, Worship |
Monday | June 30 | Day Camp at LCH begins Hui Pū 2014 Summer Camp (Middle School) begins |